About 10 years ago when I rediscovered Kyoto for the third time, I went to the shrines and temples and gardens in Kyoto with a digital camera of Casio which I used at work at the weekend every weekend.
So it is not an exaggeration to say that I touched the reality which is completely different from the recognition that I was a subscriber of the Asahi Shimbun for a long time unconsciously.
Yesterday, I believed in the morning sunny weather forecast and thought of going to Ishiyama-dera at the same time as the opening gate at 8 am. It was a few days when I was practicing early to bed and early to rise, so there was no problem at getting up, but my best friend says saying that time is too early.
So thinking to kill time, though recently I have read diagonally, I read the reading section of the Asahi.
It was the same as yesterday even after I noticed that the authors of this column were so-called Asahi Shimbun culture men.
I re-discovered Kyoto a third time about 10 years ago, I had a severe attack of sickness that was declared 25% probability of living in 2011, I was hospitalized for 7 months, but I was helped by doctors from Kyoto University medical school, since it came to complete recovery on December 16 in 2011, I have been spending more time to visit Kyoto, Shiga and Nara and to explore.
I spent 300 days per year, which was the following year.
I want to convey my feeling to the following authors and reviewers and all the subscribers of the Asahi Shimbun who read this.
People who are nearly perfect. Why is Scandinavian life the happiest in the world?
Michael Booth <author>
Examiner: Kato Izuru The Tokyo Tanshi Co., Ltd research chief economist
It is I who emphasized the sentence.
Ultimately the author, "Western European countries are seeking something to replace the uncontrolled capitalism that has driven their economy to ruin", Scandinavia is not perfect, but their "How to live, how to prioritize and treat wealth, how to make society fairly and fairly, balance work and personal life, effectively acquire education, live with support each other" into, he conclude that we should practice it in the case of Scandinavia.
Even if the author naturally does not know Japan at all, it is no exaggeration to say that the subscribers of the Asahi Shimbun, the reviewers Kato, the editorial boards of the Asahi Shimbun, and so-called cultural people who are in sync with them do not know Japan at all.
For the author, Japan is a country that had acquired the method from ancient times, so tell the fact that the turn table of civilization is turning.
I would like to tell the exact same thing to Kato-san of the reviewer.
Especially for Mr. Kato, you have more time and money than ordinary people, so I'd like to recommend traveling around Japan once.
If you say that there is not that time, at least "Otoko wa Tsurai yo (It's tough being a man), how about watching the full story of it once?
Just like me, you can watch it over and over again and watch the full story of "Tsuribaka Nisshi" and the full story of the president series (Morishige Hisaya).
Then you will know Japan well.
Of course it goes without saying that you should visit Kyoto · Shiga · Nara, Ise Shrine and Ise Shima National Park every holiday.