文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

As Japan that cannot lose the war lost, revolution may occur in the meantime.

2016年11月21日 22時41分46秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.


Another point, I think that Mr. Nanbara shook the flag of "total peace" because there was a kind of fear.

As Japan that cannot lose the war lost, revolution may occur in the meantime.

If that happens, the Communist regime will purge the right wing forces according to the "32 years thesis" issued by Comintern (World Revolutionary Movement) in 1932.

Fearing such a purge, cultural people who write things did not write things that would be out of the "thesis", and they did not say that again.

I wonder if there was such an implicit restraint.

It is thought that the Socialist Party opposed the peace treaty because it was opposed by people in Japan in addition to the reason why it was raised now. 

It is thought that the Socialist Party opposed the single peace because the people of South Korean national living in Japan were opposed in addition to the reason why I said.

So why do people from South Korean national living in Japan think that this is also experienced often by Mr. Kusaka, but under occupation they were giving free rein to one's desires in dark business, because it was.

Although the police inspected the Japanese who do business in the dark, they closed their eyes in the darkness of the Koreans.

Also in Tsuruoka my hometown, rice's black-market transaction was seen, but the Koreans were tolerated.

Kida Gen, a prominent researcher of Heidegger’s philosophy, was also doing the black-market peddler to feed the family.

As it mentioned in the interview book "life force invites lucky" (chichi publisher), but the train that the black marketer got on is overloaded and the police come aboard there. However, it says that they did not investigate the fact that only four or five people were on the vehicle on which the black marketer of Korea and Korea got on.

What will happen if Japan recovers from independence when such benefits arise?

Sovereignty returns to the Japanese police.

Then, it will become possible to crack down on "Third Nationals" in words of the time.

So they were afraid that Japan will restore sovereignty.

So they made a huge contribution to the Socialist Party of the time.


Oh no, I did not know that.


At that time full peace activists had been prey on unbroken in the later Socialist Party.

At that time full peace activists had been prey on unbroken in the later Socialist Party.

Nowadays the artificial island development problem in the South China Sea, the comfort women problem, or the Senkaku problem is boiling, but I think that it was really good under the Abe administration.

If I think this is under the Democratic Party of Japan, I will feel critic.


I'm with you.

It used that sophistry, it is a left-wing intellectual who was called "Progressive cultural person"

2016年11月21日 22時01分08秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

In Japan, it shakes hands with "almost all the countries in the world", and since the occupation by the US is over and independence as a country is restored, there was nothing more thankful for this.

Nevertheless, there was a strange movement in Japan.

Taking advantage of the Soviet Union and its satellite countries (only three countries!) opposed the Peace Treaty, there was a power opposed to the Peace Treaty Japan tried to conclude.

It puts a name, "the separate peace", to 49 countries of peace treaties, the peace treaty which put USSR and the satellite is called "the overall peace", it made difficulties, saying "the country should link an overall peace".


Because they called the treaty of "concluding with almost all the countries of the world" "the separate peace", plus the three Socialist countries such as the Soviet Union, Poland and the Czech Republic, "total peace" It was "word play".

It used that sophistry, it is a left-wing intellectual who was called "Progressive cultural person".


I am remembering that the secretariat of all peaceful schools, as it was put in Iwanami Shoten certainly.


It is said that it was the second floor of Iwanami Shoten.


President of the University of Tokyo at that time Shigeru Nanbara was also an overall peace disputant.

"Support an overall peace!" is the command of Stalin, it was said that it was at least Stalin's hope, so the Communist Party or the Socialist Party in line with the will of the Soviet Union, and progressive cultural people who thought socialism was justice, cried out that kind of force opposing the separate peace! I tried to prevent the concluding of peace treaty. They were no longer as good as "priests".

When saying, "Peace treaty which Soviet bloc countries are not in is not accepted", that time under the East-West Cold War, it meant not to conclude peace treaty.

In other words, it did not wish for independence of my country, and it chose the road that will be placed under US occupation for decades.

So let's pretend to "peaceful peace" and disturb Japan's independence recovery, to the President of the University of Tokyo Nanbara, it is famous that Prime Minister Shigeru Yoshida threw a word "prostitution of learning" and criticized severely.

The word "prostitution of learning", which means that he is giving back to the world by tweaking academics, has become a buzzword.

* This is recently, suddenly, those who are called scholars appear before TV cameras, and it is quite natural in countries other than Japan all over the world, a bill to protect their own country, moreover, in the form of fascism nationals and totalitarian states themselves, For the fact that the Diet resolved a bill to deter actions contrary to such rules, which protects our country from the territory of our country and the country that initiated and invaded the territorial waters of international law Those who are affiliated with elementary school students' level labels, such as war bills, and the scholars, media, and political parties who are still shouting, are still exactly the same as this time, people around the world who have ordinary brains You should notice.


2016年11月21日 18時56分58秒 | 日記

以下は2016-02-22 に発信した記事である。






渡部 原発稼働に話を戻しますと、菅政権は慌てて一挙に日本中の原発を停めてしまいましたが、停める必要は全然なかったと考えています。原発を稼働させながらでも安全策はいくらでも強化できたし、千年に一度の大地震がすぐ起こるはずもないんですから、稼働させながら防波堤の嵩上げは可能だったと思います。 


日下 もしそうなら、二人は日本に対して愛国心がないからですよ。そういう人が首相になったり、社長になったりするのを許している日本というのはじつに不思議な国です。

渡部 そもそも民主党政権というのは、ある程度、民団(在日本大韓民国民団)に牛耳られた政権でした。民団の人たちが民主党の選挙を手伝ったり、民主党幹部がそのお礼に駆けつけたりと、怪しげなところが見えました。それは私の憶測ではありません。2010年の新聞報道によりますとー1月12日、都内のホテルで開かれた民団中央本部の新年パーティーに顔を見せた赤松広隆農水相(当時)はこう挨拶しています。「鄭進(チョンジン)団長をはじめ、民団のみなさまには昨年、とくにお世話になりました。投票はしてもらえませんが、全国各地でいろんなかたちでご支援いただき、308議席を獲得することができました。それが政権交代につながりました。衆院選での支援に心から感謝申し上げます」と。


日下 在日とはいえ、選挙権をもたない外国人相手に「公約」なんていうこと自体がおかしい。


渡部 民主党というのは、さかのぼって考えると社会党系であり、戦後の「全面講和派」だというべきです。





日下 その問題については、いまの若い人たちがあまり詳しく知らないと思いますので、簡単に解説を加えておきましょう。




2016年11月21日 18時54分18秒 | 日記

以下は2016-02-22 に発信した記事である。






渡部 原発稼働に話を戻しますと、菅政権は慌てて一挙に日本中の原発を停めてしまいましたが、停める必要は全然なかったと考えています。原発を稼働させながらでも安全策はいくらでも強化できたし、千年に一度の大地震がすぐ起こるはずもないんですから、稼働させながら防波堤の嵩上げは可能だったと思います。 


日下 もしそうなら、二人は日本に対して愛国心がないからですよ。そういう人が首相になったり、社長になったりするのを許している日本というのはじつに不思議な国です。

渡部 そもそも民主党政権というのは、ある程度、民団(在日本大韓民国民団)に牛耳られた政権でした。民団の人たちが民主党の選挙を手伝ったり、民主党幹部がそのお礼に駆けつけたりと、怪しげなところが見えました。それは私の憶測ではありません。2010年の新聞報道によりますとー1月12日、都内のホテルで開かれた民団中央本部の新年パーティーに顔を見せた赤松広隆農水相(当時)はこう挨拶しています。「鄭進(チョンジン)団長をはじめ、民団のみなさまには昨年、とくにお世話になりました。投票はしてもらえませんが、全国各地でいろんなかたちでご支援いただき、308議席を獲得することができました。それが政権交代につながりました。衆院選での支援に心から感謝申し上げます」と。


日下 在日とはいえ、選挙権をもたない外国人相手に「公約」なんていうこと自体がおかしい。


渡部 民主党というのは、さかのぼって考えると社会党系であり、戦後の「全面講和派」だというべきです。





日下 その問題については、いまの若い人たちがあまり詳しく知らないと思いますので、簡単に解説を加えておきましょう。




2016年11月21日 18時38分02秒 | 日記





























2016年11月21日 18時33分15秒 | 日記






















What country’s dictionary lists the "definitions" that have rights and cannot be exercised?

2016年11月21日 18時20分58秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Prime Minister Yoshida took a stand for peace but Japan was in a position like a protected country in the United States.

Prior to this the Korean War broke out.

It had to find a police reserve party despite saying that it was not a fighting force.

Prime Minister Nobusuke Kishi will revise the Japan - U.S. Security Treaty in order to get out of the position of a protected state. In the case of

However, the SDF founded is only given the behavioral principle of the police system after all.

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will promote the Defense Agency from the Defense Agency to the Ministry of Defense in the First Cabinet and try to improve the security legislation for the purpose of making it effective for defense.

Even without writing in the Constitution, every country has the right of self-defense.

The brute in the case of Japan is "Article 9, paragraph 2," The right of belligerency of the country is not admitted ".

If you do not get hit, do not hit. You can defend when you get hit. There is the right of collective self-defense for its defense.

For a long time in Japan, we interpreted the right of collective self-defense as "there is a right but cannot be exercised."

What country’s dictionary lists the "definitions" that have rights and cannot be exercised?

The United Nations Charter admits the right of collective self-defense.

The New Security Legislation allows attacks from enemies to "minimize the existence of their own country" and to exercise minimum necessary military force under collective self-defense rights.

Some constitutional scholars are doing "exegetics". Exegetics means to fall into an academic play to check the meaning of kanji and not discernment sentences.

Postscript omitted 

many scholars oppose the exercise of collective self-defense rights under the theory of

2016年11月21日 18時07分09秒 | 日記

Anyone who is decent, except for the Asahi Shimbun and the Mainichi Shimbun and the so-called cultural people who have been in tune with this, allied the freedom and intellectuals and democracy camps to which Japan belongs, the alliance with the United States = It is only natural to choose to strengthen the Japan - US alliance.

In the first place, the greatest ideological base on which the Asahi and Mainichi and the so-called cultural people who came in conformity with this are founded is that they are like the Imperial standard, and now they are making public opinion with misguided editorials Purging, the Constitution, which is the grounds for their downgrading the support rate of the Abe cabinet, it was what the US made during occupation gave to Japan.

They also have a bad influence of Marx moreover, it is likely that it is also affected by the advertisement of Comintern.

At the same time I was surprised at how much existence such as the constitutional scholars that they had carried out, I wrote repeatedly that they were people with qualities to talk about politics or that scholars were Japan's best players.

Those who work for those who work in excellent corporate groups that Japan is proud of worldwide and those involved in the administration of the country, those involved in international politics are trinity, I mention it many times as intelligence, physical fitness and vigor, and because they are my friends (because they are also my classmates ... they are scholars, they are simply students who are taking exams It is not an exaggeration to say ... It is not an exaggeration to say that people who chose to escape from real society are people who are the ones who have chosen to escape from the real world.Indeed there are so many evils in reality society, which is not easy. )

To those who took refuge from such reality and came to eat with the tax of the country, It wrote that folly that makes politics speak is the cause of the destruction of the state.

Evaluation that Shigeru Yoshida is an excellent politician who also saved Japan after World War II is common sense in Japan.

Yesterday, I was surprised to read the paper by political critic Yayama Taro at Sankei.

It was because there were places like the following.

Preamble is omitted

Emphasis on writing is me

The fiction of "peace and full peace"

In case of the constitutional scholar in the National Assembly said that "the exercise of collective self-defense rights violates the constitution", including the ruling party recommendation, the support rate of the Shinzo Abe cabinet declined rapidly. 

While looking at this kind, I remembered Prime Minister Yoshida Shigeru when I was a high school student.

At that time, the US military occupation, when the occupation is over, it will be independent with each country to sign peace treaty.

Prime Minister Yoshida announced that he will sign a treaty with the United States alone. On the other hand, there are many ways of thinking that "a country with better socialism can be created" and scholars wanted to "peace with the Sino-Soviet Union", but then it will be hostile to the United States.

So they insisted on "full peace" with the US, China, the Soviet Union and all, in the case of.

To the theory of Prime Minister Yoshida 's single peace with the United States, Nambara Shigeru president of Tokyo University got up to it, "A place full of peace" with the US, China, the Soviet Union and all, is what people want, arguing that this is a political scientist's duty.

Even in the graduation ceremony at the University of Tokyo in March 1945, he also talked about "peace and full peace theory".

Prime Minister Yoshida who was angry with this criticized that "President Namahara and others are standing in the field of politicians and getting to know them is nothing but a prostitution of learning."

Prostitution of learning is a word that appears in Records of the Grand Historian, a scholar who butters up to the times.

Some constitutional scholars who fell into exegetics

Currently, Japan is facing the threat of China.

China says it will try to manage the Pacific Ocean to the United States in half or whether it will create "new type of great powers relations" only in the U.S. However, which side will Japan enter when divided into halves?

It is probably that many scholars oppose the exercise of collective self-defense rights under the theory of "total peace treaty" in the past.

This article continues


2016年11月21日 16時42分44秒 | 日記

戦後民主主義をどう生きるか 三谷太一郎〈著〉

評・杉田敦, 政治学者・法政大学教授






















































What they should do now, whatever they do, what to do is to put an announcement advertisement

2016年11月21日 16時29分52秒 | 日記

Yesterday, in the circumstances of the previous chapter, when I was killing time, I quickly thought through a paper in a pretty large space of an editorial board of the Asahi Shimbun after a long time.

As I mentioned earlier, I noticed that the people of the Asahi Shimbun were human beings in the lower half from the middle 440 of my classmates. (There are few in my classmate)

As already mentioned, as I mentioned earlier in the world that they are not true elite representative of Japan.

What they should do now, whatever they do, what to do is to put an announcement advertisement using all the stages on the leading paper all over the world, and comfort women and military comfort women are fabrics spread throughout the world by the misinformation of the Asahi Newspaper to inform the world all over,

as mentioned earlier that I mentioned many times.

Nanjing massacre also wrote in them, Katsuichi Honda who was quite absurd titled as a big reporter, became a great best seller in Japan, naturally also wrote in the "Travel in China" that spread throughout the world, all those who made the Nanjing massacre at all, all of whom wrote the things that were handed down from the Communist Party of China, that is to say that it is the propaganda of the Communist Party of China, whip out all the stages of leading paper all over the world as mentioned earlier that I mentioned that it is an explanation advertisement.

It did not do anything above, I thought that the impudence of the editorial boards of the Asahi Shimbun is beyond description, which keeps preaching to Japan and Japanese citizens.

They are really funny, in fact, for some reason it does not write it, what is absolutely correct in the world today is to correct the evil that the one party dictators of the Chinese Communist Party have been creating,

I thought that it is undeniable to write what the brains do not even know the simple fact that it is to correct Korean evil still continuing Nazism which is the name of anti-Japanese education started by Syngman Rhee.

However, I also remembered that Hotsumi Ozaki was one of the leading Chinese authority employees at the Asahi Shimbun. I guessed that the Asahi Shimbun is still full of Hotsumi Ozaki-like brains.

Actually, the Asahi Shimbun crowned Japan until August of the year ago as already mentioned.

As already mentioned, it is not an exaggeration to say that the Communist Party, especially the one party dictatorship of the Communist Party, propaganda is all.

As already mentioned, all major countries in the world other than Japan have information intelligence facilities, and that the information agencies in China and Korea are working day and night in Japan.

As I already mentioned, if I was the top of their country, I mentioned that work on the Asahi Shimbun is given top priority.

As a human being living in the 21st century than anything else,

As a citizen of Japan which is the country the turn table of civilization turning on,

First of all, without correcting China and Korea which must be corrected more than anything,

Trying to correct the Japanese government and Japanese citizens = synonymous with drowning and oppressing Japan = so for those who continue to preach,

As mentioned above, I mentioned that it was actually being completely piloted in China and South Korea.

There was no other thesis that I am convinced that these things were totally correct.

At the same time, I was convinced that the poor nature of the so-called cultural people who are still in sync with the Asahi Shimbun is beyond description.

After that, I read the following book review, I did not close the open mouth.

Because the evil of the Asahi Shimbun was extreme.

This draft continues.


2016年11月21日 15時51分16秒 | 日記
























Being human is diverse men, diverse minds, that there are countless people with problems

2016年11月21日 15時42分50秒 | 日記

Being human is diverse men, diverse minds, that there are countless people with problems, although it is clearly understood when becoming an adult, in the time of a child whose house is a roost, things are not so.

Thinking about it since becoming an adult, even if it is a family problem that has nothing to do, it goes without saying that becoming a fatal suffering for children can be understood by becoming an adult again. In the face of homely misfortune, any child cannot be intact.

As I mentioned earlier, I was reading Dostoevsky's "Brothers of Karamazov" at junior high school age. In this novel, in a major speech made by the counsel of the elder brother Dmitry, "The best problem is solved by human beings if all fathers are good fathers for children" is the best in my heart as I mentioned before, it was natural that what remained deeply.

A familial misfortune that was the biggest painful thing among the sufferings given to me in exchange for the brain that God gave to me (for this, I mentioned from the beginning of Tolstoy's world's best novel "Anna Karenina"), in order to escape from, literally, as I mentioned earlier, I sent a youth like Le Credio 's book of escape.

In the process, in a merchant house in Kyoto, there was a time with earned enough to keep body and soul together. As I mentioned before, the other day I was deeply moved by knowing that the merchant house was next to three birthplaces of Ito Jakuchu.

By the way my teacher ordered me no longer "You left at Kyoto University and stood with Kyoto University on his shoulders" That is, living in the academic world, I realized that I can no longer return, I, as I mentioned already, I decided to devote myself to business without reading the books I wanted to read, without watching movies I wanted to see for ten years and worked like a horse.

It goes without saying that I was not a scholar or a writer, who walked the way of a businessman from the empty pockets with Osaka as the stage of life.

This draft continues.


2016年11月21日 15時14分03秒 | 日記










Le Japon est un pays qui avait acquis la méthode des temps anciens, donc dites le fait que

2016年11月21日 11時25分48秒 | 日記

Il y a environ 10 ans, lorsque j'ai retrouvé Kyoto pour la troisième fois, je suis allé dans les sanctuaires et les temples et les jardins de Kyoto avec un appareil photo numérique de Casio que j'utilisais au travail tous les week-ends.

Donc, il n'est pas exagéré de dire que j'ai touché la réalité qui est complètement différente de la reconnaissance que j'étais un abonné de l'Asahi Shimbun pendant longtemps inconsciemment.

Hier, j'ai cru à la prévision du temps ensoleillé du matin et j'ai pensé à aller à Ishiyama-dera en même temps que la porte d'ouverture à 8 heures du matin. C'était quelques jours quand je pratiquais tôt au lit et tôt pour monter, donc il n'y avait aucun problème à se lever, mais mon meilleur ami dit dire que le temps est trop tôt.

Alors penser à tuer le temps, si récemment j'ai lu en diagonale, j'ai lu la section de lecture de l'Asahi.

C'était la même chose qu'hier, même après que j'ai remarqué que les auteurs de cette colonne étaient des hommes de la culture Asahi Shimbun.

J'ai re-découvert Kyoto une troisième fois il ya environ 10 ans, j'ai eu une crise grave de la maladie qui a été déclaré probabilité de 25% de la vie en 2011, j'ai été hospitalisé pendant 7 mois, mais j'ai été aidé par les médecins de l'Université de médecine de Kyoto, Depuis qu'il est venu à la reprise complète le 16 Décembre en 2011, j'ai passé plus de temps à visiter Kyoto, Shiga et Nara et à explorer.

J'ai passé 300 jours par an, ce qui était l'année suivante.

Je veux transmettre mon sentiment aux auteurs et aux examinateurs suivants et à tous les abonnés de l'Asahi Shimbun qui lisent ceci.

Les gens qui sont presque parfait. Pourquoi la vie scandinave est-elle la plus heureuse du monde?

Michael Booth

Examinateur: Kato Izuru Le Tokyo Tanshi Co., Ltd économiste en chef de recherche


C'est moi qui ai mis l'accent sur la phrase.

En fin de compte l'auteur, «les pays d'Europe occidentale cherchent quelque chose pour remplacer le capitalisme incontrôlé qui a entraîné leur économie à la ruine», la Scandinavie n'est pas parfaite, mais leur «Comment vivre, comment prioriser et traiter la richesse, Équitablement, l'équilibre travail et la vie personnelle, effectivement acquérir l'éducation, vivre avec le soutien mutuel »en, il conclut que nous devrions le pratiquer dans le cas de la Scandinavie.


Même si l'auteur ne connaît pas du tout le Japon, il n'est pas exagéré de dire que les abonnés de l'Asahi Shimbun, les critiques Kato, les comités de rédaction de l'Asahi Shimbun et les personnes dites culturelles qui sont en accord avec eux Ne connaissent pas du tout le Japon.

Pour l'auteur, le Japon est un pays qui avait acquis la méthode des temps anciens, donc dites le fait que la table tournante de la civilisation se tourne.

Je voudrais dire exactement la même chose à Kato-san de l'examinateur.

Surtout pour M. Kato, vous avez plus de temps et d'argent que les gens ordinaires, donc je voudrais recommander de voyager autour du Japon une fois.

Si vous dites qu'il n'y a pas ce temps, au moins "Otoko wa Tsurai yo (Il est difficile d'être un homme), que diriez-vous regarder l'histoire complète d'elle une fois?

Tout comme moi, vous pouvez le regarder encore et encore et regarder l'histoire complète de "Tsuribaka Nisshi" et l'histoire complète de la série du président (Morishige Hisaya).

Alors vous connaîtrez bien le Japon.

Bien sûr, il va sans dire que vous devriez visiter Kyoto · Shiga · Nara, Ise Shrine et Ise Shima National Park chaque jour férié.

Il Giappone è un paese che aveva acquisito il metodo fin dai tempi antichi,

2016年11月21日 11時25分12秒 | 日記

Circa 10 anni fa, quando ho riscoperto di Kyoto per la terza volta, sono andato ai santuari e templi e giardini a Kyoto con una fotocamera digitale di Casio che ho usato al lavoro durante il fine settimana ogni fine settimana.

Quindi non è esagerato dire che ho toccato la realtà che è completamente diverso dal riconoscimento che ero un abbonato del Asahi Shimbun per lungo tempo inconsciamente.

Ieri, ho creduto di mattina previsioni del tempo di sole e ho pensato di andare a Ishiyama-dera al tempo stesso come la porta di apertura alle 8 del mattino. E 'stato un paio di giorni in cui stavo praticando presto a letto e presto a salire, quindi non c'era nessun problema a alzarsi, ma la mia migliore amica dice dicendo che il tempo è troppo presto.

Così pensando per ammazzare il tempo, anche se di recente ho letto in diagonale, ho letto la sezione di lettura del Asahi.

E 'stato lo stesso di ieri, anche dopo ho notato che di questa colonna gli autori sono stati cosiddetti Asahi Shimbun cultura uomini.

Ho ri-scoperto di Kyoto per la terza volta circa 10 anni fa, ho avuto un grave attacco di malattia che è stata dichiarata il 25% di probabilità di vivere nel 2011, sono stato ricoverato per 7 mesi, ma sono stato aiutato dai medici in medicina dell'Università di Kyoto, dal momento che è venuto a completare il recupero il 16 dicembre nel 2011, ho passato più tempo per visitare Kyoto, Shiga e Nara e da esplorare.

Ho passato 300 giorni all'anno, che era l'anno successivo.

Voglio trasmettere la mia sensazione ai seguenti autori e revisori e tutti gli iscritti alla Asahi Shimbun che leggono questo.

Le persone che sono quasi perfetto. Perché la vita è scandinavo il più felice del mondo?

Michael Booth

Examiner: Kato Izuru Il Tokyo Tanshi Co., capo economista Research Ltd


Sono io che ha sottolineato la frase.

In definitiva l'autore, "paesi dell'Europa occidentale sono alla ricerca di qualcosa per sostituire il capitalismo incontrollato che ha spinto la loro economia in rovina", la Scandinavia non è perfetto, ma il loro "Come vivere, come priorità e trattare la ricchezza, come rendere la società in modo equo e piuttosto, il lavoro l'equilibrio e la vita personale, acquisiscono in modo efficace l'educazione, vivono con il supporto l'un l'altro "in, si concludono che dobbiamo praticarla nel caso della Scandinavia.


Anche se l'autore, naturalmente, non conosce il Giappone a tutti, non è esagerato dire che gli iscritti alla Asahi Shimbun, i revisori Kato, i comitati di redazione del Asahi Shimbun, e le cosiddette persone culturali che sono in sintonia con loro non so Giappone affatto.

Per l'autore, il Giappone è un paese che aveva acquisito il metodo fin dai tempi antichi, in modo da dire al fatto che la tabella di turno della civiltà si sta trasformando.

Vorrei dire la stessa cosa esatta di Kato-san del recensore.

Soprattutto per il signor Kato, si ha più tempo e denaro di quanto la gente comune, quindi vorrei raccomandare in giro per il Giappone una volta.

Se si dice che non c'è che il tempo, almeno "Otoko wa Tsurai yo (E 'difficile essere un uomo), che ne dici di guardare la storia completa di una volta?

Proprio come me, si può guardare più e più volte e guardare la storia completa di "Tsuribaka Nisshi" e la storia completa della serie presidente (Morishige Hisaya).

Poi si sa bene in Giappone.

Naturalmente va da sé che vi consigliamo di visitare Kyoto · · Shiga Nara, Ise Santuario e Parco Nazionale di Ise Shima ogni vacanza.