English Collection



2009年12月19日 | 英語学習
"Kotler on Marketing"の"Acquiring, Retaining, and Growing Customers"の章にあった文面です。
Once that is done customers can be ranked in deciles of profitability. One frequently quoted rule is the 20/80 rule, which says that the top 20 percent of profitable customers account for 80 percent of the company's profits.
"deciles" は初めて見ますが、後の文章や "decimal" と語幹が共通なので10あるいは10パーセントと関係がある事が分かります。 "decile" を辞書で確認します。
・Webster's New World College Dictionary: Statistics any of the values which divide a frequency distribution into ten groups of equal frequency; also, any of these groups
・Deardorff's Glossary of International Economics: One of ten segments of a distribution that has been divided into tenths. For example, the second-from-the-bottom decile of an income distribution is those whose income exceeds the incomes of from 10% to 20% of the population.
・A Dictionary of Units of Measurement: a statistical unit equal to 10 percentiles, or 1/10 of a ranked sample. See percentile. The word is pronounced with a soft "c": des-ile.
"percentile" と兄弟の言葉ですね。 上の最後に引用した辞書で "percentile" の説明を見ます。
a unit used in statistics to describe a portion of the individuals or events being studied. Suppose the data are arranged by numerical scores, from highest to lowest. A score belongs to the 78th percentile, for example, if it is greater than 78% of the scores but it is not greater than 79% of the scores. This procedure divides the scores into 100 percentiles, numbered 0th through 99th.
"deciles" が使われている例を "Investopedia" からもう一つ引用します。
When an analyst or statistician ranks data and then splits them into deciles, it is in an attempt to discover the largest and smallest values by a given metric. For example, by splitting the entire S&P 500 Index into deciles (50 firms will be in each decile) by the P/E multiple, the analyst will discover the companies with the highest and lowest P/E valuations in the index.
12月も後半にはいりましたが、Decemberも "decile" と親戚でしたね。
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