日銀、利下げ検討 円高・株安 景気下振れ懸念 市場にらみ最終判断
The Bank of Japan has decided to start its deliberation on reducing its policy interest rate because concern among people over the economy's worsening has been increasing ,affected by the worldwide financial market disturbance such as stonger yen and lower stock prices.It is most likely that the present non-collateral call overnight rate of 0.5% as a targeted goal is lowered to 0.2%. The final decision is made on its financial policy decision making meeting of executive members,which is held on the end of the month, with market movements took into consideration.
The Bank of Japan has decided to start its deliberation on reducing its policy interest rate because concern among people over the economy's worsening has been increasing ,affected by the worldwide financial market disturbance such as stonger yen and lower stock prices.It is most likely that the present non-collateral call overnight rate of 0.5% as a targeted goal is lowered to 0.2%. The final decision is made on its financial policy decision making meeting of executive members,which is held on the end of the month, with market movements took into consideration.