文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

internecine and the vilest mulish Leninism led them around by the nose.

2016年11月08日 22時51分07秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

In any case, the Chinese nationalism uplifted, being epoch-making, being stirred by USSR which aims at the world revolution = the Comintern and being anti-Japanese - anti-Japanese sentiment were deeply planted from the first.

From the beginning, Japan and the United States, to bring about a Communist revolution even as a means of war, internecine and the vilest mulish Leninism led them around by the nose.

Finally, Japan and Germany which strengthens anti-Communist posture by the opposition to the menace of the Comintern cross a hand, on the other hand, with the anti-Japanese strategy by USSR's with the US making and so on to it, with America which strengthens a stance tolerant towards communism gradually, it is inveigled into the indeed strange and tragical composition that this USSR crosses a hand respectively.

This article continues.

It is as that it did the exercise - the making that the comrades in all ages and countries are

2016年11月08日 22時15分50秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

As it saw in the last time (the number of July of this magazine), USSR contemplated, to put it briefly, anyhow let's fight Japan and the US, from immediately after the Russian Revolution (1917).

Waste society in its own country by the war, the target of the strategy which is based on the loss revolution theory of Lenin to cause a communism revolution, first, it is Japan as well as Germany, the first Japan-U.S. estrangement making was the exposure of the secret article of the 4th Japan-Russia agreement (July, 196 conclusion) which depends on Izvestia (the official newspaper of the Bolsheviki which were the main influence of the USSR revolution administration and the USSR government) in December, 1917.

The article is saying, the secret article in this agreement, it prevents for America to increase influence in Manchuria and joining, suppose that it means a Japan-Russia with the US offense and defense union, and it bruited, saying it is the plot of the war with the US by Japan.

By this making, America strengthens guard to Japan rapidly and moves roughly to the support to the anti-Japanese nationalism the exercise of the Chinese of it should exclude Japan from Manchuria - China.

* The part in the following of the paper of the Bulgarian journalist, Mr. Miroslav Marinov, also, it was cynical about some commentator, saying Bokova is suitable for UNESCO's spoiling top which undergoes the influence of the communist country strongly from the 1970s, it read and I was convinced.

That Japan was the racism state which discriminated against Ainu, and so on, continued to make it let out the recommendation to be the country of the discrimination against women which it is possible to say only to be ridiculousness, and so on, from UNESCO from the 1970s, that there must have been making from the communist country and the country which continued to do anti-Japanese education surely with so-called citizen group.

Even if it says that the making is all principles about the communism, the thing which isn't exaggerated is clear with the state of the Communist Party of China which is surviving now in the 21st century.

In other words, their making can connect with the result certainly.

Letting out a result is because the making of a supreme proposition, it are the making of Communist Party.

Mr. Nakanishi is describing as follows in his paper.

For the communist, it holds the estimate of the revolution in the concept in merely top of a desk and it should not place it.

Even if it supposes that the arrival of the communist society was the scientific truth, it is not realized one, silent and it reaches by independent the independent active revolutionary movement and the independent - active making.

It believes the realization of the revolution and a fact of being the estimate in the revolution is said to engage in the exercise and the making for it.

It is as that it did the exercise - the making that the comrades in all ages and countries are various shows.

Then, also Ozaki whom the communist is enough for, in addition to being the estimate in the top of a desk in the world war which prompts for the world revolution, it moved desperately to make it realize.*

This article continues

C'est un grand pas et sera l'activité que les Japonais devraient soutenir, à l'unisson

2016年11月08日 17時43分06秒 | 日記

Ce qui suit est la suite du chapitre précédent.

L'accent du texte est moi.

En outre, il a rapporté que le Japon a apparu dans la contre-attaque au sujet des médias en Chine avec égal ou plus de 200 japonais demandant l'affaire Tongzhou qui a été cruellement assassiné par les Chinois.
Il a annoncé que la réunion qui rend un nouveau manuel d'histoire appliquée à l'héritage de mémoire de l'UNESCO pour l'affaire Tongzhou - l'invasion du Tibet et le document sur la femme de confort et le matériel japonais règle militaire dans l'abonnement en mai.
C'est un grand pas et ce sera l'activité que les Japonais devraient soutenir, à l'unisson.
L'original de l'anglais de Note est la mémoire du monde.
La Commission nationale japonaise pour l'UNESCO a traduit cela dans l'héritage de mémoire, mais en traitant le mot qui frappe l'héritage comme l'héritage naturel et le patrimoine culturel qui est basé sur le traité en plus de ne pas être dans l'original a changé un terme équivalent en traduction dans le littéral Le style de traduction, la mémoire dans le monde, récemment du jugement ne pas être propre.
Seulement, un mot, l'héritage de mémoire, est censé être utilisé dans le futur, aussi, de la chose avec mauvaise connexion sur la structure de la phrase et ainsi de suite seulement dans la mémoire dans le monde avec pour correspondre à l'héritage traditionnel de la mémoire.

Cet article continue

Questo è un grande passo e sarà l'attività che i giapponesi dovrebbero sostenere, all'unisono

2016年11月08日 17時42分34秒 | 日記

Quanto segue è il sequel del capitolo precedente.

L'enfasi del testo sono io.

Inoltre, ha riferito che il Giappone è apparso in contropiede sui media in Cina con uguale o maggiore di 200 giapponese che richiede il caso Tongzhou che è stato crudelmente assassinato dai cinesi.
E ha annunciato che l'incontro che fa un nuovo manuale di storia applicata alla memoria eredità dell'Unesco per il caso Tongzhou - Tibet invasione e il documento della donna il comfort e il materiale governo militare giapponese nella sottoscrizione in maggio.
Questo è un grande passo e sarà l'attività che i giapponesi dovrebbero sostenere, all'unisono.
L'originale della lingua inglese della nota è la memoria del mondo.
Giapponese Commissione Nazionale per l'UNESCO ha tradotto questo in eredità memoria, ma maneggiare la parola che colpisce l'eredità come il patrimonio naturale e del patrimonio culturale che si basa sul trattato oltre a non essere in originale ha cambiato un termine equivalente nella traduzione nella letterale stile di traduzione, la memoria nel mondo, di recente dal giudizio non essere corretta.
Solo una parola, l'eredità di memoria, dovrebbe essere usato in futuro, anche dalla cosa con cattiva connessione sulla struttura della frase e così via solo nella memoria in tutto il mondo per abbinare convenzionale l'eredità di memoria.

Questo articolo continua

Este es un gran paso y será la actividad que los japoneses deben apoyar, al unísono

2016年11月08日 17時42分03秒 | 日記

Lo que sigue es la secuela del capítulo anterior.

El énfasis del texto es yo.

Asimismo, informó que Japón apareció en el contraataque sobre los medios en China con igual o más de 200 japoneses solicitando el caso de Tongzhou que fue cruelmente asesinado por los chinos.
Anunció que la reunión que hace un nuevo libro de texto de historia se aplicó a la herencia de la memoria de la UNESCO para el caso de Tongzhou - invasión de Tíbet y el documento sobre la mujer de la comodidad y el material de la regla militar japonesa en la suscripción en mayo.
Este es un gran paso y será la actividad que los japoneses deben apoyar, al unísono.
El original del inglés de la nota es la memoria del mundo.
La Comisión Nacional Japonesa para la UNESCO tradujo esto a la herencia de memoria, pero manejar la palabra que golpea la herencia como la herencia natural y el patrimonio cultural que se basa en el tratado además de no estar en el original cambió un término equivalente en traducción al literal Estilo de traducción, la memoria en el mundo, recientemente de la sentencia no es apropiado.
Sólo se supone que una palabra, la herencia de la memoria, se usará también en el futuro, de la cosa con mala conexión en la estructura de la oración, y así sucesivamente, sólo en la memoria del mundo para coincidir con la herencia convencional de la memoria.

Este artículo continúa

die die Japaner unterstützen sollte, im Einklang sein

2016年11月08日 17時41分21秒 | 日記

Das Folgende ist die Fortsetzung des vorhergehenden Kapitels.

Der Text Schwerpunkt ist mir.

Auch berichtete es, dass Japan in den Gegenangriff über die Medien in China mit gleich oder mehr als 200 Japaner für die Tongzhou Fall, der grausam von den Chinesen ermordet erschien.
Es kündigte an, dass die Sitzung, die eine neue Geschichte Lehrbuch für die UNESCO Gedächtnis Erbe für die Tongzhou Fall - Tibet Invasion und das Dokument über die Trostfrau und der japanischen Militärregel Material in der Subskription im Mai angewendet wird.
Dies ist ein großer Schritt und wird die Tätigkeit, die die Japaner unterstützen sollte, im Einklang sein.
Das Original von Englisch der Anmerkung ist die Erinnerung an die Welt.
Japanische Nationale Kommission für UNESCO übersetzt diese in die Erinnerung Vererbung, aber das Handeln des Wortes, die das Erbe wie das natürliche Erbe und das kulturelle Erbe, die auf dem Vertrag beruht neben dem nicht in der ursprünglichen geändert ein gleichwertiger Begriff in der Übersetzung in das wörtliche trifft Übersetzung Stil, das Gedächtnis in der Welt, vor kurzem aus dem Urteil nicht richtig zu sein.
Nur ein Wort, die Erinnerungsvererbung, soll auch in Zukunft von der Sache mit schlechtem Zusammenhang auf die Satzstruktur und so weiter nur in der Erinnerung in der Welt verwendet werden, um der konventionellen Erinnerungsvererbung zu entsprechen.

Dieser Artikel geht weiter

Este é um grande passo e será a atividade que os japoneses devem apoiar, em uníssono

2016年11月08日 17時40分47秒 | 日記

O que se segue é a sequela do capítulo anterior.

A ênfase do texto é mim.

Além disso, relatou que o Japão apareceu no contra-ataque sobre a mídia na China com igual ou mais de 200 japoneses aplicando para o caso Tongzhou que foi cruelmente assassinado pelos chineses.
Ele anunciou que a reunião que faz um novo livro de história aplicada à herança de memória da UNESCO para o caso de Tongzhou - a invasão do Tibete eo documento sobre a mulher de conforto eo material de regra militar japonês na assinatura em maio.
Este é um grande passo e será a atividade que os japoneses devem apoiar, em uníssono.
O original do inglês de nota é a memória do mundo.
A Comissão Nacional Japonesa para a UNESCO traduziu isso para a herança de memória, mas manipular a palavra que atinge a herança como a herança natural eo património cultural que se baseia no tratado, além de não estar no original mudou um termo equivalente em tradução para o literal Estilo de tradução, a memória no mundo, recentemente do julgamento não ser apropriado.
Somente uma palavra, a herança da memória, é suposto ser usada no futuro também, da coisa com má conexão na estrutura da oração e assim por diante só na memória do mundo para combinar convencional a herança da memória.

Este artigo continua


2016年11月08日 17時40分15秒 | 日記



它宣布,製作一本新的歷史教科書的會議適用於通州案例 - 西藏入侵的教科文組織記憶遺產和5月份訂閱中的舒適女人和日本軍事規則材料的文件。



2016年11月08日 17時39分45秒 | 日記



它宣布,制作一本新的历史教科书的会议适用于通州案例 - 西藏入侵的教科文组织记忆遗产和5月份订阅中的舒适女人和日本军事规则材料的文件。



2016年11月08日 17時39分09秒 | 日記

다음은 앞 장에서의 속편이다.

텍스트 강조 날입니다.

또한, 일본이 같거나 잔인하게 중국에 의해 살해 된 통주의 경우 신청 200 개 이상의 일본과 중국의 미디어에 대한 역습에 출연 보도했다.
그것은 발표하여 통주의 경우에 대한 유네스코 메모리 상속에 적용되는 새로운 역사 교과서를 만드는 모임이 - 티베트 침공 월에 가입에서 편안한 여자와 일본의 군사 규칙 재료에 대한 문서.
이것은 하나의 큰 단계이며, 일본이 한마음으로 지원해야하는 활동이 될 것입니다.
참고 영어의 원래 세상의 메모리입니다.
일본인위원회는 유네스코의 메모리 상속에이 번역하지만 원래에없는 이외에 조약을 기반으로 자연 유산과 문화 유산 등 상속 안타 단어를 처리하면 문자로 변환에 해당하는 용어 변경 번역 스타일, 세계 메모리는 최근 판결에서 적절한 할 수 없습니다.
전용 워드 메모리 상속 문장 구조의 잘못된 연결을 가진 것에서도 미래에 사용될 등 만 세계에서 메모리에 통상 메모리 유산과 일치하도록되어있다.

이 문서는 계속


2016年11月08日 17時37分56秒 | 日記

Ниже является продолжением предыдущей главе.

Текст акцент я.

Кроме того, она сообщила, что Япония появилась в контратаках о средствах массовой информации в Китае с равным или более 200 японцев, претендующих на случай Тунчжоу, который был жестоко убит китайским.
Он сообщил, что на встрече, которая делает новый учебник по истории, приложенное к наследованию ЮНЕСКО памяти для случая Тунчжоу - Тибет вторжения и документ о женщине комфорт и японского военного правления материала в подписке в мае.
Это один большой шаг и будет деятельность, японцы должны поддерживать, в унисон.
Оригинал английском языке Примечание это память о мире.
Японская Национальная комиссия по делам ЮНЕСКО перевела это в наследство памяти, но обращение слово, которое ударяет наследование как естественного наследования и культурного наследия, которое на основе договора в дополнение к не будучи в оригинале изменился эквивалентный термин в переводе на дословный стиль перевода, память в мире, в последнее время от суда, чтобы не быть правильным.
Только слово, наследование памяти, как предполагается, будет использоваться в будущем, тоже, от того, что с плохим соединением по структуре предложения и так далее только в памяти в мире с, чтобы соответствовать обычным наследование памяти.

Эта статья продолжает

The Chinese nationalism to have had USSR print being anti-Japanese 

2016年11月08日 17時37分08秒 | 日記

In the number of December of monthly magazine sound argument, it is fully loaded with the paper which it should read really.

It is 780 yen in this.

Will you who are subscribing to Asahi Shimbun, paying the month subscription of about 5,000 yen have read the variety of this paper of various the fact which you didn't know so far, being true to the month? The following is from the paper of the Kyoto University honorary professor Mr. Terumasa Nakanishi who is published by three stages of putting-together from p160 to 171, being entitled that the communism, and Japan-U.S. war, USSR and Ozaki did.

The value to subscribe only to the part at this beginning at 780 yen is the paper which is.

Rather, it is the paper which has value even if it does 100,000 yen.

All keen eyed men should remember a shudder like me.

In other words, most of the Japanese people don't know at all, why did Japan which was the member of the victorious country union at the time of the First World War lead to conclude a defeated nation union in the Second World War?

It is the astonishing paper which makes the thing clear.

With the in the text emphasis except the title and *-* is me.

The Chinese nationalism to have had USSR print being anti-Japanese (Chinese nationalism impressed anti-Japanese in the Soviet Union)

This article continues

pe care japonezii ar trebui să sprijine, la unison

2016年11月08日 17時35分33秒 | 日記

Următoarele este continuarea capitolului precedent.

Accentul text este de mine.

De asemenea, a raportat că Japonia a apărut în mass-media despre atacul din China, cu egală sau mai mare de 200 de japonezi care se aplică pentru cazul Tongzhou care a fost ucis cu cruzime de către chinezi.
Ea a anunțat că reuniunea care realizează un nou manual de istorie aplicată moștenirea memoriei UNESCO pentru cazul Tongzhou - invazia Tibetului și documentul despre femeia confortul și materialul de regulă militare japoneze în abonament, în luna mai.
Acesta este un mare pas și va fi activitatea pe care japonezii ar trebui să sprijine, la unison.
Originalul în limba engleză Notă este memoria lumii.
Comisia Națională Japoneză pentru UNESCO tradus în moștenirea de memorie, dar de manipulare cuvântul care lovește moștenirea ca moștenirea naturală și patrimoniul cultural, care se bazează pe tratatul, în plus față de a nu fi în original a schimbat un termen echivalent în traducere în literal stilul de traducere, memorie din lume, recent din hotărârea să nu fie corectă.
Numai, un cuvânt, moștenirea de memorie, se presupune a fi utilizat în viitor, de asemenea, de lucru cu conexiune proastă cu privire la structura teză și așa mai departe numai în memoria din lume, pentru a se potrivi cu moștenirea convențională de memorie.

Acest articol continuă

Tai yra vienas didelis žingsnis ir bus veikla, kuri japonai turėtų remti, sutartinai

2016年11月08日 17時34分58秒 | 日記

Toliau yra ankstesniame skyriuje tęsinys.

Tekstas dėmesys man.

Be to, jis pranešė, kad Japonija pasirodė kontratakas apie Kinijos žiniasklaida su lygi arba didesnė nei 200 Japonijos prašantis Tongzhou byloje, kurioje buvo žiauriai nužudytas Kinijos.
Jis paskelbė, kad susitikimo todėl naują istorijos vadovėlių, taikomą UNESCO atminties paveldėjimo už Tongzhou atveju - Tibeto invazijos ir dokumento apie komforto moteris ir Japonijos karinės taisyklė medžiagos gegužę prenumeratą.
Tai yra vienas didelis žingsnis ir bus veikla, kuri japonai turėtų remti, sutartinai.
Iš anglų pastabos originalas pasaulio atminties.
Japonijos nacionalinė UNESCO komisija išverstos į tai atminties paveldėjimo, bet tvarkymo žodį, kurį hitai kaip natūralus paveldėjimo ir kultūros paveldo, kuris, remiantis, be nėra originalus sutarties palikimą pasikeitė Lygiavertis terminas vertimas į pažodinis vertimas stiliaus, pasaulyje atminties, neseniai iš teismo sprendimo negali būti tinkamas.
Tik žodis, atminties paveldėjimo, turėtų būti naudojami ateityje, taip pat, iš daikto su bloga jungties sakinio struktūros ir tt tik pasaulyje su atmintim, kad atitiktų įprastas atminties paveldą.

Šis straipsnis ir toliau

Ini adalah satu langkah besar dan akan menjadi aktiviti yang Jepun

2016年11月08日 17時34分17秒 | 日記

Berikut adalah kesudahan bab sebelumnya.

Penekanan teks adalah saya.

Selain itu, ia melaporkan bahawa Jepun muncul dalam serangan balas mengenai media di China dengan sama dengan atau lebih daripada 200 Jepun memohon kes Tongzhou yang kejam dibunuh oleh orang Cina.
Ia mengumumkan bahawa mesyuarat yang menjadikan buku teks sejarah baru digunakan untuk memori warisan UNESCO untuk kes Tongzhou yang - pencerobohan Tibet dan dokumen tentang wanita keselesaan dan bahan pemerintahan tentera Jepun di langganan pada bulan Mei.
Ini adalah satu langkah besar dan akan menjadi aktiviti yang Jepun harus menyokong, secara serentak.
Asal Bahasa Inggeris Nota adalah memori di dunia.
Suruhanjaya Kebangsaan Jepun untuk UNESCO diterjemahkan ke dalam warisan memori tetapi mengendalikan perkataan yang hits warisan seperti warisan semula jadi dan warisan budaya yang berdasarkan perjanjian di samping tidak berada dalam asal berubah satu istilah dalam terjemahan ke dalam literal gaya penterjemahan, memori di dunia, baru-baru ini dari penghakiman itu tidak wajar.
Hanya, satu perkataan, warisan memori, sepatutnya digunakan pada masa akan datang, juga, dari perkara yang berkaitan dengan buruk kepada struktur ayat dan sebagainya hanya dalam memori di dunia dengan sepadan konvensional warisan memori.

Artikel ini terus