NTTとマイクロソフト ネット広告で提携 有力7サイト分、共同販売 首位ヤフー追撃
According to sources concerned,NTT and U.S. Microsoft Corporation have recently reached an agreement to make an alliance in the advertisement business on the Internet. They are planning to mobilize as many as seven domestic influential Internet-related business companies with the two companies of NTT and Microsoft as the cores of the group. Under the scheme,they begin to jointly sell advertisement frames on the Internet sites operated by the participating firms, starting in April.At present,Yahoo has been predominant in the domestic Internet advertisement market. In these circumstances, the group led by NTT and Microsoft is expected to pursue strong Yahoo.
According to sources concerned,NTT and U.S. Microsoft Corporation have recently reached an agreement to make an alliance in the advertisement business on the Internet. They are planning to mobilize as many as seven domestic influential Internet-related business companies with the two companies of NTT and Microsoft as the cores of the group. Under the scheme,they begin to jointly sell advertisement frames on the Internet sites operated by the participating firms, starting in April.At present,Yahoo has been predominant in the domestic Internet advertisement market. In these circumstances, the group led by NTT and Microsoft is expected to pursue strong Yahoo.