English Collection


honey wagon

2022年02月19日 | 英単語
Robert B.Parkerの "Sixkill" を読んでいます。映画の撮影現場の描写から引用します。

There were equipment trucks, lights, trailers, honey wagons, mobile homes, a craft-services truck, some cars, extras, grips, best boys,, script girls, assistant directors, production assistants, a detail cop, and a mare's nest of cables. Some spectators had gathered behind the barriers, and as I walked down into that scene, a limousine pulled up onto the corner of Tremont Street, and Jubo Nelson, dressed like a street person, got out and walked slowly into the subway. A director yelled, "Cut!"

業界用語的な言葉が続いていますが、"honey wagons" は何か全く見当が付きません。辞書を見ます。
・Wiktionary: (film, television) A type of multi-room trailer with toilet facilities for use by film and television crews.
一語で "honeywagon" と綴られる場合もあるようです。
・Wikipedia: (Use in film and television industry) A honeywagon is a portable toilet unit used in the film and television industry. Many take the form of a specialized semi-trailer.
In the UK a honeywagon usually refers to a set of toilets used by the cast and crew. These come in all shapes and sizes - either trailer-base or built into the box body of a truck. In America, the term honeywagon is usually given to a truck, trailer or combination of both with a number of dressing rooms for the actor. These either have individual toilets or a communal set built in. Some honeywagons will be just two large toilets. Others are a combination of variously sized rooms for specific purposes: these rooms can be private dressing rooms assigned to a single person, larger rooms configured for the wardrobe, or makeup departments, small individual toilets for the crew to share, and multiple user or individual shower rooms for bathing.

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