my way of translation 3/16

2023年03月15日 11時10分22秒 | 翻訳・通訳
A person who could take a chance:

A wonderful chance is hidden in a common situation. That is what only the person who has an intense sense of purpose could see.

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my way of translation 3/15

2023年03月15日 05時29分11秒 | 翻訳・通訳
Positive thinking/ Plus-direction thinking:

I'd like to explain about a true thought which makes your life and job rich and fruitful.

To be positive and constructive all the time.
To have a spirit of cooperativeness to work with others.
To have a bright thought.
To be affirmative.
To be filled with goodwill.
To be considerate and kind.
To be serious, honest, modest and try to make efforts for anything.
Not to be selfish and greedy.
To be satisfied with what you have.
To have a mind of gratitude.

I hope young people who should burden the future will have a wonderful life through working as hard as possible with that thought.

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