文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

How do you defend Japan? , the answer of the disarmer who faces a question,

2016年11月01日 22時38分56秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

In any case, the demilitarized theory as the part sloughed in clean off, how to defend Japan against the nucleus in North Korea and so on in the future, is only a consideration stop merely.

How do you defend Japan? , the answer of the disarmer who faces a question, it becomes about two kinds, dividing roughly.

China (North Korea) isn't threatening with the answer which shows trust by unknown origin, and doing the optimism that America keeps.

First, don't forget the major premise that any country has priority over a national interest in its own country most.

Of course, America has priority over a national interest in America most. Of course, China has priority over a national interest in China most.

America has fled, fearing a dispute when the atomic submarine in China approaches Taiwan, too, it is canceling economic sanction and terrorist-supporting state specification even if North Korea does a nuclear test.

Even if a territory in Japan is invaded by China and Korea, it is leaving as the diplomatic problem of the countries directly concerned.

It becomes repeat but as for America, having priority over a national interest in America most is a major premise.

This article continues.

it says that it wants there to be in short only Japan in the unarmed body as weak forever

2016年11月01日 22時17分21秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

The Democratic Party and so on let out incomprehensible theories such as show the power not to have a nucleus! , but it isn't possible for there to be the power not to have and so on in the world of the international politics and the military affairs.

It is a word game merely fully.

If believing such a word, test whether it is possible to show the power not to have a gun in the country of the gun society somewhere, dressing up in fur and jewel to know a rich person by all means.

The side of the person which has a gun doesn't show what seen the power not to have a gun is at all and as for the result, rich person was robbed of all his possessions would only pray to God for long life in the complete nudity.

In the first place, it hardly hears that the country leftist who does the claim of anti-nuclear, joyful to Japan is insisting on the criticism and the nuclear abandonment to the nucleus in China.

It seems that it says that it wants there to be in short only Japan in the unarmed body as weak forever.

Here, not to describe anyway to possess a nucleus but to raise a knowledge standard with the national level beforehand about the meaning of the nuclearization, the conditions for use and the deterrent, too, it is possible to say the fact that it is necessary to discuss without suspicion.

This article continues.

However, the country where modern democracy is fully rooted once doesn't turn back any longer

2016年11月01日 22時02分51秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

There is a person who explains that it is Japan must not arm! , saying being the Japanese reconsidered when they didn't become a military power like the prewar days! , to the leftist speech, too.

It hears plausibly about this, too, but I know that it is misleading a conclusion, operating an impression on the word if seeing seriously.

This will should interpret the center of gravity of the denial not with the one of, it becomes a military power, being bad but placing it in the part, like the prewar days.

Surely, it becomes totalitarianism and socialistic like before the war,

it is dangerous because the war can be begun only in the judgement of the small number human being.

However, the country where modern democracy is fully rooted once doesn't turn back any longer.

Also, there are persons such as firmly maintain the pacifist constitution to be proud of in the world! , too.

However, the Constitution in the country which doesn't only have an army by entrusting most of the own country defense to America should attempt to think of whether or not it is the one which it is possible to be proud of in the world, that it seems that it is proud in a look in the foreign country.

Of course, idea itself which the pacifist constitution draws is wonderful ideal but the essence of the Constitution which America forced on Japan is the system to do so as not for a state, Japan, to be formed without America and article 9 is the Constitution which presupposes that it depends on the military power in the foreign country completely.

Will it be possible to be proud of such one in the foreign country? Even if it supposes that there was an irresponsible foreigner of, it is nice, to the Constitution article 9 in Japan, there is not one country of, and then, our country, too, introduces.

This is actual.

(※ The Constitution in Costa Rica doesn't only have a regular army and in the part in root the right of collective self-defense completely differently from the Constitution of Japan because it is admitted and it organizes an army by the adoption to the emergency )

The phrase of firmly maintain a fault nucleus as the only world nation that was the victim of atomic bombs! , to hear well, too, is similar.

The word of the person who insists on the fault nucleus in the nuclear umbrella doesn't have a force at all.

At least, for the nonnuclear country which is out of the umbrella of nucleus, it will be the story as amazed and it is only in the nuclear power not to be glad that the nuclear power increases that it welcomes such a claim.

Then, even if it attempts to advocate a fault nucleus in the world by the title, the only nation that was the victim of atomic bombs, it isn't possible to make it throw away a stone by all means to the nuclear power as much as such a title.

This article continues.

which doesn't have war potential becomes it is easy for the partner country to let out a meddling

2016年11月01日 20時47分21秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

It says nothing to the army in China to huge-ize by the terrible force, the person who isn't doing even the claim which loses the army, in Japan which is defended by the world's strongest U.S. forces, while yourself receive the benefit of the army in America, that only the Japanese military which don't have even schedule to be born yet deny by the limitation is full of contradiction.

Also, the war for Japan occurs even if there is not an army in Japan. It is when the war can be prepared.

This is for example a thing the same as that there is a case that the weaks such as the old person, the child and the disabled person who doesn't have the power to fight become a criminal target.

In other words, even if may not be even if there may be an army in Japan, there is an army in the foreign country, when the country wants to make Japan and concerned nations accept some demand,

it says that the campaign and the military threat, too, are possible sufficiently.

Surely, it is a story on the prolongation of North Korea's proving.

It is possible to see the fact to be many, too, about the case which it is possible to prevent if there is power to fight among them when attempting to turn that there is a case that the weak becomes a criminal victim over, too.

Nothing of this is a meaning of it beats a criminal by the fighting power.

It is a meaning of the criminal doesn't aim expressly at the person who has the power to fight.

The merit to be won in the criminal act and criminal himself is because it weighs the risk to suffer in the balance by the partner war potential.

For example, China executed the choice that it gets a territory, massacring an army, sending it to weak Tibet though, if the partner is America, there will not be even sending an army in addition to the slaughter in China.

The result, the military crash don't occur.

Becoming a war because there is an army but depending on the convenience of the partner country and the concerned nations because the war occurs even if there is or there is not an army, occurrence itself of the war has nothing to do with the existence or non-existence of the army.

However, because the weak country which doesn't have war potential becomes it is easy for the partner country to let out a meddling, that there is possibility to become the primer of the war in the area is rather actual.

This article continues.

but the claim to become a war if the organization, the army, forms in Japan would be strange

2016年11月01日 20時28分45秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

In spite of, opposes a war! , therefore, it opposes arms buildup absoluteness! , there are those who do not doubt take mistaking because such an absolute justice.

This is the lack of the national defense consciousness surely.

The directionality of the claim which the leftist is eager to lead, if saying flatly, the Japanese have national defense consciousness = it says an expansion in armaments = a war the same as the past = an evil, neither the one which is an equal sign, it is the catholicization of the image to make it identical-ize.

The maintenance of the army, the discussion of the nuclear armament and so on, discussion itself the story which is related to the war which is not goodness or an evil, the speech to lead to the image of the evil, anyone should have seen if living in Japan.

If saying an evil, making thing itself which arranges armament connect with the war, it has said the world only to be the country of the evil.

The leftist should criticize various countries in the world where there is an army than Japan though about it, there is little leftist speech to criticize an army except the U.S. army.

It becomes a war because there is an army, therefore, as for Japan must not arm, it is the phrase to hear well.

This, too, is deceptive.

The reason why all ages and countries, the state and the state become a war is not which has an army.

The state does a war to let through some request (to refuse some request).

It is possible to understand partially if becoming a war because so-called army exists in the world but the claim to become a war if the organization, the army, forms in Japan would be strange.

This article continues.

There are various countries in the world, it is not only the good and peaceful country.

2016年11月01日 20時04分04秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

There are various countries in the world, it is not only the good and peaceful country.

Of course, there is a good-natured country, too, though the various country, the national defense to keep its own country (is natural but) it is thinking as the minimum duty to the people by the state.

Of the country which doesn't fear isolating in the international community like North Korea in this world because, it exists unfortunately, the reality that the country which doesn't mind even ignoring an international law exists, it is because the various countries all over the world receive from the front.

The country which cannot be crawled on with the goodness a reality of it exists, if understanding just as it is, the maintenance of the defensive strength to defend its country, for argument's sake, let's assume it's true the discussion for it, is necessary, anyone will understand in case of being a natural right.

However, in case of Japan, there is a person who appeals for the words the same as China and Korea of consider to the near neighboring country! , reconsider to the history! , and so on loudly in the country because it is possible to lose even the natural exercise of right.

The theory of Japan only thought of the national defense and gives the near neighboring country distrust and an unpleasant feeling is the plan of the desperateness to interfere with the discussion which they thought of, too, by.

However, it is a well-known fact that any country continues to reinforce military power every year about China - Russia - Korea - North Korea which is the near neighboring country.

There is not a scent of their stopping military power reinforcement.

Rather China and so on, a reason for being doing a dreadful expansion in armaments by the extraordinary force, even if it asks by the naming from Japan and America to explain, it doesn't do even a proper explanation.

Then, in Japan, there is a person who champions violence in such China, too.

It is the person who doesn't turn it to China while crying the expansion in armaments opposition! , the war opposition! , in Japan.

On the one hand for the Japanese to renounce the right to defend himself only about the Japanese, as for the right for the foreigner to defend himself, respecting is the claim of the leftist in Japan.

This would be a strange story in any case.

This article continues.

for this situation the media is prevaricating, with the people making voice big,

2016年11月01日 18時38分59秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

If saying about the national defense consciousness, it is not when assuming a posture quietly.

The menace in the neighboring country in Japan is not starting soon.

There are already forgetting people, too, North Korea shoots a missile to Sea of Japan in May, 1993, too, it is making the Pacific Ocean do a wear bullet, jumping over the territorial waters in Japan in August, 1998.

How much is this extraordinary?

Then, Japanese Government, too, repelled indeed but with the step to have had a missile again discharged in July, 2006 (8 years later from the last time), the defense arm or the countering system which becomes a deterrent didn't form in Japan.

The artificial satellite which watches over Korean Peninsula for 24 hours, too, was incomplete.

( ※ At present, a watch was strengthened by increasing a artificial satellite to four).

In other words, in spite of having an actually fearful experience in the past, being in the carry area of the missile which can kill the people right now by the tens of thousands of people, 8 years of valid measures aren't done as the dangerous condition and even a discussion is said to have been frequently interfered with.

What is more, the menace is not only North Korea.

Korea controls Takeshima which is a territory in Japan in addition that it kidnaped a fisherman in Japan while it supported rice, manure and money in the North Korea and it killed him by the armed policeman and the national public opinion, too, is positive with the nuclear armament.

Moreover, as it saw so far, the hostility to Japan in Korea is a national policy level.

China possesses thousands of nuclear missiles and turns it to the metropolis in Japan such as Tokyo, Osaka, Fukuoka.

Then, it doesn't hesitate, avowing that Senkaku-shoto which is a territory in Japan is, it is a territory in China, it begins gas field development its own way and it forces only a one-sided request.

When the submarine in China invades territorial waters in Japan in November, 2004, because the U.S. army and the Self-Defense Force were watching, the thing itself who invaded in the territorial waters is a hard excuse, saying it strayed into the Japanese territorial waters in the technical trouble in the one which was admitted without that it was possible to prevaricate, being official and so on and the Chinese government is the disposition which expresses a uncomfortable feeling oppositely as Japan raised an uproar exaggeratedly in the case in addition to refusing an apology.

Korea doesn't stop at the territory invasion and aims at the culture of Japan, too. Until it leads to the samurai, the Japanese chivalry, the Japanese sword, the judo, the kendo, Karate, the Aikido, the sumo wrestling, the tea ceremony, the flower arrangement, the cartoon, the Japanese song, the emperor, Japanese, it tries to assume that the culture of Japan which became famous worldwide is the culture of Korea one after another.

The history problem, the territory problem or the cultural problem can lose the one which is important to Japan little by little if continuing to make it say a favorite thing to the foreign country.

The government official stops in the regrettable mind, for this situation the media is prevaricating, with the people making voice big, when Japan is invaded, it should say clearly.

It doesn't concern even such status and the Japanese people keep leaving an incomplete national defense system, too, as the national defense consciousness, too, is weak.

Rather, in the part media, violent opinions such as the Self-Defense Force, too, should dissolve, considering in Asia, too, are openly and squarely published.

However, I want you to think well.

Thinking of keeping its life by any creature as natural, discussing national defense in its own country in any country is a proper right.

Even if it is a however huge continent state, even if it is an island country in the however small frontier, the right to think of the defense of its country isn't equally infringed.

This article continues

It isn't possible to be standing forever doing nothing in front of the arms as the unarmed body

2016年11月01日 18時11分43秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

Then, because the countering system is still incomplete technically, even if it supposes Japan to have been able to detect it from the satellite if having a missile once discharged at the same time in quantities even if it supposed that it deployed, in the preparation in now, it is after all no choice other than looking at the family to die in silence status.

America just tells a glare and a state of now is only controlling North Korea's move.

The fact of how about taking from North Korea even if it supposes that Japan glared independently.

In short, Japan is an unarmed body to the missile in North Korea in addition to the nuclear missile in China, too.

Then, the anti-Japanese influence in North Korea and China and so on accelerates fierce Japan-U.S. estrangement making (the making to estrange Japan-U.S. politically) in each area at present if saying what it is thinking of next.

It isn't possible to be standing forever doing nothing in front of the arms as the unarmed body.

In such a case, it should discuss how we should do first.

However, Ozawa of the Democratic Party and so on interfere with the national defense discussion earnestly, saying it isn't possible to attack a foreign country (for North Korea) to begin a war right now, and so on.

Even if it attacks Japan surely as the present situation, if retaliated on by the U.S. forces, the coming-out of without difficulty, North Korea would not be stupid enough to attack right now.

However, as the problem before it, Ozawa's story shifts.

Such a story is not the national defense consciousness which is hoped by the politician in Japan which Japanese national representative is enough for at all.

As for that it seems that it is saying it isn't possible (for the partner) to pull a trigger and so on in the condition that a muzzle is forced on the head of the Japanese, passing the indifference to peace, isn't strange even if it is made profit enemy act.

It may not leave one, the muzzle, on the side of the head even if it doesn't shoot it.

It is not problems such as doesn't North Korea pull or doesn't pull a trigger? And there being no use in arguing, it is necessary to make it lower a gun.

Then, if not doing it by Japan to aim a gun at by itself, the state doesn't achieve the responsibility that the state keeps national life.

Even if many persons notice immediately if seeing the Diet transfer-station, the Democratic Party - Ozawa and so on neglect keeping the safety of the people who are a sovereign and the state, involved only in attacking a political opponent rival.

Making an enemy lower a gun is not for the claim, the thought and the election of the politician and the party and is a responsibility to the all-Japan people.

This article continues.

Rather, it is the country as the opposition parties such as the Communist Party are opposing

2016年11月01日 17時49分38秒 | 日記

I think that approximately 100 % of Mr. Takayama Masayuki wrote about the paper in this real thing.

It may have written at the time which he was doing a professor in the form which is not true intention at the 2006 year time.

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

In 2006, North Korea discharged seven missiles to the seas close to Japan without the preliminary notice to the near neighboring country.

They carried out a nuclear test on it, and declared himself that it is the nuclear weapon states.

Then, saying the relation with Japan is the worst, even the qualification which comes out for six countries of discussion relents about Japan and so on, the state representative provokes in the official remark, Japan for which Japan is more hateful than America which pressures military, being political and being economic, Japan is troublesome and when it excludes Japan, North Korea names Japan specifically.

By the way, it is because they don't have for now the miniaturization technology which makes the nucleus a warhead.

The nuclear missile cannot be shot (it is current) but the other one can be made a warhead.

For example, the one like a depleted uranium bullet which made the heavy metal which has toxicity a warhead, it is such as B.C. arms (the biochemical weapons).

If using them, in the step in now, the genocide of the human being and the animals and plant who lives in Japan only with the technology in North Korea will be able to be executed.

When North Korea executes the attack of Japan, it will think of making a city central function be paralytic, making an attack object a nuclear power plant and metropolitan area, too, and the feint terrorism of the cutting of the power-transmission wire by the North Korean agent of Japan and the gas spray and so on, too, is worried about with it before and after missile discharging.

Their long-range missile (it is current) doesn't reach the American Continent and the North Korean government is avowing being it didn't turn a missile to Korea.

Then, the Japanese whole area goes into the carry of the missile.

In them, actually, the meaning which is said to have had the missile which can cross the sea is a meaning, that Japan can be threatened using it.

The possibility that a long-range missile in North Korea is discharged, aiming at the U.S., China, Russia, and Korea is low and the country which must be guarded against in the sense as the straight arms is only Japan in the concerned nations.

However, the Japanese side doesn't have the negotiation material to only make North Korea judge that discharging a missile is profitless personally about at Japanese simple substance.

Rather, it is the country as the opposition parties such as the Communist Party are opposing firmly even about the countering system of to shoot down the missile of the enemy which was discharged for Japan.

This article continues.

However, simultaneously with it, don't avert your eyes from the reality, either.

2016年11月01日 17時24分52秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

Of course, it should not do a war and so on.

It is not because it is barbarous.

It is not because it reconsidered.

It is because it is profitless each other only.

Then, as for ideal, being opposite to the war, the human being seems to be a human being and being necessary by all means to live, nobly, there should be all over the world so in the future, too.

However, simultaneously with it, don't avert your eyes from the reality, either.

The human being to have been ripened to a certain degree should see an ideal and a reality to simultaneous.

All ages and countries, a lot of persons are not in the example that a quarrel and a dispute were eradicated from the place to gather and as for the desire of the human being, the person who marries the person who can control rationally and is not exists surely and then actually, the act, the war, continues to continue without disappearing from on the earth.

It is the reality which cannot be denied even if it wants to deny it.

The state chooses the realistic method at the same time in addition to telling an ideal, avoids a war and should have to defend the people.

Japan which is appealing for the war opposition, depending on the military power in the foreign country as it doesn't have the evidence of the power to prevent a war previously independently, different from the various countries in the world is in the especially serious status.

This article continues.

It is because the world's strongest U.S. forces showed off overwhelming war potential in the rear

2016年11月01日 17時15分55秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

However, it is peaceful, it isn't possible to achieve in unarmed neutrality as the Socialist Party was insisting, or in the Self-Defense Force sending troops opposition - stubbornly the article 9 defending - the anti-American which the Communist Party insists on and so on.

Then, the various countries in the world are not only the country of the good will to understand if talking.

Though, Japan is 60 years after the war, it is such in China, Russia and North Korea, the sense of values is completely different, be surrounded by the dictatorial communism state but, why will we live peacefully without being invaded?

It is easy.

It is because the world's strongest U.S. forces showed off overwhelming war potential in the rear in Japan.

It is never thanks to the pacifist constitution, the Constitution article 9.

Most of the Japanese only let out a word the military power, and it tends to feel resistance but as for peace in Japan which the Japanese are blessed with every day, t is maintained by the military power.

This article continues.

The source in peace is not because it renounced a war and the reason for not doing a war

2016年11月01日 17時00分12秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

The national defense consciousness of the Japanese

First, the phrase not to have done a war for 60 years after the war is in being peaceful because well hearing Japan renounced a war, and so on, because there is a Constitution article 9 in Japan but this is false fully.

The source in peace is not because it renounced a war and the reason for not doing a war is not because there is article 9.

Then, why may Japan not made war?

What power may so-called pacifist constitution have had?

It decides to try the illustration to think of by replacing a little form with the dispute of the individual, the bullying problem, here in the sense which changes the angle of the eyes.

Here, the cause of the bully, the way of losing a bully and in which is there a problem, the side to bully or the bullied side and so on aren't described.

It narrows down the point of the assumption to one.

Suppose that it did the declaration that one of the bullied sides renounces a battle one-sidedly, the claim in peace by the bullied side has power, or.

If simplifying more, the bullied side if renouncing a battle alone, the bully will pass away, or.

The answer is NO regrettably.

If the bully passes away so easily, there are not pains.

Rather, the person who has the situation which cannot fight is unpleasant, when the person who doesn't have fighting intention has been bullied, too, but the reality is not a few.

Even the world peace, even the daily life which isn't bullied, when realizing so-called ideal, only in the word, it lacks.

It understands that the bully doesn't come not to be a simple method about many Japanese immediately, it doesn't understand the fact that the war doesn't come not to be a simple method easily, and it runs away from the complication to think of, it calls the arming opposition and the war opposition only repeatedly.

This article continues.

It leads leftist mass media as if the Japanese have national defense consciousness itself is a sin

2016年11月01日 12時45分04秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

However, because the mass media in Japan is near the leftist completely, when having the talk of the national defense, as it doesn't have even something to talk of the responsibility that the state defends people's life - fortune and so on and what are you doing as the effort that the various countries in the world avoid a war and so on, becomes often a shifting story immediately of the right wing is fanning a war! , and so on, the person dies!

The right wing becomes a far right about the way of calling, too, and the leftist becomes a citizens' group.

In China, it turns an enormous nuclear missile to Japan, it beggars modern weapons, destroying a artificial satellite, it invades territorial waters in Japan, it is continuation in the incomparable war expenditure expansion, most people don't know that it continues to get help from Japan, it throws stone to the Japanese Embassy, taking the subway to have made with the money of Japan, the youngster rampages, putting fire to the national flag in Japan.

In the mysterious thing, however, it doesn't say that the mass communication in much Japan, which the Chinese side is fanning a war.

It leads leftist mass media as if the Japanese have national defense consciousness itself is a sin.

The war for Japan becomes like a concept which exists only in the textbook at the relics in the past but the wars for the countries and so on such as China are the part of the diplomacy of them who move in the present.

This article continues.

The most extreme with so said the disagreement and the defect of Japan, it is the weakness

2016年11月01日 12時24分26秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

The most extreme with so said the disagreement and the defect of Japan, it is the weakness of the national defense consciousness.

It is so-called indifference to peace but the trend which produces it seems to exist still as the structure from the postwar days in Japan.

For example, in Japan, there is one like a mysterious trend to make it connect with the story of the war immediately in so-called the left-leaning people of the TV and the newspaper such as the commentator and the Communist Party, when someone tries to have the talk of the national defense.

They are eager at once to make it reconsiders a war in the past story and stories such as the fear to Japan's becoming the country which does a war in the future even if they are not when doing the topic of the war.

First, have a doubt here.

The national defense consciousness, in the one which thinks of what defends a country against the foreign enemy is general, in addition to the war, in the wide sense with the diplomacy, the resource scramble and the economic competition which is in the extension, thinking of the protection of its own country culture, too, is included of course.

For example, it claims on the dominium at Takeshima, in Senkaku-shoto and the four northern islands openly and squarely, and it includes that Japan makes the patent one and the high technique to have overseas so as not to have steal, too.

This article continues.

justice in which country they make a standard and the newspaper which writes an article

2016年11月01日 12時02分27秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

But, in their case, when conceding China and Korea, it applauds with open arms, however in case of conceding America they are computing the amount of a loss by burning with the rage of the justice and because it develops the government criticism and the responsibility pursuing which is fierce in the form which speaks with national voice, justice in which country they make a standard and the newspaper which writes an article for the people in which country they are very easy-to-understand.

In also the index of the newspaper and so on, too, there is one to make having friendship and a friendship sometimes proposed from China and the Korean side though, it is only the article to have emphasized an ostensible part by when seeing well.

Another request of themselves is certainly written if reading full text, if expressing easily, the friendship in Japan and China!, therefore, give a high technique in Japan to China, come out and being, and so on, Japan and the Republic of Korea friendship!, it is a form like in Korea in the textbook in Japan for it.

Don't confuse diplomacy with the friendship and the goodwill. Also, don't think that it has priority over friendship and the goodwill more than the interest of its own country.

To be America for the partner to be China and Korea, the one of Japan makes Japan a top priority is always the natural attitude of the Japanese side in the rule, the law.

Of course, America makes a national interest in America a top priority and China makes China a top priority and it is in the duty of being a responsibility as the government in the country that Korea, too, makes Korea a top priority.

If thinking of at least what is the work of the government, the friendship and the goodwill are only diplomatic one method.

It isn't illiberal even if it isn't stingy. It is a proper thing, seeing worldwide.

We, too, change recognition and should choose the politician who has priority over Japan more than any country.

This article continues.