from today's Nikkei

2010年08月13日 11時02分14秒 | 新聞記事から
米マイクロソフト 日本で医療IT事業 成長分野に参入 患者情報 病院間で共有 

According to sources, U.S. Microsoft Corporation will enter into information system business for hospitals in Japan. At present there are many diffrences in the forms of electronic medical records among their makers. But Microsoft plans to develop software enhnacing medical records' compatibility with others in order that hospitals are able to share the information of patients.

Medical IT business will be a growth area in Japan as the Japanese government is now promoting the electronic medical records at home for improving the service quality and curbing the costs.

Other companies intending to enter this business from other sector are Toshiba Corporation and Panasonic Corporatiion, which are drawing attention from people concerned.
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