English Collection



2024年07月06日 | 英単語
Giles Murrayの "Breaking into Japanese Literature" を読んでいます。
The nose was politely ensconced above his upper lip, and--marvelous to relate--it showed no sign of dangling down any lower.

"The nose was politely ensconced above his upper lip, and" の日本語原文は「鼻は行儀よく唇の上に納まっているだけで」となっていますが、"ensconced" は知らない単語なので辞書で調べます。

・Oxford English Dictionary: if you are ensconced or ensconce yourself somewhere, you are made or make yourself comfortable and safe in that place or position: He ensconced himself in my bedroom as if he owned it.
・Collins Dictionary: to establish or settle firmly or comfortably: ensconced in a chair
・Cambridge English Dictionary: to make yourself very comfortable or safe in a place or position: After dinner, I ensconced myself in an armchair with a book.
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