from today's Nikkei

2008年07月10日 10時17分53秒 | 新聞記事から
大型有機EL ソニー・東芝など共同開発 材料各社も参加 韓国勢に対抗 2015年をメドに量産化をめざす

It has recently been learned that Japanese companies,like Sony,Sharp,Toshiba,and Matsushita,likely will jointly develop a basic technology necessary for mass-producing the organic wide-screen electro luminescence panel.In doing so,they intend to the improve durability and energy-saving capability of the organic EL panel and also to make it possible to produce wide screen more than the 40-size type.Other participants are domestic material makers and manufacturing equipment makers,and Economy,Trade and Industry Ministry will extend its support for it.For developing the organic EL panel,expected to a promising product in the next generation,the Japanese public-private sectors are going to work together, with the aim of coping with South Korean rivals.Mass-production of the product is expected to start around 2015.
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