文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

As for me, it is the human being who continued to say around that the position makes a person

2016年11月15日 16時38分17秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.
As for me, it is the human being who continued to say around that the position makes a person, too.
Even Reagan became a honorable president.
Reagan is an actor originally but Donald Trump is a businessman originally.
As there is not a guarantee which doesn't become the president that he is honorable, and so on, thinking is a complete mistake.
In the right of the one to have thought that the being style of the country, the U.S., the essential state made him a honorable president certainly about, it talked about such thing.
Being precious contents to talk for free, now, it is proving a market in the world.

Even that I have been more convinced by the result.
In other words, economically (it is absolute), Donald Trump actually from Clinton,
it says that it may have been a right answer.

It had better quit U.S.'s reaching an important crisis, saying that their own expectation deviated perfectly from so-called men of culture who side with the media which made NHK and the Asahi the first on the list and this or doing now the report as if to become such a thing.
It had better reconsider reporting the demonstration of the anti- Trump in the great city of New York and the L.A. and so on frequently, too.

Because, to those demonstration, the various countries which ask that the American society cuts off and that the strength of a nation of the U.S. weakens,
that China which is the communism state of the party dictatorship which aims at the hegemony of the world and the intelligence agency in Russia aren't maneuvering secretly is because it is possible to say never.

The propaganda of the Communist Party and so on make the false moralists who are doing biased coverage in the distorted thought a suitable target.
In other words, propaganda such as the Communist Party goes far beyond your persistence and humidity, having persistence and duskiness.

Besides, because it is your customs to drop pictures and articles without verification at all, such as whether those demos are all caused by good American citizens.

From the information agencies that purport to propaganda, you are a good accessory tool.

It would be better to quit doodling news reports that would help the power of the power who welcomes the weakening of the power of the United States without verifying the real reasons that those demos and Trump won.

In you, the stock market which the media in Japan (actually, the history is proving this rascal actually now) despised specifically as the rascal world that the much more right thing is perfectly proved now more actually to be deeply impressed.
Whether or not it isn't influenced by the secret maneuver of the intelligence agency, after verifying neatly once, investigation inside after orderly, when it should notice that need to report is in the media in Japan specifically, it comes long ago.
If saying extremely, I should notice immediately after the war.

In other words, in world itself, the human race doesn't exist if the U.S. forgets fully and Japan

2016年11月15日 15時47分03秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

The status that the U.S. forgot a little providence of this God and that Asahi Shimbun and so on headed Japan is restored and they don't do Japan roughly strongly but it in the state as the things such as being operated by the country like Korea and China hit the mark,

The world becomes dangerous status, shaking like now if the human being like Bokova which grew up in the party monocracy of the Communist Party becomes with the dominated United Nations and dwarfs Japan and continues to oppress it.

In other words, in world itself, the human race doesn't exist if the U.S. forgets fully and Japan is fully headed by the masochism hobby person.

When the persons that all over the world is same as so-called men of culture who side with the media of the Asahi and NHK and so on and this should know that that is the providence of the God, it comes long ago.

This article continues.

However, because there is not U.S. at all in China, (because the U.S. doesn't crush by 100 %

2016年11月15日 15時39分41秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

It agreed with above-mentioned old person, with not understanding at all until the result opens a lid, with I having the possibility that Donald Trump wins greatly, as the result of the momentary reaction to the report which due is opposite to then, that the Nikkei 225 average price will fall by 1,000 yen per day.

However, because there is not U.S. at all in China, (because the U.S. doesn't crush by 100 % even if Trump become a president), from late last year to the beginning of this year, the free fall which occurred from the concerns to China don't be able to occur by all means, in other words, it be so-called bottom and turn back at a breath later.

It is referring many times, but 10 years after China, no one in the world understands, but I know the fact that no one in the world understands of the U.S. 10 years later to the impossible thing and anyone in the world rather knows that the U.S. is the U.S. 10 years ahead, too.

(Because, saying that the U.S. is not the U.S. is because it isn't exaggerated even if it says that it is when the world disappears).

(Even if how much Xi Jinping contemplates the hegemony of the world, doing the terrible idea of the monocrat, the world because no one wants for the Communist Party to make a despotic decision to carry out a party. In other words, because Xi Jinping is only a naked king)

The country which must head the world with the U.S. being the country which has the best intellect of the world and the liberty as well as Japan.

Human history for the first time, because it is the country which dropped an atomic bomb onto the human being, it isn't possible to escape and forever, it is the providence of the god that it is necessary to continue to be the leader in the world.

Obama lacked the intellect to know the thing.

Therefore, I wish that Donald Trump knows the thing, if not knowing, it continues to write in many degrees only this time until it knows.

This article continues

With Japan recovering miraculously with the wasting after the war, as the state the root of

2016年11月15日 15時11分07秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

With Japan recovering miraculously with the wasting after the war, as the state the root of which was history and a culture in the original country, as well as the U.S. of course, as the country which must find out the world later in 170, it is that it wasn't necessary to say at all that the turntable of the civilization which is the providence of the God went around to Japan though,

While these stop the developing of this turntable, in the result of the human beings as only it became a millionaire, not being 100 % is that the kindergartner understands.

Only that so-called men of culture who side with the media in NHK and the Asahi and so on and this didn't understand at all.

The mistake lies in that thing itself that some person in such ones takes Nobel Prize and that some person is likened to the candidacy, too, is the cause why it made the world in now.

It gets back to the main subject though, if becoming with now, also in here, in various events which also stopped the developing of the turntable of civilization, actually, the secret maneuver of the intelligence agency in Korea and China, in other words, with the media in NHK and the Asahi and so on, it faces so-called men of culture who side with this, it is that there may be their operation.

It isn't exaggerated even if it says that thinking that it didn't know being different from the media report immediately ahead of the voting day of the presidential election and which won more at all was only the old person of the eminent rich man in Osaka with long relationship with me.

I, in particular, as I was, it is not surprising that even the US citizens may think that it is impossible for the New York Times or the Washington Post to be correct, in other words, the establishment continues to write biased articles, it is quite unlikely that it reports on facts, I thought that it would be funny to think that the American people do not feel it.

Or, because that I continue to send the world isn't show, the New York Times paper and Washington Post paper and so on, like Asahi Shimbun, to specifically Japanese, it is more funny to think that the American hasn't begun to know that it continued to write the thing which is ignorant in the distorted thought, is coarse and is messy. Actually, because my word should reach much more persons. There was such a feeling.

This article continues

Haven't been unbroken but only they have increased an income actually, as continuing to

2016年11月15日 14時37分55秒 | 日記

As it knows a reader about my writing about Mr. Donald Trump next term U.S. president very much restraining-ly

The biggest reason is as mentioned previously, the person that the possibility to become President-elect in the U.S. is high, in other words, it is because the Republican Party was the candidacy which chose the last as President-elect.

As it knows writing that it was the trickster which is the biggest after the war rather, which destroyed a lie, the nonnuclear myth which covered 70 year Japan after the war, instantly, too, about his sensational remark

About 10 years before, it was passing long ago though when I have to write the turntable of civilization, however, it is when thinking that it is necessary to write as expected, I noticed that it wasn't considering at all about the stock market which is the root of the capitalism.

Therefore, considering a few years, a stock market and finishing writing the turntable of civilization after that, too, are as it knows.

Therefore, I asserted then the various events which no one referred to.

In the one, 1 dollar = 111 yen - 112 yen be the actual cash value of the dollar and the yen, only in correcting like this, it be possible to stop the big stagnation of Japan which was big misfortune for the world unnecessarily, in other words, in Japan's big stagnation, that the developing of the turntable of civilization stopped, making the very dangerous and unstable world in now is the fact which is historic now.

However, the price is even the purchasing power parity itself which the International Monetary Fund is calculating, without even noticing that it does media in those days and that it does so-called men of culture in them by anyone, it continued saying foolish things saying that it is good with Super high yen, and it continued to make Japan's lost 20.

Haven't been unbroken but only they have increased an income actually, as continuing to live a comfortable life, too, is previously mentioned.

Most of the big businesses which represent Japan which is the true real thing suffer from the pain, feigned ignorance even that it drove a youngster in Japan to the poverty and being job-scarce, the marriage difficulty, they (it may say that it was so-called Establishment, the tribe of the lump of the egoism) continued to be at the height of their prosperity.

Some companies to have made a deflation progress more, with Japan equaling the U.S. by the arrival of IT world, it ruins a TRON revolution in Japan which could grasp a hegemony as the natural result, it drives to the status in the company which manufactures the box of merely PC, that Japan the electric appliance manufacturer group to be proud of in the world, while making an countless anguish person, only as for them, the persons as it became 1 or 2 big rich men in Japan rose.

In other words, supposing that it looked for the fault in the U.S., it ran out to being gap society (as the story after denying doing all stunning of the American dream) but it produced the executive of the small number which created the aspect of the gap society personally to the society in completely unknown Japan with this American type.

This article continues


2016年11月15日 13時51分36秒 | 日記































2016年11月15日 13時01分03秒 | 日記























2016年11月15日 12時43分10秒 | 日記



























Hell on earth state Korea, it has no choice but to emigrate. It was written.

2016年11月15日 10時33分43秒 | 日記

The article in the following which was written on August 28th, 2012 became the 1st of the popular page yesterday in goo.

It seems though the people to have had something searched by seeing a state in now in Korea of may have seen, it isn't necessary to say a satisfied thing to me.

Because, it is because the history is proving that this short article, too, hit the mark now.

It isn't possible to say whether only that there was nothing which is good for Japan but making the actual state of Korea clear to the subscriber of Asahi Shimbun and so on are a good, about the tumult of Park Geun-hye this time.

A big writing in signboard was installed in the large-scale protest demonstration hall and the media was telling the phrase which was written there.

Hell on earth state Korea, it has no choice but to emigrate. It was written.

(In other words, I continued to refer Korea which is the country for which it is difficult to grow, it is the word which is proving a completely right thing.)

The following is the article which was written on August 28th, 2012.

In eight page of Asahi Shimbun this morning, Tateno Junji of America total director has the article of him who combines the introduction of the contents about taking out a proposal book to Japan by Armitage and Mr. Joseph Nye in America on August 15th in the joint signature.

In the last, Tateno writes though he thinks that it is the country which cannot draw even a self-portrait, it is the really 2nd prize countries.

To this and also the astonishing thing, the country which is in his mind, in the ostensibly for his good moralism on itself, or, because of it, the incorrigible one of masochism view of history's being exposed, it should be Japan criticism.

It is Tateno.

Like me yesterday, by Wikipedia, after reading after seeing with the Republic of Korea, don't you say things?

There is a country of the fascism in the 21st century leading soon, too, it would be natural, it is the style which immigrated to the U.S. from that it was difficult to do the growing, throwing away a country, but the persons who were educated as the fascist, they are in the persistent keeping on doing a Japan attack in American each place, it should make a problem, or this is a serious question.

Mr. Tateno, the really 2nd prize countries are Korea which exists as the country of the fascist in the 21st century, not being the country which cannot draw even a self-portrait but fabricating a self-portrait.

Being immersed to the ostensibly for his good moralism of 67 years after the war, it had better stop seeing Japan in the feelings of the masochism immediately.

For some reason?

There is a country of the monster next, the time which is keeping such feelings to be nowhere any more, it is an emergency time to contend for a moment.

This is a battle with the fascism, awful actual state of this Korea, the fascism which isn't permitted, you introduce to the world and to the U.S.

It is your work.

Japan which is the country of the true democracy which has the best intellect of the world which equals the U.S. and the liberty, you are doing masochism to the Japan.

It has become a fact of being an outdated brain in 67 years more.

:-) That it had better subscribe to my book which is once a good book in 66 with the right now nearest bookstore, or the Net bookstore, the electronic book of the side bar about not being still subscribed to.


Of becoming the country which can rescue the world by Japan's reconstructing (its turning back) to become the country which heads the world, towering with the U.S.

It is because all is convinced that all has no choice but to make a choosing ruler execute 〈the answer〉 which I wrote about my book with all over Japan people read.

You whichever page it opens, my creation, one obvious Gifted, It comes across the word as the result which is achieving the mission which was given by the God.

Il n'y avait même pas de preuves et, bien entendu, le Japon et la République de Corée

2016年11月15日 10時07分54秒 | 日記

Ce qui suit est la suite du chapitre précédent.

※ L'examen de Kono parler

Avec le secrétaire général du Cabinet, Yohei Kono du cabinet Miyazawa à l'époque du 4 août 1993, ignorant un fait historique tout à fait, la conversation qui a compromis politiquement tout comme l'armée japonaise a pris une femme en Corée, le forçant et l'a fait une esclave sexuelle .

Il n'y avait même pas de preuves du tout et bien sûr, le Japon et la République de Corée ont été résolus, y compris toutes les compensations parce qu'ils ont conclu un traité parce que Asahi Shimbun a fait apparaître un coréen, l'éclairage par la publicité comme il est possible de voler de l'argent Du Japon, mais l'une, la femme de confort, a été employé une prostituée indirectement, en faisant un contrat avec le fournisseur de prostitution en Corée en fait.

Cependant, quant au côté coréen, il presse le Japon de faire des compromis comme une considération, en disant alors, l'honneur de la femme apparaissant confort écrase, il a approuvé le mensonge du côté coréen qui est juste comme il est comme la vue officielle du Japonais Le gouvernement, à propos d'aucune preuve de cela, a fait de la femme militaire japonaise une femme de confort, étant la contrainte de prendre pour le côté japonais pour déterminer cette histoire tôt.

Il est possible de dire où le compromis diplomatique politique est le pire premier habituel.

Il presse le Japon de toute la région dans cette conversation Kono jusqu'à ce qu'il mène au bouclier dans le présent.

Il presse le Japon de toute la région dans cette conversation Kono jusqu'à ce qu'il mène au bouclier dans le présent, la Chine et la Corée interférer dans l'éducation du manuel, l'enfant au Japon, il essaie de faire des Japonais s'excuser à l'avenir, perdons La justice morale des Japonais, elle exploite au maximum la distorsion de l'histoire comme elle l'a vu jusqu'ici.

C'est une des rationalisations qui regardent les Japonais avec hostilité et les motifs de la manifestation antijaponaise, aussi, pour le coréen ordinaire.

Il ya même un cas car il fait une excursion scolaire vie au Japon se jeter sur le terrain.


Cet article continue.

naturalmente, il Giappone e la Repubblica di Corea hanno avuto

2016年11月15日 10時06分35秒 | 日記

Quanto segue è il sequel del capitolo precedente.

※ La revisione di Kono parlare

Con il capo di gabinetto, Yohei Kono di gabinetto Miyazawa, al momento della 4 Agosto 1993 ignorando completamente un fatto storico, il discorso che ha compromesso politicamente, proprio come come l'esercito giapponese ha preso una donna in Corea, costringendo e le fece una schiava sessuale .

Non c'era nemmeno la prova a tutti e per di più, naturalmente, il Giappone e la Repubblica di Corea era stato risolto compresi tutti i compensi, perché hanno concluso un trattato perché Asahi Shimbun ha fatto apparire un coreano, lo illuminazione per la pubblicità, come è possibile rubare i soldi dal Giappone, ma quello, la donna di comfort, è stato impiegato una prostituta indirettamente, facendo un contratto con il fornitore della prostituzione in Corea una realtà.

Tuttavia, come per la parte coreana, si preme il Giappone a fare compromessi come una considerazione, dicendo poi, l'onore delle appaiono schiaccia il comfort donna, ha approvato la menzogna della parte coreana che è altrettanto è come la posizione ufficiale del giapponese governo su alcuna prova di esso ha fatto la donna militare giapponese una donna di comfort, essendo la costrizione di prendere per la parte giapponese per determinare questa storia presto.

È possibile dire dove il compromesso diplomatico politica è il peggiore solito prima.

Esso pressioni Giappone da tutta l'area in questo discorso Kono fino a quando non conduce allo scudo nel presente.

Esso pressioni Giappone da tutta l'area in questo discorso Kono fino a quando non conduce allo scudo nel presente, la Cina e la Corea del interferiscono nella formazione del libro di testo, il bambino in Giappone, si cerca di rendere giapponese scuso in futuro, far perdere la giustizia morale dei giapponesi, che sfrutta la distorsione della storia fino in fondo come ha visto finora.

Si tratta di una delle razionalizzazioni che riguardano giapponese con ostilità e le bollette motrici della manifestazione anti-giapponese, troppo, per il coreano ordinario.

C'è anche un caso, come fa una scuola di vita escursione in Giappone gettarsi a terra.


Questo articolo continua.

además, por supuesto, el Japón y la República de Corea

2016年11月15日 10時06分03秒 | 日記

Lo que sigue es la secuela del capítulo anterior.

※ La revisión de la conversación de Kono

Con el Jefe de Gabinete del Secretario, Yohei Kono del gabinete de Miyazawa en el momento del 4 de agosto de 1993, ignorando un hecho histórico, la charla que comprometió políticamente al igual que el ejército japonés tomó a una mujer en Corea, forzándola y convirtiéndola en esclava sexual .

Ni siquiera había pruebas en absoluto y, por supuesto, Japón y la República de Corea habían sido resueltos incluyendo toda compensación porque habían celebrado un tratado porque Asahi Shimbun hizo aparecer un coreano, iluminándolo con el anuncio, como es posible robar dinero De Japón, pero la única, la mujer de la comodidad, se empleó una ramera indirectamente, haciendo un contrato con el proveedor de la prostitución en la Corea de hecho.

Sin embargo, en cuanto a la parte coreana, presiona a Japón para hacer el compromiso como una consideración, diciendo entonces, el honor de la mujer que parece la comodidad aplasta, aprobó la mentira del lado coreano que es apenas como es como la opinión oficial del japonés Gobierno sobre ninguna prueba de ello hizo que la mujer militar japonesa una mujer de la comodidad, siendo la obligación de tomar para el lado japonés para determinar esta historia temprana.

Es posible decir donde el compromiso diplomático político es el peor primero habitual.

Presiona a Japón de todo el área en esta charla de Kono hasta que conduce al escudo en el presente.

Presiona a Japón de todo el área en esta conversación de Kono hasta que conduce al escudo en el presente, China y Corea interfieren en la educación del libro de texto, el niño en Japón, trata de hacer que los japoneses se disculpen en el futuro, perdamos La justicia moral de los japoneses, explota al máximo la distorsión de la historia tal como lo vio hasta ahora.

Es una de las racionalizaciones que consideran a los japoneses con hostilidad y los motivos de la manifestación antijaponesa, también para el coreano común.

Incluso hay un caso ya que hace que una vida de excursión escolar en Japón se tire en el suelo.


Este artículo continúa.

und darüber hinaus natürlich auch Japan und die Republik Korea

2016年11月15日 10時05分18秒 | 日記

Das Folgende ist die Fortsetzung des vorhergehenden Kapitels.

※ Die Überprüfung der Kono sprechen

Mit dem Chefkabinettssekretär Yohei Kono vom Miyazawa-Kabinett zur Zeit des 4. August 1993, in dem eine historische Tatsache völlig ignoriert wurde, wurde das Gespräch, das politisch so gefährdet war wie das japanische Militär, eine Frau in Korea und zwang sie zu einem sexuellen Sklaven .

Es gab nicht einmal Beweise überhaupt und darüber hinaus natürlich Japan und die Republik Korea gelöst worden, einschließlich aller Entschädigung, weil sie einen Vertrag, weil Asahi Shimbun machte einen koreanischen erscheinen, beleuchtet ihn durch die Werbung, wie es möglich ist, Geld zu stehlen Von Japan aber die eine, die Trostfrau, war es eine Hure indirekt beschäftigt, die einen Vertrag mit dem Prostitutionslieferanten in der Korea eine tatsächlich.

Jedoch, wie für die koreanische Seite, drückt Japan, um Kompromisse wie eine Rücksicht zu tun, dann sagen, die Ehre der erscheinenden Trostfrau zermalmt, es genehmigt die Lüge der koreanischen Seite, die genauso ist wie die offizielle Ansicht der Japaner Regierung über keine Beweise es machte die japanische Militärfrau eine Trostfrau, wobei der Zwang, der für die japanische Seite, diese Geschichte früh zu bestimmen.

Es ist möglich zu sagen, wo der politische diplomatische Kompromiss das Schlimmste überhaupt ist.

Es drückt Japan aus der ganzen Gegend in diesem Kono-Talk, bis es zum Schild in der Gegenwart führt.

Es drückt Japan aus allen Bereichen in diesem Kono sprechen, bis es zum Schild in der Gegenwart führt, China und Korea stören in die Bildung des Lehrbuchs, das Kind in Japan, es versucht, die Japaner in der Zukunft entschuldigen, lassen Sie uns verlieren Die moralische Gerechtigkeit der Japaner, nutzt sie die Geschichtsverzerrung voll aus, wie sie bisher sah.

Es ist eine der Rationalisierungen, die Japaner mit Feindseligkeit und die Motivrechnungen der antijapanischen Demonstration auch für den gewöhnlichen Koreaner betrachten.

Es gibt sogar einen Fall, wie es macht eine Schule Exkursion Leben in Japan werfen sich auf den Boden.


Dieser Artikel geht weiter.

Nem sequer havia provas e, além disso, naturalmente, o Japão ea República da Coreia tinham

2016年11月15日 10時04分45秒 | 日記

O seguinte é a sequela do capítulo precedente.

※ A revisão da conversa de Kono

Com o secretário-chefe do Gabinete, Yohei Kono, do gabinete de Miyazawa na época de 4 de agosto de 1993, ignorando completamente um fato histórico, a conversa que comprometeu politicamente, assim como as forças armadas japonesas levaram uma mulher na Coréia forçando e tornando-a um escravo sexual .

Nem sequer havia provas e, claro, o Japão e a República da Coreia haviam sido resolvidos incluindo todas as compensações porque tinham celebrado um tratado porque Asahi Shimbun fez aparecer um coreano, iluminando-o pelo anúncio, como é possível roubar dinheiro Do Japão, mas o único, a mulher de conforto, foi empregado indiretamente uma prostituta, fazendo um contrato com o fornecedor de prostituição na Coréia, na verdade.

No entanto, como para o lado coreano, pressiona o Japão a fazer concessões como uma consideração, dizendo que, então, a honra da mulher aparecendo conforto esmaga, aprovou a mentira do lado coreano que é apenas como é como a visão oficial do japonês Governo sobre nenhuma evidência de que fez a mulher militar japonês uma mulher de conforto, sendo a obrigação de tomar para o lado japonês para determinar esta história cedo.

É possível dizer onde o compromisso político diplomático é o pior primeiro usual.

Pressões Japão de toda a área nesta conversa de Kono até que conduz ao protetor no presente.

Pressão Japão de toda a área nesta conversa de Kono até que conduz ao protetor no presente, China e Coreia interferem na educação do livro de texto, a criança em Japão, ele tenta fazer Japonês desculpar-se no futuro, deixe-nos perder A justiça moral dos japoneses, explora a distorção da história ao máximo como ela viu até agora.

É uma das racionalizações que consideram os japoneses com hostilidade e as motive facturas da manifestação anti-japonesa, também, para o coreano comum.

Há mesmo um caso como faz uma vida de excursão escolar no Japão jogue-se no chão.


Este artigo continua.


2016年11月15日 10時04分11秒 | 日記











