from May 3 Nikkei

2010年05月10日 16時50分00秒 | 新聞記事から
アジア家電 日本に攻勢 中国ハイアール 洗濯機2割安く 韓国LG 専用機種を開発

Major household appliance makers in Asia are going ahead with their active marketing in Japan.Specifically, Japanese Haier group, which is one of the larest manufactuers of so-called white goods, will begin to sell midsize to largesize refrigerators at prices 10 to 20 percent cheaper than those of Jpanese makers in the end of May. South Korean LG Electronics INc. also will roll out refrigerators exclusively sold in Japanese market in fiscal 2011.

Given such circumstances, there might be a possibility for the Japanese market and related makers' share to be realigned.
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from May 7 Nikkei

2010年05月10日 15時51分54秒 | 新聞記事から
インフラ運営権 民間売却 財政負担軽減へ新方式 政府方針 関空・伊丹に活用も

The Cabinet Office, the Ministry of Land,Infrastructure and Transport and the Ministry of Finance have a plan to extend the PFI(private finance initiative) where private sector's funds and know-hows are utilized in the management and building of public infrastructures such as airports and railways.

They are going to make use of the method of PFI,by selling the right to manage and operate public facilities to enterprisers.

Specifically,there is a high possibility for the PFI to be introduced in the managment of the Osaka International Airport nd others.
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from May 8 Nikkei

2010年05月10日 14時46分04秒 | 新聞記事から
G7、混乱収拾へ協調 財務省が電話協議 ユーロ圏、支援了承へ 独仏は法案可決 ギリシャ発市場動揺

The finance ministers from the Group od Seven industrialized nations of Japan, the U.S.,the U.K. and other European countries made a conference talks on Friday on the matter of market turbulance triggered by Greece's worsening state finance.
They seemed to reach an agreement that they should exert a concerted action so that state finance difficulties in South European countries like Greece will not have a negative influence on the world economy and overall world financial market.

The euro zone countries had a summit meeting on the same day to decide endorsing Greece-bolstering measures. Germany and France already finished their necessarry domestic legislation procedure.

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from May 9 Nikkei

2010年05月10日 11時42分35秒 | 新聞記事から
ユーロ防衛へ基金創設 緊急素脳会議 ギリシャ支援承認 格付け会社の監督強化

Sixteen countries from the euro zone have a emergency summit meeting on May 7 for discussing how to support financially almost bankrupt Greece with a huge budget deficit. And the Greece-supporting measures were officially endorsed there. Another decision was establishing a fund to prevent the euro-currency countries from facing another financial crisis.

Strengthening the supervision of so-called securities and other financial goods-rating companies was also included in the decisions there.
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from today's Nikkei

2010年05月10日 11時15分40秒 | 新聞記事から
東レ、エアバスに納入 炭素繊維で航空機材料 15年契約 2000億~3000億円見込む 軽量化で燃費向上

According to sources, Toray Industries,Inc. likely will supply a largest aircrfat maker in Europe Airbus S.A.S. with carbon fiber-made materials for its aircrafts over the period of 15 years from 2011 to 2025. The materials will be used for aircraft components,which weigh very light and then help aircraft mileage much increase.

Under the plan, estimated cumulative amount of value of the contract would be 200 billion yen to 300 billon yen.

Global warming-preventing measures serving as a tail wind, carbon fibers are likely to be spread in various industrial usage in place of alminum or iron matals.
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