文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Indeed, it is an ungrateful and irreverent interview.

2016年11月28日 20時53分31秒 | 日記

Monthly magazine HANADA January issue (840 yen) is also full of papers to subscribe to bookstores right now.

More than anything, those who subscribe to the Asahi Shimbun and spend watching their subsidiary TV broadcast are monthly magazines to subscribe absolutely.

This is because the following papers are absolutely never posted or broadcasted in the Asahi Shimbun or the like.

Emphasis in sentences other than heading and * ~ * are mine.

The media and cultural people who gather in "natives”

Critic, Takushoku University visiting professor Ushio Masato

I shudder thinking that I am in what native country.

In 1963, Akira Asada who was an assistant professor at Kyoto University at that time broke down ridiculously as a fellow countrymen (Japanese) wishing for his Majesty's healing.

The speech place is, special talk 1, in the magazine "Bungakukai" (February Heisei era 1989) signboard of Bungeishunjū.

Kojin Karatani (literary critic) is the partner who was told that "The verification of the Showa spirit history" is stated.

Asada spoke at the beginning of a dialogue following a lead sentence that "intellectuals could not resist the existence of the" biological "emperor. 

"To tell the truth, I do not think I want to talk about Showa at all. Last September this day, I will show shogunate people in front of the Imperial Palace in the news every day, I just shudder thinking that I am in what country of "natives". Still dare to think about it, I was concerned about Karatani's written before "Kaien" (omission), that is why I cannot think of it objectively (laugh) "(as in the last round bracket, as in the original)

As you can see, "intellectuals" are uttered ridiculed by looking down on the general public.

Asada closed the first time of "special talks" with the following remarks.

"Well, as a republican, while watching the commotion of succession to the throne fairly, would I like to wait for something to roll out?"

Indeed, it is an ungrateful and irreverent interview.

In 1992, Kenzaburo Oe took up Asada and Karatani in a lecture entitled "New Cultural Relations of Japan and the United States" held at the University of Chicago, praising the "two Japanese genius cultural heroes".

*Does anyone think that the story of "two Japanese genius cultural heroes" is a compliment to North Korea or the Communist Party of China?*

Oe said, "I am a post-war democracy and the Order of Culture linked to the State does not suit" and refusing (Asahi morning edition of Asahi morning edition October 16, 1996 "Tensei Jingo") but received a Nobel Prize pleasingly, the process is described by Tanizawa Eiichi "Who did this to Japan? Detainment letter to Kenzaburo Oe as representative of postwar democracy" (Crest Company) in detail.

In the same book Tanizawa criticized. "There are not many histories. That was the first time in history that it abused up to"natives"with Akira Asada. Of course I, respect, the freedom of speech. So, if you believe yourself whether you are going to do that, that's fine. However, stop living by the monthly salary of Kyoto University which is covered by the tax dedicated by that "natives". Kyoto University is operated by the money whose lowest stupid "natives" is taken by the tax office from the income earned by dripping with sweat. Asada is an associate professor at that economic institute. If you surely eat with the dirty money of "natives", the five organs of six species will suffer and will die. If you want to live a long life, you should quit your job as an associate professor at Kyoto University as soon as possible. And stand alone, stand on your two feet and live without caring for ‘natives’....... "


Monthly magazine HANADA January issue (840 yen) is also full of papers to subscribe to bookstores

2016年11月28日 19時29分23秒 | 日記

Monthly magazine HANADA January issue (840 yen) is also full of papers to subscribe to bookstores right now.

More than anything, those who subscribe to the Asahi Shimbun and spend watching their subsidiary TV broadcast are monthly magazines to subscribe absolutely.

This is because the following papers are absolutely never posted or broadcasted in the Asahi Shimbun or the like.

Emphasis in sentences other than heading and * ~ * are mine.

The media and cultural people who gather in "natives”

Critic, Takushoku University visiting professor Ushio Masato

I shudder thinking that I am in what native country.

In 1963, Akira Asada who was an assistant professor at Kyoto University at that time broke down ridiculously as a fellow countrymen (Japanese) wishing for his Majesty's healing.

The speech place is, special talk 1, in the magazine "Bungakukai" (February Heisei era 1989) signboard of Bungeishunjū.

Kojin Karatani (literary critic) is the partner who was told that "The verification of the Showa spirit history" is stated.

Asada spoke at the beginning of a dialogue following a lead sentence that "intellectuals could not resist the existence of the" biological "emperor. 

"To tell the truth, I do not think I want to talk about Showa at all. Last September this day, I will show shogunate people in front of the Imperial Palace in the news every day, I just shudder thinking that I am in what country of "natives". Still dare to think about it, I was concerned about Karatani's written before "Kaien" (omission), that is why I cannot think of it objectively (laugh) "(as in the last round bracket, as in the original)

As you can see, "intellectuals" are uttered ridiculed by looking down on the general public.

Asada closed the first time of "special talks" with the following remarks.

"Well, as a republican, while watching the commotion of succession to the throne fairly, would I like to wait for something to roll out?"

Indeed, it is an ungrateful and irreverent interview.

In 1992, Kenzaburo Oe took up Asada and Karatani in a lecture entitled "New Cultural Relations of Japan and the United States" held at the University of Chicago, praising the "two Japanese genius cultural heroes".

*Does anyone think that the story of "two Japanese genius cultural heroes" is a compliment to North Korea or the Communist Party of China?*

Oe said, "I am a post-war democracy and the Order of Culture linked to the State does not suit" and refusing (Asahi morning edition of Asahi morning edition October 16, 1996 "Tensei Jingo") but received a Nobel Prize pleasingly, the process is described by Tanizawa Eiichi "Who did this to Japan? Detainment letter to Kenzaburo Oe as representative of postwar democracy" (Crest Company) in detail.

In the same book Tanizawa criticized. "There are not many histories. That was the first time in history that it abused up to" natives "with Akira Asada. Of course I, respect, the freedom of speech. So, if you believe yourself whether you are going to do that, that's fine. In that case, however, stop living by the monthly salary of Kyoto University which is covered by the tax dedicated by that "natives". Kyoto University is operated by the money whose lowest stupid "natives" is taken by the tax office from the income earned by dripping with sweat. Asada is an associate professor at that economic institute. If you surely eat with the dirty money of "natives", the five organs of six species will suffer and will die. If you want to live a long life, you should quit your job as an associate professor at Kyoto University as soon as possible. And stand alone, stand on your two feet and live without caring for ‘natives’....... "



2016年11月28日 18時41分16秒 | 日記





「土人」に群がるマスコミと文化人     評論家、拓殖大学客員教授 潮匡人


発言場所は、文藝春秋の看板文藝誌『文學界』(平成元年二月号)誌上の「特別対談1」。 「昭和精神史を検証する」と銘打たれた対談の相手は、柄谷行人(文芸評論家)。









大江が「自分は戦後民主主義者であり、国家と結びついた文化勲章は似合わない」(平成六年十月十七日付朝日朝刊「天声人語」)と拒否しつつも喜んでノーベル賞を受けた経緯は、谷沢永一著『こんな日本に誰がしたー戦後民主主義の代表者 大江健三郎への告発状』(クレスト社)に詳しい。




If you think about Okinawa’s base problems and the right to collective self - defense

2016年11月28日 13時58分40秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Emphasis in sentences other than titles is me.

It is in the first trial after the war

In World War II, Japan, which tried to become Asian hegemon,

The United States tried to suppress it by using means such as oil embargo, but in the end it failed and became a war.

In the rest of Asia, the country with strong naval power did not appear until China came into the South China Sea and the East China Sea in the 2000s.

In that sense, now the Asian region is under the trial that for the first time after the war a country other than the United States has expanded to become a hegemon country.

There may be some people who have been shocked by the history of the scarborough reef that the Philippines claims to have claimed Scarborough Reef, as this book describes. This deprivation play began with the invasion of the "Chinese fishing boat" in April 2012. China drives the Philippines, which depended on the Chinese economy due to import restrictions on Philippine products and de facto travel restrictions on the Philippines. In the mediation of the United States, despite deciding to withdraw from the area in June 2012, China will continue to stay and control the reef.

In this book "Crouching Tiger", not only in the United States, China, but also in the power balance of countries such as Vietnam, Philippines, Taiwan, Korea, North Korea, and Japan, what China aims and what is not enough for the allies I am writing it clearly.

If you think about Okinawa’s base problems and the right to collective self - defense in such a big context, you may find that clue.

Now that the candidate to disregard the presence of the US military in the Asian region became the president, it should be called a Japanese read.

If you think about this, the presence of the US military in the Asia-Pacific region is

2016年11月28日 13時47分37秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.
Emphasis in sentences other than titles is me.
Offshore control of life and death problems for Japan
Transformation of another strategic philosophy is presented in this book. In other words, it is the idea of "offshore control" that revises the current US Navy's main maritime body, mainly submarines, and blocks China at the strait of the Daiichi Archipelago Line (chokepoint).
Although the strategic transition to this submarine may certainly be a cheap solution for the US, it will be a life and death problem for Japan located on the Daiichi Islands line. This is the first archipelagic line, thought that it will dry up China by blocking imports of petroleum etc. However, it takes considerable time to drive down China to such a situation. Meanwhile, China aims to break through the blockade, using missiles and other weapons that are preserved intact in the mainland, to attack the enemy's military bases and the political and social centers on the Daiichi Island Line is assumed.
What is the validity of this document's claim that the US side has a long-range bomber that can enter China's territory, which will lead to stability of the situation?
By having the ability to steadily destroy military assets in the inland parts of China, we suppress China's provocative behavior and challenging behavior. That is the idea of deterring "Airsea Battle". For that reason it is reasonable to conclude that you have a bomber that can fly long distances at high speed, have stealth performance hard to detect from enemy radar, and attack the inland parts of China. Indeed, the fact that the United States possesses a stealth-hit long-range bomber and that it can hit the mainland of China is part of deterrence.
Well then, readers may think that it is okay to have Japan. However, it can not be assumed that Japan will have such long-range bombers. Because Japan can not possess aggressive weapons that destroyly destroy the territory of other countries exclusively under the Article 9 of the Constitution for performance reasons. Under the idea of "exclusive defense", the SDF will own only defensive weapons for not being attacked.
If you think about this, the presence of the US military in the Asia-Pacific region is an umbrella that is necessary for Japan, even if it is absolutely necessary.

This draft continues.

For the expanding China, the United States is strengthening defense cooperation with allies

2016年11月28日 13時39分10秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

As I mentioned at the beginning, the SDF originally kept in mind the Soviet invasion. However, since the collapse of the Cold War and the expansion of the oceans in China accompanying economic growth, since the 2000s, the position of the SDF has been shifting emphasis from north to south.

It is one of them that relocated the main fighter F - 15, a fighter belonging to Fukuoka’s JASDF Tsuiki Airbase, about 20 aircraft to Okinawa. This is to cope with an increase in the number of scrambling (emergency departure) in the southwest airspace, accompanying the active activation of Chinese military aircraft over the East China Sea. In addition, the Ground Self Defense Force has established a coast surveillance unit on Yonagunijima, and future deployment of missiles against the Nansei Islands is being considered. Improvement of amphibious units mainly based on Sasebo's Western Regular Regimental Regiment is progressing, and the GSDF is improving its ability to recapture remote islands.

The Maritime Self-Defense Force is increasing its submarines from 16 to 22 vessels. By managing more submarines in the Southwest Sea area, it is expected that information gathering and reconnaissance monitoring ability will be improved for Chinese submarines and water naval vessels. Also in emergencies, these submarines will play an important role in securing maritime superiority in the Southwest Sea. The Maritime Self Defense Force is equipped with a high-performance radar and is also undergoing renovation of Aegis destroyers that have high defense capability capable of coping with numerous enemy fighters and anti-ship missiles at the same time. Especially the ballistic missile defense capability is strengthened and it will lead to the improvement of ability to cope with ballistic missile attack on mainland Japan.

For the expanding China, the United States is strengthening defense cooperation with allies in the Asia-Pacific region. As a result, defense cooperation between Japan and the United States has made remarkable progress in recent years. For example, one of the reasons is that the Air Self-Defense Force's General Air Command Headquarters, which was in Fuchu, Tokyo, moved to Yokota, the US Air Force's Headquarters, in 2012. The central responsive group, which will be responsible for the initial response in emergencies in the Ground Self Defense Force, also moved its headquarters to Zama Camp, where the US Army Headquarters in Japan is located. The US military and the SDF are aiming to strengthen mutual cooperation at the time of operation by putting the headquarters of the main troops in the same place.

This book points out that the US military is vulnerable to Chinese missile attacks because the base station operated in the Asian region such as Japan and Korea is fixed. This is a sharp point, deploying a ground-to-air missile such as PAC 3 and intercepting it, it is difficult to knock down all of them if a lot of missiles come from different directions. Therefore, in order to enable the base to operate even if such a missile strikes, it is necessary to protect major facilities and equipment with very thick concrete and to improve the ability to quickly restore facilities such as destroyed runways It is necessary to promote survivability ".

This draft continues.

Subscribers such as the Asahi Shimbun and the Mainichi Shimbun can not be

2016年11月28日 13時17分04秒 | 日記

The following is an article that was originated in Toyo Keizai online.

Subscribers such as the Asahi Shimbun and the Mainichi Shimbun can not be an exaggeration to say that it is a strict fact that can never be read.

Emphasis in sentences other than heading is me.

Mr. Donald Trump said that "Japan should bear the full cost of the US military stationed, otherwise it is willing to withdraw from the US military." The title "Crouching Tiger" written by professor at the University of California, which is a policy advisor of Mr. Trump, is talked among Japanese defense ministry officials and SDF executives.

Author Peter Navarro continues to serve as a policy adviser in the next transition president's transition team, and is in charge of economic, trade and Asian policy. Originally specialized in economics, he was studying "what kind of damage the unfair trade in China has on the American economy and its manufacturing industry". In the process, based on the economic power obtained in that way, pay attention to the fact that China has strengthened its military capabilities and underwent various military actions in the South China Sea and the East China Sea. That was the starting point for this book.

In March this year, the Defense Institute of Defense of Japan also issued a "China Security Report" which analyzed China's entry into the ocean. The full commentary that Mr. Masashi Iida, chief scientist who is the chief of that writing, wrote is posted.

The Self-Defense Force which had been deployed mainly in Hokkaido

It was a long time ago that the Japanese Self Defense Forces were deployed mainly in Hokkaido with the Soviet Army's landing on arrival in mind.

Currently, each of the land, sea and sky SDF is promoting the development focusing on the southwestern region while striking the Chinese army which is strengthening its presence in the East Asian ocean.

This book analyzes the fight balance balance of the changing Pacific region along with the recent expansion of the ocean in China, and analyzes the "balance of war between the US and China" and "How can we prevent it?", It is an excellent geopolitical book that I discussed for general readers in an easy-to-understand manner.

Of course in this book, Japanese and Chinese keen competition over the Senkaku Islands, and vulnerability of US military bases deployed in Japan (Sasebo, Yokosuka, Yokota, Kadena etc.) and so on, although it is written from the position of the United States, it does not devote many pages to what kind of strategy the Japanese Self Defense Force is facing China's ocean expansion policy.

In this paper, I would like to describe the defense strategy seen from Japan while taking the form of "commentary".

It was in December 2008 that the Chinese government ship first appeared in the Japanese territorial waters around the Senkaku Islands. At about the same time, China's active boat activity in the South China Sea, where China is fighting against the Philippines and Vietnam, etc. on the territorial rights of islands and marine interests, China's ocean expansion policy It can be said that it stood in the international community with various collisions.

A survey result pointing out the possibility of enormous oil reserves around the Senkaku Islands was announced in 1968. As a result of the rapid growth, the Chinese economy is increasingly dependent on petroleum imported from the Middle East and Africa, and its transport must pass through the Malacca Strait under the control of the United States. To relieve this "Malacca / Dilemma" is also one reason why China aims to secure the Senkaku and the oil that exists in the seabed across the East China Sea.

To realize the possession of the Senkaku

In order to realize the possession of the Senkaku, it is China's strategy to gradually expand control as to slice the salami, by first rewriting the map, sending fishing boats as in this book.

In exercising the presidential election in Taiwan in 1996, China exercises to shoot ballistic missiles in the waters of Taiwan to send a message not to vote for Lee Teng-hui, which China regards as independent. In response, the US dispatched two fleets, centering on the aircraft carrier Independence and the aircraft carrier Nimitz, and China could not help contradiction.

The viewpoint of this book that at this time urged the development of "asymmetrical weapons" such as anti-ship ballistic missiles against the American aircraft carrier group in the United States is quite impressive.

Hacking steals key parts of military technology from industrialized countries, and copies that make high-performance domestic weapons. As advocated in this book, we will advance into the first archipelagic line that includes the Yellow Sea, the East China Sea, the Senkaku Islands and the South China Sea inside, by fighting by strengthening ballistic and cruise missiles, which can be precisely mobile and mobile, and submarines What kind of response does the SDF take to China?

This draft continues.


2016年11月28日 12時14分20秒 | 日記



 「日本は米軍の駐留経費を全額負担せよ。さもなければ、米軍の撤退もいとわない」との発言を繰り返してきたドナルド・トランプ氏。そんなトランプ氏の政策顧問(Policy Advisor)であるカルフォルニア大学教授の書いた『米中もし戦わば』(原書名:Crouching Tiger)が日本の防衛省、自衛隊幹部の間で話題になっている。



































Prowadzi to lewicowy masowego przekazu, jak gdyby Japończycy mają świadomości

2016年11月28日 09時59分06秒 | 日記

Poniżej znajduje się kontynuacja poprzedniego rozdziału.

Jednakże, ponieważ media w Japonii jest w pobliżu lewicowy całkowicie, gdy o rozmowę na obronę narodową, ponieważ nie ma nawet o czym rozmawiać z odpowiedzialnością, że państwo broni życia ludzi - szczęście i tak dalej, i jakie są robisz jako wysiłek, że różne kraje na świecie uniknąć wojny i tak dalej, staje się często historię biegów natychmiast prawego skrzydła podsyca wojnę! I tak dalej, osoba umiera!

Prawica staje się zdecydowanie rację co do sposobu zwołania, także i lewicowy staje grupa obywatelska.

W Chinach, okazuje ogromną rakietę nuklearną w Japonii, to żebraków nowoczesnej broni, niszcząc sztuczny satelita, to atakuje wód terytorialnych, w Japonii, to jest kontynuacją w nieporównywalnej ekspansji wydatków wojny, większość ludzi nie wie, że nadal się pomoc ze strony Japonii, rzuca kamień do Ambasady Japonii, biorąc metro mieć wykonaną z pieniędzmi Japonii, szału młodzik, kładąc ogień flagi narodowej w Japonii.

W tajemniczej rzeczy, jednak nie znaczy, że komunikacja masowa w bardzo Japonii, która strona chińska podsyca wojnę.

Prowadzi to lewicowy masowego przekazu, jak gdyby Japończycy mają świadomości narodowej obrony sama w sobie jest grzechem.

Wojna o Japonii staje się niczym pojęcia, która istnieje tylko w podręcznikach przy relikwiach w przeszłości, ale wojen dla krajów i tak dalej, takie jak Chiny są częścią dyplomacji z nich, którzy poruszają się w chwili obecnej.

Ten artykuł kontynuuje.

масавай інфармацы

2016年11月28日 09時58分34秒 | 日記

Ніжэй з'яўляецца працягам папярэдняй частцы.

Аднак, паколькі сродкі масавай інфармацыі ў Японіі побач з левым цалкам, калі маючы размовы пра нацыянальнай абароне, паколькі ён не мае нават нешта казаць аб адказнасці, што дзяржава абараняе жыццё людзей - стан і гэтак далей, і якія вы робіце, як намаганні, каб розныя краіны свету пазбегнуць вайны і гэтак далей, становіцца часта пераключэнне гісторыю адразу правага крыла распальвае вайну! , І гэтак далей, чалавек памірае!

Правае крыло становіцца вельмі правых пра спосаб выкліку, таксама, і левакоў становіцца група грамадзян.

У Кітаі, аказваецца велізарны ядзерную ракету ў Японію, гэта жабракі сучасную зброю, знішчаючы штучны спадарожнік, ён ўрываецца ў тэрытарыяльныя воды Японіі, яна з'яўляецца працягам у пашырэнні яскравай ваенных выдаткаў, большасць людзей не ведаюць, што ён працягвае атрымліваць дапамогу з Японіі, ён кідае камень у японскае пасольства, узяўшы метро, каб зрабілі з грашыма Японіі, хлопчык буянства, укладваючы агонь нацыянальнага сцяга ў Японіі.

У таямнічай рэчы, тым не менш, гэта не кажа пра тое, што сродкі масавай камунікацыі шмат у чым Японіі, што кітайскі бок распальвае вайну.

Гэта прыводзіць левага толку сродкі масавай інфармацыі, як быццам японцы маюць нацыянальную свядомасць абароны само па сабе з'яўляецца грахом.

Вайна для Японіі становіцца як паняцце, якое існуе толькі ў падручніку каля мошчаў у мінулым, але войны для краін і гэтак далей, такія як Кітай з'яўляюцца часткай дыпламатыі з іх, якія рухаюцца ў сучаснасці.

Гэты артыкул працягваецца.


2016年11月28日 09時58分03秒 | 日記

По-долу е продължение на предишната глава.

Въпреки това, тъй като средствата за масово осведомяване в Япония е близо до левите напълно, когато се налага на разговори в националната отбрана, тъй като тя не разполага дори нещо да се говори за отговорността, че държавата защитава живота на хората - богатство и така нататък и какви са правиш като усилието, че различните страни в света избягват война и така нататък, става често история изместване веднага на дясното крило се вееше война! И т.н., лицето умира!

На дясното крило се превръща в най-дясната за начина на повикване, също и леви става група на гражданите.

В Китай, се оказва огромен ядрен ракетен в Япония, тя просяци модерни оръжия, унищожаване на изкуствен спътник, той напада териториални води в Япония, тя е продължение в разширяването на несравним разходи война, повечето хора не знаят, че той продължава да се получи помощ от Япония, тя хвърля камък към Посолството на Япония, като метрото да са направени с парите на Япония, rampages младока, който прати огън на националното знаме в Япония.

В мистериозно нещо, обаче, той не казва, че съобщението на маса в много Япония, която китайската страна се вееше война.

Тя води лява средствата за масово осведомяване, както ако японците имат националната отбрана съзнание по себе си е грях.

Войната за Япония става като понятие, което съществува само в учебника по мощите в миналото, но войните за страните и така нататък, като например Китай са част от дипломацията от тях, които се движат в настоящето.

Тази статия продължава.

Se johtaa vasemmistolainen joukkotiedotusvälineet siltä, että japanilaiset ovat

2016年11月28日 09時57分32秒 | 日記

Seuraavassa on jatko edellisen luvun.

Koska joukkotiedotusvälineissä Japanissa on lähellä vasemmistolainen kokonaan, kun ottaa puhua maanpuolustuksen, koska sillä ei ole edes jotain puhua siitä vastuusta valtion puolustaa ihmisten elämää - onni ja niin edelleen ja mitkä ovat teet kuin vaivaa, että eri maissa ympäri maailman sodan välttämiseksi ja niin edelleen, tulee usein siirtyminen tarina välittömästi oikealla laidalla on tuulettamalla sotaa! , Ja niin edelleen, henkilö kuolee!

Oikeisto tulee äärioikeiston tavasta kutsuvan, myös ja vasemmistolainen tulee kansalaisten ryhmä.

Kiinassa, se muuttuu valtava ydinohjus Japaniin, se kerjäläisiä modernit aseet, tuhota keinotekoinen satelliitti, se tunkeutuu aluevesien Japanissa, se on jatkoa verraton sodassa menojen laajentamiseen, useimmat ihmiset eivät tiedä, että se jatkaa saada apua Japanista, se heittää kivi Japanin suurlähetystön ottaen metro tehneen rahoilla Japanin, nuoren rampages, laskemisesta tulen lippu Japanissa.

Vuonna mystinen asia, mutta se ei sano, että massa viestintä paljon Japanissa, jossa Kiina on fanning sota.

Se johtaa vasemmistolainen joukkotiedotusvälineet siltä, että japanilaiset ovat maanpuolustus tietoisuus itsessään on synti.

Sota Japanissa tulee kuin käsite, joka on olemassa vain oppikirjan klo pyhäinjäännöksiä aiemmin mutta sotien maiden ja niin edelleen kuten Kiina ovat osa diplomatiaa niitä, jotka liikkuvat läsnä.

Tämä artikkeli jatkuu.


2016年11月28日 09時56分55秒 | 日記

निम्नलिखित पिछले अध्याय की अगली कड़ी है।

हालांकि, क्योंकि जापान में मास मीडिया वामपंथी पास पूरी तरह से है, जब राष्ट्रीय सुरक्षा की बात करते हैं, तो यह और भी होने जिम्मेदारी है कि राज्य के लोगों के जीवन का बचाव की बात करने के लिए कुछ भी नहीं है के रूप में - भाग्य और इतने पर और क्या कर रहे हैं आप प्रयास है कि दुनिया के विभिन्न देशों में एक युद्ध से बचने और इतने पर है, अक्सर एक स्थानांतरण कहानी तुरंत दक्षिणपंथी का हो जाता है एक युद्ध को हवा दे रहा है के रूप में कर रही है! , और इतने पर, व्यक्ति मर जाता है!

दक्षिणपंथी एक दूर बुला रही है, भी के रास्ते के बारे में सही हो जाता है, और वामपंथी एक नागरिकों के समूह बन जाता है।

चीन में, यह जापान के लिए एक विशाल परमाणु मिसाइल बदल जाता है, यह आधुनिक हथियारों भिखारी, को नष्ट करने के लिए एक कृत्रिम उपग्रह, यह जापान में जल क्षेत्र पर हमला है, यह अतुलनीय युद्ध व्यय विस्तार में निरंतरता है, ज्यादातर लोगों को पता नहीं है कि इसे पाने के लिए जारी जापान से मदद, यह जापानी दूतावास को पत्थर, मेट्रो जापान, नौजवान rampages के पैसे से बना दिया है के लिए ले जा जापान में राष्ट्रीय ध्वज को आग डाल फेंकता है।

रहस्यमय बात में, हालांकि, यह कहना नहीं है कि बहुत जापान में मास कम्युनिकेशन, जो चीनी पक्ष एक युद्ध को हवा दे रही है।

यह वामपंथी मास मीडिया के लिए सुराग के रूप में यदि जापानी राष्ट्रीय रक्षा चेतना है अपने आप में एक पाप है।

जापान के लिए युद्ध एक अवधारणा है जो केवल अतीत में अवशेष लेकिन देशों के लिए युद्ध में पाठ्यपुस्तक में है और इसलिए इस तरह चीन के रूप में उनमें से कूटनीति जो वर्तमान में ले जाने का हिस्सा हैं पर मौजूद है की तरह हो जाता है।

यह लेख जारी है।

Ez vezet a baloldali tömegmédia, mintha a japánok honvédelmi tudat maga a bűn

2016年11月28日 09時56分24秒 | 日記

A következő a folytatást az előző fejezetben.

Mivel azonban a tömegtájékoztatás Japánban közel a baloldali teljesen, ha miután a beszélgetés a honvédelmi, mivel nem kell még valamit beszélni a felelősség, hogy az állam megvédi az emberek életét - szerencse, és így tovább, és mik csinál, mint az erőfeszítés, hogy a különböző országok a világ elkerülje a háborút, és így tovább, lesz gyakran változó történet azonnal a jobboldal legyezőszerűen a háború! , És így tovább, a személy meghal!

A jobboldali válik sokkal jobb abban, ahogy a hívó is, és a baloldali válik a polgári csoport.

Kínában, kiderül egy hatalmas nukleáris rakéta Japánba, hogy koldusok modern fegyverek, elpusztítva a mesterséges műholdat, megtámadja felségvizeken Japánban, ez folytatása a páratlan háborús kiadások bővülése, a legtöbb ember nem tudja, hogy ez továbbra is kap segít a japán, hogy dobja a kő a japán Nagykövetség, figyelembe véve a metrón, hogy tettek a pénzt japán, a fiatal tombol, amivel tüzet a nemzeti zászlót Japánban.

A titokzatos dolog azonban nem azt mondja, hogy a tömegkommunikációs sokkal Japánban, ami a kínai oldalt legyezte a háború.

Ez vezet a baloldali tömegmédia, mintha a japánok honvédelmi tudat maga a bűn.

A háború Japán lesz, mint egy fogalom, amely már csak a tankönyv a relikviák a múltban, de a háborúk az ország, és így tovább, mint Kína része a diplomácia, akik mozognak a jelenben.

Ez a cikk folytatódik.

Det fører venstreorienterte massemedier som om den japanske

2016年11月28日 09時55分52秒 | 日記

Følgende er oppfølgeren til det foregående kapittelet.

Men fordi massemediene i Japan er i nærheten av venstreorienterte helt, når du har det snakk om nasjonalt forsvar, som det ikke har engang noe å snakke om ansvaret staten forsvarer folks liv - formue og så videre, og hva er du gjør som den innsatsen som de ulike land i verden unngå en krig og så videre, blir ofte en skiftende historie umiddelbart på høyre kant Fanning en krig! , Og så videre, dør person!

Den høyre vingen blir et langt rett om veien for å ringe, også, og det venstreorienterte blir et innbyggergruppen.

I Kina, viser det en enorm atomrakett til Japan, det tiggere moderne våpen, ødelegge en kunstig satellitt, den invaderer territorialfarvann i Japan, det er fortsettelsen på den uforlignelige krig utgifter ekspansjon, de fleste ikke vet at det fortsetter å komme hjelp fra Japan, det kaster stein til den japanske ambassaden, ta t-banen til å ha gjort med pengene fra Japan, unggutten rampages, sette fyr på den nasjonale flagg i Japan.

I den mystiske ting, men det sier ikke at massekommunikasjon i mye Japan, som den kinesiske siden er Fanning en krig.

Det fører venstreorienterte massemedier som om den japanske har nasjonale forsvar bevissthet i seg selv er en synd.

Krigen for Japan blir som et konsept som kun eksisterer i læreboka på relikvier i fortiden, men krigene for landene og så videre som Kina er den delen av diplomati av dem som flytter i nåtiden.

Denne artikkelen fortsetter.