from August 2 Nikkei

2009年08月04日 01時05分03秒 | 新聞記事から
上場企業、黒字に転換 4~6月期 経常利益 製造業、合理化進む 本社集計 前年同期比は78%減

It has been learned that business profitability has gradually improved among listed companies.

According to the data compiled by The Nihon Keizai Shimbun on the business results of the listed comapnies in the period from April through June this year,the total consolidated current account of the listed whole industry companies turned to the black from the red in the January to March perid this year. Amidst the ongoing sales decline, streamling and restructuring efforts of corporations seems to have got their fruit centering on the automobile and electric machinery industries.

The consolidated recuring profit of the whole industries was in the llow level as 78 % of that in the same period in the previous year, but the companies' profitability seems to have got out of the worst stage, with the Janauary to March period this year the bottom.
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