猫三昧 Cat-loving - 外猫 outdoor cat / car park

2015年03月21日 | 日記

Here is too big for a cat
But it is the car park
For the cat

My body is not big
It's my own car park
I like to be relaxed here
I can clearly see around
It's my own car park
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オサンポ take a walk - 鳥 birds

2015年03月20日 | 日記

They might be migrant birds
I also fly with them
To their destination

ベタと言うか、小学生みたいな俳句(?)ですな? 「渡り鳥」は秋の季語らしいですな? 近所の電線にばーっと連なってとまっていました。雀より大きく茶色灰色ッポイ配色。ナンテ名の鳥だったのでしょう。ふとこの光景に見覚えがあるかも? やっぱ去年の今頃的な? 曖昧な記憶で居心地が悪いですが、多分去年も同じことを思ったよーな。とここでふと、年年歳歳花相似たり…が頭に浮かんできました。自然の毎年の変わらぬ営みに炙り出されるヒトの変わってゆく営み。状況にさしたる変化は無くても、心情の変化はあるカモ知れない。「渡り鳥」を見てそんなことを連想する。詩人ッポイですな?
The poem wouldn't be good...it's like a primary student writes. "Migrant bird" is a season word for winter for haiku. The many birds, which were bigger than sparrow, brown and gray, were on the electric wires. I thought that I would have seen those birds last year, might be in the same situation. I remembered one of Chinese poems, it says " flowers are the same as them last year " " but as human, our lives are changeable ". I thought lots of things just by seeing the migrant birds. Well, am I like a poet?
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猫三昧 Cat-loving - 玉吉 Tamakichi

2015年03月19日 | 日記

Sometimes comes
To on my futon
In the morning

今朝何故か布団の上に乗っかって来ました。たまーに来たりしますけどね。寒い時期は布団乾燥機をかけていると掛け布団の上に乗っかってタリします。これは暖かくてキモチいいからだと思いますが。何を考えて何を思って何がキッカケで自分の行動を決めるのか? モーレツに訊いてみたいときありますが、言葉でのコミュニケーションは不可能で。いつも最後は「ソレハ猫ダカラ」、と言うことでちょんちょん。
Tamakichi, ( the cat's name ) came to on my futon this early morning. Sometimes he dose. During winter, when I use a device which we can make futon dry with warm air, he comes on the futon. I understand it. But mostly, I think that it would be difficult to understand their behaviours. It's impossible to have conversations with them in any languages. So, always, there will be one final answer, it is cat.
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猫三昧 Cat-loving - 外猫 outdoor cat

2015年03月18日 | 日記
へ~ っと猫は

The cat was on the wall
Oh, I was happy to see her/him
But the cat didn't care me

お! 塀の上のにゃんこ! っと写真を撮らせてもらう。 良くみると瞳がオッドアイのよーで。その写真を近くで撮りたいとコッチ向いての意味で「チュッチュッ」と声をかけたのですが、少し離れた低木の辺りにたむろっている小鳥タチの方に気を取られていたよーで、振り向いてもらえませんでした。鳥に負けた。少し切なかった。
Oh, the cat was on the wall! I took the photo of it. The cat had his(her) odd-eyed. Oh! I would like to take it closer, so that I called him with my chirpy but he did not care me. He paid his attentions to the small birds that gathered in the small bush near him. He had never looked back to me. I was a bit sad.
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オサンポ take a walk - 青い小花 blue floret

2015年03月17日 | 日記

The spring has come
There are many tiny blue florets
Under the tree

If we couldn't notice it, it would be ok... The wayside stones ( in Japan, we have a novel of that title ), no, they are wayside flowers. You may know "God is in the details". If I could not do something very much, I would do some. Shigesato Itoi ( he is one of famous copywriters in Japan ) said, dreams should be ok if they are smaller. Small dreams would be better than big dreams because small ones would be possible to come true.
About a small device in bathroom ( written on 15th March ) it's not "floret", it is "bluelet ( Largest in-cistern device toilet care brand by annual revenue - current ), it's the No.1 sales in the world then gas set a Guinness world record.
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ホンヨミ Book-loving 「窓の魚」 西加奈子 The fish in the window / Kanako Nishi

2015年03月16日 | 日記

There are fish
Living in the pond
Of the hot-spring hotel

The story is about ... There are four young people, two girls and two boys, they are in two couples. They travel to the hot-spring hotel for one night, the murder case happens there. --- the most important incident is not the murder, I think that it is their sufferings, each people has own sufferings. The author has prised Naoki award in Japan for the other novel last year. She is a good writer, to read her story is good to me. We have Saiichi Maruya who was one of greatest writers in Japan said that "if you would like to become a good writer, you should read well-written writings as much as you can".
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オサンポ take a walk - 小花 floret

2015年03月15日 | 日記

Nobody had cast that floret seed
But it came out from the soil
by itself

「小花」って英語でナンテ言うのだろう? と思い辞書を引くと、三つくらい出てキテ、それ専門の言葉があるんだーと思っていると、その中の一つが Floret で、フローレット!? 何か聞き覚えがあるよーな? 「フローレット置くだけ!」ってなかったっけ? トイレ消臭剤? とかって思って確認しよーとネットで検索したら、真っ先に出てキタのが、駄菓子の方の「フローレット」。バナナの形をしたパステルカラーの何て言うんでしょう? アメのよーに甘くてでもそこまで固くなくサクっと軽く噛めるスナック菓子のよーな? 子供の頃に食べたことがあったよーな…。急にキュンとノスタルジック。へー、あのお菓子「フローレット」って言うんですの…知らなかった…と、こんな風に"小さな路傍の花"から「フローレット」に行き着くナンテ。今日はそんな日なんですネ。
I looked up the word of 小花 (kobana) in the English dictionary, I found "floret". I remember that some Japanese company sells a refresher for bathroom, it named "floret". I checked it on the Internet, I found another ... It was a kind of classical sweets, it also named "floret". Oh dear! I knew it, but I didn't know that name. When I was a small child, I ate it... It's still remained on sale... That's gave me some nostalgic feelings. Oh, my world was a bit wider. It happens today.
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オサンポ take a walk - 「アラタさん」 Arata

2015年03月14日 | 日記
が エスカレーターに

Is dropped on
The escalator

花粉症のせい?&/or 季節の変わり目のせい? カラダもマブタもおもおもデー。頭が働きマセン…カナシイ。
It might have stuck something on as a memo for something... (アラタ)Arata could be a name of person.
Is that because of hay fever? &/or is that the seasons change from winter to spring? I have felt that my body and eyelids are heavier than usual. My brain doesn't work... Oh my god.
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断捨離 Danshari=getting rid of the clutter in my life - manga

2015年03月13日 | 日記

Danshari is
Going on

押入れの中のマンガ。いつかまた読もうと思いつつイツヨム君になること易し。久しぶりに手にしたマンガは、自分で買った覚えはなく、だいぶ昔に友達からもらったもの? カビとかのせいか茶色の点々がアチコチに出来ていて捨て時が来てるな、ってことで読んで資源ゴミに出しました。なむ~。片付けを始めるとアラこんなモノが的にアチコチから色々なモノが出てキテ。それにまつわるストーリーなどに思いを巡らしていると時間かすぐに経ってしまっテ。「断捨離」継続中でごわす。
I have put those manga in the bookshelf. I thought I would read them again someday, but I didn't. I don't think I bought them by myself, some friend might have gave me. They have many brown spots caused by mold(?), it is the time to get away. I read through all of them and recycled. When I tidy up about the things in my room, I start to think about each story. Then, taking time. I'm still keep on doing Danshari.
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オサンポ take a walk - たんぽぽ dandelion

2015年03月12日 | 日記

Yellow pop pop
Dandelion dandelion
There is a road of spring

I noticed that a dandelion came out. After that, I found many during walking. I think that the first one gave me a hint for the others to find. Oh. The temperature and the wind are still cold but spring is just coming. I imagine that the dandelions directly connect to the earth tell me about that.
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