欧州経済 負の連鎖 各国が財政緊縮策 景気下押しの懸念 不良債権増加招く 政策への信認戻るか
There has been an increasing concern over European economic outlook due to the so-called Greece problem. As countries have changed their economic policies to more austerity ones one after another,many think that it will dampen the economy further and has a possibility for financial institutions to have more bad loans. Seen here is as it were negative spiral of economy, which should be stopped by concerted actions of countries concerned. Japan should not be excluded from the participants. The bottom line is whether they are able to recover trsust from the public.
There has been an increasing concern over European economic outlook due to the so-called Greece problem. As countries have changed their economic policies to more austerity ones one after another,many think that it will dampen the economy further and has a possibility for financial institutions to have more bad loans. Seen here is as it were negative spiral of economy, which should be stopped by concerted actions of countries concerned. Japan should not be excluded from the participants. The bottom line is whether they are able to recover trsust from the public.