from the January 17 Nikkei

2014年01月22日 11時39分25秒 | 新聞記事から
アジア、投資規制緩和 資金留出歯止め狙う 対象事業拡大 日本企業の商機広がる

There are an increasing number of moves in emerging economies in Asia that they are going to ease their regulations of investment by foreign funds. In indonesia, for example,easing of regulation is being considered in the business fiels such as infrastructure facility management and advertisement. In India also, they have established an environment where foreign firms are able to collect money in the country in a more flexible way than ever before.These moves are surely aimed at inducing foreign investors' long-term money into their own countries, facing the situation that short-term funds are flowing out of their copuntries against the backdrop of the US monetary policy, a gradual shrinkage of its quantitative monetary easing. These will give many Japanese companies more business opportunities than before in Asia.
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