English Collection


out of whack

2021年08月13日 | 英単語
Nicholas Epley著 "Mindwise" を読んでいます。

Think back to the finding I described in chapter 1, in which we asked our research volunteers to predict how attracive they would be rated by a member of the opposite sex who looked at a photograph of them. Accruracy in such sitations is abysmal, partly because the expertise you have about yourself leads you to evaluate yourself through a much more microscopic lens than others do. You know that your hair is slightly out of place just above your left eye and that your complexion looks worse than normal, or that your smile is slightly out of whack. Indeed, when we asked our volunteers to write down how the evaluator would describe their picture, they included small details and subtle features that only a detailed examination would pick up on.

"out of whack" の "whack" は 4/20/2017 に "whack-a-mole" (whac-a-mole とも綴られる)で取り上げた表現にもありますが、"whack-a-mole" はモグラ叩きなので、 "whack" は強く叩くの意味を持っていると覚えています。"out of whack" ではどんな意味になるのでしょう?

・Oxford English Dictionary: Out of order; not working.: all their calculations were out of whack
・Collins English Dictionary: If something is out of whack, it is not working properly, often because its natural balance has been upset.: The ecosystem will be thrown out of whack.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: not operating correctly or looking right: You can use Carol's old bike - the gears are out of whack, but it still goes.
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