夏のボーナス 6年ぶり減 0.3%減 石油・鉄鋼、前年割れ 本社最終集計 消費下押し要因
According to the data compiled Monday by The Nihon Keizai Shimbun on the summer bonus this year,the average pay of the bonus is 0.3 percent down from the previous year,which is the first minus in 6 years since the summer in 2002.It is obvious that companies have shifted their policies on their empolyees' wages to more severe ones given the current situation that there are a lot of concerns for their businesses such as soaring prices of various materials. In the manufacturing industry having palyed a leading role in recent years for increasing bonuses overall,the petroleum and steel industries' bonuses are down from the preceeding year.In the nonmanufacturing industries,about 70 percent of all the businesses have experienced minus wages. Some critics say that these will be one of the factors weighing down consumption for the time being from now on in the year.
According to the data compiled Monday by The Nihon Keizai Shimbun on the summer bonus this year,the average pay of the bonus is 0.3 percent down from the previous year,which is the first minus in 6 years since the summer in 2002.It is obvious that companies have shifted their policies on their empolyees' wages to more severe ones given the current situation that there are a lot of concerns for their businesses such as soaring prices of various materials. In the manufacturing industry having palyed a leading role in recent years for increasing bonuses overall,the petroleum and steel industries' bonuses are down from the preceeding year.In the nonmanufacturing industries,about 70 percent of all the businesses have experienced minus wages. Some critics say that these will be one of the factors weighing down consumption for the time being from now on in the year.