from today's Nikkei

2010年05月13日 12時08分29秒 | 新聞記事から
上場企業 経常益、前期25%増 本社集計 電機・車で3.7兆円改善 今期4割増益予想

According to a survey conducted recently by The Nihon Keizai Shimbun on as many as 767 listed companies whose business term ends at the end of March and whose business results in their 2009 business term had been released by May 12, business performance recovery has been more and more conspicuos. Total amount of their recurring profits was up 25 percent from that in the previous term, which was the first increase of profit for the pas three terms.The most important contributing factor is that in the automobile and electric machinery industries their incomes had improved 3.7 trillion yen.

In the current business term through the end of March next year, the corresponding amount of profits is expected to further increase 38 percent,almost 40 percent, from the previous term.

Like these,the current situation is picking up surrounded by the favorable environment such as expanding demand from emerging countries. But,at the same time, there are many concerns about business expansion like higher yen,material price hiking and others.

参考:増加、減少の程度を表すのは前置詞byを使います。が、動詞が自動詞の場合はこの前置詞byが省略される事が多い。しかし、すべてbyを使うと心得ていても決して間違いではない。だから、今日の例だと、improve by 3.7 trillion yen, increase by 38 percent としてもいいわけである。
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