from April 27 Nikkei

2010年05月02日 12時41分07秒 | 新聞記事から
PHS通信に中国方式 ソフトバンク 世界最大手と組む 基地局などコスト軽減 端末・通信料下げも

Monday it was learned that SoftBank Corporation has decided to introduce in its next generation PHS( personal handphone system) services the communications protocol China Mobile,Ltd., which is one of the world's biggest mobile phone comapanies,is now proceeding to spread.

Under the present idea, SoftBank is able to reduce the cost of building the base stations and purchasing the equipment,leading to the communication charge decrease. Furthermore, users in China and Japan alike will be able to use one handset in both countries.
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from April 28 Nikkei

2010年05月02日 12時22分11秒 | 新聞記事から
「小沢氏は起訴相当」 検察審 全員一致で議決 規制法違反事件  東京地検、再捜査へ

Regarding the DPJ secretary general Ichoro Ozawa's scandal related to the land purchase by his political fund managemet body " Rikuzan-kai," The Tokyo No.5 Committee for the Inquest of Prosecution decided Tuesday tha the case merits indictment with all the 11 committee members unanilously supporting the decision.

Accordingly, the Tokyo District Prosecutors Office must begin its investigation of the case and is to dcide its discipline within three months.
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from April 29 Nikkei

2010年05月02日 11時43分13秒 | 新聞記事から
パナソニック 新興国専用家電を拡大 12年度20品 中間層に的 省機能、2~5割安

According to sources,Panasonic Corporation has decide to launch on the business,on a full-fledged basis, of dveloping and marketing the household appliances exclusively for emerging economies' markets like in Asia.

Specifically, under its plans, it will roll out more than 20 items one after another, whose functions are to be rstricted adjusted to the local life styles and busines customs, by the year of fiscal 2012.

This business model is aimed at the so-called midle-income-class people recently increasing their numbers in emerging countries. And the prices of the target items will be set at 20 to 50 percent cheaper than the conventional ones.

There are movements in oter companies lik Toshiba and Sony that they wil follw the suit.

Some of the production and development also will be carried out in each area, on a local basis.
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from April 30 Nikkei

2010年05月02日 11時11分22秒 | 新聞記事から
ネット販売 楽天、全国で即日配送 年内にも まず首都圏 自社物流を整備 事業モデルを転換

According to sources, Rakuten,Inc., one of the largest Internet site operators in Japan,releted to the mail order,likely will start this autumn to improve its in-house logistics bases. By doing so it intends to establish the system where it is able to deliber on the same day when cusomers buy goods on the "Rakuten Ichiba," or virtual shopping mll,where there are more than 32,000 shops in total,in the major cities in the country. First of all, it is going to do the business in the Tokyo metropolitan area within the year.

At present, it has only servers to integrate participating firms in the virtual shopping mall as a mail order company making use of the Internet, which is said to be an agile businss medel. But the deal this time is what it dares to change this conviniet model in order to enhance the availability of both consumers and participating companies.

In the end it probably intends to vie with the U.S.,Inc,,the world's largest Internet mail order company.
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from May 1 Nikkei

2010年05月02日 10時49分14秒 | 新聞記事から
日銀 成長促進へ新貸出制度 銀行の環境向け融資支援 物価、来年度プラスに

The Bank of Japan decided at its Strategy and Financaial Policies Committee on April 30 to establish a new bank loan scheme in order to strengthen Japan's growth framework. Aiming at the financial institutions giving loans to the environment and energy-related development and research activities and the investments in the field, it will supply them with a low-interst fund.

In cooperation with the government formulating the new growth strategy of the state in June, it intends to boost the fundamentals of the Japanese economy.

Meanwhile, according to the report of " The Prospect of Japanese Economy and its Price," or the prospect report, released by the bank, it revised upward the estimate of the consumer price index increase in fiscal 2011 from a negative 0.2 percent to a plus 0.1 percent.
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