文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

it is a popular page yesterday on ameba

2019年06月21日 23時05分50秒 | 全般





国民に対して説明責任のあるA級戦犯記者どもは以下の3名。①読売新聞 越前谷知子































































mean fellow who teaches at a US university



It may be said that it is a standard lie.









It is a popular page yesterday on goo.















日韓関係、石破茂らの綺麗事 なぜだろうか。秘密は、彼ら自民党有力議員たちの「韓国利権」にある。






























『基地で働き 基地と闘う~沖縄 上原康助の苦悩~』資料提供:ジョン・ミッチェル(ジャーナリストを






今理織… 今年春、しばき隊デモの常連だったことが判明。





















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Katsooko hän, että kyseessä on naisellisuuden vapautuminen? Se on vääristynyt!

2019年06月21日 21時58分26秒 | 全般

Seuraavassa on edellisen luvun jatko.
Suosittu lisäys Tokion yliopiston opiskelijoille
Ennen olin lukenut Ueno-sanin työtä eri tavoin, ja olin taipuvainen Ueno-tyyliseen feministiseen teoriaan.
Tuona aikana olin yllättynyt lukemaan kirjailija Haruka Yokon kirjaa.
Haruka sanoi, että hän osallistui Uenon seminaariin Tokion yliopiston tutkijakoulussa, mutta hän sanoi opiskelijoille, että "Minulla on vain seksiä."
Olen ajatellut yli vuosikymmenen ajan, missä tämän tarinan merkitys on.
Tällainen pitkä aika? ...
Kyllä (nauraa).
Tämän onnittelutekstin myötä päädyin lopulta yhteen.
Kohti Tokion yliopiston tyttöjä, "Koska et ole houkutteleva, se ei ole suosittu jopa sinkkujuhlissa", hän halusi.
Lyhyesti sanottuna ymmärsin, että se oli vanha hagin suosittu vauhti (nauraa).
Mutta Ueno ei naimisissa miehen kanssa.
Se tulee niin sanomalla, miksi "miksi on tarpeen tehdä yksi mies monopolisoimalla sukupuolen käyttöoikeus".
Se ei ole vain saatavilla, mutta hän on "hyvä nainen", joka on suuressa kysynnässä! (Kaikki nauravat)
Hän on opiskelija Kyoto Seika -yliopistossa, hän on naisopiskelija, joka huutaa edelleen, kunnes kukaan ei vastaa ”(All laugh).
Katsooko hän, että kyseessä on naisellisuuden vapautuminen?
Se on vääristynyt!
Itsestäni puhuessani olen syntynyt naiseksi ja pahoittelen sitä, kunnes olin lukion opiskelija.
On kolme veljestä: "Jos minä olen mies, kuten veljeni, voin tehdä enemmän."
Kun pääsin yliopistoon, kun aloin nähdä maailmaa tutorina, tajusin, että "No, se on nainen, joka manipuloi ihmistä kulissien takana."
Lyhyesti sanottuna nainen seisoo miehen, pehmeän saippuan ja valvoo hyvin.
Näyttää siltä, "se on onnekas, syntynyt naisella!" Sen ymmärtämisen jälkeen.
Sama pätee eläinmaailmaan, sillä pääperiaatteena on, että naiset valitsevat miehiä.
Kyllä, sukupuolen valinta on naisellinen.
Tämä käsikirjoitus jatkuu.

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Does she think that is the liberation of femininity? It is perverted!

2019年06月21日 21時56分22秒 | 全般

The following is from the monthly magazine WiLL July, which packed with facts that all Japanese people and people around the world should know.
This time, I primarily give it to Finnish women's presidents.
Fukada Moe. She graduated from Waseda University Political Economy Department. Currently engaged in computer manufacturing and development.
Kumiko Takeuchi. Born in 1956 in Aichi Prefecture. She graduated from Kyoto University in 1979. Majoring in ethology at the Kyoto University Graduate School of Doctoral Programs.
Criticize Ueno Chizuko's perverted feminist theory thoroughly.
Most of the world's feminism captures the surface of men and women, but Ueno-style is one of them.
Ultimately 'pussy woman liberation theory' !?
Congratulations of the curse
I read 'Don't call cheating as immorality' (co-authored with Jiro Kawamura / Wack).
It was interesting.
So I am looking forward to this talk.
Thank you, too.
I was impressed by the fact that he was an energetic person looking at Fukada's blog and Twitter.
I was impressed by the fact that she was an energetic person looking at Ms. Fukada's blog and Twitter.
Recently, I profess myself as 'Showa's feminist,' and I write feminism on my blog.
I think that Chizuko Ueno's congratulatory remarks on the entrance ceremony to the University of Tokyo (April 12), which are now talked about on the people in the street, are strange.
That's why I got the impression that 'Elith, the goddess of discord and warfare in Greek mythology, spews words of the curse of her specialty at the ceremony' (laughs).
Of the students who attend the entrance ceremony, less than 20% will be female students.
It is a congratulatory message that completely ignored boys.
If it was said 'you put on severed combat, winning,' is it is that so?
'Son goes to university, daughter goes to junior college,' says that women other than college graduates are winged-cut victims, but she looks down on junior college while boasting educational achievements!
It is a denial of the power of the girls who chose their college by thinking for themselves.
Most of all, Ueno's story is always eccentric.
In the previous congratulatory message, 'You were able to pass because you were rich, and the power of your parents gave you the cram school fee.'
Ueno's criticism is falsely valid.
The fact that parents have high income means that they work at a leading company, leaving a leading university.
The smart is just inherited.
It is severe (lol).
Even if you go to cram school or have a tutor, you will not get much student performance.
I used to be a tutor's part-time job, and I felt it in my mind.
Human sex chromosomes are women 'XX' and men 'XY.'
In the case of boys, 'Y' is inherited from the father, and 'X' inherited from the mother.
And the girl inherits the father's 'X' as it is and inherits the 'X' of mother origin.
This 'X' contains many genes related to intelligence.
Mr. Fukada will also pass suddenly at 25 years old.
Speaking of which, I asked my uncle that my mother was always at the top, not studying.
So, Fukada inherits the gene, and the smart is very good.
I think there are two types of students looking at students entering the University of Tokyo.
One is a type to pass if studying as a hobby, and the other is a type to consider with desperation and pass.
Latter gets the impression twisted after the graduation, talking only about a university with 'by the University of Tokyo ......' all the while.
The type of sweat blood who joined Tokyo University after many years and joined a leading company clings to his academic background.
As you say, those who pass without effort have a realistic character.
It's not suitable just for the effort (all LOL).
There is no way we can do it innately.
Popular boost for students at Tokyo University
Before, I had read Ueno-san's work in various ways, and I was inclined to Ueno-style feminist theory.
During that time, I was surprised to read a book by writer Haruka Yoko.
Haruka said that she had attended Ueno's seminar at the University of Tokyo graduate school, but she said to the students that "at the age of you, I was only having sex."
I have been thinking over more than a decade where the meaning of this story is.
Such a long time?...
Yes (laughs).
With this congratulatory message, I finally reached one conclusion.
Towards the University of Tokyo girls, 'Because you are not attractive, it's not popular even at singles parties,' mounting she wanted to.
In short, I realized that it was an old hag popular boost (laughs).
But Ueno does not marry a man.
It comes so, saying 'why is it necessary to make one man monopolize the user license of sex.'
It's not only accessible, but she is a 'good woman' of being in high demand! (All laugh)

She is a student at Kyoto Seika University. She is a female student that 's I will continue to shout until nobody responds' (All laugh).
Does she think that is the liberation of femininity?
It is perverted!
Speaking of myself, I was born to be a woman and regret it until I was a high school student.
There are three brothers, 'If I am a man like my brother, I can do more.'
After entering university, when I started to see the world as a tutor, I realized that 'Well, that's a woman who is manipulating a man behind the scenes.'
In short, the woman stands up the man, soft-soap, and controls well.
Seem 'it is lucky, born in a woman!' After understanding it.
The same is right in the animal world, with the main principle being that females select males.
Yes, the choice of sex is on the feminine side.
This manuscript continues.

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Criticize Ueno Chizuko's perverted feminist theory thoroughly.

2019年06月21日 21時21分04秒 | 全般

The following is from the monthly magazine WiLL July, which packed with facts that all Japanese people and people around the world should know.
This time, I primarily give it to Finnish women's presidents.
Fukada Moe. She graduated from Waseda University Political Economy Department. Currently engaged in computer manufacturing and development.
Kumiko Takeuchi. Born in 1956 in Aichi Prefecture. She graduated from Kyoto University in 1979. Majoring in ethology at the Kyoto University Graduate School of Doctoral Programs.
Criticize Ueno Chizuko's perverted feminist theory thoroughly.
Most of the world's feminism captures the surface of men and women, but Ueno-style is one of them.
Ultimately 'pussy woman liberation theory' !?
Congratulations of the curse
I read 'Don't call cheating as immorality' (co-authored with Jiro Kawamura / Wack).
It was interesting.
So I am looking forward to this talk.
Thank you, too.
I was impressed by the fact that he was an energetic person looking at Fukada's blog and Twitter.
I was impressed by the fact that she was an energetic person looking at Ms. Fukada's blog and Twitter.
Recently, I profess myself as "Showa's feminist," and I write feminism on my blog.
I think that Chizuko Ueno's congratulatory remarks on the entrance ceremony to the University of Tokyo (April 12), which are now talked about on the people in the street, are strange.
That's why I got the impression that "Elith, the goddess of discord and warfare in Greek mythology, spews words of the curse of her specialty at the ceremony" (laughs).
Of the students who attend the entrance ceremony, less than 20% will be female students.
It is a congratulatory message that completely ignored boys.
If it was said 'you put on severed combat, winning,' is it is that so?
'Son goes to university, daughter goes to junior college,' says that women other than college graduates are winged-cut victims, but she looks down on junior college while boasting educational achievements!
It is a denial of the power of the girls who chose their college by thinking for themselves.
Most of all, Ueno's story is always eccentric.
In the previous congratulatory message, "You were able to pass because you were rich, and the power of your parents gave you the cram school fee."
Ueno's criticism is falsely valid.
The fact that parents have high income means that they work at a leading company, leaving a leading university.
The smart is just inherited.
It is severe (lol).
Even if you go to cram school or have a tutor, you will not get much student performance.
I used to be a tutor's part-time job, and I felt it in my mind.
Human sex chromosomes are women 'XX' and men 'XY.'
In the case of boys, 'Y' is inherited from the father, and 'X' is inherited from the mother.
And the girl inherits the father's 'X' as it is and inherits the 'X' of mother origin.
This 'X' contains many genes related to intelligence.
Mr. Fukada will also pass suddenly at 25 years old.
Speaking of which, I asked my uncle that my mother was always at the top, not studying.
So, Fukada inherits the gene, and the smart is very good.
I think there are two types of students looking at students entering the University of Tokyo.
One is a type to pass if studying as a hobby, and the other is a type to consider with desperation and pass.
Latter gets the impression twisted after the graduation, having talk only about a university with 'by the University of Tokyo ......' all the while.
The type of sweat blood who joined Tokyo University after many years and joined a leading company clings to his academic background.
As you say, those who pass without effort have a realistic character.
It's not suitable just for the effort (all LOL).
There is no way we can do it innately.
This manuscript continues.

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2019年06月21日 20時16分54秒 | 全般

自分で考えて短大を選んだ女子たちの意志の力の否定です。 だいたい、上野さんの話はいつもひねくれている。
大学入学後、家庭教師をして世間が見え始めると、「あれ? 女が裏で男を操っているんだな」ということがわかってきたんです。 

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Annan tämän luvun suomalaiselle naisjohtajalle.

2019年06月21日 20時02分30秒 | 全般

Annan tämän luvun suomalaiselle naisjohtajalle.
Eilen julkaistut kuukausilehdet Hanada ja WiLL ovat täynnä artikkeleita ja vuoropuheluja, jotka täyttävät tosiseikkoja, että kaikki 21. vuosisadan japanilaiset ja ihmiset ympäri maailmaa tietävät.
Seuraavassa julkaistaan kuukausittain ilmestyvässä lehdessä WLL: n Fulada Moe (Wasedan yliopiston poliittisen talouden loppututkinto).
Syntynyt vuonna 1956 Aichin prefektuurissa ja valmistui Kioton yliopistoon vuonna 1979. Zoologian maisteri yliopiston tohtorikurssissa.
Molempien naisten keskustelu "Uritetaan Ueno Chidukan perverssiä feminististä teoriaa perusteellisesti."
Suurin osa maailman feminismistä kaappaa miesten ja naisten pinnan, mutta Ueno-tyyli on yksi niistä.
Viime kädessä "pillun nainen vapautumisen teoria"? Se on ote.
Lukijat tietävät, että kunnioitan molempia naisia.
Johdanto julkaistaan.
Y-linjan keisari-teoria
Uenon pää on kuitenkin ylivoimainen vain "seksi".
Hän puhuu "lautasliinoista" ja "tamponeista" miehille (nauraa).
Häpeä pelaaminen jatkuu "sanoa pillua".
Onko se oppiminen?
Ueno-san sanoi vuonna 2012, että "Imperiumin perhe on rikkonut YK: n yleissopimusta naisten syrjinnän poistamisesta."
Kummallista, se on mieslinja.
Mieslinja ei ole koskaan yhtynyt sukupuoleen perustuvaan syrjintään.
Se liittyy seksuaaliseen kromosomiin "Y".
Kun sukusoluja tuotetaan, naaraspuolinen ”XX” -pari, joten ”risteytyksen” ilmiöt tapahtuvat matkan varrella.
Satunnaiset taukot tapahtuvat jonnekin kromosomeilla ja vaihdetaan niiden sisältöä ennen kuin siirrytään seuraavaan vaiheeseen.
Koska "XY" ei ole pari, se on usein perinyt sellaisenaan.
Äärimmäisen asettamiseksi nykyinen keisari perii keisarin Jimmun "Y": n lähes ilman muutoksia.
Muiden kromosomien geenit häviävät melkein muutaman sukupolven jälkeen, kun taas ”Y” säilyy, kun mieslinjat yhdistävät sen.
Jos on mahdollista muodostaa yhteys mieslinjaan, 'Y' tallennetaan, koska sitä käytetään olemaan sellainen, että se sanoi olevan ikuinen.
Oliko se sellainen asia!
Ainoastaan japanilainen keisarillinen perhe yhdistää johdonmukaisesti "Y: n" edes katsomassa kuninkaallista perhettä maailmassa, sitä ei ole olemassa.
Siellä siitä tulee kateuden kohde.
Tiedotusvälineissä puhutaan naisten keisari-teoriasta ja naispuolisesta keisari-teoriasta, mutta se on outo tarina.
Aiemmin naispuolinen keisari oli epäilemättä olemassa.
Kuten keisari Suiko, keisari Jito, keisari Genmei ja keisari Koken (Shotoku keisari).
Mutta se oli sillan rooli, kunnes uusi majesteettinen keisari seisoi.
Koska tehokysymys oli voimakas menestysongelman takia, yksi nainen tuli keisariksi sen tukahduttamiseksi.
Tai voi olla yhteys nuoresta prinssistä aikuiseen.
Nainen keisari meni naimisiin miehen kanssa, joka ei ole mieslinja, eli mies, jolla ei ole kuninkaallista perhettä "Y", ja hänen lapsensa ei ole koskaan ollut keisarissa.
Euroopan kuninkaallisessa perheessä ei ole tällaista asiaa.
Kun brittiläisen kuninkaallisen perheen kuningatar seisoo, hänen poikansa on seuraava kuningas.
Toisin sanoen, koska kuningattaren aviomiehen "Y" siirtyy pojalle, "Y" katkeaa.
Esimerkiksi kun kuningatar Victoria kuoli ja vanhin poika Edward VII tuli kuninkaaksi, dynastian nimi muuttui "Sax-Coburg-Gothaksi", kun hänen miehensä, herttuan Albertin, saksalainen aviomies nimettiin.
Kuitenkin, koska Britannia ja Saksa tulivat vihollismaaksi ensimmäisessä maailmansodassa, se otti linnan nimen ja tuli "Windsoriksi".
Toisin sanoen he tietävät, että "Y" on ottanut, jopa tiedostamatta.
Meidän pitäisi ajatella nyt "Y-linjan keisariteoriaa".
Mies, jolla on keisarillisen perheen "Y" sukupolvi, kruunataan.
Tällä hetkellä seuraavat seuraajat ovat vain Akishinonomiya Crown Prince ja Hisahito Imperial prinssi.
Sodan jälkeen GHQ poisti 11 Imperiumin ruhtinaiden taloa.
Imperiumin prinssin talo, jossa on "Y", on nyt neljä taloa.
Mielestäni se on yksi tapa tuoda takaisin Imperiumin prinssin talo.
Olen parlamentin jäsenen lapsi, mutta toivoin, että Imperiumin prinssin entinen talo elvyttäisi tai muuttaisi keisarillisen kotitalouslainsäädännön niin, että kuninkaallinen perhe voisi hyväksyä adoptoidun lapsen eli vanhan talon pojan On tapa tehdä se niin paljon kuin haluat, kunhan ihmisten äänet ovat kovia.
Tarkoituksena on, että tiedotusvälineet eivät ole pettäneet niitä ja kuinka monta ihmistä ymmärtää Y-linjan pojien valtaistuimen menestyksen merkityksen oikein.
Tämä käsikirjoitus jatkuu.

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I give this chapter to the Finnish female president.

2019年06月21日 19時11分11秒 | 全般

I give this chapter to the Finnish female president.
The monthly magazines Hanada and WiLL, which were released yesterday, are full of articles and dialogues that filled with facts that all the 21st-century Japanese people and people all over the world should know.
The following is Fukada Moe (graduation department of Waseda University Political Economy) published in monthly magazine WiLL. Currently works in the computer manufacturing development industry.
Kumiko Takeuchi. Born in 1956 in Aichi Prefecture. She graduated from Kyoto University in 1979. Majoring in zoology at the university's doctoral course.
A talk by both women 'Criticize Ueno Chiduko's perverted feminist theory thoroughly.'
Most of the world's feminism captures the surface of men and women, but Ueno-style is one of them.
Ultimately “pussy woman liberation theory”? It is an excerpt.
Readers know that I have a deep respect for both women.
Preamble omitted.
Y lineage Emperor theory
However, Ueno's head is overwhelmed by only "sex."
She talks about 'napkins' and 'tampons' to male students (laughs).
Shame play continues after "say pussy."
Is that learning?
Ueno-san said in 2012's tweet that “The imperial family has violated the UN Convention on the Elimination of Women's Discrimination.”
Strangely, it is a male line.
A male line has never acceded to gender discrimination.
It joins sex chromosome 'Y.'
When germ cells produced, the female “XX” paired, so the phenomenon of “crossing” occurs along the way.
Random breaks occur somewhere on the chromosomes, exchanging their contents before proceeding to the next step.
However, since "XY" is not a pair, it is often inherited as it is.
To put it to an extreme, the current emperor inherits the "Y" of Emperor Jimmu with almost no change.
The genes on the other chromosomes almost disappear after only a few generations, while “Y” preserved as it is when male lines connect it.
If it is possible to connect in a male line, 'Y' is saved as it is used to be an extent that it said that it is eternal.
Was it such a thing!
It is only the Japanese imperial family that consistently connects "Y." Even looking over the royal family in the world, it does not exist.
There, it becomes the target of envy.
The media talks about female emperor theory and female-line emperor theory, but it is a strange story.
In the past, undoubtedly female emperor existed.
Such as Emperor Suiko, Emperor Jito, Emperor Genmei, and Emperor Koken (Shotoku Emperor).
But that was the role of a bridge until the new majestic emperor stood.
Because the power dispute was intense due to the successor problem, a single woman became an emperor to suppress it.
Or there may be a connection from a young prince to an adult.
A female emperor married a man who is not male-line, that is, a male who does not have the royal family "Y," and his child has never been to the emperor.
There is no such thing in the European royal family.
When the queen of the British royal family stands, his son will be the next king.
In other words, since the "Y" of the queen's husband is passed on to the son, "Y" is broken off.
For example, when Queen Victoria died, and the eldest son Edward VII became king, the name of the dynasty changed to "Sax-Coburg-Gotha" after the name of the German husband of her husband, Duke of Albert.
However, since Britain and Germany became an enemy country in World War I, it took the name of the castle and became "Windsor."
In other words, they know that 'Y' has taken over, even unconsciously.
We should think now with 'Y-line Emperor Theory.'
A man with a generation "Y" of the imperial family shall be crowned.
Currently, the next successors are only Akishinonomiya Crown Prince and Hisahito Imperial prince.
After the war, GHQ eliminated 11 houses of Imperial princes.
House of Imperial Prince with "Y" in it is four houses now.
I think it is one way to bring back the house of the Imperial prince.
Then I asked a teacher of a member of parliament but hoped that the former house of the Imperial prince would revive, or would change the Imperial Household Law so that the royal family could adopt the adopted child, that is, the boy of the old house of Imperial prince. There is a way to do it as much as you want, as long as the voices of the people are loud.
The point is that it is essential not to be deceived by the media, and to increase the number of people who understand the meaning of succession of the throne by Y-line boys correctly.
This manuscript continues.

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It is the country to the marrow, 'abysmal evil' and 'plausible lie.'

2019年06月21日 18時07分58秒 | 全般

South Korea, to notice that your character is the world's lowest inferiority will not be forever as long as you continue anti-Japanese education, it is a chapter that was sent to 2018-12-30 entitled.
My friend happened to buy Mainichi Shimbun, but he sent me the following article.
"The Mainichi Shimbun is also a strange newspaper, so long ago, even though the business crisis has always reported, it hasn't been crushed ... from where do they get the money?"
"It depends on the printing of the Komei Shimbun."
"Oh, yes, print something like a lot of flyers ..."
There was such a conversation.
* After this, it reported that the Mainichi Shimbun had received a large number of orders for printing of the advertisement posters of the Chinese government. Such a newspaper company had a face of magnificent appearance and was preaching to the public. Subscribe to such a newspaper It is not sanity that there are people doing business.
But this is also proof of how Japan is a free country.
The United Nations, which has an appointed a man of stupidity, such as David Kaya, for special rapporteur, must know its ignorance.
You must be ashamed of the fact that the United Nations ruled by the 'abysmal evil' and 'plausible lie' countries of China and the Korean Peninsula.
The United Nations is ruled by the anti-Japanese propaganda of the totalitarian state.
You must know its meanspirited, its shame *
By the way, the following Korean newspaper reports reported by today's Mainichi Shimbun have proved that they are nationals of "abysmal evil" and "plausible lie" ...
At the same time, it is an article that proves that it is a final brain structure that opponents should consider the same thing as themselves as their feature.
They also demonstrate that they can not say that they are democratic nations because they are practicing the form of elections.
This country is not a democratic country but proves that it is a totalitarian state.
It is a newspaper article proving that it is "ancient autarchy" which is the conclusion of Professor Furuta Hiroshi who is one of the world's top Korean peninsula experts and one of the top scholars of the day.
The significant part of the Japanese who read this article will feel utterly scandalized in South Korea as a country.
At the same time, the Japanese people also notice that the tone that they attack the Abe administration and the Asahi Shimbun, and the opposition politicians such as Tsujimoto Kiyomi have all the same arguments to attack the Abe administration.
To translate the following Korean newspaper articles, I leave the translation to the reader, as it feels like my hands are rotten.
If you use google translation in the order of Japanese-> English-> Korean, as it is, the main point passes (only in Korean you have to be careful that facts that are inconvenient to them will be translated instead of the opposite) To be there) *
* Korea,
The Japanese are not just not totalitarians who grew up with Nazism in the name of anti-Japanese education, which Syngman Rhee began to try to justify his administration in the 70 years after you, like you,
For 36 years when Japan annexed, first time, 
A woman who could not even have a surname and was mostly owned by Yangban.
Japan released them.
In the world's worst identity discrimination system in your country, which has always been one of the world's poorest countries.
Build a school, establishing a compulsory education system for the first time in your country.
Develop infrastructure such as railways, ports, dams at once in your country.
It is the Japanese people who made you a modern nation.
Japan has made you equal to Japan in 36 years.
More than 20% of Japan's national budget, every year, drop it for you.
We made you a whole modern nation and rich.
The proof is that the population of your country has exploded in the last 36 years.
It is the result of Japan making your country there is no identity discrimination system, a free modern nation, and a prosperous country.
That is the truth of the history that your grandmothers and grandmothers know.
A country that changes the truth of its history and keeps forcing the people to lie.
It is an evil empire.
Korea, it's your country.
So at that time, you guys, especially women, all named Japanese names.
Because it became a Japanese citizen.
They did not want to return to Korea with an identification system equal to a slave without a surname again.
From the circumstances of chronic disease where they have been placed since history.
Suddenly, they were released at a stretch.
It would be natural to try to give the Japanese name in a body.
Even now, Koreans, who claim to be Japanese abroad are never ceasing.
I am convinced that Korean instinctively knows such a history.

Before the annexation, you could only receive from the world the treatment of 2nd and 3rd nations, and when you got on the trains of developed countries, you were never given the first place. When visiting developed countries in Asian countries at that time ... Only the Japanese were able to get first-class seats as first-class citizens. So it was natural that Koreans tried to name ina body Japanese name ... Naturally, you call yourself a Japanese name because you suddenly became an exceptionally treated Japanese national in 1910. Even to this fact, Sōshi-kaimei coerced by Japan and so on and attacked Japan in the international community and continued to use it as a material to disparage Japan. It is the country to the marrow, 'abysmal evil' and 'plausible lie.' However, it didn't get well this much ... Except for 36 years when Japan annexed ... Since history, it has been the country's dependency on "abysmal evil" and "plausible lie" ... Speaking of my few real friendships ... Koreans, Chinese aren't the people who are captured by an extraordinary amount of anti-Japanese sentiment like you ... They instead deny the country ... An administrator is a liar, a citizen who thinks at heart that he is evil. They are different from you Koreans who are 21st century living Nazis who have been raised and built with anti-Japanese education ... The sight of middle and high school girls gathering in front of the Japanese embassy and shouting anti-Japan is ... Opposite your thoughts ... Not to be aware that you are telling the world that your country's anomalous, that your country is a country of Nazism ... You are genuinely blind nazis. Only putting on the chapeau of the communism This is the idea of Chinese's most all. The Korean peninsula has been a Chinese dependency since history. "Abysmal evil" and "plausible lie" are ... 70 years after the war, the result of anti-Japanese education that continues now ... The day you notice that it controls your brain more than your home China ...

*In this section, we will only pass through our anger and feel no more despise.
It is South Korea to English of that excellent pronunciation that a newspaper reports such a thing.
The Asahi Shimbun, NHK, etc. have not been informed of any such Korean situation so far.
All Japanese people will have the same anger against them.
To be aware that your character is the lowest in the world.
It may not be forever as long as anti-Japanese education is continued *

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Construisez une école en établissant un système d'enseignement obligatoire pour

2019年06月21日 16時49分00秒 | 全般

Corée du Sud, remarquer que votre personnage est l'infériorité la plus basse du monde ne sera pas éternel aussi longtemps que vous poursuivrez l'éducation anti-japonaise, c'est un chapitre qui a été envoyé au 2018-12-30 intitulé.
Mon ami a acheté Mainichi Shimbun, mais il m'a envoyé l'article suivant.
"Le Mainichi Shimbun est aussi un journal étrange, il y a si longtemps, même si la crise économique a toujours rapporté, il n'a pas été écrasé ... d'où vient-il l'argent?"
"Cela dépend de l'impression du Komei Shimbun."
"Oh, oui, imprimez quelque chose comme beaucoup de tracts ..."
Il y avait une telle conversation.
* Après cela, le Mainichi Shimbun aurait reçu un grand nombre de commandes pour l’impression des affiches publicitaires du gouvernement chinois. Une telle entreprise de presse avait un visage magnifique et prêchait au public. Abonnez-vous à un tel journal Ce n’est pas à bon escient qu’il ya des gens qui font des affaires.
Mais c'est aussi la preuve que le Japon est un pays libre.
Les Nations Unies, qui ont nommé un homme stupide, comme David Kaya, rapporteur spécial, doivent connaître son ignorance.
Vous devez avoir honte du fait que l’Organisation des Nations Unies soit gouvernée par les pays du «mal abominable» et du «mensonge plausible» de la Chine et de la péninsule coréenne.
Les Nations Unies sont gouvernées par la propagande anti-japonaise de l'État totalitaire.
Vous devez connaître sa moyenne, sa honte *
En passant, les journaux coréens suivants, rapportés par le Mainichi Shimbun, ont prouvé qu'ils étaient des ressortissants d'un "mal abyssal" et d'un "mensonge plausible" ...
En même temps, c’est un article qui prouve qu’il s’agit d’une structure cérébrale finale dans laquelle les adversaires devraient considérer la même chose comme eux-mêmes en tant que caractéristique.
Ils démontrent également qu'ils ne peuvent pas dire qu'ils sont des nations démocratiques parce qu'ils pratiquent la forme d'élections.
Ce pays n’est pas un pays démocratique mais prouve qu’il s’agit d’un État totalitaire.
C'est un article de journal qui prouve qu'il s'agit d'une "ancienne autarcie", conclut le professeur Furuta Hiroshi, l'un des plus grands spécialistes de la péninsule coréenne au monde et l'un des plus éminents spécialistes de l'époque.
La grande partie des Japonais qui ont lu cet article se sentiront totalement scandalisés en Corée du Sud en tant que pays.
Dans le même temps, les Japonais remarquent également que le ton qu’ils attaquent contre l’administration Abe et les Asahi Shimbun, et les politiciens de l’opposition tels que Tsujimoto Kiyomi ont tous les mêmes arguments pour attaquer l’administration Abe.
Pour traduire les articles de journaux coréens suivants, je laisse la traduction au lecteur, car j'ai l'impression que mes mains sont pourries.
Si vous utilisez la traduction google dans l'ordre japonais-> anglais-> coréen, le point principal passe (uniquement en coréen, vous devez faire attention à ce que les faits qui vous dérangent ne soient pas traduits). Soyez là) *
韓国 化 」
倍 」分析 も
公開公開化 」的 対 大」 た。

* Corée,
Les Japonais ne sont pas simplement pas des totalitaires qui ont grandi avec le nazisme au nom de l'éducation anti-japonaise, ce que Syngman Rhee a commencé à essayer de justifier de son administration dans les 70 ans qui ont suivi, comme vous,
Depuis 36 ans, quand le Japon a annexé, pour la première fois,
Une femme qui ne pouvait même pas avoir un nom de famille et qui appartenait principalement à Yangban.
Le Japon les a libérés.
Dans le pire système de discrimination identitaire au monde dans votre pays, qui a toujours été l'un des pays les plus pauvres du monde.
Construisez une école et établissez un système d’enseignement obligatoire pour la première fois dans votre pays.
Développez des infrastructures telles que chemins de fer, ports, barrages en même temps dans votre pays.
Ce sont les Japonais qui ont fait de vous une nation moderne.
Le Japon vous a rendu égal au Japon en 36 ans.
Plus de 20% du budget national du Japon, chaque année, déposez-le pour vous.
Nous vous avons créé une nation moderne et riche.
La preuve en est que la population de votre pays a explosé au cours des 36 dernières années.
C'est le résultat du fait que le Japon a rendu votre pays sans système de discrimination identitaire, une nation libre moderne et un pays prospère.
C’est la vérité de l’histoire que connaissent vos grand-mères et vos grand-mères.
Un pays qui change la vérité de son histoire et continue de forcer les gens à mentir.
C'est un empire du mal.
La Corée, c'est ton pays.
Donc, à ce moment-là, vous, surtout les femmes, appelez toutes des prénoms japonais.
Parce que c'est devenu un citoyen japonais.
Ils ne voulaient pas rentrer en Corée avec un système d'identification égal à un esclave sans nom de famille.
Des circonstances de la maladie chronique où ils ont été placés depuis l'histoire.
Soudainement, ils ont été relâchés d'un coup.
Il serait naturel d'essayer de donner le nom japonais dans un corps.
Même maintenant, les Coréens, qui prétendent être japonais à l'étranger, ne cessent jamais.
Je suis convaincu que les Coréens connaissent instinctivement une telle histoire.

Avant l'annexion, vous ne pouviez recevoir du monde que le traitement des 2 e et 3 e nations, et lorsque vous montiez dans les trains de pays développés, vous ne receviez jamais la première place. Lorsqu'ils visitaient des pays développés dans des pays asiatiques à cette époque ... Seuls les Japonais ont pu obtenir des sièges de première classe en tant que citoyens de première classe. Il était donc naturel que les Coréens aient essayé de nommer un nom japonais… Naturellement, vous vous appelez un nom japonais parce que vous êtes soudainement devenu un ressortissant japonais traité de façon exceptionnelle en 1910. Cependant, les choses ne se sont pas très bien déroulées… Sauf Depuis 36 ans que le Japon a été annexé ... Depuis la création du pays, il dépend du "mal absolu" et du "mensonge plausible" ... Parlant de mes quelques vraies amitiés ... Coréens, les Chinois ne sont pas les gens qui sont capturés par une quantité extraordinaire de sentiments anti-japonais comme vous ... Ils nient le pays ... Un administrateur est un menteur, un citoyen qui pense au fond de lui qu'il est pervers. Ils sont différents de vous, Coréens nazis du 21ème siècle qui ont été élevés et construits avec une éducation anti-japonaise ... La vue des collégiennes et des lycéennes rassemblées devant l'ambassade du Japon et criant anti-Japon est ... En face de vos pensées ... Ne vous rendez pas compte que vous dites au monde que votre pays est anormal, que votre pays est un pays du nazisme ... Vous êtes de véritables nazis aveugles. Seulement mettre le chapeau du communisme C'est l'idée du plus tout chinois. La péninsule coréenne est une dépendance chinoise depuis l’histoire. Le "mal abyssal" et le "mensonge plausible" sont ... 70 ans après la guerre, le résultat d'une éducation anti-japonaise qui se poursuit maintenant ... Le jour où vous remarquerez qu'il contrôle votre cerveau plus que votre pays d'origine, la Chine ...

*In this section, we will only pass through our anger and feel no more despise.
It is South Korea to English of that excellent pronunciation that a newspaper reports such a thing.
The Asahi Shimbun, NHK, etc. have not been informed of any such Korean situation so far.
All Japanese people will have the same anger against them.
To be aware that your character is the lowest in the world.
It may not be forever as long as anti-Japanese education is continued *

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2019年06月21日 16時48分05秒 | 全般

“这取决于Komei Shimbun的印刷。”
与此同时,日本人民也注意到,他们攻击安倍政府和朝日新闻的口气,以及Tsujimoto Kiyomi等反对派政客都有同样的理由来攻击安倍政府。
如果你按照日语 - >英语 - >韩语的顺序使用谷歌翻译,那么主要点就是通过(只有在韩语中你必须要小心,不方便的事实将被翻译而不是相反)在那里)*
* 韩国,

在兼并之前,你只能从世界上得到第二和第三国的待遇,当你上了发达国家的火车时,你从未获得过第一名。当时访问亚洲国家的发达国家时......只有日本人能够获得头等舱位作为一等公民。因此,韩国人试图用日本人的名字来命名是很自然的......当然,你称自己为日本名字,因为你在1910年突然成为一名受过特别对待的日本国民。但是,这并没有那么好......日本吞并36年......自历史以来,一直是国家依赖“深恶痛绝”和“看似合理的谎言”......说到我的几个真正的友谊......韩国人,中国人不是那些人被像你这样的非常多的反日情绪所俘虏......他们反而否认这个国家......管理者是一个骗子,一个心里想着他是邪恶的公民。他们与21世纪生活在纳粹的韩国人不同,他们是在日本大使馆前聚集并呼喊反日的......与你的想法相反......不要意识到你告诉全世界你的国家是异常的,你的国家是纳粹主义的国家......你真的是盲目的纳粹分子。只穿上共产主义的起首部分这是中国人最重要的想法。自历史以来,朝鲜半岛一直是中国人的依赖。 “深恶痛乱”和“看似合理的谎言”是......战后70年,抗日教育的结果现在还在继续......当你注意到它控制你的大脑而不是你的家乡中国......

*In this section, we will only pass through our anger and feel no more despise.
It is South Korea to English of that excellent pronunciation that a newspaper reports such a thing.
The Asahi Shimbun, NHK, etc. have not been informed of any such Korean situation so far.
All Japanese people will have the same anger against them.
To be aware that your character is the lowest in the world.
It may not be forever as long as anti-Japanese education is continued *

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당신의 나라에서 처음으로 의무 교육 시스템을 확립하여 학교를 건설하십시오.

2019年06月21日 16時47分07秒 | 全般

한국은 당신의 성격이 세계에서 가장 낮은 열등감이라는 것을 알기 위해 항일 교육을 계속하는 한 영원히되지 않을 것입니다. 그것은 2018-12-30로 보내진 장입니다.
내 친구가 마이니치 신문을 사려고했지만 다음 기사를 보냈습니다.
"마이니치 신문은 심지어 이상한 신문이기 때문에, 비즈니스 위기가 항상보고되었지만, 돈을 어디에서 얻었 는가?
"고 메이 신문 인쇄에 달려있다."
"오, 예, 많은 전단지를 인쇄하십시오 ..."
그런 대화가있었습니다.
* 그 후, 마이니치 신문은 중국 정부의 광고 포스터 인쇄에 대한 많은 명령을 받았다고 보도했다. 그런 신문 회사는 웅장한 외모를 가지고 대중들에게 설교를하고있었습니다. 그런 신문을 구독하십시오 사업을하는 사람들이 있다는 것은 정당하지 않습니다.
그러나 이것이 일본이 어떻게 자유 국가인지에 대한 증거이기도합니다.
특별 보고관을 위해 데이비드 카야 (David Kaya)와 같은 어리 석음의 사람을 지명 한 유엔은 그것의 무지를 알아야한다.
유엔이 중국과 한반도의 '최악의 사악한', '그럴듯한 거짓말'국가들에 의해 통치된다는 사실을 부끄러워해야합니다.
유엔은 전체주의 국가의 반일 선전에 의해 지배된다.
당신은 그것의 의미심장 한, 수치심을 알아야합니다 *
그런데 오늘의 마이니치 신문이 보도 한 다음의 한국 신문 보도들은 그들이 "심술 궂은 악"과 "그럴듯한 거짓말"의 국민임을 증명했다.
동시에, 상대방이 자신의 특징과 동일한 것을 고려해야하는 것이 최종적인 뇌 구조임을 입증하는 기사입니다.
그들은 또한 그들이 선거 형태를 실천하고 있기 때문에 민주주의 국가라고 말할 수 없다는 것을 보여준다.
이 나라는 민주주의 국가가 아니라 전체주의 국가임을 증명합니다.
세계 최고 수준의 한반도 전문가 중 한 명인 후루타 히로시 교수와 그날의 최고 학자 중 한 명인 "고대의 아우 타르 키"임을 입증하는 신문 기사입니다.
이 기사를 읽은 일본인의 상당 부분은 한국에서 완전히 파문을 일으킬 것입니다.
동시에 아베 총리와 아사히 신문을 공격하는 분위기와 츠지 모토 키요미 같은 야당 정치인들은 모두 아베 정권을 공격하는 것과 같은 주장을하고있다.
다음의 한국 신문 기사를 번역하려면 번역사가 독자에게 번역본을 남긴다. 내 손이 썩은 것처럼 느껴진다.
일본어 -> 영어 -> 한국어 순으로 Google 번역을 사용하면 주요 포인트가 전달됩니다 (한국어로만 불편한 점이 반대가 아닌 번역 될 것임을주의해야합니다). 거기에있다) *
침투 동영상 한국 신문 「泥沼 化」
「安倍 政權 が 利用」분석
「ソ ウ ル 共同」한국 海軍 の 駆逐 艦 が 海上 自衛隊 の PI 戒 戒 機 に 火 道 管制 隊을 射殺 し た 問題 で, 29 日 の 韓国 紙, 防衛 省 の 動画 公開 対 国防省 の 反発을 伝 え て が 「日韓관계 泥沼 化」 「感情 的 対立 に 拡 大」과 報じ た.
일본의 대응은 「安倍 政権이 支持 率를 회복시키기위한 문제를 이용하고있다」와 그 분석도 나와있다.
* 대한민국,
일본인은 반일법 교육이라는 이름으로 나치즘으로 자란 전체주의자가 아니라, 이승만이 당신처럼 당신과 같은 후 70 년 동안 정권을 정당화하려고 시도하기 시작했습니다.
일본이 합병 된 36 년 동안, 처음으로,
성도없고 양반이 대부분 소유 한 여성.
일본이 그들을 풀어 줬다.
세계에서 가장 가난한 나라 중 하나 인 귀하의 나라에서 가장 심각한 차별 대우 체계.
당신의 나라에서 처음으로 의무 교육 제도를 수립하는 학교를 건설하십시오.
귀하의 국가에서 철도, 항구, 댐과 같은 인프라를 즉시 개발하십시오.
그것은 당신을 현대 국가로 만든 일본 국민입니다.
일본은 당신을 36 년 동안 일본과 동등하게 만들었습니다.
매년 일본의 예산의 20 % 이상이 여러분을 위해 버려집니다.
우리는 당신을 현대의 온 나라와 부유하게 만들었습니다.
그 증거는 당신 나라의 인구가 지난 36 년 동안 폭발했다는 것입니다.
일본이 자국 차별 제도, 자유로운 근대 국가 및 번영하는 국가를 만들지 못한 결과입니다.
그것은 당신의 할머니와 할머니가 알고있는 역사의 진실입니다.
역사의 진실을 바꾸고 사람들이 거짓말을하도록 강요하는 나라.
그것은 악의 제국이다.
한국, 너의 나라 야.
그래서 그때 여러분, 여러분, 특히 여성들은 모두 일본인으로 지명되었습니다.
왜냐하면 그것은 일본 시민이 되었기 때문입니다.
그들은 다시 성을 잃은 노예와 동등한 신원 확인 시스템으로 한국에 돌아가고 싶지 않았습니다.
만성 질병의 상황에서 그들은 역사 이후로 배치되었습니다.
갑자기, 그들은 일제히 풀려났다.
일본인의 이름을 몸에 부여하는 것은 자연스러운 일입니다.
지금도 해외에서 일본인이라고 주장하는 한국인은 결코 멈추지 않습니다.
나는 한국인이 그러한 역사를 본능적으로 알고 있다고 확신한다.

합병 전에는 세계에서 2, 3 차 대우 만받을 수 있었고, 선진국의 열차를 타면 결코 첫 번째 장소를 얻지 못했습니다. 그 당시 아시아 국가의 선진국을 방문했을 때 ... 일본인 만이 1 등석 좌석을 일류 시민으로 확보 할 수있었습니다. 한국인들이 일본의 이름을 몸에 지 으려고 노력한 것은 당연한 것이 었습니다. 자연스럽게 1910 년에 갑자기 예외적으로 일본인이 된 일본인이되었으므로 일본인이라고 부릅니다. 그러나 예외는 아닙니다. 일본이 합병 된 36 년 동안 ... 역사 이후로, "심한 악"과 "그럴듯한 거짓말"에 대한 중국의 의존이있었습니다 ... 한국인과의 몇 안되는 우정에 대해서 ... 중국인은 당신과 같은 엄청난 양의 반일 감정에 사로 잡혀 있습니다 ... 그들은 대신 그 나라를 부인합니다 ... 관리자는 거짓말 쟁이입니다. 그는 거짓말 쟁이입니다. 그들은 당신과 다르다. 21 세기의 살아 나치가 반일 교육을 받아 키우고 건설 한 ... 일본 대사관 앞에서 모여 든 중 · 고등학생들의 시선과 반일 항의 소리는 ... 당신 생각을 반대하십시오 ... 당신이 당신의 나라가 나치즘의 나라라는 것을 당신이 말하는 것은 당신의 나라가 변칙적이라는 것을 당신이 알고 있다는 것을 인식하지 못하는 것입니다. 당신은 진실로 눈먼 나치입니다. 오직 공산주의의 주류를 펴는 것만이 중국인의 가장 큰 생각입니다. 한반도는 역사상 중국의 의존성이있다. "심연한 악마"와 "그럴듯한 거짓말"은 ... 전쟁이 끝나고 70 년 후, 지금도 계속되고있는 반일 교육의 결과 ... 당신의 두뇌를 당신의 가정 중국보다 더 잘 통제한다는 것을 알게 된 날 ...

*In this section, we will only pass through our anger and feel no more despise.
It is South Korea to English of that excellent pronunciation that a newspaper reports such a thing.
The Asahi Shimbun, NHK, etc. have not been informed of any such Korean situation so far.
All Japanese people will have the same anger against them.
To be aware that your character is the lowest in the world.
It may not be forever as long as anti-Japanese education is continued *

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Construa uma escola, estabelecendo um sistema de ensino obrigatório pela primeira vez

2019年06月21日 16時45分51秒 | 全般

Coreia do Sul, para perceber que seu personagem é inferioridade inferior do mundo não será para sempre, enquanto você continua a educação anti-japonesa, é um capítulo que foi enviado para 2018-12-30 direito.
Meu amigo passou a comprar Mainichi Shimbun, mas ele me enviou o seguinte artigo.
"O Mainichi Shimbun também é um jornal estranho, tanto tempo atrás, embora a crise empresarial tenha sempre relatado, não foi esmagada ... de onde eles conseguem o dinheiro?"
"Depende da impressão do Komei Shimbun."
"Ah, sim, imprima algo como muitos panfletos ..."
Houve tal conversa.
* Depois disso, informou que o Mainichi Shimbun havia recebido um grande número de pedidos de impressão dos cartazes de propaganda do governo chinês. Tal empresa de jornais tinha um rosto de aparência magnífica e pregava ao público. Inscreva-se em tal jornal Não é prudente que haja pessoas fazendo negócios.
Mas isso também é uma prova de como o Japão é um país livre.
As Nações Unidas, que designaram um homem de estupidez, como David Kaya, para relator especial, devem conhecer sua ignorância.
Você deve ter vergonha do fato de que as Nações Unidas governaram pelos países do "mal abismal" e da "mentira plausível" da China e da Península Coreana.
As Nações Unidas são governadas pela propaganda anti-japonesa do Estado totalitário.
Você deve conhecer o seu espírito, sua vergonha
A propósito, os seguintes jornais coreanos relatados pelo Mainichi Shimbun de hoje provaram que são nacionais do "mal abismal" e da "mentira plausível" ...
Ao mesmo tempo, é um artigo que prova que é uma estrutura cerebral final que os oponentes devem considerar a mesma coisa que a sua característica.
Eles também demonstram que não podem dizer que são nações democráticas porque estão praticando a forma de eleições.
Este país não é um país democrático, mas prova que é um estado totalitário.
É um artigo de jornal provando que é "autarquia antiga" que é a conclusão do Professor Furuta Hiroshi, que é um dos maiores especialistas em península coreana do mundo e um dos maiores estudiosos do dia.
A parte significativa dos japoneses que lêem este artigo se sentirá totalmente escandalizada na Coréia do Sul como país.
Ao mesmo tempo, o povo japonês também percebe que o tom que eles atacam o governo Abe e o Asahi Shimbun, e os políticos da oposição, como Tsujimoto Kiyomi, têm todos os mesmos argumentos para atacar o governo Abe.
Para traduzir os seguintes artigos de jornal coreano, deixo a tradução para o leitor, pois parece que minhas mãos estão podres.
Se você usar a tradução do google na ordem de japonês-> inglês-> coreano, como é, o ponto principal passa (somente em coreano você tem que ter cuidado para que fatos que lhes sejam inconvenientes sejam traduzidos em vez do contrário) estar lá) *
照射 動画 韓国 紙 「泥沼 化」
「安 倍 政 権 が 利用」 分析 も
「ソ ウ ル 共同」 韓国 海軍 の 駆 逐 艦 が 海上 自衛隊 の PI 哨 戒 機 に 火器 管制 レ ー ダ ー を 照射 し た 問題 で, 29 日 の 韓国 紙 は, 防衛 省 の 動画 公開 に 対 す る 韓国 国防 省 の 反 発 を 伝 え な が ら 「日韓関係 泥沼 化 」「 感情 的 的 的 立 立 に に 拡 大 大 」と 報 じ じ た。
日本 の 対 応 に つ い い は 「い る 倍 政 で で が と と の 分析 も も 出 て い い る。
* Coréia,
Os japoneses não são apenas não totalitários que cresceram com o nazismo em nome da educação anti-japonesa, que Syngman Rhee começou a tentar justificar sua administração nos 70 anos depois de você, como você,
Por 36 anos, quando o Japão anexou pela primeira vez,
Uma mulher que não podia nem ter um sobrenome e era de propriedade de Yangban.
O Japão os liberou.
No pior sistema de discriminação de identidade do mundo em seu país, que sempre foi um dos países mais pobres do mundo.
Construa uma escola, estabelecendo um sistema de ensino obrigatório pela primeira vez em seu país.
Desenvolver infraestruturas como ferrovias, portos, barragens de uma só vez em seu país.
É o povo japonês que fez de você uma nação moderna.
O Japão fez você igual ao Japão em 36 anos.
Mais de 20% do orçamento nacional do Japão, todos os anos, deixam para você.
Nós fizemos de você uma nação moderna e rica.
A prova é que a população do seu país explodiu nos últimos 36 anos.
É o resultado do Japão fazer o seu país não há sistema de discriminação de identidade, uma nação moderna livre e um país próspero.
Essa é a verdade da história que suas avós e avós conhecem.
Um país que muda a verdade de sua história e continua forçando as pessoas a mentirem.
É um império do mal.
Coreia, é o seu país.
Então, naquela época, vocês, especialmente mulheres, todos nomearam nomes japoneses.
Porque se tornou um cidadão japonês.
Eles não queriam voltar para a Coréia com um sistema de identificação igual a um escravo sem um sobrenome novamente.
Das circunstâncias da doença crônica onde eles foram colocados desde a história.
De repente, eles foram liberados em um trecho.
Seria natural tentar dar o nome japonês em um corpo.
Mesmo agora, os coreanos, que afirmam ser japoneses no exterior, nunca cessam.
Estou convencido de que o coreano instintivamente conhece tal história.

Antes da anexação, você só podia receber do mundo o tratamento das segundas e terceiras nações, e quando você entrava nos trens dos países desenvolvidos, nunca lhe davam o primeiro lugar. Ao visitar países desenvolvidos em países asiáticos naquela época ... Somente os japoneses conseguiram obter assentos de primeira classe como cidadãos de primeira classe. Por isso, era natural que os coreanos tentassem nomear um nome japonês ... Naturalmente, você se chama um nome japonês porque de repente você se tornou um cidadão japonês excepcionalmente tratado em 1910. No entanto, não melhorou muito ... Exceto que por 36 anos, quando o Japão anexou ... Desde a história, tem sido a dependência do país em "mal abismal" e "mentira plausível" ... Falando de minhas poucas amizades reais ... Coreanos, chineses não são as pessoas que são capturado por uma quantidade extraordinária de sentimento anti-japonês como você ... Eles, ao contrário, negam o país ... Um administrador é um mentiroso, um cidadão que pensa no coração que ele é mau. Eles são diferentes de vocês, coreanos que são nazistas do século XXI que foram criados e construídos com educação anti-japonesa ... A visão de meninas do ensino fundamental e médio se reunindo em frente à embaixada japonesa e gritando anti-Japão é ... Em frente de seus pensamentos ... Não estar ciente de que você está dizendo ao mundo que o país é anômalo, que seu país é um país de nazismo ... Você é nazista genuinamente cego. Apenas colocando o chapeau do comunismo Esta é a idéia de mais do chinês. A península coreana é uma dependência chinesa desde a história. "Mal abismal" e "mentira plausível" são ... 70 anos depois da guerra, o resultado da educação antijaponesa que continua agora ... No dia em que você perceber que controla seu cérebro mais do que sua casa, a China ...

*In this section, we will only pass through our anger and feel no more despise.
It is South Korea to English of that excellent pronunciation that a newspaper reports such a thing.
The Asahi Shimbun, NHK, etc. have not been informed of any such Korean situation so far.
All Japanese people will have the same anger against them.
To be aware that your character is the lowest in the world.
It may not be forever as long as anti-Japanese education is continued *

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Bauen Sie eine Schule auf und errichten Sie zum ersten Mal in Ihrem Land ein Schulpflichtsystem

2019年06月21日 16時44分53秒 | 全般

Südkorea, zu bemerken, dass Ihr Charakter die niedrigste Minderwertigkeit der Welt ist, wird nicht ewig dauern, solange Sie anti-japanische Bildung fortsetzen, es ist ein Kapitel, das zum 30.12.2018 mit dem Titel gesendet wurde.
Mein Freund kaufte zufällig Mainichi Shimbun, aber er schickte mir den folgenden Artikel.
"Das Mainichi Shimbun ist auch eine seltsame Zeitung. Obwohl die Wirtschaftskrise schon immer berichtet hat, wurde sie vor langer Zeit nicht zerschlagen. Woher bekommen sie das Geld?"
"Es kommt auf den Druck des Komei Shimbun an."
"Oh ja, drucke so etwas wie viele Flyer ..."
Es gab so ein Gespräch.
* Danach berichtete es, dass der Mainichi Shimbun eine große Anzahl von Aufträgen zum Druck der Werbeplakate der chinesischen Regierung erhalten habe. Eine solche Zeitungsfirma hatte ein großartiges Gesicht und predigte der Öffentlichkeit. Abonnieren Sie eine solche Zeitung. Es ist nicht normal, dass es Leute gibt, die Geschäfte machen.
Dies ist aber auch ein Beweis dafür, dass Japan ein freies Land ist.
Die Vereinten Nationen, die einen dummen Mann wie David Kaya zum Sonderberichterstatter ernannt haben, müssen ihre Unwissenheit kennen.
Sie müssen sich dafür schämen, dass die Vereinten Nationen von den Ländern Chinas und der koreanischen Halbinsel regiert werden, in denen das "abgrundtiefe Böse" und die "plausible Lüge" herrschen.
Die Vereinten Nationen werden von der anti-japanischen Propaganda des totalitären Staates regiert.
Du musst wissen, dass es gemein ist, seine Schande
Übrigens haben die folgenden koreanischen Zeitungsberichte, die vom heutigen Mainichi Shimbun berichtet wurden, bewiesen, dass sie Angehörige des "abgrundtiefen Übels" und der "plausiblen Lüge" sind ...
Gleichzeitig ist es ein Artikel, der beweist, dass es sich um eine endgültige Gehirnstruktur handelt, bei der Gegner das Gleiche wie sich selbst als Merkmal betrachten sollten.
Sie zeigen auch, dass sie nicht sagen können, dass sie demokratische Nationen sind, weil sie die Form von Wahlen praktizieren.
Dieses Land ist kein demokratisches Land, sondern beweist, dass es ein totalitärer Staat ist.
Es ist ein Zeitungsartikel, der beweist, dass es sich um eine "antike Autarkie" handelt. Dies ist das Fazit von Professor Furuta Hiroshi, einer der weltbesten koreanischen Halbinselexperten und einer der besten Gelehrten des Tages.
Der bedeutende Teil der Japaner, die diesen Artikel lesen, wird sich in Südkorea als Land zutiefst empört fühlen.
Gleichzeitig bemerken die Japaner auch, dass der Ton, in dem sie die Abe-Regierung und Asahi Shimbun angreifen, und die Oppositionspolitiker wie Tsujimoto Kiyomi dieselben Argumente haben, um die Abe-Regierung anzugreifen.
Um die folgenden koreanischen Zeitungsartikel zu übersetzen, überlasse ich die Übersetzung dem Leser, da ich das Gefühl habe, meine Hände seien faul.
Wenn Sie die Google-Übersetzung in der Reihenfolge Japanisch-> Englisch-> Koreanisch verwenden, ist der Hauptpunkt erledigt (nur in Koreanisch müssen Sie darauf achten, dass für sie unbequeme Fakten anstelle des Gegenteils übersetzt werden) da sein) *
照射 照射 動画 韓国 「泥沼 化 化
「「 安 倍 政 権 利用 利用 」分析
「「 ソ 、 、 、 日韓 、 、 、 、 日韓 日韓 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、関係 泥沼 化 」的 的 的 的 た 的
日本 日本 の 対 に つ い て は る 安 た め 問題 る る る い る も も も 出 る
* Korea,
Die Japaner sind nicht nur keine Totalitarier, die im Namen der antijapanischen Erziehung mit dem Nationalsozialismus aufgewachsen sind. Syngman Rhee begann in den 70 Jahren nach Ihnen, wie Sie, seine Regierung zu rechtfertigen.
Seit 36 Jahren, als Japan zum ersten Mal annektiert,
Eine Frau, die nicht einmal einen Nachnamen haben konnte und größtenteils im Besitz von Yangban war.
Japan hat sie freigelassen.
Im schlimmsten Identitätsdiskriminierungssystem der Welt in Ihrem Land, das seit jeher eines der ärmsten Länder der Welt ist.
Bauen Sie eine Schule auf und errichten Sie zum ersten Mal in Ihrem Land ein Schulpflichtsystem.
Bauen Sie Infrastrukturen wie Eisenbahnen, Häfen und Staudämme in Ihrem Land auf einmal auf.
Es sind die Japaner, die Sie zu einer modernen Nation gemacht haben.
Japan hat Sie in 36 Jahren Japan gleichgestellt.
Mehr als 20% des japanischen Staatsbudgets lassen es jedes Jahr für Sie fallen.
Wir haben dich zu einer ganzen modernen Nation gemacht und reich.
Der Beweis ist, dass die Bevölkerung Ihres Landes in den letzten 36 Jahren explodiert ist.
Es ist das Ergebnis von Japan, dass es in Ihrem Land kein Identitätsdiskriminierungssystem, keine freie moderne Nation und kein prosperierendes Land gibt.
Das ist die Wahrheit der Geschichte, die Ihre Großmütter und Großmütter kennen.
Ein Land, das die Wahrheit seiner Geschichte verändert und die Menschen immer wieder zur Lüge zwingt.
Es ist ein böses Reich.
Korea, es ist dein Land.
Also, zu dieser Zeit, ihr Jungs, besonders Frauen, alle haben japanische Namen genannt.
Weil es ein japanischer Staatsbürger wurde.
Sie wollten nicht mit einem Identifizierungssystem nach Korea zurückkehren, das einem Sklaven ohne Nachnamen gleicht.
Von den Umständen der chronischen Krankheit, wo sie seit der Geschichte platziert wurden.
Plötzlich wurden sie auf einmal freigelassen.
Es wäre natürlich zu versuchen, den japanischen Namen in einem Körper zu geben.
Sogar jetzt hören Koreaner, die behaupten, im Ausland Japaner zu sein, nie auf.
Ich bin überzeugt, dass Koreaner eine solche Geschichte instinktiv kennt.

Vor der Annexion konnte man nur die Behandlung der 2. und 3. Nationen von der Welt erhalten, und als man in die Züge der Industrieländer stieg, bekam man nie den ersten Platz. Damals beim Besuch von Industrieländern in asiatischen Ländern ... Nur die Japaner konnten sich als erstklassige Bürger erstklassige Sitze sichern. So war es natürlich, dass Koreaner versuchten, einen japanischen Körpernamen zu benennen ... Natürlich nennen Sie sich einen japanischen Namen, weil Sie 1910 plötzlich ein außergewöhnlich behandelter japanischer Staatsbürger wurden. Allerdings wurde es nicht so gut ... Außer 36 Jahre lang, als Japan annektiert wurde ... Seit der Geschichte ist das Land abhängig von "abgrundtiefem Übel" und "plausibler Lüge" ... Apropos meine wenigen echten Freundschaften ... Koreaner, Chinesen sind nicht die Menschen, die es sind Gefangen von einer außergewöhnlichen Menge an anti-japanischen Gefühlen wie Sie ... Sie leugnen stattdessen das Land ... Ein Administrator ist ein Lügner, ein Bürger, der im Herzen denkt, dass er böse ist. Sie unterscheiden sich von Ihnen Koreanern, die im 21. Jahrhundert lebende Nazis sind, die mit antijapanischer Erziehung erzogen und erbaut wurden ... Der Anblick von Mädchen der Mittel- und Oberstufe, die sich vor der japanischen Botschaft versammeln und Anti-Japan rufen, ist ... Entgegen deinen Gedanken ... Um nicht zu merken, dass du der Welt sagst, dass dein Land anomal ist, dass dein Land ein Land des Nationalsozialismus ist ... Du bist wirklich blinde Nazis. Nur das Chapeau des Kommunismus aufsetzen Das ist die Idee der meisten Chinesen. Die koreanische Halbinsel ist seit der Geschichte eine chinesische Abhängigkeit. "Abgründiges Übel" und "plausible Lüge" sind ... 70 Jahre nach dem Krieg das Ergebnis einer antijapanischen Erziehung, die jetzt fortgesetzt wird ... Der Tag an dem Sie bemerken, dass sie Ihr Gehirn mehr kontrolliert als Ihr Heimat-China ...

*In this section, we will only pass through our anger and feel no more despise.
It is South Korea to English of that excellent pronunciation that a newspaper reports such a thing.
The Asahi Shimbun, NHK, etc. have not been informed of any such Korean situation so far.
All Japanese people will have the same anger against them.
To be aware that your character is the lowest in the world.
It may not be forever as long as anti-Japanese education is continued *

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Construir una escuela, estableciendo un sistema de educación obligatoria por primera vez en su país.

2019年06月21日 16時43分50秒 | 全般

Corea del Sur, si se da cuenta de que su carácter es la inferioridad más baja del mundo, no lo será para siempre, mientras continúe con la educación antijaponesa, es un capítulo que se envió al 2018-12-30 con derecho.
Mi amigo compró Mainichi Shimbun, pero me envió el siguiente artículo.
"El Mainichi Shimbun también es un periódico extraño, hace tanto tiempo, a pesar de que la crisis empresarial siempre ha informado, no ha sido aplastada ... ¿de dónde obtienen el dinero?"
"Depende de la impresión del Komei Shimbun".
"Oh, sí, imprime algo como muchos folletos ..."
Hubo tal conversación.
* Después de esto, informó que el Mainichi Shimbun había recibido una gran cantidad de pedidos para imprimir los carteles publicitarios del gobierno chino. Tal compañía de periódicos tenía una cara de aspecto magnífico y estaba predicando al público. Suscríbase a un periódico de este tipo No es una cordura que haya gente haciendo negocios.
Pero esto también es una prueba de cómo Japón es un país libre.
Las Naciones Unidas, que han nombrado a un hombre de estupidez, como David Kaya, para el relator especial, deben saber su ignorancia.
Debe sentirse avergonzado por el hecho de que las Naciones Unidas gobernaron los países de "maldad abismal" y "mentira plausible" de China y la península de Corea.
Las Naciones Unidas están gobernadas por la propaganda antijaponesa del estado totalitario.
Debes conocer sus medios inspirados, su vergüenza *
Por cierto, los siguientes informes de los periódicos coreanos informados por el Mainichi Shimbun de hoy han demostrado que son ciudadanos de "maldad abismal" y "mentira plausible" ...
Al mismo tiempo, es un artículo que demuestra que es una estructura cerebral final que los oponentes deben considerar lo mismo que ellos mismos como su característica.
También demuestran que no pueden decir que son naciones democráticas porque están practicando la forma de elecciones.
Este país no es un país democrático, pero prueba que es un estado totalitario.
Es un artículo periodístico que demuestra que es la "autarquía antigua", que es la conclusión del profesor Furuta Hiroshi, que es uno de los mejores expertos de la península coreana del mundo y uno de los mejores académicos de la época.
La parte significativa de los japoneses que leyeron este artículo se sentirán completamente escandalizados en Corea del Sur como país.
Al mismo tiempo, los japoneses también notan que el tono que atacan a la administración Abe y al Asahi Shimbun, y los políticos de la oposición como Tsujimoto Kiyomi tienen todos los mismos argumentos para atacar a la administración Abe.
Para traducir los siguientes artículos del periódico coreano, le dejo la traducción al lector, ya que siento que mis manos están podridas.
Si usa la traducción de Google en el orden de japonés-> inglés-> coreano, tal como está, el punto principal pasa (solo en coreano debe tener cuidado de que los datos que son inconvenientes para ellos se traduzcan en lugar de lo contrario) Para estar allí) *

「ソ ウ ル 共同」 韓国 海軍 の 駆 逐 艦 が 海上 自衛隊 の PI 哨 戒 機 に 火器 管制 レ ー ダ ー を 照射 し た 問題 で, 29 日 の 韓国 紙 は, 防衛 省 の 動画 公開 に 対 す る 韓国 国防 省 の 反 発 を 伝 え な が ら 「日韓的 対
日本 の 対 応 に つ い て は 「安 倍 政 権 が 支持 率 回復 の た め 問題 を 利用 し て い る の で は」 と の 分析 も 出 て い る.
* Corea,
Los japoneses no solo no son totalitarios que crecieron con el nazismo en nombre de la educación antijaponesa, que Syngman Rhee comenzó a tratar de justificar su administración en los 70 años posteriores a usted, como usted,
Durante 36 años cuando Japón se anexó, por primera vez,
Una mujer que ni siquiera podía tener un apellido y en su mayoría era propiedad de Yangban.
Japón los lanzó.
En el peor sistema de discriminación de identidad del mundo en su país, que siempre ha sido uno de los países más pobres del mundo.
Construya una escuela, estableciendo un sistema de educación obligatoria por primera vez en su país.
Desarrolle infraestructura como ferrocarriles, puertos, represas a la vez en su país.
Son los japoneses quienes te hicieron una nación moderna.
Japón te ha hecho igual a Japón en 36 años.
Más del 20% del presupuesto nacional de Japón, cada año, descárguelo por usted.
Te hicimos toda una nación moderna y rica.
La prueba es que la población de su país ha explotado en los últimos 36 años.
Es el resultado de Japón que hace que su país no tenga un sistema de discriminación de identidad, una nación moderna y libre y un país próspero.
Esa es la verdad de la historia que sus abuelas y abuelas conocen.
Un país que cambia la verdad de su historia y sigue obligando a la gente a mentir.
Es un imperio malvado.
Corea es tu pais
Así que en ese momento, ustedes, especialmente mujeres, todos con nombres japoneses.
Porque se convirtió en un ciudadano japonés.
No querían volver a Corea con un sistema de identificación igual a un esclavo sin un apellido nuevo.
De las circunstancias de las enfermedades crónicas donde se han colocado desde la historia.
De repente, fueron liberados en un tramo.
Sería natural tratar de dar el nombre japonés en un cuerpo.
Incluso ahora, los coreanos, que dicen ser japoneses en el extranjero, nunca cesarán.
Estoy convencido de que coreano sabe instintivamente tal historia.

Antes de la anexión, solo podías recibir del mundo el tratamiento de 2ª y 3ª naciones, y cuando te subías a los trenes de los países desarrollados, nunca te dieron el primer lugar. Al visitar países desarrollados en países asiáticos en ese momento ... Solo los japoneses pudieron obtener asientos de primera clase como ciudadanos de primera clase. Así que fue natural que los coreanos trataran de nombrar en un cuerpo un nombre japonés ... Naturalmente, usted se llama a sí mismo un nombre japonés porque de repente se convirtió en un ciudadano japonés excepcionalmente tratado en 1910. Sin embargo, no mejoró tanto ... Excepto durante 36 años, cuando Japón se anexó ... Desde la historia, ha sido la dependencia del país del "mal abismal" y la "mentira plausible" ... Hablando de mis pocas amistades reales ... Coreanos, los chinos no son las personas que son capturado por una extraordinaria cantidad de sentimientos antijaponeses como usted ... En cambio, niegan el país ... Un administrador es un mentiroso, un ciudadano que piensa en el fondo que es un malvado. Son diferentes de ustedes, coreanos que son nazis que viven en el siglo XXI y que han sido educados y educados contra los japoneses ... La imagen de niñas de secundaria y preparatoria reunidas frente a la embajada japonesa y gritando contra Japón es ... Frente a tus pensamientos ... No te des cuenta de que le estás diciendo al mundo que tu país es anómalo, que tu país es un país de nazismo ... Eres un verdadero nazis ciego. Poner solo el encabezado del comunismo. Esta es la idea de todo lo más de los chinos. La península coreana ha sido una dependencia china desde la historia. "Maldad abismal" y "Mentira plausible" son ... 70 años después de la guerra, el resultado de la educación antijaponesa que continúa ahora ... El día que note que controla su cerebro más que su hogar China ...

*In this section, we will only pass through our anger and feel no more despise.
It is South Korea to English of that excellent pronunciation that a newspaper reports such a thing.
The Asahi Shimbun, NHK, etc. have not been informed of any such Korean situation so far.
All Japanese people will have the same anger against them.
To be aware that your character is the lowest in the world.
It may not be forever as long as anti-Japanese education is continued *

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Costruisci una scuola, stabilendo un sistema

2019年06月21日 16時41分59秒 | 全般

La Corea del Sud, per notare che il tuo personaggio è l'inferiorità più bassa del mondo non sarà per sempre fintanto che proseguirai l'educazione anti-giapponese, è un capitolo che è stato inviato al 2018-12-30 dal titolo.
Il mio amico è successo a comprare Mainichi Shimbun, ma mi ha mandato il seguente articolo.
"Il Mainichi Shimbun è anche uno strano giornale, tanto tempo fa, anche se la crisi economica ha sempre riportato, non è stato schiacciato ... da dove prendono i soldi?"
"Dipende dalla stampa del Komei Shimbun."
"Oh, sì, stampa qualcosa come un sacco di volantini ..."
C'era una tale conversazione.
* Dopo questo, ha riferito che il Mainichi Shimbun aveva ricevuto un gran numero di ordini per la stampa dei manifesti pubblicitari del governo cinese. Una simile compagnia di giornali aveva un aspetto magnifico e predicava al pubblico. Abbonati a un giornale del genere Non è saggio che ci siano persone che fanno affari.
Ma questa è anche la prova di come il Giappone sia un paese libero.
Le Nazioni Unite, che hanno nominato un uomo di stupidità, come David Kaya, per relatore speciale, devono conoscere la sua ignoranza.
Devi vergognarti del fatto che le Nazioni Unite hanno governato i paesi della "malvagità abissale" e della "plausibile bugia" della Cina e della penisola coreana.
Le Nazioni Unite sono governate dalla propaganda anti-giapponese dello stato totalitario.
Devi sapere che è ispirato, è vergognoso *
A proposito, i seguenti giornali coreani riportati da Mainichi Shimbun di oggi hanno dimostrato che sono cittadini di "male abissale" e "bugia plausibile" ...
Allo stesso tempo, è un articolo che dimostra che è una struttura finale del cervello che gli avversari dovrebbero considerare la stessa cosa di loro stessi.
Dimostrano anche che non possono dire di essere nazioni democratiche perché praticano la forma delle elezioni.
Questo paese non è un paese democratico, ma dimostra che è uno stato totalitario.
È un articolo di giornale che dimostra che è "l'antica autarchia" che è la conclusione del professor Furuta Hiroshi, uno dei maggiori esperti di penisola coreana del mondo e uno dei migliori studiosi del tempo.
La parte significativa dei giapponesi che leggono questo articolo si sentirà completamente scandalizzata nella Corea del Sud come paese.
Allo stesso tempo, i giapponesi notano anche che il tono che attaccano l'amministrazione Abe e l'Asahi Shimbun, e i politici dell'opposizione come Tsujimoto Kiyomi hanno tutti gli stessi argomenti per attaccare l'amministrazione Abe.
Per tradurre i seguenti articoli di giornali coreani, lascio la traduzione al lettore, poiché sembra che le mie mani siano marce.
Se usi la traduzione di google nell'ordine del giapponese-> inglese-> coreano, così com'è, passa il punto principale (solo in coreano devi stare attento che i fatti che per loro sono scomodi saranno tradotti invece del contrario) essere lì) *
照射 動画 韓国 紙 「泥沼 化」
「安 倍 政 権 が 利用」 分析 も
「ソ ウ ル 共同」 韓国 海軍 の 駆 逐 艦 が 海上 自衛隊 の PI 哨 戒 機 に 火器 管制 レ ー ダ ー を 照射 し た 問題 で, 29 日 の 韓国 紙 は, 防衛 省 の 動画 公開 に 対 す る 韓国 国防 省 の 反 発 を 伝 え な が ら 「日韓関係 泥沼 化 」「感情 的 対 立 に 拡 大」と 報 じ た.
日本 の 対 応 に つ い て は 「安 倍 政 権 が 支持 率 回復 の た め 問題 を 利用 し て い る の で は」 と の 分析 も 出 て い る.
* Corea,
I giapponesi non sono solo non totalitari cresciuti con il nazismo nel nome dell'istruzione anti-giapponese, che Syngman Rhee ha iniziato a cercare di giustificare la sua amministrazione nei 70 anni dopo che tu, come te,
Per 36 anni quando il Giappone si è unito, la prima volta,
Una donna che non poteva nemmeno avere un cognome ed era per lo più di proprietà di Yangban.
Il Giappone li ha rilasciati.
Nel peggior sistema di discriminazione dell'identità del mondo nel tuo paese, che è sempre stato uno dei paesi più poveri del mondo.
Costruisci una scuola, stabilendo un sistema di istruzione obbligatoria per la prima volta nel tuo paese.
Sviluppa infrastrutture come ferrovie, porti, dighe in una sola volta nel tuo paese.
Sono i giapponesi che ti hanno fatto diventare una nazione moderna.
Il Giappone ti ha reso uguale al Giappone in 36 anni.
Più del 20% del budget nazionale del Giappone, ogni anno, lo fa per te.
Ti abbiamo creato una nazione moderna e ricca.
La prova è che la popolazione del tuo paese è esplosa negli ultimi 36 anni.
È il risultato del fatto che il Giappone, facendo del proprio paese, non esiste un sistema di discriminazione dell'identità, una nazione moderna libera e un paese prospero.
Questa è la verità della storia che conoscono le vostre nonne e nonne.
Un paese che cambia la verità della sua storia e continua a costringere le persone a mentire.
È un impero del male.
Corea, è il tuo paese.
Quindi, in quel momento, voi ragazzi, specialmente le donne, tutti nomi di nome giapponese.
Perché è diventato un cittadino giapponese.
Non volevano tornare in Corea con un sistema di identificazione uguale a uno schiavo senza un nuovo cognome.
Dalle circostanze della malattia cronica in cui sono stati collocati dalla storia.
All'improvviso furono rilasciati di colpo.
Sarebbe naturale provare a dare il nome giapponese in un corpo.
Persino ora, i coreani, che dichiarano di essere giapponesi all'estero, non cessano mai.
Sono convinto che il coreano conosca istintivamente una tale storia.

Prima dell'annessione, potevi ricevere dal mondo solo il trattamento della 2a e 3a nazione, e quando sali sui treni dei paesi sviluppati, non ti è mai stato dato il primo posto. Quando visitavo paesi sviluppati in paesi asiatici in quel momento ... Solo i giapponesi erano in grado di ottenere posti di prima classe come cittadini di prima classe. Quindi era naturale che i coreani cercassero di nominare un nome giapponese in un corpo ... Naturalmente, ti definisci un nome giapponese perché improvvisamente sei diventato un cittadino giapponese eccezionalmente curato nel 1910. Tuttavia, non è andata bene così ... Tranne per 36 anni quando il Giappone si è annesso ... Dalla storia, è stata la dipendenza del Paese da "male abissale" e "bugia plausibile" ... A proposito delle mie poche vere amicizie ... Coreani, i cinesi non sono le persone che sono catturato da una straordinaria quantità di sentimenti anti-giapponesi come te ... Invece negano il paese ... Un amministratore è un bugiardo, un cittadino che pensa a cuore che è cattivo. Sono diversi da voi coreani che sono nazisti viventi del 21 ° secolo che sono stati cresciuti e costruiti con l'educazione anti-giapponese ... La vista delle ragazze delle scuole medie e superiori che si radunano davanti all'ambasciata giapponese e gridano contro il Giappone è ... Di fronte ai tuoi pensieri ... Non essere consapevole del fatto che stai dicendo al mondo che il tuo paese è anomalo, che il tuo paese è un paese di nazismo ... Sei davvero un nazista cieco. Solo mettendo il cappello del comunismo Questa è l'idea della maggior parte di tutti i cinesi. La penisola coreana è stata una dipendenza cinese dalla storia. "Abysmal evil" e "plausible lie" sono ... 70 anni dopo la guerra, il risultato di un'educazione anti-giapponese che continua ora ... Il giorno in cui noti che controlla il tuo cervello più della tua casa in Cina ...

*In this section, we will only pass through our anger and feel no more despise.
It is South Korea to English of that excellent pronunciation that a newspaper reports such a thing.
The Asahi Shimbun, NHK, etc. have not been informed of any such Korean situation so far.
All Japanese people will have the same anger against them.
To be aware that your character is the lowest in the world.
It may not be forever as long as anti-Japanese education is continued *

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