PHS通信に中国方式 ソフトバンク 世界最大手と組む 基地局などコスト軽減 端末・通信料下げも
Monday it was learned that SoftBank Corporation has decided to introduce in its next generation PHS( personal handphone system) services the communications protocol China Mobile,Ltd., which is one of the world's biggest mobile phone comapanies,is now proceeding to spread.
Under the present idea, SoftBank is able to reduce the cost of building the base stations and purchasing the equipment,leading to the communication charge decrease. Furthermore, users in China and Japan alike will be able to use one handset in both countries.
Monday it was learned that SoftBank Corporation has decided to introduce in its next generation PHS( personal handphone system) services the communications protocol China Mobile,Ltd., which is one of the world's biggest mobile phone comapanies,is now proceeding to spread.
Under the present idea, SoftBank is able to reduce the cost of building the base stations and purchasing the equipment,leading to the communication charge decrease. Furthermore, users in China and Japan alike will be able to use one handset in both countries.