English Collection


rash in

2024年04月16日 | 英単語
Yasutaka TsutsuiのSF小説 "The Girl who Leapt through Time" を読みました。

Kazuko left the house with no destination in mind, but she was dying to tell someone. At first, she thought about visiting Goro. But then, Goro could be easily scared and was sometimes rash in his behaviour. Perhaps it would be better to visit Kazuo instead? Sure, he came across at times as being a bit spaced out. But underneath it all, Kazuo was really rather smart.

"rash in" の意味を調べます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: a lot of something; a series of unpleasant things that happen over a short period of time: Rising prices are the result of the recent rash of strikes in the steel industry.
・Collins Dictionary: If someone is rash or does rash things, they act without thinking carefully first, and therefore make mistakes or behave foolishly.: Don't do anything rash until the feelings subside.
・Vocabulary.com: A rash is something that spreads like wild fire — red itchy skin or a series of unfortunate events. It can also describe an impulsive, wild decision.
As an adjective, rash has meant "quick, vigorous" since the 1300s by way of Scotland. The meaning shifted to "reckless" a few hundred years later, and can still be used that way — a "rash decision" is a sudden, not well thought out one. Rash, the noun that no one wants on their skin, came a few hundred years after that, but from the French word rache which at some point meant "ringworm." Ringworm still gives us a red, itchy rash. Fun! Rash can also mean a lot of unpleasant things happening in a short amount of time, like robberies or earthquakes.

英英辞書はたいていの場合Oxford English Dictionary、Collins DictionarとCambridge English Dictionarなどの例文が付いている辞書を利用しています。そして、一部の単語について詳しい解説があるVocabulary.comも見ることにしています。
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