The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.
In this flow, Woodrow Wilson president of the United States in those days admitted an observer - the participation of China to the peace conference of World War I which began with Paris in January, 1919.
The thing gives May Fourth Movement to mention later a chance and the anti-Japanese nationalism in China uplifts explosively.
The wariness toward Japan in America strengthens more in the times of Warren Harding president of the successor and leads to the definite oppression policy toward Japan with Washington Conference (1921 - 22).
Let it return the interest of Shantung-province which was acceded to from Germany to China, Nine countries of treaties which make it difficult for Japan to secure a Manchu interest in opposition to the auti-Japanese movement in China, Four countries of treaty Anglo-Japanese Alliance's cancellation by which it does, then, it was made to conclude the Naval Treaty which limits the quantity possessed of the capital ship in Japan to 60 percent of U.K. and U.S. by Japan.
Taking the lead in this May Fourth Movement, it was being in office in Bejing University, it says Li Dazhao and Chen Duxiu, it is the nucleus member when establishing Communist Party of China (July, 1921) later .
They were starting the Marxism seminar in Bejing University in 1918 and already inclined toward the socialism - the communism.
May Fourth Movement was clearly the movement which received influence increase by the communism by the success of the Russian Revolution and moreover the Communist International forming in March, 1919, (the international communism organization which USSR established for the world communization).
The Chinese nationalism is July, 1919, Lev Karakhan of the USSR foreign affair commissar substitute (the vice foreign minister) by presented Karakhan declaration, moreover, it strengthens an anti-Japanese and tolerant to communism.
As for the declaration, it cancels the unequal treaty which was linked between imperialism Russia and China, Tsar a robbed interest, it was the contents to return to China unconditionally.
Moreover, Japan and old Russia approved each other in Manchuria and Mongolia, it appeals for invalid of a series of Japan-Russia agreements, too, it fanned anti-Japanese feeling in China here as the world revolution strategy.
However, a promise, the return of the interest which imperialism Russia robbed, is finally made scrap paper, it is the chum for Karakhan declaration to pull and to twine China, it was clear that it was only making a revolution to China in USSR.
However, Sun Yat-sen who settled Kuomintang in Shanghai in this October (reorganizing the Chinese Revolutionary Party) is deceived by this and is leaning towards Solidarity with the Soviet Union, Available communism.
That First United Front was made in 1924 by Sun Wen who continued contact with the Comintern = USSR after that and permitting the sneaking of the countless secret party members of the Communist Party of China there inside the Kuomintang lead to Kuomintang's decisive defeat in Chinese Civil War in 25 years later 1949.
The People's Republic of China where Communist Party of China's party making a despotic decision to carry-out continues still is born.
This article continues