from today's Nikkei

2010年02月20日 13時15分31秒 | 新聞記事から
小売り出店 都市部に集中 マツキヨ最多 コンビニ高水準 郊外の大型 激減  小型店軸に競争激化

According to a data, there is a trend that among retailers opening of shops has been and will be concentrated in urban areas. Specifically,Matsumoto Kiyoshi Holdings Co.,Ltd. , which is one of the largest convinience store operators in Japan,has a plan to open in 2010 the largest-ever number of shops and other convinience store operators also likely maintain their strategy of setting up new stores on a high pace the same as that in the previous year.

like this, as for the small-size retailing stores, their number is on the increase.On the other hand, as for the big-size stores, which have been playing a major role in evoking domestic consumption, their number is on the decrease facing difficulties such as overall economic recession and restriction on their newly opening of the store in suburbs.

Given these conditions, it is expected that competition between retailers will be more and more severe, especially between small businesses.
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