「新型ガス田」開発急ぐ 米欧中 ロシア・中東依存脱却 岩盤層や石炭層から採掘
There are a growing number of projects where they exploit for new type of natural gas fields in the world. Until now it has been known that there is a plenty of resources of natural gas in the places beneath the surface of the earth called the rock layer or the coal bed. However it is very difficult to get natural gas out of that kind of layers. In this area the U.S. has preceded and China and European countries have followed the suit.
As demand of natural gas is expected to increae because it emits less greenhouse gases on its combustion compared with petroleum, an increasing number of countries in the world are seking to tapping this new source of natural gas. This deal will lead to changing today's situation that the world is now depending too much on the Middle East and Russia witb regard to natural energy resources. They all think that the current such dependence should be reduced.
There are a growing number of projects where they exploit for new type of natural gas fields in the world. Until now it has been known that there is a plenty of resources of natural gas in the places beneath the surface of the earth called the rock layer or the coal bed. However it is very difficult to get natural gas out of that kind of layers. In this area the U.S. has preceded and China and European countries have followed the suit.
As demand of natural gas is expected to increae because it emits less greenhouse gases on its combustion compared with petroleum, an increasing number of countries in the world are seking to tapping this new source of natural gas. This deal will lead to changing today's situation that the world is now depending too much on the Middle East and Russia witb regard to natural energy resources. They all think that the current such dependence should be reduced.