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Doza” farmhouse in the mid-Edo period / Fukushima City Minka-en-3
The Doza space testifies to the origin of the Japanese word for “going up” to the floor. I tried to imagine the comfort of this space, which was always heated by a sunken hearth. The house is heated constantly by the sunken hearth.
As a housing blog, I find it calming to organize photos and interviews of actual houses. I write about all sorts of things, but when I return to the theme of housing, the “sense of home” quietly rises and I can be at peace. I am grateful for that. I have many friends who are almost at the end of their working lives, but some people seem to feel a void in their hearts that they cannot fill. Considering this, it is a rare happiness to be able to continue to face the same theme in this way.
This house was built in Oosasao Anyoji Temple in Fukushima City in the late 18th century, in the middle of the Edo period. The pioneer house in Kuriyama, Hokkaido, which we had posted until the day before yesterday, dates from the 1890s, so it is about 130 years old. Compared to that, it goes back another 100 years. The Kuriyama house is located in the southern part of Miyagi Prefecture, a neighboring prefecture to the north of Fukushima Prefecture, so it was situated in close proximity to the house.
What is unique about this house is the floor surface. The indoor floor is a style called “doza,” in which the floor is composed of a straw mat laid on top of an earthen floor. One is surprised, “What? Doza? In cold regions, there is a common knowledge called “freezing depth,” which indicates the extent to which the soil freezes during the winter. The coldness of the air causes cold air to accumulate in the soil. In Sapporo, for example, 60 cm is the depth at which the soil freezes, and if the foundation is not lowered to this level, the risk of unequal subsidence increases. The fact that the subfloor is in direct contact with frozen soil means that the cold is directly transmitted to the human body.
However, in the same period, the Ainu Chise in Ezo also sat on the ground, so if there is constant combustion heating by hearths, the soil freezing level may be relatively lowered. Since the soil has “geothermal heat” at a level equivalent to the annual average temperature of the area, it may have been possible to raise the room temperature to that geothermal level if there was constant surface heating. Not much empirical research has been done in this area because the differences from modern house construction are too great.
Visually, however, the uneven floor space conveys its peculiarity. There is a Japanese expression “jige-jin” (underground), and this space conveys a directness to the word. The space conveys the raw Japanese consciousness and the probability of its “ascending orientation. The visualization of the linguistic expression of “going up” to the floor.
It is likely that even in the architecture of the Edo period, farmers generally did not have the resources to raise the floor. In this house, the floor was raised in the area used as a tatami room where a Buddhist altar was placed. This type of floor was not seen in any other Fukushima City Minkaen buildings. The ability to raise the floor is an expression of the disparity between the rich and the poor, and the disparity in space.
Even in Fukushima, which is located in the southern Tohoku region but not in a warm climate, the living space of the general Japanese population has historically been at this level. Since this was the case even during the Edo period (1603-1867), a period of economic development and stability, one can only imagine what the living space was like during the Muromachi and Sengoku periods.