文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

That First United Front was made in 1924 by Sun Wen who continued contact with the Comintern

2016年11月09日 23時32分32秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

In this flow, Woodrow Wilson president of the United States in those days admitted an observer - the participation of China to the peace conference of World War I which began with Paris in January, 1919.

The thing gives May Fourth Movement to mention later a chance and the anti-Japanese nationalism in China uplifts explosively.

The wariness toward Japan in America strengthens more in the times of Warren Harding president of the successor and leads to the definite oppression policy toward Japan with Washington Conference (1921 - 22).

Let it return the interest of Shantung-province which was acceded to from Germany to China, Nine countries of treaties which make it difficult for Japan to secure a Manchu interest in opposition to the auti-Japanese movement in China, Four countries of treaty Anglo-Japanese Alliance's cancellation by which it does, then, it was made to conclude the Naval Treaty which limits the quantity possessed of the capital ship in Japan to 60 percent of U.K. and U.S. by Japan.


Taking the lead in this May Fourth Movement, it was being in office in Bejing University, it says Li Dazhao and Chen Duxiu, it is the nucleus member when establishing Communist Party of China  (July, 1921) later .

They were starting the Marxism seminar in Bejing University in 1918 and already inclined toward the socialism - the communism.

May Fourth Movement was clearly the movement which received influence increase by the communism by the success of the Russian Revolution and moreover the Communist International forming in March, 1919, (the international communism organization which USSR established for the world communization).

The Chinese nationalism is July, 1919, Lev Karakhan of the USSR foreign affair commissar substitute (the vice foreign minister) by presented Karakhan declaration, moreover, it strengthens an anti-Japanese and tolerant to communism.

As for the declaration, it cancels the unequal treaty which was linked between imperialism Russia and China, Tsar a robbed interest, it was the contents to return to China unconditionally.

Moreover, Japan and old Russia approved each other in Manchuria and Mongolia, it appeals for invalid of a series of Japan-Russia agreements, too, it fanned anti-Japanese feeling in China here as the world revolution strategy.

However, a promise, the return of the interest which imperialism Russia robbed, is finally made scrap paper, it is the chum for Karakhan declaration to pull and to twine China, it was clear that it was only making a revolution to China in USSR.

However, Sun Yat-sen who settled Kuomintang in Shanghai in this October (reorganizing the Chinese Revolutionary Party) is deceived by this and is leaning towards Solidarity with the Soviet Union, Available communism.

That First United Front was made in 1924 by Sun Wen who continued contact with the Comintern = USSR after that and permitting the sneaking of the countless secret party members of the Communist Party of China there inside the Kuomintang lead to Kuomintang's decisive defeat in Chinese Civil War in 25 years later 1949.

The People's Republic of China where Communist Party of China's party making a despotic decision to carry-out continues still is born.

This article continues


2016年11月09日 23時20分56秒 | 日記










2016年11月09日 23時15分53秒 | 日記





What is this rather than the historic scandal which put fate in Japan out of, kilter?

2016年11月09日 21時19分58秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

The 3rd Konoe Statement issued on December 22nd, 1938, is the same as the Konoe 3 Principles, Good Friendly Friendship, Preventing Communism in Collaboration, Economic Alliance, it is said that it is indicated, but the important thing is to promote Wang Jingwei's determination to establish a new administration towards the construction of the East Asia new order, it is the wording of to associate with the same concerned discerning man in China, we are going to push forward towards the construction of the East Asia new order. Actually, it is the 20th of previous month. Wang Jingwei's emissary, Kao Tzung-wu and the others visit Japan, among Japanese Government, the approval of Manchukuo of the Chinese side, and the evacuation of the Japanese military within 2 years, the peace promotion which made it condition was agreed with.

However, for some reason, the evacuation of the Japanese military wasn't incorporated into The 3rd Konoe Statement which was released, being official.

It is important promise breaking by the Japanese side.

However, it already determines to part Chiang Kai-shek, Wang who was cut off in the retreat, leaving Chongqing where there was Nationalist Chinese government, it plows through the peace line reluctantly, it leads to the establishment of the Nanjing Nationalist Chinese government in 1940.

In any case, when the evacuation of the Japanese military passes away in this Wang Jingwei making, it may say that the road of the peace with the Nationalist Chinese government of Chiang Kai-shek was fully cut off.

Then, to create 3rd Konoe Statement, it knew that it played the role that Hotsumi Ozaki who went into the Konoe Cabinet as the temporary employee is very big recently.

It is voluminous work, the information and the plot (later) (the bottom), (Kokushokankohkai Corporation in 2014) which gathered a serialization with the defense relation information publication of the specialist, the Mr. Kasugai Kunio of the intelligence which was enrolled in Naicho for 22 years from 1965 that it clarified.

Mr. Kasugai made the evidence of the straight involvement to Ozaki's Konoe statement, by the staff of Prime Minister Konoe, it is defense relative documents in the trial (the hearing of final appeal, the innocence) of Inukai Takeru who was prosecuted supposing that it betrayed state secrets to Ozaki by the Sorge intelligence group case.

Inukai was Hotsumi Ozaki's close friend and in the First Konoe Cabinet, he was politically appointed to the Department of Communications participation government service from the members of the House of Representative.

The defense relation material of the Inukai was kept in Kyoto University and our research group confirmed the contents recently.

In this material, Inukai is asserting that it is Ozaki writes with the Prime Minister Secretary Ushiba Tomohiko, about the 3rd Konoe Statement plan.

According to Inukai's trial material, in the statement plan which Ozaki wrote, it is possible to fold up, it is an objection in the army area in the sentences and so on, it is changed by the different person, it was complete, adding the opinion of Prime Minister Konoe, too.

However, the complete work is done, it isn't particular even about Yokomizo director of intelligence bureau who works in the same prime minister's official residence in the appointed night even to have concealed and Ozaki says that it was hanging behind until night at the straight downward own room in the prime minister secretary room (the room of the Konoe statement writing) in order that it was possible to answer of whenever there was being consultation from the Kazami clerk administrator.

Where Ozaki influenced the contents of the 3rd Konoe Statement wasn't clear to the details but the one end of the important documentation which fate in Japan, the person was carrying who contemplated it ruins the peace of the Sino incident, it makes both countries Japan and China become impoverished and it causes a revolution.

What is this rather than the historic scandal which put fate in Japan out of, kilter?

The astonishing fact, too, is written down to the Inukai trial material.

This article continues.

La nouvelle de la candidature ne fait que rappeler au peuple bulgare le passé de Bokova

2016年11月09日 15時42分48秒 | 日記

Ce qui suit est la suite du chapitre précédent.

Bivol.bg a envoyé une lettre d'enquête sur l'achat de biens immobiliers par Bokova à l'UNESCO, mais les cris de relation avec le devoir de la possession de l'immobilier du secrétaire général a été une réponse de la personne responsable du rapport.

Ce n'est pas seulement cela.

Bokova a exigé l'augmentation des frais de voyage immédiatement après son installation au secrétaire général.

Il s'agit de 800 000 dollars que Bokova a requis comme budget en 2011 pour la mission.

Il s'agit des montants d'argent du secrétaire général de Ban Ki-moon qui sont plus annuellement qu'un budget sur un voyage d'affaires.

L'examen de l'aide multilatérale (MAR) du Royaume-Uni, qui surveille une façon d'utiliser le budget de l'organisation internationale, donne une faible évaluation, disant qu'il ya un problème de gestion et de gestion par l'UNESCO avec le rapport en 2011.

Dans la contribution de l'UNESCO, le Japon dans le 2ème du monde ne devrait pas connaître l'état actuel de Bokova et puis l'UNESCO plus?

Le membre du fan club de Bokova comme le célèbre musicien Jean Michel Jarre en France qui a été nommé ambassadeur de bonne volonté de l'UNESCO en 2009 exprime le soutien de Bokova.

Cependant, les Bulgares ne sont pas trompés.

La candidature de Bokova est à peine soutenue en Bulgarie et ce n'est que le parti politique élitiste qui soutient.

Les nouvelles de la candidature ne rappelaient au peuple bulgare que le passé de Bokova.

Cet article continue.

La notizia della candidatura ricorda solo il popolo bulgaro del passato subdolo di Bokova

2016年11月09日 15時42分11秒 | 日記

Quanto segue è il sequel del capitolo precedente.

Bivol.bg inviato una lettera di richiesta di informazioni per l'acquisto immobiliare da Bokova al Unesco, ma la relazione piange con il dovere circa il possesso dei beni immobili del segretario generale è stata una risposta da parte della persona rapporto in carica.

Non è solo questo.

Bokova richiesto l'aumento delle spese di viaggio immediatamente quando è stato installato nella segretario generale.

Si tratta di 800.000 dollari che Bokova richieste come il bilancio nel 2011 per la missione.

Questa è la quantità di denaro di Ban Ki-moon U.N. segretario generale che sono più ogni anno di una su un bilancio viaggio d'affari.

Il Regno Mutilateral Review Aid United (MAR) che controlla un modo di usare il bilancio dell'organizzazione internazionale sta dando bassa valutazione, dicendo, c'è un problema nella gestione e la gestione dall'UNESCO con la relazione nel 2011.

Nel contributo dell'UNESCO, sarà il Giappone nel 2 ° del mondo non dovrebbe conoscere lo stato attuale della Bokova e poi l'Unesco di più?

Il membro del fan club di Bokova come famoso musicista Jean Michel Jarre in Francia, che è stato nominato Ambasciatore di Buona Volontà dell'UNESCO nel 2009, esprime il sostegno della Bokova.

Tuttavia, il popolo bulgaro non sono ingannati.

La candidatura di Bokova è poco supportato in Bulgaria ed è solo il politico elitario parziale che sta sostenendo.

La notizia della candidatura ricordato solo il popolo bulgaro del passato subdolo di Bokova.

Questo articolo continua.

La noticia de la candidatura sólo recuerda al pueblo búlgaro el pasado secreto de Bokova

2016年11月09日 15時41分35秒 | 日記

Lo que sigue es la secuela del capítulo anterior.

Bivol.bg envió una carta de investigación sobre la compra de bienes raíces por Bokova a la UNESCO, pero los gritos de relación con el deber sobre la posesión de los bienes raíces del secretario general fue una respuesta de la persona responsable del informe.

No es sólo esto.

Bokova requirió el aumento de los gastos de viaje inmediatamente cuando fue instalado en el secretario general.

Es 800.000 dólares que Bokova requerido como el presupuesto en 2011 para la misión.

Esta es la cantidad de dinero de Ban Ki-moon Secretario General de la ONU que son más anuales que un presupuesto de viaje de negocios.

La Revisión de la Ayuda Mutilateral del Reino Unido (MAR), que supervisa una forma de utilizar el presupuesto de la organización internacional, está dando una evaluación baja, diciendo, hay un problema en la gestión y la gestión de la UNESCO con el informe en 2011.

En la contribución de la UNESCO, Japón en el 2do del mundo no debe saber el estado actual de Bokova y después de la UNESCO más?

El miembro del club de fans de Bokova como el famoso músico Jean Michel Jarre en Francia, que fue nombrado embajador de buena voluntad de la UNESCO en 2009, está expresando el apoyo de Bokova.

Sin embargo, el pueblo búlgaro no se engaña.

La candidatura de Bokova no es apoyada en Bulgaria y es sólo el político parcial elitista que está apoyando.

La noticia de la candidatura sólo recordó al pueblo búlgaro el pasado secreto de Bokova.

Este artículo continúa.

Die Nachricht von der Kandidatur erinnert nur das bulgarische

2016年11月09日 15時40分40秒 | 日記

Das Folgende ist die Fortsetzung des vorhergehenden Kapitels.

Bivol.bg schickte ein Schreiben über die Immobilien-Kauf von Bokova an die UNESCO, aber das Verhältnis Schreie mit der Pflicht über den Besitz der Immobilien des Generalsekretärs war eine Antwort von der Berichterstattung Verantwortlichen.

Es ist nicht nur dieses.

Bokova verlangte die Erhöhung der Reisekosten sofort, wenn es im Generalsekretär installiert wurde.

Es ist 800.000 Dollar, die Bokova als das Budget im Jahr 2011 für die Mission benötigt.

Dies ist der Geldbetrag von Ban Ki-moon U.N. Generalsekretär, die mehr jährlich als ein auf Geschäftsreise Budget sind.

Die britische Mutilateral Aid Review (MAR), die überwacht eine Art und Weise der Verwendung des Budgets der internationalen Organisation ist eine geringe Evaluierung, sagt, es gibt ein Problem in der Verwaltung und der Verwaltung durch die UNESCO mit dem Bericht im Jahr 2011.

Sollte der UNESCO-Beitrag in der zweiten Hälfte der Welt den aktuellen Zustand von Bokova und dann die UNESCO nicht mehr wissen?

Das Mitglied des Fanclubs von Bokova wie der berühmte Musiker Jean Michel Jarre in Frankreich, der 2009 zum UNESCO-Goodwill-Botschafter ernannt wurde, bekundet die Unterstützung von Bokova.

Doch das bulgarische Volk wird nicht getäuscht.

Die Kandidatur von Bokova wird in Bulgarien kaum unterstützt, und es ist nur der teilweise elitäre Politiker, der unterstützt.

Die Nachricht von der Kandidatur erinnerte nur das bulgarische Volk an die hinterhältige Vergangenheit von Bokova.

Dieser Artikel geht weiter.

A notícia da candidatura só lembra o povo búlgaro do passado secreto de Bokova

2016年11月09日 15時39分53秒 | 日記

O que se segue é a sequela do capítulo anterior.

Bivol.bg enviou uma carta de inquérito sobre a compra imobiliária por Bokova à UNESCO, mas os gritos de relação com o dever sobre a posse do imóvel do secretário-geral foi uma resposta do relatório responsável.

Não é só isso.

Bokova exigiu o aumento das despesas de viagem imediatamente quando foi instalado no secretário-geral.

É 800.000 dólares que Bokova exigido como o orçamento em 2011 para a missão.

Esta é a quantia de dinheiro do secretário-geral da Ban Ki-moon que são mais anualmente do que um orçamento de viagem de negócios.

A Revisão da Ajuda Mutilateral do Reino Unido (MAR) que monitora uma forma de usar o orçamento da organização internacional está dando baixa avaliação, dizendo, há um problema na gestão e gestão da UNESCO com o relatório em 2011.

Na contribuição da UNESCO, será que o Japão no 2º lugar do mundo não deve saber mais o estado atual de Bokova e depois a UNESCO?

O membro do fã-clube de Bokova como o famoso músico Jean Michel Jarre em França, que foi nomeado embaixador da boa vontade da UNESCO em 2009 está expressando o apoio de Bokova.

No entanto, o povo búlgaro não são enganados.

A candidatura de Bokova é dificilmente apoiada na Bulgária e é apenas o político parcial elitista que está apoiando.

A notícia da candidatura só lembrou o povo búlgaro do passado secreto de Bokova.

Este artigo continua.


2016年11月09日 15時39分13秒 | 日記









Bokova的粉絲俱樂部的成員喜歡在法國著名音樂家Jean Michel Jarre在2009年被任命為教科文組織親善大使,表示Bokova的支持。






2016年11月09日 15時38分37秒 | 日記









Bokova的粉丝俱乐部的成员喜欢在法国着名音乐家Jean Michel Jarre在2009年被任命为教科文组织亲善大使,表示Bokova的支持。






2016年11月09日 15時38分02秒 | 日記

다음은 앞 장에서의 속편이다.

담당 보고서에서 사람이었다 답변을 Bivol.bg 유네스코에 Bokova에 의한 부동산 구입에 대한 문의 편지를 보냈지 만의 관계는 사무 총장의 부동산 소유에 대한 의무와 함께 울고.

그것은뿐만 아니라이 있습니다.

이 사무 총장에 설치되었을 때 Bokova는 즉시 여행 경비의 증가를 요구했다.

그것은 Bokova 임무에 대한 2011 년 예산으로 필요한 80 만 달러이다.

이 출장 예산에 대한 자세한 매년보다 반기문 유엔 사무 총장의 돈의 양입니다.

말, 낮은 평가를 제공하는 국제기구의 예산을 사용하는 방법을 모니터링 영국 Mutilateral 원조 검토 (MAR)는 관리 문제와 2011 년 보고서와 함께 유네스코에 의해 관리가있다.

유네스코의 기여에서, 일본 세계 2 차에 Bokova의 실제 상태 후 유네스코 자세한 내용을 알고 안됩니까?

2009 년 유네스코 친선 대사로 임명되었다 프랑스의 유명한 음악가 장 미셸 자르 같은 Bokova의 팬 클럽의 회원은 Bokova의지지를 표현한다.

그러나 불가리아 사람들은 속지되지 않습니다.

Bokova의 후보는 거의 불가리아에서 지원되지 않으며 만 지원하고 부분 엘리트 정치인이다.

후보의 소식은 Bokova의 언더 핸드 과거의 불가리아 사람들을 생각 나게했다.

이 문서는 계속됩니다.


2016年11月09日 15時37分22秒 | 日記

Ниже является продолжением предыдущей главе.

Bivol.bg направил письмо-запрос о покупке недвижимости по Бокова к ЮНЕСКО, но отношение взывает с обязанностью о владении недвижимостью заместителя генерального секретаря был ответ от отчета ответственного лица.

Это не только это.

Бокова требуется увеличение расходов на поездки сразу, когда он был установлен в генеральный секретарь.

Это 800000 долларов, что Бокова, необходимые в качестве бюджета в 2011 году для миссии.

Это суммы денег Пан Ги Мун, Генеральный секретарь ООН, которые больше, чем ежегодно на бюджет командировки.

Королевство Mutilateral Обзор помощи США (MAR), который отслеживает путь использования бюджета международной организации дает низкую оценку, говоря, существует проблема в управлении и управление по делам ЮНЕСКО с докладом в 2011 году.

В отношении вклада ЮНЕСКО, будет Японии во 2-м в мире не должен знать фактическое состояние Бокова, а затем ЮНЕСКО больше?

Член фан-клуба Бокова как известного музыканта Жана Мишеля Жарра во Франции, который был назначен послом доброй воли ЮНЕСКО в 2009 году выражает поддержку Бокова.

Тем не менее, болгарский народ не обманули.

Кандидатура Бокова вряд ли поддерживается в Болгарии, и это лишь частичный элитарным политик, который поддерживает.

Новость о кандидатуре только напомнил болгарский народ закулисной прошлом Бокова.

Эта статья продолжается.

Vestea candidaturii amintește numai poporul bulgar din trecut de underhand Bokova

2016年11月09日 15時36分36秒 | 日記

Următoarele este continuarea capitolului precedent.

Bivol.bg a trimis o scrisoare de anchetă cu privire la achiziționarea de bunuri imobile de către Bokova la UNESCO, dar relația plânge cu datoria despre posesia bunurilor imobile ale secretarului general a fost un răspuns din partea persoanei raportul responsabil.

Nu este numai asta.

Bokova necesară creșterea cheltuielilor de deplasare imediat când a fost instalat în secretarul general.

Este de 800.000 de dolari, care Bokova necesare ca bugetul în 2011 pentru misiune.

Aceasta este sumele de bani Ban Ki-moon, U.N. Secretar General, care sunt mai mult decât un an pe un buget călătorie de afaceri.

Regatul Mutilateral Review Aid United (MAR), care monitorizează o modalitate de utilizare a bugetului organizației internaționale dă evaluare scăzută, spunând că există o problemă în gestionarea și administrarea de către UNESCO cu raportul în 2011.

În contribuția UNESCO, va Japonia în a 2-a lumii nu ar trebui să cunoască starea actuală a Bokova și apoi UNESCO mai mult?

Membrul clubului fan al celebrului muzician Bokova cum ar fi Jarre în Franța, care a fost numit ambasador al bunăvoinței UNESCO în 2009, exprimă sprijinul Bokova.

Cu toate acestea, poporul bulgar nu sunt înșelați.

Candidatura Bokova este greu de suportat în Bulgaria și este doar politicianul elitist parțială care sprijină.

Vestea candidaturii a amintit doar poporul bulgar din trecut de underhand Bokova.

Acest articol continuă.

Iš kandidatūrą naujienos primena tik bulgarų žmones į užkulisinis praeitį Bokova

2016年11月09日 15時35分54秒 | 日記

Toliau yra ankstesniame skyriuje tęsinys.

Bivol.bg išsiuntė paklausimą laišką apie nekilnojamojo turto pirkti Bokova UNESCO bet santykis verkia su pareiga apie nekilnojamojo turto generalinis sekretorius turi buvo atsakymą iš ataskaitos atsakingam asmeniui.

Ji yra ne tik tai.

Bokova reikalaujama iš kelionės išlaidų padidėjimą iš karto, kai ji buvo įdiegta generalinis sekretorius.

Tai 800,000 dolerių, kurie reikalingi Bokova kaip 2011 biudžeto misiją.

Tai yra pinigų Ban Ki-moon U.N. generalinis sekretorius sumas, kurios daugiau nei metus į komandiruotę biudžeto.

Jungtinė Karalystė Mutilateral pagalbos apžvalga (PRR), kuris stebi daug naudojant tarptautinės organizacijos biudžetą duoda mažą vertinimą, sakydamas kelią, ten yra valdymo problema ir UNESCO vadovybė su 2011 m ataskaitoje.

Be įnašas UNESCO, bus Japonijos 2nd pasaulio neturėtų žinoti tikrąją būklę Bokova, o po to daugiau UNESCO?

Ventiliatoriaus klubas Bokova kaip garsi muzikantas Jean Michel Jarre Prancūzijoje, kuris buvo paskirtas UNESCO Geros valios ambasadorius 2009 narys reiškiant Bokova paramą.

Tačiau Bulgarijos žmonės ne apgauti.

Iš Bokova kandidatūrą vargu ar palaikoma Bulgarijos ir tai tik dalinė elitinis politikas, kad remia.

Iš kandidatūrą naujienos priminė tik bulgarų žmones į užkulisinis praeitį Bokova.

Šis straipsnis tęsiasi.