資源囲い込み 是正要求 政府、産出国と交渉へ まずインドネシア 環境協力など 見返り策も提示
It is said thah it has recently become and more dificult for Japanese firms to secure industrial resources in such resorces-producing countries like emerging and developing countries. Given such situations, the Japanese government is seeking to demand such countries to revise related regulations including exports-related ones. Because in some movements that they are making more difficult the deal for Japanese firms to secure resources in resources-rich countries, there is a possibility to violate the EPAs (economic partnership agreements), the government asks countries, first of all, Indonesia, to implement the policies decided in the agreement so that Japanese firms are able to do their business activities the same as before.
In its negotiations with countries, the government likely will give a proposition to offer them an environmental coperation in return for their efforts of paving the way.
参考:資源を囲い込むなどという日本語はそのまま訳せない。いわゆるreprocessing が必要です。原義からは資源産出国がむづかしいハードルなどを作り始めていることなどと想像できる。しかし、この場合は、日本企業が資源確保しづらくなっている、と解釈した。
It is said thah it has recently become and more dificult for Japanese firms to secure industrial resources in such resorces-producing countries like emerging and developing countries. Given such situations, the Japanese government is seeking to demand such countries to revise related regulations including exports-related ones. Because in some movements that they are making more difficult the deal for Japanese firms to secure resources in resources-rich countries, there is a possibility to violate the EPAs (economic partnership agreements), the government asks countries, first of all, Indonesia, to implement the policies decided in the agreement so that Japanese firms are able to do their business activities the same as before.
In its negotiations with countries, the government likely will give a proposition to offer them an environmental coperation in return for their efforts of paving the way.
参考:資源を囲い込むなどという日本語はそのまま訳せない。いわゆるreprocessing が必要です。原義からは資源産出国がむづかしいハードルなどを作り始めていることなどと想像できる。しかし、この場合は、日本企業が資源確保しづらくなっている、と解釈した。