文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Why did such a foolish state continue in 70 after the war?

2016年11月04日 09時03分45秒 | 日記

"Difference in Japan, China, and Korea which was surprised with the foreigner seeing since 2000 years before" "As for the world, being disgusted last by China - Korea, why do you long for Japan"? (Ko Bunyu),

This book is the book which lets me know not knowing at all about Korea that we Japan people are a neighboring country and China.

About rather Japanese, too!

Why did such a foolish state continue in 70 after the war?

The number of the men of the keen insight which nods at the answer of me to be because Asahi Shimbun headed Japan should be increasing.

As that I am Asahi Shimbun subscriber for many years is previously mentioned

I am the human being who took charge of a lecture for 2 hours, being designated as the teacher of the world's history by the high school student time.

As the thing which isn't exaggerated, too, is previously mentioned even if it says my alma mater to be an elitist training-up school in Japan

Such I didn't know at all about many facts which he is telling it to in this book.

I am convinced now.

Asahi Shimbun must conceal these facts anyhow beforehand.

It will have been intention itself of GHQ.

Anyway, not supposing that Japan in the past was a bad country terribly, it is because they could not conceal the maximum war crime of the committed human history.

I began to notice the difference of the article of Asahi Shimbun which continued to write the article to oppress by diminishing Japan in their above (as if to be a newspaper in Korea or China just) the intention in addition to carrying a 100 % obedient article on this GHQ and the historical fact in Japan.

It is from the time to have visited Kyoto later every week about 10 years before behind the back of the 3rd Kyoto rediscovery and to have begun to take a picture with the digital camera.

The following is from above-mentioned book of The following is from above-mentioned book of Mr.Ko which is worthy of the Nobel Prize in the true meaning.

The preamble abbreviation

Schliemann of that the difference in Zhonghua and Japan was excessively who marveled

It traveled Japan in Bakumatsu with Qing dynasty in the middle of the 19th century and it is famous Heinrich Schliemann that left the record of the both countries by the finding of the Troia ruins.

He passed away to the global travel in March, 1865 which is 6 years before excavation of the ruins.

Then, it goes north with India, Hongkong, Shanghai at the seaway, it lands in Tianjin on April 27th, 1865, the visit, too, is doing the Great Wall of China via Beijing.

After that, it returned to Shanghai, it stayed for a while and it headed for Japan from there.

After staying at Japan for about 1 month, this time, it headed for San Francisco but finishing writing in the on the ocean is "Schliemann travelogue Qing dynasty - Japan" (Ishii Kazuko translation, the Kodansha art and science library).

Only to have turned, presuming that Japan and Qing dynasty continuously, as for the comparison, the value like a material will be very high.

The omission

This article continues


2016年11月04日 07時47分12秒 | 日記













日本に1ヵ月ほど滞在した後、今度はサンフランシスコへ向かったが、その洋上で書き上げたのが『シュリーマン旅行記 清国・日本』(石井和子訳、講談社学術文庫)である。



















The politics - the economy - the diplomacy - the military affairs connect all elements and

2016年11月04日 07時46分11秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

The politics - the economy - the diplomacy - the military affairs connect all elements and the country takes a balance to be a country.

So-called the international relations stands up including their all elements.

For example, if the U.S. forces disappear from Asia and the Middle East, Japan, Taiwan or Korea is exposed to each menace and cannot pass off without accident.

At the same time, America will not be able to secure resources such as petroleum stably.

That the oil supply of the United States to become unstable is a meaning that the function of the shaft currency of the dollar fluctuates.

It is in Japan that it suffers a negative influence most in the global economy if becoming so.

Also, in that some malfunction only occurred to the Korean Army of the existence which defends only Korea, different from America, too, the influence over East Asia is big.

The possibility that the trend in North Korea, China and Russia which saw it show some movement, too, appears.

Korea and North Korea can crawl with the time of the cease-fire, the war hasn't ended, has a missile each other and metropolitan Seoul in Korea is in the only 60 km distance from North Korea's military demarcation line.

The exile and the refugee, too, will go out if there is something in Korean Peninsula.

Either at North and South Korea is thought of about the case which looks for the help in the neighboring country, too.

Russia - China which is close in the border, Japan, too, cannot help raising guard of course to the emergency.

If there is a country of the rich person who is weak in the national defense consciousness then in the unarmed body, it is necessary to be involved in some form.

If each country doesn't have power, the area isn't stable.

It isn't unrelated.

That only Japan says selfishness such as it engages in the business, however except the business somebody else's problem, in such cannot be primarily permitted.

Specifically, the one, Japan in Asia, is the only major power which has the possibility that can be stopped the runaway of China.

This article continues

However, it should discuss the war opposition and the arms buildup as another question.

2016年11月04日 07時43分30秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

There is a fund or ability though, there is not an intention of defending an ally, in some Japan to the Constitution which cannot defend an ally, basically, the military alliance except America is very difficult.

Of course, America is an important ally.

However, it is a mistake that the leftist speech person overestimates America more than necessary only then for the rationalization to make it renounce Japan's unaided defense.

It is making war while most countries cry, the war opposition, and so on in chorus.

Japan, too, should execute, the war opposition, still in the true sense.

However, it should discuss the war opposition and the arms buildup as another question.

In the program of Television Tokyo Channel 12 the Washington report of May 20th, 2007 broadcasting,

It was the commander of the 18th American air-wing and Harold Moulton Navy commodore of U.S. Air Force Kadena base commander said to the interview of Yoshiki Hidaka who is the American Hudson Institute head researcher so.

"We prepare for all the emergencies. Be by military power's taking coping posture, it says peace and stable maintenance in the area, the most important duty can be achieved, if preparing, the enemy doesn't prepare a battle to the U.S. and the ally. When seeing history, it was the place which we didn't prepare for and the enemy was always struck at. First, it prepares for the military crisis to be able to be coped with".

In other words, it is that it does a story with the deterrent that Harold Moulton said.

Wining, fighting doesn't cause peace, itself prepare, and it avoids the occurrence of the battle, inventing peace and stability.

This article continues.

However, it should discuss the war opposition and the arms buildup as another question.

2016年11月04日 07時43分30秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

There is a fund or ability though, there is not an intention of defending an ally, in some Japan to the Constitution which cannot defend an ally, basically, the military alliance except America is very difficult.

Of course, America is an important ally.

However, it is a mistake that the leftist speech person overestimates America more than necessary only then for the rationalization to make it renounce Japan's unaided defense.

It is making war while most countries cry, the war opposition, and so on in chorus.

Japan, too, should execute, the war opposition, still in the true sense.

However, it should discuss the war opposition and the arms buildup as another question.

In the program of Television Tokyo Channel 12 the Washington report of May 20th, 2007 broadcasting,

It was the commander of the 18th American air-wing and Harold Moulton Navy commodore of U.S. Air Force Kadena base commander said to the interview of Yoshiki Hidaka who is the American Hudson Institute head researcher so.

"We prepare for all the emergencies. Be by military power's taking coping posture, it says peace and stable maintenance in the area, the most important duty can be achieved, if preparing, the enemy doesn't prepare a battle to the U.S. and the ally. When seeing history, it was the place which we didn't prepare for and the enemy was always struck at. First, it prepares for the military crisis to be able to be coped with".

In other words, it is that it does a story with the deterrent that Harold Moulton said.

Wining, fighting doesn't cause peace, itself prepare, and it avoids the occurrence of the battle, inventing peace and stability.

This article continues.

Actually, this is the very unnatural and insolent attitude.

2016年11月04日 07時41分21秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

In the feeble national defense consciousness as Japan declares upon the world being, it puts up even if it loses, beforehand, it only becomes forever to be left be told by China and Korea and it has rather produced the possibility to become a dispute's occurrence spot as the area which doesn't prepare.

Supposing that it has war potential not to be involved in the war in case of Japan, too, of course, the one, not preparing a war actively from this side, is natural, but should not deny the maintenance of the defensive strength and should not deny armament expansion, too. Maintenance itself of the war deterrent should not deny.

Expansion is exceedingly interpreted by the leftist education, it hates all of the topics which are related with the military affairs and the national defense, and we must not commit suicide with so-called war opposition campaign and so on.

In the first place, the one, the national defense, has an aspect, the regional duty, too, for the strong country.

Japan doesn't concern even to be the economic superpower who has influence to the global economy and to be building up big success, engaging in the business all over the world, spreading a hand but continues to refuse the thing about thing, the military affairs, as far as it is possible to participate in the self-responsibility which the sovereign should assume and the balance among the states to make Asia be stable.

Actually, this is the very unnatural and insolent attitude.

At the same time as the state is the duty which keeps national safety about the one, the national defense, it is the duty to decrease the dispute of the area.

One who worried about the destabilization of the military balance in Asia where Japan becomes weak after the war has Mr. Ba Maw former prime minister at Burma.

Soon after Second World War a little later, at the time, he said in this way.

"America defeated Japan. Then, even if it has lost a force in Japan, is it right what it does and to accomplish? The Chinese Civil War mediation between Marschall in America recedes and Yan'an (the Chinese Communist Party) will get power gradually. In at least Asia, is it the thing which is right when Japan is powerless?"

From Yomiuri Shimbun edited Emperor Showa History 8 (P153)

The developing of the civilization turntable stopped

2016年11月04日 07時24分25秒 | 日記

The following is from column Oisokoiso of Nikkei Shimbun yesterday.

How much will there be a person who read compared with the article which was carried on this article and the FrontPage of Asahi Shimbun yesterday in the big space?

An inconsequential man with Asahi Shimbun itself, than saying, it is negligent of continuing to cause a big damage to the Japanese people with Japan, too, Hara Masato, the business news department article chief editor who is an ultimate inconsequential man, if reading and comparing the article to have been writing in the big space, (a serious crime as the instigator who made a deflation of course in it and made Japan's lost 20, too, is included),

he wrote, striking a streamer when he was an actual concession speech as if triumphantly to announcing that Kuroda president of the Bank of Japan extended achievement with 2 % of prices in the period.

The depth of the sin of continuing to dominate Japan by Asahi Shimbun who is represented by the wicked brain in the childishness of this man until August of two years ago.

The party monocrats of the Communist Party by it and the actual state is the one of the corporate-state, as a result of continuing to permit growing impudent and tyrannies of them,

As a result of attacking Japan by so-called men of culture who side with Asahi Shimbun, becoming with them, continuing to diminish and continuing to oppress Japan by them,

The developing of the civilization turntable stopped and made the very unstable and dangerous world (it isn't exaggerated even if it says evil spirits residing in forests in the darkness) in now.

That I met people at the hometown via the many years of blank became a indirect cause and who did place Japan in the situation of the political convict in the international community about 70 years after the war until now, which is the article which dwelt in my brain was the discovery of the Nobel prize class surely as well as my the turntable of civilization.

Because, I am because it righted Japan and the world perfectly surely.

All Japan people and the people all over the world should re-recognize the right of my article if reading and comparing Hara Masato's article and following article.

The text emphasis except the title is me.

Learn from Shin Godzilla.

Movie Shin Godzilla is really interesting.

Abe Shinzo prime minister is said not to be seen but there are many point which the prime minister who is proceeding with the battle with the deflation should learn from this movie.

First, an enemy is clearly recognized.

Shilly-shally of the policy making process has the amusement of the movie, it is as much as funny that the person concerned repeats a conference to disregard in the suddenly changing situation.

However, Godzilla is threatening with people's life and fortune, when judging once, the measure doesn't sway. It is Japan in now, flickering.

The deflation was good and the cause of the deflation left a deflation, lasting in 20, too, saying that it was a dynamic analysis of population, and so on.

The unemployment rate rises under the deflation, the number of the suicides, too, increases, work and salary weren't given to the young who should be valuable. The scratch of the deflation is deep.

Belatedly, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare says that it gives the company which employs a hard time for job seekers generation at the regular member from the next year a subsidy.

The rulers in Japan were very negligent of the damage of the deflation.

To the 2nd, in the movie, the government does all power for Godzilla extermination in a body. The Self-Defense Force invests all firepower in the battle.

On the other hand, the deflation defeat by this Japan of 20 years lacks system and consistency completely.

In 1997, the government raised a consumption tariff and in 2000, the Bank of Japan raised a interest rate.

Moreover, the Bank of Japan canceled quantitative relaxation in 06 when the deflation hasn't ended yet.

Thinking that the monetary-fiscal policy became like extension at the same time in Abenomics, in among about whether or not to have, the consumption tax increase in April, 14 is about to make the restoration of the Japanese economy suffer a setback again.

With the 3rd, the scientific analysis is indispensable for the right measure.

The huge unclear creature specially installed disaster countermeasures office of the government which is the lead character of the movie is the organization which gathered, deracine of Kasumigaseki - the lone wolf - the odd fellow - the geek - the problem child - nuisance - bother - the heretic of the society , but there is a common point to respect the analysis which is based on the logic and the fact in it.

They would despise those posture, it doesn't tell a merit, the decline of the unemployment rate, in spite of the evaluation of the monetary policy, it doesn't refer about the excise tax increase while pointing out consumption's flounder, it shuts its mouth to regulate its own industry while suggesting a deregulation to the other industry.

The success in the early stages of the battle with the deflation was in the success of the macro policy.

The recent stagnation is in the consumption tax increase.

I want to suggest appreciation to Prime Minister Abe by all means.

Therefore, the Japanese don't like unsettled which doesn't settle.

2016年11月04日 07時14分31秒 | 日記

There is a serialization column which Takayama Masayuki who is the one and only journalist in the world after the war is writing, entitling, and the record in the season, in the first page of monthly magazine, the sound argument.

Each time, he is proving that my comment to him is completely right. The following is the excerpt.

With this paper, you who read the extraction of the paper of the journalist, the Mr. Miroslav Marinov of the Bulgarian the same as Irina Bokova which was introduced by the preceding chapter, you would think that the number (780 yen) of December of the sound argument must be subscribed to for the bookstore at once.

The preamble abbreviation

The Japanese bring to an end accurately.

Therefore, the Japanese don't like unsettled which doesn't settle.

This word comes from Shina and can see the scenery in their mind's eye which seems to be Shina person really.

However, this unsettled was popular immoderately these day to the Japanese society for some reason.

It seems because the Japanese made Shina person, too, but the example is the nationality problem of Renhō who is the nearest Shina person.

Renhō has Taiwan family register.

Therefore, Renhō a passport in Taiwan, she has until it applies for the demilitarization just the other day.

That is to say, in the times when only it was there, over Hong Kong at first Taiwan passport like Teresa Teng, it is assumed that it went out to the oversea, buying a false passport in Indonesia, and so on, too.

Even when taking a Japanese nationality within 17 years old, it didn't erase Taiwan family register.

The reason, it may have followed the life of the father who comes from Shina as Renhō said.

The family has been making a living in the banana rights and interests.

It is near overseas Chinese more if anything than the simple and honest person in Taiwan which we think of.

Therefore, there may not have been intention to live only by the Japanese nationality.

The character of overseas Chinese's 僑 means a rootless wanderer.

Lee Kuan Yew (李光耀 ) who made a Singaporean empire to France-India Bến Hải, next, to British territory Murray, have flowed through Singapore last, it has the habit which flows anywhere.

Therefore, it didn't abandon Taiwan family register until the nationality problem came up in the table.

She says that she is Japanese.

As Miyake Kunihiko wrote somewhere, now, it is a problem, if it does the law violation of the mistake of the procedure, and so on, it is not, and Renhō is with which country on earth you are loyal.

While she says that she is Japanese, there is not even a fragment about the seeming of doing Japanese being in the conduct.

It declares Katsuya Okada is the trivial man in public and that he is the man who doesn't want to marry inveighs.

It doesn't have one of the modesty to the speech manner, the decision that will have, too, it isn't felt.

If anything, it doesn't conceal admiration to Shina where the father was born.

It puts Shina's name to the born child.

In some magazine, she says that she wants to make a little good Japan.

She is making a fool of to Japan in addition to Okada.

Renhō's Bejing University studying abroad, too, is unignorably.

As it had Taiwan family register to this university, she studied abroad.

It is Asami Kazuo of the Mainichi Newspapers which wrote the lie of 100 murderers that remembers if saying Bejing University.

After the war, a Noda ensign, Mukai ensign were executed at Yŭhuātái for the lie article in Asami.

Liao Chengzhi esteemed 100 murderers as doing the only made in Japan in the lie in cruel Japan.

Therefore, he feared that Asami went over and telling the truth, so he moved a Asami family to Beijing.

It is in Beijing University that it let in his daughter at this time.

The story to greet Youichi Funabashi of Asahi Shimbun which continued to flatter Shina to the professor in this university, too, was pat.

As for the university department of the making toward Japan of Shina, here was used for a long time.

Renhō who has Taiwan family register is husband and wife smoothly and accepting, too, can nod.

It writes nowhere if excluding the Sankei Shimbun although such a suspicious person approaches the seat of the prime minister.

It makes obscure.