

第191回日本胸部外科学会関東甲信越地方会 IN  横浜

2023-04-02 02:11:07 | 心臓病の治療
 2月25日 日本胸部外科学会関東甲信越地方会が横浜市のパシフィコで行われました。日頃親しくさせていただいている横浜市大の鈴木俊一教授が会長で、筆者は感染心内膜炎の座長を依頼されたため朝イチのセッションから参加しました。
①Trifecta GTによる早期人工弁機能不全2症例(佐野)
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2023-04-02 01:53:09 | 心臓病の治療
①MICS-AVRを施行した高齢患者における術後身体活動および手術成績の検討(パネルディスカッション 田島)
②MICS-AVRでの狭小大動脈弁輪に対する縫合糸結紮におけるコアノットの有用性(ビデオ演題 安達)
③MICS-CABG導入による新たな患者掘り起し:年間の1枝バイパスの件数が6倍に(ミニオーラルセッション 安達)
④90歳以上の高齢者に対する当院での心臓胸部大血管手術成績(ミニオーラル 中村)
⑤心臓再手術症例におけるMICS-CABGの有用性(ミニオーラル 佐野)
⑥当院におけるMICS vsConventional CABG計114例の比較検討(ミニオーラル 中村)
⑦ウィズコロナ時代のオンライン心臓血管外科カンファレンス(ミニオーラル 安達)

Annual conference of Japanese Society of Cardiovascular Surgery

  I went to Asahikawa in Hokkaido to attend the annual conference of Japanese Society of Cardiovascular Surgery. It is one of the biggest and the important conferences for cardiovascular surgeons and participation is required to receive credit for taking the Cardiovascular Surgery Specialist Certification or for renewal.
 I made three presentations. The first one was a video session in which I demonstrated the usefulness of the Cor-Knot automated ligature device for endoscopic aortic valve replacement in narrow valvular annulus. The second was an oral session in which small incision coronary artery bypass grafting helps increase caseload. And the third was an also oral presentation on the effectiveness of small online conference in our hospital under the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic.
 After hearing my presentation, I received an offer from a university hospital in Fukuoka prefecture in Kyushu to come observe my minimally invasive cardiac surgery. The conference venue not only raised my profile, but also allowed me to meet a lot of acquaintances. I could share a meal with surgeons from a hospital in Okinawa Prefecture, where I will be teaching minimally invasive cardiac surgery the following week.
 I realized once again that on-site conferences are very meaningful.
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