English Collection



2009年12月24日 | 英語学習
Reader's Digest, 9月号のWord Power、ハリウッド映画用語特集にあった問題です。
ハリウッドの映画業界での "gaffer" の意味は次ぎのどれでしょう?
A: editor who corrects continuity mistakes
B: chief electrician
C: on-set medic
Uncle Larry, who'd been named gaffer, blew a fuse, and the rented bounce house collapsed.
でした。 辞書にこのような用例があるか調べてみます。
・OneLook Quick Definitions: an electrician responsible for lighting on a movie or tv set
・Dictionary.com: the chief electrician on a motion-picture or television production.
語源は "godfather" がなまったそうで、それを知ればこの単語は覚えられそうです。
・Online Etymology Dictionary: 1589, "elderly rustic," apparently a contraction of godfather; originally "old man," it was applied from 1841 to foremen and supervisors, which sense carried over 20c. to "electrician in charge of lighting on a film set."
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