ウクライナ侵攻 停戦への道について トランプ氏が語るには 「露のせいではない」と 米の功名心が 露を擁護している
これにつけこむ露 の構図
It has been three years tomorrow on February 24 since Russia began invading Ukraine. But the war between these two countries had already began moving towards its cessation triggered by the resumption by the Donald Trum administration in the USA. US President Donald Trum talked with Russian President Vladimir Putin on the issue on the phone on February 12, and top-ranking officials from the two countries like foreign ministers and others gathered in Saudi Arabia and agreed on forming a negotiation body on the matter on February 18. On the other hand, the relationship with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and US President Donald Trump has become worse as the time passes. US President is going to push ahead with realizing the cease-fire without Ukraine involved in it, and its attitude is bringing about antagonism in the world, especially in Ukraine. On the other day, US President dared to say, Russia could not be blamed for that war, on some radio program. Given such circumstances, Russia is trying to take the advantage of Trump's way of thinking. Trump is hasting to make the war cease-fired as soon as possible to get the credit as he promised to end the war soon in his presidential campaign last year. There is no knowing what kind of development would appear from now on.
これにつけこむ露 の構図
It has been three years tomorrow on February 24 since Russia began invading Ukraine. But the war between these two countries had already began moving towards its cessation triggered by the resumption by the Donald Trum administration in the USA. US President Donald Trum talked with Russian President Vladimir Putin on the issue on the phone on February 12, and top-ranking officials from the two countries like foreign ministers and others gathered in Saudi Arabia and agreed on forming a negotiation body on the matter on February 18. On the other hand, the relationship with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and US President Donald Trump has become worse as the time passes. US President is going to push ahead with realizing the cease-fire without Ukraine involved in it, and its attitude is bringing about antagonism in the world, especially in Ukraine. On the other day, US President dared to say, Russia could not be blamed for that war, on some radio program. Given such circumstances, Russia is trying to take the advantage of Trump's way of thinking. Trump is hasting to make the war cease-fired as soon as possible to get the credit as he promised to end the war soon in his presidential campaign last year. There is no knowing what kind of development would appear from now on.