English Collection



2022年04月01日 | 英単語
O.Henryの短編 'The Theory and The Hound' からです。
Plunkett seemed as unconcerned as if he were dining at his own table in Chatham County. He was a gallant trencherman, and the strange tropic viands tickled his palate. Heavy, commonplace, almost slothful in his movements, he appeared to be devoid of all the cunning and watchfulness of the sleuth.

"trencherman" はどんな人でしょうか? 辞書で調べます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: A person who eats in a specified manner, typically heartily.: ‘he is a hearty trencherman, as befits a man of his girth’

・Collins Dictionary: an eater; esp., a person who eats much and heartily:

・Wiktionary: A feeder; a great eater; a gormandizer.: My own preference when it comes to a substantial meal might be more than just a scotch egg but that’s because I’m a hearty trencherman.

"trencherman" から溝を掘る人を連想しましたが、"trencherman" が何故上記の意味になるのか気になったので語源を調べると "trencher" に次の意味があることが分かりました。
・Oxford English Dictionary: historical A wooden plate or platter for food.: Anisia placed a trencher of food in front of a customer.

・Cambridge English Dictionary: in the past, a flat, wooden dish used to serve food: A trencher is fetched, placed on the floor of the hall, and filled with meat.

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