猫三昧 Cat-loving - 元気 Genki

2015年03月11日 | 日記

It's spring?
Sleepy sleepy
There is the sleeping sleeping cat

別に猫は一年中寝るのが仕事で今に始まったことじゃないと思うのですがニンゲンは何だか春頃になるとそれが何故か猫カラ伝染でもしたよーにああ眠い、となるのは何故でしょう? 猫には許されてもニンゲンには許されませんヨ。そんなゴロゴロゴロゴロニャしてるナンテ!
For cat, it's a kind of their duties, "sleeping all day". But it's not for us, human beings. But during spring, we become sleepy, don't we? It would be like affected by cat. It's ok for cat, but not for us. Being like cat...
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オサンポ take a walk - 鳥と空 birds & sky

2015年03月10日 | 日記

The udo is standing and seeing
There are some singing birds
In the sky

春の季語、何かナイかしら~と探してて見つけた「独活」。「ヒトリイキル?」とかって勘ぐったら、なんと「ウド」のことでした。何故この漢字を当てがったのでせう。芯の太い若芽がニョキっと地面から出てきて、葉を広げる前は一本立ちしているよーに見えるから? 色々な「言葉」があって色々な理由があって色々な意味があって。興味深いですなー。
I was wondering if there are some "spring words" for Haiku. I found 独活. I thought 独活 means live alone. But it is a name of plant, Udo. The person who named it as 独活, he/she must have had a nice sense of naming. When Udo's bud comes out of soil, it seems like a straight stick, standing alone.
I'm really interested in words which are various, have many reasons and meanings.
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オサンポ take a walk - 鳥 birds

2015年03月09日 | 日記

In the cold air
Many birds got together
It made warm around there

寒いですなぁ~。身体もココロも挫けそーになりますが、そんな時は「今」ダケ/ダカラ を見つけて楽しむよーにしています。この時期の樹木タチ、常緑樹以外は葉を落としているから、小鳥たちの姿を容易に見つけやすいですね。何の鳥か分からないコトが多いですが、この季節にしか会えない鳥なのかも知れないし。そんな風に考えて日々を過ごせば、気持ちの温度も上がってくるだに。
It's cold today, isn't it? I would be beaten by this low temperature. Like that situation, I do try to find something enjoyable which I find during only this season. In winter, any trees, except evergreen trees, have fallen their leaves, we could see birds easily when they are on the trees. It's sometimes difficult to identify them, we could see them only winter. If we lived like that, our feelings would be better.
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オサンポ take a walk - 切り株 stub

2015年03月08日 | 日記

Also that stub
Has still connected to
The earth

When I walk around, I find some stubs sometimes. There are many reason why the stubs has been cut, must not be only negative reasons. I didn't like to see the cut stubs. But recently, I found out...even trees are cut, then become stubs, I think that their roles are never changed and their connections with the earth are still stable. After that, my feelings became better than before when I see stubs. I believe that my "find" is correct.
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オサンポ take a walk - 夕暮れ candlelight

2015年03月07日 | 日記

The trunk of Sakura tree
It got the evening sun
In early spring

桜の蕾はあれどまだ風が冷たくぎゅっとしていて硬いままで。このよーな時期に聴きたくなる&歌いたくなる歌の一つが「早春賦」です。♫春は名のみの~風の寒さや~♫ この次がなかなか覚えられないのですが、知りたい時にサッと検索出来る"ネット"、便利っすねー~。♫谷の鶯歌は思えど~♫ だそーで。オサンポしながら口ずさむのに、丁度いいテンポかと。♫時にあらずと 声もたてず♫~♫
We know any Sakura trees ( Japanese cherry ) has got many buds on themselves but there are still cold winds, it seems that time of bloom hasn't come yet. Around this time, I would like to listen to and sing some song, it's 「早春賦」( Sohshumfu ) ( the early spring song ) it's an old song, the temp is slow, the song would be good to sing when you are walking.
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猫三昧 Cat-loving - 玉吉 Tamakichi

2015年03月06日 | 日記

He is Tamakichi
He lives long
He is now 15 years old

He lost his appetite once it is back now. But I think that he isn't the same as before. He has been quiet recently, he used be very naughty and he had appetite very much. I didn't imagine
that he became like that. Our lives always flow. They never stop.

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猫三昧 Cat-loving - 外猫 outdoor cat

2015年03月05日 | 日記

A Kotatsu in spring
I came out of it
I met a brown striped cat

このオウチの猫さんですかな。オサンポからお帰りになったばかり、と言ったところでしょーか。目が合うと寄ってキテくれて、元気良く「ニャー!」グルグルッと手早い挨拶が終わると奥へ行ってしまったので、交流終了かな? と思って移動しようとしたら、奥の方で、ゴロにゃ、としてくれたのでそれも写真に。そんじゃまたニャー。
I guess that cat in the photo might belong to the owner of the house. He(she?) might have just come back from his walking. When I caught his eyes, he got close to me. He gave me his cheerful MEOW and birled at there then moved backward. I thought that our communication had finished but he lie down himself on the ground and rolled over. I took a photo of it then said see you.

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オサンポ take a walk - シジュウカラ 四十雀 Japanese tit

2015年03月04日 | 日記

Twi, twi, twi,
The Japanese tit
The day that insects come out of the land ( come out from hibernation )

春が来た、来ている、来つつある。行きつ戻りつ季節は巡る。最近雨が多いのは季節の変わり目ダカラ? 寒くなくなるのはウレシイけど、暑くなるのは困る…。鳥タチにとっては「春♡」カモですが、春は実は複雑。
Spring has just come, has come, has been coming. Go forward and back, four seasons come around. I'm happy with not being cold but I don't like "hot" = summer. Birds must be happy with spring :) but I wouldn't be...half happy.
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オサンポ take a walk - 純水弁? valve for water?

2015年03月03日 | 日記

I'm thinking something even spring
At the valve for water
I found a tiny fresh top

春が来たからと言って、ウキウキと浮かれるヒトばかりではニャいんだよ…。ってな感じッポイ「春うれひ」。「愁い」と漢字ならああそーか、とすぐに分かりますが、平仮名だと「嬉し」の方かい? とも思ってみたり。
Even spring has come, not everyone is happy. Japanese 「うれひ Urei」means kind of sorrow. But the letters of word is similar to 「うれし Ureshi」It means happy. The looks is similar but the meanings are different.
Our cat, Tamakichi is now 15 years old after his birthday on 28th Feb.
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オサンポ take a walk - 月と梅 the moon and Japanese plum

2015年03月02日 | 日記

The moon and Japanese plum
In the evening
They become close

There was one big Japanese plum tree near the entrance of the primary school. When I was waiting for the traffic light turned green, something/one seemed to call me... I looked back, there was the tree...and also the moon in the sky. They seemed friends, so closely. I would like to join in them, but I just took of their photo instead. The traffics light turned green. See you around.

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