from today's Nikkei

2009年03月16日 09時06分59秒 | 新聞記事から
日銀、銀行の資本増強支援 劣後ローンの引き受け検討 貸し渋り防止
月内にも制度詳細 政府保証 焦点に

It has been learned that Bank of Japan is deliberating on coming out with another measure for tackling the current financial crisis. The measure includes accepting the so-called "subordinated loans" with the aim of helping private banks enhance the virtual position of their equity capital.It is said that Japan's financial system is stabler than those in the U.S. and European countries. But there is surely a concern that if the prices of the stocks that private banks now have continue declining in the same way like until now, equity capital of the banks will decrease further ,and then will have a major influence on private companies' collecting funds
necessary for their healthy business operations. While the government implements the policy of injecting the public funds into the necessary sectors, its effect is thought to be limited one because of the fear of the mamagement for the government's intervention in their business activities.Bank of Japan's policy this time is aimed at complementing the government's policy by establishing a new system that helps private banks enhance their capital strength.And it means that Bank of Japan intends to prevent banks from hesitating to extend appropriate loans to private firms.The details of the policy will be determined within the month.

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