It’s funny, they named
Mars after the God of War
Have a look at Earth
Benedict Smith, United Kingdom(イギリスの人気ブロガーだそうです。)
Thirty-six million
miles of whispering welcome.
Mars, you called us home.
miles of whispering welcome.
Mars, you called us home.
Vanna Bonta, USA(アメリカの有名な詩人だそうです。)
Stars in the blue sky
cheerfully observe the Earth
while we long for them
cheerfully observe the Earth
while we long for them
Luisa Santoro, Italy
distant red planet
the dreams of earth beings flow
we will someday roam
the dreams of earth beings flow
we will someday roam
Greg Pruett, Idaho, USA
Mars, your secret is
unknown for humanity
we want to know you.
unknown for humanity
we want to know you.
Fanni Redenczki, Hungary
投票総数は、39,000票で、1位のBenedict Smithさんは、2,031票を獲得しました。