from yesterday's Nikkei

2010年05月16日 17時17分08秒 | 新聞記事から
欧州経済 負の連鎖 各国が財政緊縮策 景気下押しの懸念  不良債権増加招く 政策への信認戻るか

There has been an increasing concern over European economic outlook due to the so-called Greece problem. As countries have changed their economic policies to more austerity ones one after another,many think that it will dampen the economy further and has a possibility for financial institutions to have more bad loans. Seen here is as it were negative spiral of economy, which should be stopped by concerted actions of countries concerned. Japan should not be excluded from the participants. The bottom line is whether they are able to recover trsust from the public.
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from today's Nikkei

2010年05月15日 14時02分05秒 | 新聞記事から
資源囲い込み 是正要求 政府、産出国と交渉へ まずインドネシア 環境協力など 見返り策も提示

It is said thah it has recently become and more dificult for Japanese firms to secure industrial resources in such resorces-producing countries like emerging and developing countries. Given such situations, the Japanese government is seeking to demand such countries to revise related regulations including exports-related ones. Because in some movements that they are making more difficult the deal for Japanese firms to secure resources in resources-rich countries, there is a possibility to violate the EPAs (economic partnership agreements), the government asks countries, first of all, Indonesia, to implement the policies decided in the agreement so that Japanese firms are able to do their business activities the same as before.

In its negotiations with countries, the government likely will give a proposition to offer them an environmental coperation in return for their efforts of paving the way.

参考:資源を囲い込むなどという日本語はそのまま訳せない。いわゆるreprocessing が必要です。原義からは資源産出国がむづかしいハードルなどを作り始めていることなどと想像できる。しかし、この場合は、日本企業が資源確保しづらくなっている、と解釈した。
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with 付きの句

2010年05月15日 13時03分17秒 | 自分の意見の陳述
昨日のThe Daily Yomiuri で次の英文に出くわしました。この英文に関して2,3解説したいことがあります。

Since January,however,there has been a downward trend,with the number of suiicides falling 9 percent from a year before to 10,309 in January-April, according to a preliminary figure compiled by the NPA.

①この文章の主節はthere has been a downward trend で、主語は a downward trend で
②with the number of suiicides falling 9 percent from a year before to 10,309 in January-Aprilは、前置詞with が付いた付帯状況の説明です。こうした場合、with を除いても文章は成立します。

Since January,however,there has been a downward trend,the number of suiicides falling 9 percent from a year before to 10,309 in January-April, according to a preliminary figure compiled by the NPA.


この時の、the number of suiicides falling 9 percent from a year before to 10,309 in January-April はどう解釈するかですが、これは独立分詞構文ということになります。接続詞asを加えて、かつ現在分詞のfalling を生の動詞にして、as the number of suiicides falls 9 percent from a year before to 10,309 in January-April だともいえるわけです。 この場合、as 以下の節は従属節です。主節に対して、従属節になります。


②従属節の接続詞(as) を省き、従属節の主語(the number of suicides)を残し、動詞(falls) を現在分詞falling にすると、従属節は独立分詞構文になる。
③その独立分詞構文にwith をつけることも可能。

その他、fell 9 percent というのは fell by 9 percent と言っても一向に構わない。

in January-April は読むときは、in January to Aprilと読む。

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from today's Nikkei

2010年05月14日 17時36分00秒 | 新聞記事から
原発設備 海外を開拓 40兆円市場に的 IHI基幹装置で輸出工場 オルガノ水処理米に合弁設立

Nuclear power generation equipment makers in Japan are now tapping into foreign markets. Specifically, IHI Corporation will set up in summer next year a new factory where it will manufacture the steam-generating equipment, which is a key equipment and will be shipped overseas. And also Organo Corporation,a water treatment facility maker, will establish a joint venture in the U.S. within the year.Participants,needless to say,include Toshiba Corporation.

It is said that there will be a huge market worth about 40 trillion yen in the near future in the nuclear power generation-related markets in the world such as those in the U.S. and emerging economies. Given such circumstances, Japanese makers are now focusing their strength on this promising area.
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from today's Nikkei

2010年05月13日 12時08分29秒 | 新聞記事から
上場企業 経常益、前期25%増 本社集計 電機・車で3.7兆円改善 今期4割増益予想

According to a survey conducted recently by The Nihon Keizai Shimbun on as many as 767 listed companies whose business term ends at the end of March and whose business results in their 2009 business term had been released by May 12, business performance recovery has been more and more conspicuos. Total amount of their recurring profits was up 25 percent from that in the previous term, which was the first increase of profit for the pas three terms.The most important contributing factor is that in the automobile and electric machinery industries their incomes had improved 3.7 trillion yen.

In the current business term through the end of March next year, the corresponding amount of profits is expected to further increase 38 percent,almost 40 percent, from the previous term.

Like these,the current situation is picking up surrounded by the favorable environment such as expanding demand from emerging countries. But,at the same time, there are many concerns about business expansion like higher yen,material price hiking and others.

参考:増加、減少の程度を表すのは前置詞byを使います。が、動詞が自動詞の場合はこの前置詞byが省略される事が多い。しかし、すべてbyを使うと心得ていても決して間違いではない。だから、今日の例だと、improve by 3.7 trillion yen, increase by 38 percent としてもいいわけである。
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