English Collection


clean slate

2019年03月06日 | 英単語
Are You Smart Enough to Work at Googleからの引用です。
Microsoft has, of course, recruited many of the world's best coders and computer scientists. But it has baggage--legacy products, legacy users, and a corporate culture forged in the 1980s. Google entered the new millennium with a clean slate.
引用文の最後に出てきた "clean slate" はGoogleをMicrosoftと比較しているので、Microsoftは荷物を抱えているのに対し、Googleは何も負担なしで参入したの意味の様です。 "clean slate" を辞書で確認します。
・Oxford English Dictionary: An absence of existing restraints or commitments.: no government starts with a clean slate

・Urban Dictionary: Starting anew, with a fresh approach. A clean slate begins with the action of 'wiping the slate clean'.
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