from recent news in Japan

2024年11月09日 10時19分58秒 | 新聞記事から
厚生労働省は  厚生年金に加入する賃金用件で 「106万円の壁」を撤廃する方針を固めた 

It is learned that the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has decided that they will do away with the income requirement of some requirements which are needed for the people working short time just like part timers to join the employee pension system. At present an income of 1.06 million yen a year and over serves as a kind of barrier for the short-time workers' joining the pension scheme. There is another requirement in terms of working hours for such people to be included in the system. People have to satisfy the condition that they are working 20 hours or more a week. And it is now reported that this requirement in terms of working hours is kept intact.
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