English Collection



2012年11月12日 | 英語学習

オバマ氏が米国大統領に再選されましたね。 Japan Times Nov.8の記事から抜粋します。
U.S. backs Obama to finish the job
Barack Obama is elected to a second presidential term by remaking himself from a hopeful uniter into a determined fighter for middle-class interests.
"uniter" をユニターと読んだので意味が分かりませんでしたが、辞書の発音を見て直ぐに分かりました。
・Macmillan Dictionary: someone or something that brings people into agreement or cooperation: When Bush won in 2000, he promised to be a uniter , not a divider, yet he set about doing the complete opposite.
・Wordnik: One who or that which unites or forms a connection.: It appears the great uniter is just another calculating politician.

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