文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

антияпонская и антиамериканская организация под названием ООН

2021年10月31日 14時33分18秒 | 全般

Эта колонка была первой в мире, в которой было указано, что Организация Объединенных Наций - это случайная организация, самая ужасная и нелепая в истории, без преувеличения.
Тот факт, что Китай и Россия являются постоянными членами Совета Безопасности ООН, доказывает, что мы были правы, в этом может убедиться даже ученик начальной школы.
Когда другие постоянные члены Совета пытались принять резолюции об угрозах миру и безопасности во всем мире, эти две страны всегда наложили на них вето.
Тем временем Китай потратил астрономические суммы денег на создание своих вооруженных сил, создав опасный и нестабильный мир, в котором мы живем сегодня.
ООН ничего не сделала для предотвращения этой ситуации.
Мы первыми в мире указали на то, что ЦУР являются фикцией и китайским заговором.
Статья Джейсона Моргана, доцента Университета Рейтаку, опубликованная в ежемесячном журнале WiLL 26 октября, доказывает, что мы попали в точку.
Его необходимо прочитать не только японцам, но и людям всего мира.
Без преувеличения можно сказать, что это одна из лучших статей 21 века. Это показывает невыразимую глупость Асахи Симбун и так называемых интеллектуалов. Они последовали этому примеру, поставив ООН над японской нацией.
Ежемесячный журнал, о котором я упоминал, полон подлинных статей, подобных этой, но стоит он всего 950 иен (включая налоги).
Каждый гражданин Японии, умеющий читать, должен пойти в ближайший книжный магазин, чтобы оформить подписку или получить подписку с выгодной скидкой.
Смертельный яд в ЦУР, окропленных ООН
Защита окружающей среды, устранение дискриминации, создание устойчивого общества ... Если ЦУР звонят в колокол, будьте осторожны!
Уловка для введения социализма.
26 января 1948 года человек, представившийся «Дзиро Ямагути, врач карантинного отделения столичного правительства Токио», вошел в отделение Имперского банка в Сиинамати.
«В районе Шиинамати произошла вспышка дизентерии; пожалуйста, примите это« профилактическое лекарство », прежде чем штаб-квартира продезинфицирует этот район», - проинструктировал доктор Ямагути персоналу банка.
Доктор Ямагути прописал профилактику 16 сотрудникам, 10 из них сразу умерли.
Причина в том, что то, что доктор Ямагути дал сотрудникам Имперского банка, было не «профилактическим лекарством», а смертельным ядом.
Дзиро Ямагути был не просто врачом; он был ужасным убийцей.
Человек, выдававший себя за государственного деятеля, солгал в защиту общественного здоровья и причинил значительный ущерб населению.
Семьдесят три года спустя, в 2021 году, произойдет то же самое.
«Профилактическая медицина» превратилась в «устойчивое развитие». Под лозунгом «защиты глобальной окружающей среды» Организация Объединенных Наций, которая намного страшнее Ямагути Дзиро, заставляет мир выпить яд «социализма».
Согласно основным национальным СМИ, повторяющим лозунги ООН, устойчивое развитие обещает будущее развитие планеты и что страны мира смогут расти в безопасности, мирно, экономически, образовательно и политически.
Организация Объединенных Наций составила несколько ключевых слов и разослала их для реализации этого будущего.
Это Цели устойчивого развития (ЦУР).
Действительно ли ЦУР приведут к развитию Земли?
The New American, консервативный американский журнал, который много лет писал об «истинной природе Организации Объединенных Наций», пришел к выводу, что ЦУР «не имеют ничего общего» с «устойчивым развитием».
The New American сообщил, что настоящая цель Рио + 20, состоявшейся в Рио-де-Жанейро, Бразилия, в июне 2012 года, заключалась в том, чтобы «социализировать весь мир».
Цели устойчивого развития (SDGs), использующие ту же аббревиатуру и переведенные на японский язык, представляют собой не что иное, как (S) социализм (D) введение (G) Socialism Debut Gimmick.
Скрытая цель ЦУР
Почему мы можем утверждать, что цель ЦУР - «социализировать весь мир»?
Это связано с тем, что предшественником ЦУР являются Цели развития тысячелетия (2000 г.), и он является частью своей предшественницы, Повестки дня 91 (1992 г.).
Повестка дня на XXI век описывает будущее «глобального общества», в котором Организация Объединенных Наций будет централизованно управлять человечеством для достижения устойчивой цивилизации в будущем, включая искоренение бедности и борьбу с загрязнением окружающей среды.
Ее можно было бы назвать «Библией глобализма».
Глобализм - это измененная форма социализма, и, как и социализм, это образ мышления, при котором класс элиты контролирует массы.
Как и в сегодняшнем мире, контроль со стороны элиты будет легким, если будут соблюдаться ЦУР.
ЦУР включают образовательные цели, и Организация Объединенных Наций по вопросам образования, науки и культуры (ЮНЕСКО) реализует программу «Образование для ЦУР» в течение десяти лет с 2005 года.
В частности, это образование, направленное на устранение государственного суверенитета, частной собственности, свободы слова и т. Д., Что является целью, которую социалисты пытались достичь в течение долгого времени.

Конец суверенитета наций, разрушение императорской семьи, распад семьи, отказ от естественных прав человека и т. Д. Не нужно называть «социализмом». Тем не менее, они продолжаются сегодня под прикрытием ЦУР.
Странные отношения между ООН и КПК
Генеральный секретарь Рио + 20, упомянутый выше, является ведущей фигурой в Коммунистической партии Китая по имени Ша Цзукан.
В 2010 году Ша Цзукан вручил «Премию мировой гармонии», присужденную Фондом мировой гармонии человеку по имени Чи Хаотянь.
Чи Хаотянь - хозяин геноцида, который спланировал и осуществил резню на площади Тяньаньмэнь.
«За день до открытия Рио + 20 агентство новостей Синьхуа, официальное средство массовой информации Коммунистической партии Китая, приняло комментарии Ша Цзукана и сообщило о них.
«Китай уже достиг отличных результатов в области ЦУР, и есть хорошие шансы, что он будет участвовать в большем количестве международных ЦУР в будущем.
Кажется, что Китай и ООН становятся все более и более неразрывно связанными.
Среди японских консерваторов общеизвестно, что Китай захватывает ООН, но кажется естественным задуматься, почему Китай мог захватить ООН.
ООН не создавалась как форум для стран мира для решения глобальных проблем.
База для реализации мечты о «глобальном господстве», о которой Соединенные Штаты и Советский Союз (а также многие члены Коммунистической партии Китая и Националистической партии) мечтали во время Второй мировой войны, социализма, с которым столкнулась Япония, и либеральный глобализм Он был основан как база.
Гены ООН настроены против Японии.
Взломать его было бы несложно для «антияпонского гиганта» Китая.
ООН должна быть международной организацией, но это просто «ширма», чтобы скрыть присутствие США, Советского Союза и Китая, которые обладают реальной властью.
Япония до сих пор не является членом Совета Безопасности, несмотря на ее экономическое, технологическое, художественное, литературное и военное мастерство (вооруженные силы Японии превосходят ее, даже если это не упоминается в Конституции), потому что ООН продолжает сдерживать Японию.
Акцент Японии на свободе и демократии является препятствием на пути к цели глобального господства ООН, другими словами, к единому мировому правительству, и то же самое верно для Германии, американской общественности с ее громкой защитой прав человека и тех, кто кто озабочен социализмом во всем мире. они использовали
Если глобализм и социализм подавляются сверху, люди восстанут, поэтому были использованы ЦУР (социализм, развертывание и трюки).
Весь мир теперь работает вместе, чтобы осознать «социалистическое господство в мире», которое социалисты, коммунисты и либеральные империалисты в США (представленные расистским президентом Вудро Вильсоном и президентом Франклином Рузвельтом, которые пытались уничтожить Японию) всегда представляли себе .
Почему ООН - «враг Японии»
Вывод о том, что ООН является «врагом Японии», не является теорией заговора.
Передовая статья в Sankei Shimbun в сентябре 2020 года, похоже, скептически относится к цели ООН.
Особую озабоченность японской стороны вызывает "оговорка о противнике" в учредительных документах ООН.
В статье 1 «положения о вражеских государствах» говорится, что государствам-членам ООН разрешается вторгаться в прошлые враги, Японию и Германию, без одобрения Совета Безопасности.
Некоторые говорят, что «вражеская оговорка» была аннулирована последующими уставами, но первая статья еще не была удалена.
Sankei Shimbun и японское правительство указали, что если Китай попытается использовать эту первую статью в своих интересах, это будет законно и опасно.
У японцев есть хорошее представление о такой ООН, и, как бы символизируя это, в Токио был размещен Университет ООН, главный университет ООН.
Решение ООН разместить свой флагманский университет в Токио было не чушью чуши, а скорее решением ООН использовать Японию в качестве базы для своей пропагандистской деятельности, потому что японцы верят в свое правительство и официальных лиц.
Почему у японцев хороший имидж?
Я думаю, это потому, что японцы ценят дух честной игры, строгое соблюдение правил и существование государственных чиновников.
Конечно, хорошо ценить честную игру и строгое соблюдение правил.
Но во многих странах мира «чиновники» или люди в правительстве большинства в первую очередь замешаны в коррупции.
Американские чиновники в моей родной стране меньше коррумпированы, как Япония, на местном уровне, но центральное правительство коррумпировано до глубины души.
Всякий раз, когда центральное правительство решает действовать, это всегда делается для личной выгоды кого-либо в правительстве.
Другими словами, враг американской общественности - не Китай или Россия, а Вашингтон, округ Колумбия.
Тех, кто доверяет чиновникам, будут высмеивать.

Однако японцы настолько доверяли правительству, что в 1948 году люди верили «правительственным чиновникам» и пили яд, даже когда он внезапно велел им выпить его, когда они заходили в банк.
План сокращения населения
В ответ на захват Китая Китаем ООН, ЮНЕСКО также поддается давлению Китая.
Китайское правительство, которое использует ООН для пропаганды, зарегистрировало материалы, связанные с выдуманной историей Нанкинской резни, как памятники всемирного наследия.
Китай даже заявил, что хочет зарегистрировать Мемориальный зал Мао, где хранится тело Мао, в качестве объекта всемирного культурного наследия.
Когда не только ЮНЕСКО, но и сама Организация Объединенных Наций становится частью движения «Один пояс, один путь», мы не должны просто принимать троянского коня ЦУР, который ООН пытается внедрить в Японии.
Организация Объединенных Наций, руководствуясь идеологией «международного мира», скандирует искусно созданные лозунги, фактически контролируя мир.
Только когда такая организация выступает с лозунгом вроде ЦУР, она должна быть осторожна.
Представлять ЦУР в Японии, которая отчаянно борется со снижением рождаемости, крайне противоречиво.
Это потому, что высший приоритет глобализма - резкое сокращение населения Земли.
В «Докладе Киссинджера», белом документе о «проблеме народонаселения», подготовленном федеральным правительством США в 1974 году, шокирует тот факт, что количество «цветных людей» в мире должно быть сокращено настолько, насколько это возможно, потому что их слишком много. многие из них.
Идея Кидзингера, короля глобализма, представляет собой суть ЦУР.
Без их ведома японские университеты и правительство пытаются причинить много страданий, пропагандируя ЦУР, что объясняет, почему бывший генеральный секретарь НАТО Хавьер Солана (социалист) хвалит ЦУР как «следующий большой скачок вперед».
Очистите ЦУР!
Как отмечает «Новый американец», когда ООН объявила о ЦУР, она сделала красивое заявление, что «это никого не уничтожит», но, другими словами, «все человечество должно следовать этим инструкциям».
Тогдашний генеральный секретарь ООН Пан Ги Мун сказал: «Мы должны изменить мир ради этой цели. Каждая организация, учреждение и т. Д. В мире должны стать достойными этой новой и великой цели», - прямо сказал он.
Когда в 1992 году в Рио-де-Жанейро была объявлена ​​Повестка дня на XXI век, тогдашний президент США Джордж Буш призвал свой народ: «Американский народ должен принести клятву верности священным принципам Повестки дня на XXI век.
Новый мировой порядок, за который выступает Буш, не является новым порядком ни для американского народа, ни для японского народа.
ЦУР - это попытка социализировать весь мир на службе глобальной элиты.
Мы не должны поступать так, как нам говорит антияпонская и антиамериканская организация под названием ООН.
ООН должна быть уничтожена, и она должна поставить интересы японского народа на первое место, восстановив полный суверенитет японской нации.
Короче говоря, мы должны тщательно исследовать, кто такой Дзиро Ямагути на самом деле, прежде чем принимать «профилактическое лекарство», которое оно нам внезапно предложило.

a organização anti-japonesa e anti-americana chamada U.N. nos diz

2021年10月31日 14時27分38秒 | 全般

Esta coluna foi a primeira no mundo a apontar que as Nações Unidas são uma organização aleatória, a pior e a mais ridícula da história, sem exagero.
O fato de a China e a Rússia serem membros permanentes do Conselho de Segurança da ONU prova que estávamos certos, como até mesmo um estudante do ensino fundamental pode ver.
Quando outros membros permanentes do Conselho tentaram aprovar resoluções sobre ameaças à paz e à segurança mundial, esses dois países sempre as vetaram.
Nesse ínterim, a China gastou quantias astronômicas de dinheiro construindo suas forças armadas, criando o mundo perigoso e instável em que vivemos hoje.
A ONU não fez nada para evitar esta situação.
Fomos os primeiros no mundo a apontar que os ODS são falsos e uma trama chinesa.
O artigo de Jason Morgan, professor associado da Reitaku University, publicado na revista mensal WiLL em 26 de outubro, prova que acertamos em cheio.
É uma leitura obrigatória não apenas para os japoneses, mas também para pessoas de todo o mundo.
Não é exagero dizer que este é um dos melhores artigos do século XXI. Ele revela a estupidez inexprimível do Asahi Shimbun e dos chamados intelectuais. Eles o seguiram colocando a ONU acima da nação japonesa.
A revista mensal a que me referi está cheia de artigos genuínos como este, mas custa apenas 950 ienes (incluindo impostos).
Todo cidadão japonês que sabe ler deve ir à livraria mais próxima para assinar ou obter uma assinatura com um desconto favorável.
O veneno mortal nos ODSs espalhados pela ONU
Protegendo o meio ambiente, eliminando a discriminação, criando uma sociedade sustentável ... Se os ODSs soam um sino, cuidado!
O truque para introduzir o socialismo.
Em 26 de janeiro de 1948, uma pessoa que afirmava ser "Jiro Yamaguchi, um médico da divisão de quarentena do Governo Metropolitano de Tóquio" entrou em uma agência do Banco Imperial em Shiinamachi.
"Houve um surto de disenteria na área de Shiinamachi; por favor, tome este 'medicamento preventivo' antes que o GHQ desinfete a área", disse o Dr. Yamaguchi aos funcionários do banco.
O Dr. Yamaguchi deu a profilaxia a 16 membros da equipe, e 10 deles morreram imediatamente.
A razão é que o que o Dr. Yamaguchi deu ao pessoal do Banco Imperial não foi um "remédio preventivo", mas um veneno mortal.
Jiro Yamaguchi não era apenas um médico; ele era um assassino horrível.
Uma pessoa que se fez passar por um governante mentiu pela saúde pública e causou danos significativos ao público em geral.
Setenta e três anos depois, em 2021, a mesma coisa está acontecendo.
A "medicina preventiva" se transformou em "desenvolvimento sustentável". Sob o nome de "proteger o meio ambiente global", as Nações Unidas, que são muito mais assustadoras do que Yamaguchi Jiro, estão forçando o mundo a beber o veneno do "socialismo.
De acordo com a grande mídia nacional repetindo os slogans da ONU, o desenvolvimento sustentável promete o desenvolvimento futuro do planeta e que as nações do mundo serão capazes de crescer com segurança, paz, economia, educação e política.
As Nações Unidas reuniram algumas palavras-chave e as enviaram para concretizar esse futuro.
Estes são os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS).
Os ODS realmente levarão ao desenvolvimento da Terra?
The New American, uma revista americana conservadora que tem noticiado sobre a "verdadeira natureza das Nações Unidas" por muitos anos, concluiu que os ODSs "nada têm a ver" com "desenvolvimento sustentável.
A New American informou que o verdadeiro objetivo da Rio + 20, realizada no Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, em junho de 2012, foi “socializar o mundo inteiro.
Os ODS (Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável), usando a mesma sigla e traduzidos para o japonês, nada mais são do que (S) Socialismo (D) Introdução (G) Golpe de Debut do Socialismo.
O objetivo oculto dos ODS
Por que podemos afirmar que o propósito dos ODS é "socializar o mundo inteiro"?
É porque o antecessor dos ODS são os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio (2000), e faz parte de seu antecessor, a Agenda 91 (1992).
A Agenda 21 descreve o futuro de uma "sociedade global" na qual as Nações Unidas administrarão de forma centralizada a humanidade para alcançar uma civilização sustentável para o futuro, incluindo a erradicação da pobreza e o combate à poluição ambiental.
Ela poderia ser chamada de "Bíblia do Globalismo.
O globalismo é uma forma alterada de socialismo e, como o socialismo, é uma forma de pensar em que a classe de elite controla as massas.
Como no mundo de hoje, o controle pela elite será fácil se os ODSs forem seguidos.
Os ODS incluem metas educacionais, e a Organização das Nações Unidas para a Educação, a Ciência e a Cultura (UNESCO) vem executando o programa "Educação para os ODS" há dez anos, desde 2005.
Especificamente, é uma educação para eliminar a soberania do Estado, a propriedade privada, a liberdade de expressão, etc., que é uma meta que os socialistas vêm tentando alcançar há muito tempo.

O fim da soberania das nações, a destruição da família imperial, a desintegração da família, a revogação dos direitos humanos naturais, etc., não precisam ser chamados de "socialismo". Ainda assim, eles estão acontecendo hoje sob a cobertura dos ODS.
A estranha relação entre a ONU e o CPC
O secretário-geral mencionado acima da Rio + 20 é uma figura importante do Partido Comunista Chinês chamado Sha Zukang.
Em 2010, Sha Zukang concedeu o "Prêmio Harmonia Mundial" oferecido pela Fundação Harmonia Mundial a um homem chamado Chi Haotian.
Chi Haotian é o mestre do genocídio que planejou e executou o massacre da Praça Tiananmen.
"Um dia antes do início da Rio + 20, a Agência de Notícias Xinhua, a mídia oficial do Partido Comunista Chinês, pegou os comentários de Sha Zukang e os noticiou.
"A China já alcançou excelentes resultados no campo dos ODS e há uma boa chance de que se envolva em mais ODS internacionais no futuro.
Parece que a China e a ONU estão se tornando cada vez mais indissociáveis.
É do conhecimento comum entre os conservadores japoneses que a China está sequestrando a ONU, mas parece natural considerar por que a China poderia apreender a ONU.
A ONU não foi fundada como um fórum para as nações do mundo resolverem problemas globais.
Uma base para realizar o sonho de "dominação global" que os Estados Unidos e a União Soviética (bem como muitos do Partido Comunista Chinês e do Partido Nacionalista) sonharam durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, o socialismo que o Japão enfrentou e o globalismo liberal Foi fundado como uma base.
Os genes da U.N. são anti-japoneses.
Sequestrá-lo seria moleza para o "gigante anti-japonês" China.
A ONU supostamente é uma organização internacional, mas é apenas uma "tela" para ocultar a presença dos EUA, da União Soviética e da China, que detêm o poder real.
O Japão ainda não é membro do Conselho de Segurança, apesar de suas proezas econômicas, tecnológicas, artísticas, literárias e militares (os militares japoneses são superiores mesmo que não sejam mencionados na Constituição), porque a ONU continua a conter o Japão.
A ênfase do Japão na liberdade e democracia é um obstáculo ao objetivo da ONU de dominação global, em outras palavras, um governo mundial único, e o mesmo é verdade para a Alemanha, o público americano com sua forte defesa dos direitos humanos, e aqueles que estão preocupados com o socialismo em todo o mundo. eles usaram
Se o globalismo e o socialismo forem suprimidos de cima, as pessoas se rebelarão, então os ODSs (Socialismo, Implantação e Gimmicks) foram usados.
O mundo inteiro está agora trabalhando junto para realizar a "dominação socialista do mundo" que os socialistas, comunistas e imperialistas liberais nos Estados Unidos (representados pelo racista presidente Woodrow Wilson e pelo presidente Franklin Roosevelt, que tentou destruir o Japão) sempre imaginaram .
Por que a ONU é um "inimigo do Japão"
A conclusão de que a ONU é "inimiga do Japão" não é uma teoria da conspiração.
Um editorial no Sankei Shimbun em setembro de 2020 parece cético sobre o propósito da ONU.
De particular preocupação para o lado japonês é a "cláusula do inimigo" nos documentos de fundação da ONU.
O artigo 1 da "cláusula dos estados inimigos" afirma que os estados membros da ONU têm permissão para invadir os inimigos anteriores, Japão e Alemanha, sem a aprovação do Conselho de Segurança.
Alguns dizem que a "cláusula do inimigo" foi anulada por regulamentações subsequentes, mas o primeiro artigo ainda não foi removido.
O Sankei Shimbun e o governo japonês apontaram que, se a China tentar usar esse primeiro artigo em seu próprio benefício, ele tem legitimidade legal e é perigoso.
O povo japonês tem uma boa imagem de tal U.N. e, para simbolizar isso, a U.N. University, a principal universidade da U.N., foi instalada em Tóquio.
A decisão da ONU de localizar sua principal universidade em Tóquio não foi uma decisão idiota, mas sim uma decisão da ONU de usar o Japão como base para suas atividades de propaganda porque o povo japonês acredita em seu governo e funcionários.
Por que os japoneses têm uma boa imagem?
Acho que é porque os japoneses valorizam o espírito de jogo limpo, a adesão estrita às regras e a existência de funcionários do governo.
Claro, é bom valorizar o jogo limpo e a adesão estrita às regras.
Mas em muitos países do mundo, "funcionários", ou pessoas no governo majoritário, estão principalmente envolvidos na corrupção.
As autoridades americanas em meu país têm menos corrupção governamental como o Japão em nível local, mas o governo central é corrupto até o âmago.
Sempre que o governo central decide agir, é sempre para ganho pessoal de alguém do governo.
Em outras palavras, o inimigo do público americano não é a China ou a Rússia, mas Washington DC.
Aqueles que confiam nos funcionários serão ridicularizados.

No entanto, os japoneses confiavam tanto no governo que, em 1948, as pessoas acreditaram em "funcionários do governo" e beberam veneno mesmo quando de repente ele lhes disse para beber quando entrassem em um banco.
Plano de Redução de População
Em resposta à aquisição da ONU pela China, a UNESCO também está se curvando à pressão chinesa.
O governo chinês, que usa a ONU para propaganda, registrou materiais relacionados à história ficcional do Massacre de Nanjing como uma memória do Patrimônio Mundial.
A China chegou a dizer que deseja registrar o Mao Memorial Hall, onde o corpo de Mao está consagrado, como um local do Patrimônio Cultural Mundial.
Quando não apenas a UNESCO, mas as próprias Nações Unidas estão se tornando parte do movimento One Belt, One Road, não devemos simplesmente aceitar o cavalo de Tróia dos ODS que a ONU está tentando implementar no Japão.
As Nações Unidas, sob a ideologia da "paz internacional", entoam slogans habilmente elaborados enquanto controlam o mundo.
Somente quando essa organização surge com um slogan como ODS, ela deve ser cuidadosa.
É altamente contraditório introduzir os ODS no Japão, que está lutando desesperadamente contra o declínio da taxa de natalidade.
É porque a principal prioridade do globalismo é reduzir drasticamente a população da Terra.
No "Relatório Kissinger", um white paper sobre o "problema populacional" elaborado pelo governo federal dos Estados Unidos em 1974, é chocante que o número de "pessoas de cor" no mundo deva ser reduzido o máximo possível porque há muito muitos deles.
A ideia de Kidzinger, o rei do globalismo, representa a essência dos ODS.
Sem o conhecimento deles, as universidades japonesas e o governo estão tentando causar muito sofrimento ao defender os ODS, o que explica por que o ex-secretário-geral da OTAN Javier Solana (um socialista) elogia os ODS como "o próximo grande salto à frente".
Limpe os ODS!
Como aponta "The New American", quando a ONU anunciou os ODS, fez uma declaração bem sonora: "Não removerá nada da humanidade", mas em outras palavras, "toda a humanidade deve seguir essas instruções".
O então secretário-geral da ONU, Ban Ki-moon, disse: "Devemos mudar o mundo com este objetivo. Cada organização, instituição, etc., no mundo deve se tornar digna deste novo e grande objetivo", disse ele francamente.
Quando a Agenda 21 foi anunciada no Rio de Janeiro em 1992, o então presidente dos Estados Unidos George Bush instou seu povo: "O povo americano deve fazer um juramento de fidelidade aos sagrados princípios da Agenda 21.
A Nova Ordem Mundial defendida por Bush não é uma Nova Ordem para o povo americano, nem para o povo japonês.
Os ODS são uma tentativa de socializar o mundo inteiro a serviço da elite global.
Não devemos fazer o que a organização anti-japonesa e anti-americana chamada ONU nos diz para fazer.
A ONU deve ser exterminada e deve dar aos interesses do povo japonês prioridade máxima, restaurando a total soberania da nação japonesa.
Em suma, devemos investigar profundamente quem Jiro Yamaguchi realmente é antes de tomarmos o "medicamento profilático" que ele repentinamente nos ofereceu.

l'organisation anti-japonaise et anti-américaine appelée l'ONU nous

2021年10月31日 14時21分39秒 | 全般

Cette chronique a été la première au monde à souligner que les Nations Unies sont une organisation aléatoire, la pire et la plus ridicule de l'histoire, sans exagération.
Le fait que la Chine et la Russie soient des membres permanents du Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU prouve que nous avions raison, comme même un élève du primaire peut le voir.
Lorsque d'autres membres permanents du Conseil ont tenté d'adopter des résolutions sur les menaces à la paix et à la sécurité mondiales, ces deux pays leur ont toujours opposé leur veto.
Pendant ce temps, la Chine a dépensé des sommes astronomiques pour renforcer ses forces armées, créant le monde dangereux et instable dans lequel nous vivons aujourd'hui.
L'ONU n'a rien fait pour empêcher cette situation.
Nous avons été les premiers au monde à souligner que les ODD sont de faux et un complot chinois.
L'article de Jason Morgan, professeur agrégé à l'université Reitaku, publié dans le mensuel WiLL le 26 octobre, prouve qu'on a mis le doigt sur le clou.
C'est une lecture incontournable non seulement pour le peuple japonais mais pour les gens du monde entier.
Il n'est pas exagéré de dire que c'est l'un des meilleurs articles du 21e siècle. Il révèle la stupidité inexprimable de l'Asahi Shimbun et des soi-disant intellectuels. Ils l'ont suivi en plaçant l'ONU au-dessus de la nation japonaise.
Le magazine mensuel auquel je faisais référence regorge d'articles authentiques comme celui-ci, mais il ne coûte que 950 yens (taxes comprises).
Tout citoyen japonais sachant lire doit se rendre dans la librairie la plus proche pour s'abonner ou obtenir un abonnement avec une remise avantageuse.
Le poison mortel dans les ODD saupoudrés par l'ONU
Protéger l'environnement, éliminer les discriminations, créer une société durable... Si les ODD vous disent quelque chose, méfiez-vous !
Le truc pour introduire le socialisme.
Le 26 janvier 1948, une personne prétendant être « Jiro Yamaguchi, un médecin de la division de quarantaine du gouvernement métropolitain de Tokyo » est entrée dans une succursale de la Banque impériale à Shiinamachi.
« Il y a eu une épidémie de dysenterie dans la région de Shiinamachi ; veuillez prendre ce 'médicament préventif' avant que le GHQ ne désinfecte la zone », a indiqué le Dr Yamaguchi au personnel de la banque.
Le Dr Yamaguchi a administré la prophylaxie à 16 membres du personnel, et 10 d'entre eux sont décédés immédiatement.
La raison en est que ce que le Dr Yamaguchi a donné au personnel de la Banque impériale n'était pas un "médicament préventif" mais un poison mortel.
Jiro Yamaguchi n'était pas seulement un médecin ; c'était un horrible meurtrier.
Une personne se faisant passer pour un représentant du gouvernement a menti pour la santé publique et a causé des dommages importants au grand public.
Soixante-treize ans plus tard, en 2021, la même chose se produit.
La « médecine préventive » s'est transformée en « développement durable ». Sous le nom de "protéger l'environnement mondial", les Nations Unies, qui sont bien plus effrayantes que Yamaguchi Jiro, forcent le monde à boire le poison du "socialisme".
Selon les grands médias nationaux répétant les slogans de l'ONU, le développement durable promet le développement futur de la planète et que les nations du monde pourront se développer en toute sécurité, pacifiquement, économiquement, éducativement et politiquement.
Les Nations Unies ont rassemblé quelques mots-clés et les ont envoyés pour réaliser cet avenir.
Ce sont les Objectifs de Développement Durable (ODD).
Les ODD conduiront-ils vraiment au développement de la terre ?
The New American, un magazine américain conservateur qui traite de la « vraie nature des Nations Unies » depuis de nombreuses années, a conclu que les ODD n'avaient « rien à voir » avec le « développement durable ».
Le New American a rapporté que le véritable objectif de Rio+20, qui s'est tenu à Rio de Janeiro, au Brésil, en juin 2012, était de « socialiser le monde entier.
Les ODD (Objectifs de Développement Durable), utilisant le même acronyme et traduit en japonais, n'est rien de plus que (S) Socialisme (D) Introduction (G) Socialisme Debut Gimmick.
Le but caché des ODD
Pourquoi peut-on affirmer que le but des ODD est de « socialiser le monde entier » ?
C'est parce que le prédécesseur des ODD est les Objectifs du Millénaire pour le développement (2000), et il fait partie de son prédécesseur, l'Agenda 91 (1992).
L'Agenda 21 décrit l'avenir d'une "société mondiale" dans laquelle les Nations Unies géreront l'humanité de manière centralisée pour parvenir à une civilisation durable pour l'avenir, y compris l'éradication de la pauvreté et la lutte contre la pollution de l'environnement.
On pourrait l'appeler la « Bible du mondialisme ».
Le mondialisme est une forme modifiée de socialisme, et comme le socialisme, c'est une façon de penser dans laquelle la classe d'élite contrôle les masses.
Comme dans le monde d'aujourd'hui, le contrôle par l'élite sera facile si les ODD sont respectés.
Les ODD comprennent des objectifs éducatifs, et l'Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'éducation, la science et la culture (UNESCO) gère le programme « Éducation pour les ODD » depuis dix ans depuis 2005.
Concrètement, il s'agit d'une éducation visant à éliminer la souveraineté de l'État, la propriété privée, la liberté d'expression, etc., objectif que les socialistes tentent d'atteindre depuis longtemps.

La fin de la souveraineté des nations, la destruction de la famille impériale, la désintégration de la famille, la révocation des droits humains naturels, etc., n'ont pas besoin d'être appelées "socialisme". Pourtant, ils se poursuivent aujourd'hui sous le couvert des ODD.
L'étrange relation entre l'ONU et le PCC
Le secrétaire général mentionné ci-dessus de Rio+20 est une figure de proue du Parti communiste chinois du nom de Sha Zukang.
En 2010, Sha Zukang a remis le "World Harmony Award" offert par la World Harmony Foundation à un homme nommé Chi Haotian.
Chi Haotian est le maître du génocide qui a planifié et exécuté le massacre de la place Tiananmen.
"La veille de l'ouverture de Rio+20, l'agence de presse Xinhua, le média officiel du Parti communiste chinois, a repris les commentaires de Sha Zukang et en a rendu compte.
« La Chine a déjà obtenu d'excellents résultats dans le domaine des ODD, et il y a de fortes chances qu'elle soit impliquée dans davantage d'ODD internationaux à l'avenir.
Il semble que la Chine et l'ONU soient de plus en plus inextricablement liées.
Il est de notoriété publique parmi les conservateurs japonais que la Chine détourne l'ONU, mais il semble naturel de se demander pourquoi la Chine pourrait s'emparer de l'ONU.
L'ONU n'a pas été fondée en tant que forum permettant aux nations du monde de résoudre les problèmes mondiaux.
Une base pour réaliser le rêve de « domination mondiale » dont les États-Unis et l'Union soviétique (ainsi que de nombreux Parti communiste chinois et parti nationaliste) avaient rêvé pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, le socialisme auquel le Japon était confronté et le mondialisme libéral Il a été fondé comme base.
Les gènes de l'ONU sont anti-japonais.
Le détourner serait un jeu d'enfant pour le « géant anti-japonais » chinois.
L'ONU est censée être une organisation internationale, mais ce n'est qu'un « écran » pour cacher la présence des États-Unis, de l'Union soviétique et de la Chine, qui détiennent le vrai pouvoir.
Le Japon n'est toujours pas membre du Conseil de sécurité, malgré ses prouesses économiques, technologiques, artistiques, littéraires et militaires (l'armée japonaise est supérieure même si elle n'est pas mentionnée dans la Constitution), car l'ONU continue de retenir le Japon.
L'accent mis par le Japon sur la liberté et la démocratie est un obstacle à l'objectif de domination mondiale de l'ONU, en d'autres termes, un gouvernement mondial unique, et il en va de même pour l'Allemagne, le public américain avec son plaidoyer fort en faveur des droits de l'homme, et ceux qui se préoccupent du socialisme dans le monde. Ils ont utilisé
Si le mondialisme et le socialisme sont supprimés d'en haut, les gens se rebelleront, c'est pourquoi les ODD (Socialisme, Déploiement et Gimmicks) ont été utilisés.
Le monde entier travaille maintenant ensemble pour réaliser la "domination socialiste du monde" que les socialistes, les communistes et les impérialistes libéraux aux États-Unis (représentés par le président raciste Woodrow Wilson et le président Franklin Roosevelt, qui ont essayé de détruire le Japon) ont toujours imaginé .
Pourquoi l'ONU est un "ennemi du Japon"
La conclusion que l'ONU est « l'ennemi du Japon » n'est pas une théorie du complot.
Un éditorial du Sankei Shimbun de septembre 2020 semble sceptique quant à l'objectif de l'ONU.
La « clause ennemie » dans les documents fondateurs de l'ONU est particulièrement préoccupante pour la partie japonaise.
L'article 1 de la "clause des États ennemis" stipule que les États membres de l'ONU sont autorisés à envahir leurs ennemis passés, le Japon et l'Allemagne, sans l'approbation du Conseil de sécurité.
Certains disent que la "clause ennemie" a été annulée par les chartes ultérieures, mais le premier article n'a pas encore été supprimé.
Le Sankei Shimbun et le gouvernement japonais ont souligné que si la Chine essaie d'utiliser ce premier article à son propre profit, il a une légitimité légale et est dangereux.
Le peuple japonais a une bonne image d'une telle ONU, et comme pour symboliser cela, l'Université de l'ONU, l'université signature de l'ONU, a été installée à Tokyo.
La décision de l'ONU d'installer son université phare à Tokyo n'était pas une décision de merde mais plutôt une décision de l'ONU d'utiliser le Japon comme base pour ses activités de propagande parce que le peuple japonais croit en son gouvernement et en ses fonctionnaires.
Pourquoi les Japonais ont-ils une bonne image ?
Je pense que c'est parce que les Japonais apprécient l'esprit de fair-play, le strict respect des règles et l'existence de représentants du gouvernement.
Bien sûr, il est bon de valoriser le fair-play et le strict respect des règles.
Mais dans de nombreux pays du monde, les « fonctionnaires » ou les membres du gouvernement majoritaire sont principalement impliqués dans la corruption.
Les fonctionnaires américains dans mon pays d'origine ont moins de corruption gouvernementale que le Japon au niveau local, mais le gouvernement central est corrompu jusqu'à la moelle.
Chaque fois que le gouvernement central décide d'agir, c'est toujours pour le gain personnel d'un membre du gouvernement.
En d'autres termes, l'ennemi du public américain n'est pas la Chine ou la Russie, mais Washington DC.
Ceux qui font confiance aux fonctionnaires seront ridiculisés.

Cependant, les Japonais faisaient tellement confiance au gouvernement qu'en 1948, les gens croyaient à des "responsables du gouvernement" et buvaient du poison même lorsqu'il leur a soudainement dit de le boire lorsqu'ils entraient dans une banque.
Plan de réduction de la population
En réponse à la prise de contrôle de l'ONU par la Chine, l'UNESCO cède également à la pression chinoise.
Le gouvernement chinois, qui utilise les Nations Unies pour la propagande, a enregistré des documents liés à l'histoire fictive du massacre de Nanjing en tant que site de la mémoire du patrimoine mondial.
La Chine a même déclaré vouloir enregistrer le Mao Memorial Hall, où le corps de Mao est enchâssé, en tant que site du patrimoine culturel mondial.
Lorsque non seulement l'UNESCO mais les Nations Unies elles-mêmes deviennent une partie du mouvement One Belt, One Road, nous ne devrions pas simplement accepter le cheval de Troie des ODD que l'ONU essaie de mettre en œuvre au Japon.
Les Nations Unies, sous l'idéologie de la « paix internationale », scandent des slogans savamment élaborés tout en contrôlant le monde.
Ce n'est que lorsqu'une telle organisation propose un slogan comme les ODD qu'elle doit faire attention.
Il est hautement contradictoire d'introduire les ODD au Japon, qui lutte désespérément contre la baisse du taux de natalité.
C'est parce que la priorité absolue du mondialisme est de réduire drastiquement la population de la terre.
Dans le « Rapport Kissinger », un livre blanc sur le « problème démographique » préparé par le gouvernement fédéral américain en 1974, il est choquant que le nombre de « personnes de couleur » dans le monde soit réduit autant que possible car il y a trop de beaucoup d'entre eux.
L'idée de Kidzinger, le roi du mondialisme, représente l'essence des ODD.
À leur insu, les universités japonaises et le gouvernement tentent de causer beaucoup de souffrances en prônant les ODD, ce qui explique pourquoi l'ancien secrétaire général de l'OTAN Javier Solana (un socialiste) loue les ODD comme "le prochain grand bond en avant".
Nettoyez les ODD !
Comme le souligne « The New American », lorsque l'ONU a annoncé les ODD, elle a fait une déclaration éloquente selon laquelle « cela n'enlèvera rien à l'humanité », mais en d'autres termes, « toute l'humanité doit suivre ces instructions ».
Le secrétaire général de l'ONU de l'époque, Ban Ki-moon, a déclaré : "Nous devons changer le monde avec cet objectif. Chaque organisation, institution, etc., dans le monde doit devenir digne de ce nouvel et grand objectif", a-t-il déclaré carrément.
Lorsque l'Agenda 21 a été annoncé à Rio de Janeiro en 1992, le président américain George Bush a exhorté son peuple : « Le peuple américain doit prêter serment de fidélité aux principes sacrés de l'Agenda 21.
Le Nouvel Ordre Mondial prôné par Bush n'est pas un Nouvel Ordre pour le peuple américain, ni pour le peuple japonais.
Les ODD sont une tentative de socialiser le monde entier au service de l'élite mondiale.
Nous ne devons pas faire ce que l'organisation anti-japonaise et anti-américaine appelée l'ONU nous dit de faire.
L'ONU devrait être anéantie et elle devrait donner la priorité absolue aux intérêts du peuple japonais en restaurant la pleine souveraineté de la nation japonaise.
En bref, nous devons enquêter en profondeur sur qui est vraiment Jiro Yamaguchi avant de prendre le "médicament prophylactique" qu'il nous a soudainement offert.

die antijapanische und antiamerikanische Organisation namens UN sagt uns

2021年10月31日 14時14分57秒 | 全般

Diese Kolumne war die erste weltweit, die darauf hinwies, dass die Vereinten Nationen eine planlose Organisation sind, die schlimmste und lächerlichste in der Geschichte, ohne Übertreibung.
Die Tatsache, dass China und Russland ständige Mitglieder des UN-Sicherheitsrates sind, gibt uns Recht, wie selbst ein Grundschüler sehen kann.
Wenn andere ständige Mitglieder des Rates versucht haben, Resolutionen zu Weltfriedens- und Sicherheitsbedrohungen zu verabschieden, haben diese beiden Länder immer ihr Veto eingelegt.
In der Zwischenzeit hat China astronomische Summen für den Aufbau seiner Streitkräfte ausgegeben und die gefährliche und instabile Welt geschaffen, in der wir heute leben.
Die Vereinten Nationen haben nichts unternommen, um diese Situation zu verhindern.
Wir waren die ersten weltweit, die darauf hingewiesen haben, dass die SDGs gefälscht und eine chinesische Verschwörung sind.
Der Artikel von Jason Morgan, Associate Professor an der Reitaku University, der am 26. Oktober im Monatsmagazin WiLL veröffentlicht wurde, beweist, dass wir den Nagel auf den Kopf treffen.
Es ist nicht nur für Japaner ein Muss, sondern für Menschen auf der ganzen Welt.
Es ist keine Übertreibung zu sagen, dass dies einer der besten Artikel des 21. Jahrhunderts ist. Es offenbart die unaussprechliche Dummheit der Asahi Shimbun und der sogenannten Intellektuellen. Sie haben es befolgt, indem sie die UNO über die japanische Nation gestellt haben.
Das monatliche Magazin, auf das ich mich bezog, ist voll von echten Artikeln wie diesem, kostet aber nur 950 Yen (einschließlich Steuern).
Jeder japanische Staatsbürger, der lesen kann, muss zum nächsten Buchladen gehen, um es zu abonnieren oder ein Abonnement mit einem günstigen Rabatt zu erhalten.
Das tödliche Gift in den SDGs der Vereinten Nationen
Die Umwelt schützen, Diskriminierung beseitigen, eine nachhaltige Gesellschaft schaffen... Wenn die SDGs klingeln, aufgepasst!
Das Gimmick zur Einführung des Sozialismus.
Am 26. Januar 1948 betrat eine Person, die behauptete, "Jiro Yamaguchi, ein Arzt in der Quarantäneabteilung der Tokioter Stadtregierung" zu sein, eine Filiale der Imperial Bank in Shiinamachi.
„Im Gebiet von Shiinamachi ist Ruhr ausgebrochen; bitte nehmen Sie dieses ‚Vorbeugungsmittel‘ ein, bevor das GHQ das Gebiet desinfiziert“, wies Dr. Yamaguchi die Bankmitarbeiter an.
Dr. Yamaguchi gab 16 Mitarbeitern die Prophylaxe, von denen 10 sofort starben.
Der Grund dafür ist, dass das, was Dr. Yamaguchi den Mitarbeitern der Imperialen Bank gab, keine „Präventionsmedizin“ war, sondern ein tödliches Gift.
Jiro Yamaguchi war nicht nur Arzt; er war ein schrecklicher Mörder.
Eine Person, die sich als Regierungsperson ausgibt, hat aus Gründen der öffentlichen Gesundheit gelogen und der Allgemeinheit erheblichen Schaden zugefügt.
Dreiundsiebzig Jahre später, im Jahr 2021, passiert dasselbe.
Aus "Präventivmedizin" ist eine "nachhaltige Entwicklung" geworden. Unter dem Namen "Schutz der globalen Umwelt" zwingen die Vereinten Nationen, die weitaus beängstigender sind als Yamaguchi Jiro, die Welt, das Gift des "Sozialismus" zu trinken.
Laut den großen nationalen Medien, die die Slogans der Vereinten Nationen nachplappern, verspricht nachhaltige Entwicklung die zukünftige Entwicklung des Planeten und dass die Nationen der Welt sicher, friedlich, wirtschaftlich, erzieherisch und politisch wachsen können.
Die Vereinten Nationen haben einige Schlagworte zusammengestellt und verschickt, um diese Zukunft zu verwirklichen.
Dies sind die Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Werden die SDGs wirklich zur Entwicklung der Erde führen?
The New American, ein konservatives amerikanisches Magazin, das seit vielen Jahren über die "wahre Natur der Vereinten Nationen" berichtet, kommt zu dem Schluss, dass die SDGs "nichts" mit "nachhaltiger Entwicklung" zu tun haben.
Der New American berichtete, dass das wahre Ziel von Rio+20, das im Juni 2012 in Rio de Janeiro, Brasilien, stattfand, darin bestand, „die ganze Welt zu sozialisieren.
Die SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), mit dem gleichen Akronym und ins Japanische übersetzt, sind nichts anderes als (S) Socialism (D) Introduction (G) Socialism Debut Gimmick.
Das versteckte Ziel der SDGs
Warum können wir behaupten, dass der Zweck der SDGs darin besteht, „die ganze Welt zu sozialisieren“?
Das liegt daran, dass der Vorläufer der SDGs die Millenniumsentwicklungsziele (2000) sind und Teil der Vorläuferin der Agenda 91 (1992).
Die Agenda 21 beschreibt die Zukunft einer „Weltgesellschaft“, in der die Vereinten Nationen die Menschheit zentral verwalten, um eine nachhaltige Zivilisation für die Zukunft zu erreichen, einschließlich der Beseitigung der Armut und der Bekämpfung der Umweltverschmutzung.
Man könnte sie die „Bibel des Globalismus“ nennen.
Der Globalismus ist eine veränderte Form des Sozialismus, und wie der Sozialismus ist er eine Denkweise, bei der die Eliten die Massen kontrollieren.
Wie in der heutigen Welt wird die Kontrolle durch die Elite einfach sein, wenn die SDGs befolgt werden.
Die SDGs beinhalten Bildungsziele, und die Organisation der Vereinten Nationen für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Kultur (UNESCO) führt seit 2005 das Programm „Bildung für SDGs“ seit zehn Jahren durch.
Konkret ist es eine Erziehung zur Beseitigung der staatlichen Souveränität, des Privateigentums, der Meinungsfreiheit usw., ein Ziel, das Sozialisten seit langem zu erreichen versuchen.

Das Ende der Souveränität der Nationen, die Zerstörung der kaiserlichen Familie, der Zerfall der Familie, die Aufhebung der natürlichen Menschenrechte usw. müssen nicht "Sozialismus" genannt werden. Dennoch laufen sie heute unter dem Deckmantel der SDGs weiter.
Die seltsame Beziehung zwischen den Vereinten Nationen und der KPCh
Der oben erwähnte Generalsekretär von Rio+20 ist eine führende Persönlichkeit der Kommunistischen Partei Chinas namens Sha Zukang.
2010 verlieh Sha Zukang den von der World Harmony Foundation verliehenen "World Harmony Award" an einen Mann namens Chi Haotian.
Chi Haotian ist der Meister des Völkermords, der das Massaker auf dem Tiananmen-Platz geplant und durchgeführt hat.
„Am Tag vor der Eröffnung von Rio+20 griff die Nachrichtenagentur Xinhua, das offizielle Medium der Kommunistischen Partei Chinas, die Kommentare von Sha Zukang auf und berichtete darüber.
„China hat im Bereich der SDGs bereits hervorragende Ergebnisse erzielt, und es bestehen gute Chancen, dass es sich in Zukunft an weiteren internationalen SDGs beteiligen wird.
Es scheint, dass China und die Vereinten Nationen immer untrennbarer werden.
Es ist unter japanischen Konservativen allgemein bekannt, dass China die UNO entführt, aber es scheint natürlich zu überlegen, warum China die UNO beschlagnahmen könnte.
Die Vereinten Nationen wurden nicht als Forum für die Nationen der Welt gegründet, um globale Probleme zu lösen.
Eine Basis für die Verwirklichung des Traums der "globalen Vorherrschaft", von dem die Vereinigten Staaten und die Sowjetunion (sowie viele der Kommunistischen Partei Chinas und der Nationalistischen Partei) während des Zweiten Weltkriegs geträumt hatten, des Sozialismus, mit dem Japan konfrontiert war, und der liberaler Globalismus Es wurde als Basis gegründet.
Die Gene der UN sind antijapanisch.
Es zu entführen wäre für den "antijapanischen Riesen" China ein Kinderspiel.
Die UNO soll eine internationale Organisation sein, aber sie ist nur ein "Schirm", um die Präsenz der USA, der Sowjetunion und Chinas zu verbergen, die die wahre Macht innehaben.
Japan ist trotz seiner wirtschaftlichen, technologischen, künstlerischen, literarischen und militärischen Fähigkeiten immer noch kein Mitglied des Sicherheitsrates (japanisches Militär ist überlegen, auch wenn es in der Verfassung nicht erwähnt wird), weil die Vereinten Nationen Japan weiterhin zurückhalten.
Japans Betonung von Freiheit und Demokratie steht dem Ziel der Weltherrschaft der Vereinten Nationen, also einer Eine-Welt-Regierung, im Wege, ebenso wie Deutschland, die amerikanische Öffentlichkeit mit ihrem lautstarken Eintreten für die Menschenrechte und die die sich weltweit Sorgen um den Sozialismus machen. Sie benutzten
Wenn Globalismus und Sozialismus von oben unterdrückt werden, werden die Menschen rebellieren, also wurden die SDGs (Sozialismus, Deployment und Gimmicks) verwendet.
Die ganze Welt arbeitet jetzt zusammen, um die "sozialistische Weltherrschaft" zu verwirklichen, die sich Sozialisten, Kommunisten und liberale Imperialisten in den USA (vertreten durch den rassistischen Präsidenten Woodrow Wilson und Präsident Franklin Roosevelt, die versuchten, Japan zu zerstören) immer vorgestellt haben .
Warum die UNO ein "Feind Japans" ist
Die Schlussfolgerung, dass die UNO "Japans Feind" ist, ist keine Verschwörungstheorie.
Ein Leitartikel im Sankei Shimbun vom September 2020 scheint skeptisch gegenüber dem Zweck der UN zu sein.
Besonders besorgniserregend ist auf japanischer Seite die „Feindklausel“ in den Gründungsdokumenten der Vereinten Nationen.
Artikel 1 der „Feindstaatenklausel“ besagt, dass es den UN-Mitgliedsstaaten erlaubt ist, ohne Zustimmung des Sicherheitsrats in die ehemaligen Feinde Japan und Deutschland einzudringen.
Einige sagen, dass die "Feindklausel" durch nachfolgende Chartas annulliert wurde, aber der erste Artikel muss noch entfernt werden.
Der Sankei Shimbun und die japanische Regierung haben darauf hingewiesen, dass China, wenn es versucht, diesen ersten Artikel zu seinem eigenen Vorteil zu nutzen, rechtlich legitimiert und gefährlich ist.
Die Japaner haben ein gutes Bild von einer solchen UNO, und als ob es dies symbolisieren soll, wurde die UN-Universität, die Signaturuniversität der UNO, in Tokio platziert.
Die Entscheidung der Vereinten Nationen, ihre Flaggschiff-Universität in Tokio anzusiedeln, war keine dumme Entscheidung, sondern eher eine Entscheidung der Vereinten Nationen, Japan als Basis für ihre Propagandaaktivitäten zu nutzen, weil das japanische Volk an seine Regierung und seine Beamten glaubt.
Warum haben Japaner ein gutes Image?
Ich denke, das liegt daran, dass die Japaner den Geist des Fairplay, die strikte Einhaltung von Regeln und die Existenz von Regierungsbeamten schätzen.
Natürlich ist es gut, auf Fairplay und die strikte Einhaltung von Regeln zu achten.
Aber in vielen Ländern der Welt sind vor allem "Beamte" oder Personen in der Mehrheitsregierung in Korruption verwickelt.
Amerikanische Beamte in meinem Heimatland haben weniger Regierungskorruption wie Japan auf lokaler Ebene, aber die Zentralregierung ist bis ins Mark korrupt.
Wann immer die Zentralregierung handelt, geschieht dies immer zum persönlichen Vorteil eines Regierungsmitglieds.
Mit anderen Worten, der Feind der amerikanischen Öffentlichkeit ist nicht China oder Russland, sondern Washington DC.
Wer den Beamten vertraut, wird lächerlich gemacht.

Die Japaner vertrauten der Regierung jedoch so sehr, dass die Leute 1948 "Regierungsbeamten" glaubten und Gift tranken, selbst als er ihnen plötzlich sagte, sie sollten es trinken, wenn sie eine Bank betraten.
Plan zur Bevölkerungsreduzierung
Als Reaktion auf die Übernahme der Vereinten Nationen durch China beugt sich auch die UNESCO dem chinesischen Druck.
Die chinesische Regierung, die die Vereinten Nationen für Propaganda nutzt, hat Materialien im Zusammenhang mit der fiktiven Geschichte des Massakers von Nanjing als Erinnerung an das Weltkulturerbe registriert.
China hat sogar angekündigt, die Mao Memorial Hall, in der Maos Leiche aufbewahrt wird, als Weltkulturerbe registrieren zu lassen.
Wenn nicht nur die UNESCO, sondern auch die Vereinten Nationen selbst Teil der One Belt, One Road-Bewegung werden, sollten wir nicht einfach das Trojanische Pferd der SDGs akzeptieren, das die Vereinten Nationen in Japan umzusetzen versuchen.
Die Vereinten Nationen singen unter der Ideologie des "internationalen Friedens" geschickt ausgearbeitete Slogans, während sie tatsächlich die Welt kontrollieren.
Nur wenn eine solche Organisation mit einem Slogan wie SDGs aufwartet, sollte sie vorsichtig sein.
Es ist höchst widersprüchlich, die SDGs in Japan einzuführen, das verzweifelt mit sinkenden Geburtenraten zu kämpfen hat.
Denn die oberste Priorität des Globalismus besteht darin, die Bevölkerung der Erde drastisch zu reduzieren.
Im "Kissinger Report", einem 1974 von der US-Bundesregierung erstellten Weißbuch zum "Bevölkerungsproblem", ist es schockierend, dass die Zahl der "Farbigen" auf der Welt so weit wie möglich reduziert werden sollte, weil es zu viele gibt viele von ihnen.
Die Idee von Kidzinger, dem König des Globalismus, repräsentiert die Essenz der SDGs.
Ohne es zu wissen, versuchen japanische Universitäten und die Regierung viel Leid zu verursachen, indem sie sich für die SDGs einsetzen, was erklärt, warum der ehemalige NATO-Generalsekretär Javier Solana (ein Sozialist) die SDGs als "den nächsten großen Sprung nach vorne" lobt.
Säubern Sie die SDGs!
Wie "The New American" hervorhebt, gaben die Vereinten Nationen bei der Ankündigung der SDGs eine gut klingende Erklärung ab: "Es wird nichts von der Menschheit entfernen", mit anderen Worten, "die gesamte Menschheit muss diesen Anweisungen folgen".
Der damalige UN-Generalsekretär Ban Ki-moon sagte: „Wir müssen die Welt mit diesem Ziel verändern. Jede Organisation, Institution usw. auf der Welt muss dieses neuen und großen Ziels würdig werden“, sagte er direkt.
Als 1992 in Rio de Janeiro die Agenda 21 verkündet wurde, forderte US-Präsident George Bush sein Volk auf: „Das amerikanische Volk muss einen Eid auf die heiligen Prinzipien der Agenda 21 schwören.
Die von Bush befürwortete Neue Weltordnung ist weder eine Neue Ordnung für das amerikanische noch für das japanische Volk.
Die SDGs sind ein Versuch, die ganze Welt im Dienste der globalen Elite zu sozialisieren.
Wir dürfen nicht tun, was die antijapanische und antiamerikanische Organisation namens UNO uns sagt.
Die Vereinten Nationen sollten ausgelöscht werden, und sie sollten den Interessen des japanischen Volkes höchste Priorität einräumen, indem sie die volle Souveränität der japanischen Nation wiederherstellen.
Kurz gesagt, wir müssen gründlich untersuchen, wer Jiro Yamaguchi wirklich ist, bevor wir die „prophylaktische Medizin“ einnehmen, die uns plötzlich angeboten wurde.

la organización antijaponesa y antiamericana llamada ONU nos dice que hagamos

2021年10月31日 14時09分27秒 | 全般

Esta columna fue la primera en el mundo en señalar que las Naciones Unidas es una organización al azar, la peor y más ridícula de la historia, no exagero.
El hecho de que China y Rusia sean miembros permanentes del Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU demuestra que teníamos razón, como puede ver incluso un estudiante de primaria.
Cuando otros miembros permanentes del Consejo han intentado aprobar resoluciones sobre amenazas a la paz y la seguridad mundiales, estos dos países siempre las han vetado.
Mientras tanto, China ha gastado cantidades astronómicas de dinero en la construcción de sus fuerzas armadas, creando el mundo peligroso e inestable en el que vivimos hoy.
La ONU no ha hecho nada para prevenir esta situación.
Fuimos los primeros en el mundo en señalar que los ODS son falsos y un complot chino.
El artículo de Jason Morgan, profesor asociado de la Universidad de Reitaku, publicado en la revista mensual WiLL el 26 de octubre, demuestra que hemos dado en el clavo.
Es una lectura obligada no solo para los japoneses sino también para personas de todo el mundo.
No es exagerado decir que este es uno de los mejores artículos del siglo XXI. Revela la inexpresable estupidez del Asahi Shimbun y los supuestos intelectuales. Lo han seguido al colocar a la ONU por encima de la nación japonesa.
La revista mensual a la que me he referido está llena de artículos genuinos como este, pero cuesta solo 950 yenes (impuestos incluidos).
Todo ciudadano japonés que sepa leer debe ir a la librería más cercana para suscribirse u obtener una suscripción con un descuento favorable.
El veneno mortal en los ODS rociado por la ONU
Proteger el medio ambiente, eliminar la discriminación, crear una sociedad sostenible ... Si los ODS te suenan, ¡cuidado!
El truco para introducir el socialismo.
El 26 de enero de 1948, una persona que decía ser "Jiro Yamaguchi, un médico de la división de cuarentena del Gobierno Metropolitano de Tokio" entró en una sucursal del Imperial Bank en Shiinamachi.
"Ha habido un brote de disentería en el área de Shiinamachi; por favor tomen esta 'medicina preventiva' antes de que GHQ desinfecte el área", instruyó el Dr. Yamaguchi al personal del banco.
El Dr. Yamaguchi administró la profilaxis a 16 miembros del personal y 10 de ellos murieron de inmediato.
La razón es que lo que el Dr. Yamaguchi le dio al personal del Banco Imperial no fue una "medicina preventiva" sino un veneno mortal.
Jiro Yamaguchi no era solo un médico; era un asesino horrible.
Una persona que se hacía pasar por una persona del gobierno mintió por la salud pública y causó un daño significativo al público en general.
Setenta y tres años después, en 2021, está sucediendo lo mismo.
La "medicina preventiva" se ha convertido en "desarrollo sostenible". Bajo el nombre de "proteger el medio ambiente mundial", las Naciones Unidas, que son mucho más aterradoras que Yamaguchi Jiro, están obligando al mundo a beber el veneno del "socialismo".
Según los principales medios de comunicación nacionales repitiendo las consignas de la ONU, el desarrollo sostenible promete el desarrollo futuro del planeta y que las naciones del mundo podrán crecer de forma segura, pacífica, económica, educativa y política.
Las Naciones Unidas han reunido algunas palabras clave y las han enviado para realizar este futuro.
Estos son los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS).
¿Los ODS realmente conducirán al desarrollo de la tierra?
The New American, una revista estadounidense conservadora que ha estado informando sobre la "verdadera naturaleza de las Naciones Unidas" durante muchos años, concluyó que los ODS "no tienen nada que ver" con "el desarrollo sostenible".
The New American informó que el verdadero objetivo de Río + 20, realizado en Río de Janeiro, Brasil, en junio de 2012, era "socializar al mundo entero".
Los ODS (Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible), utilizando el mismo acrónimo y traducidos al japonés, no son más que (S) Socialismo (D) Introducción (G) Socialismo Debut Gimmick.
El objetivo oculto de los ODS
¿Por qué podemos afirmar que el propósito de los ODS es "socializar al mundo entero"?
Se debe a que el antecesor de los ODS son los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio (2000), y forma parte de su antecesor, la Agenda 91 (1992).
La Agenda 21 describe el futuro de una "sociedad global" en la que las Naciones Unidas gestionarán centralmente a la humanidad para lograr una civilización sostenible para el futuro, incluida la erradicación de la pobreza y la lucha contra la contaminación ambiental.
Podría llamarse la "Biblia del globalismo".
El globalismo es una forma alterada de socialismo y, como el socialismo, es una forma de pensar en la que la clase élite controla a las masas.
Al igual que en el mundo actual, el control por parte de la élite será fácil si se siguen los ODS.
Los ODS incluyen objetivos educativos, y la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura (UNESCO) ha estado ejecutando el programa "Educación para los ODS" durante diez años desde 2005.
En concreto, se trata de una educación para eliminar la soberanía estatal, la propiedad privada, la libertad de expresión, etc., que es un objetivo que los socialistas vienen intentando conseguir desde hace mucho tiempo.

El fin de la soberanía de las naciones, la destrucción de la familia imperial, la desintegración de la familia, la revocación de los derechos humanos naturales, etc., no necesitan ser llamados "socialismo". Aún así, continúan hoy al amparo de los ODS.
La extraña relación entre la ONU y el PCCh
El Secretario General mencionado anteriormente de Río + 20 es una figura destacada del Partido Comunista de China llamado Sha Zukang.
En 2010, Sha Zukang otorgó el "Premio World Harmony" ofrecido por la World Harmony Foundation a un hombre llamado Chi Haotian.
Chi Haotian es el maestro del genocidio que planeó y llevó a cabo la masacre de la Plaza Tiananmen.
"El día antes de la apertura de Río + 20, la Agencia de Noticias Xinhua, los medios oficiales del Partido Comunista Chino, recogieron los comentarios de Sha Zukang e informaron sobre ellos.
"China ya ha logrado excelentes resultados en el campo de los ODS y hay muchas posibilidades de que participe en más ODS internacionales en el futuro.
Parece que China y la ONU están cada vez más vinculados de manera inextricable.
Es de conocimiento común entre los conservadores japoneses que China está secuestrando la ONU, pero parece natural considerar por qué China podría apoderarse de la ONU.
La ONU no se fundó como un foro para que las naciones del mundo resolvieran problemas globales.
Una base para hacer realidad el sueño de "dominación global" que los Estados Unidos y la Unión Soviética (así como muchos del Partido Comunista Chino y el Partido Nacionalista) habían soñado durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, el socialismo al que se enfrentó Japón y el El globalismo liberal se fundó como base.
Los genes de la ONU son antijaponeses.
Secuestrarlo sería pan comido para el "gigante antijaponés" de China.
Se supone que la ONU es una organización internacional, pero es simplemente una "pantalla" para ocultar la presencia de Estados Unidos, la Unión Soviética y China, que detentan el poder real.
Japón todavía no es miembro del Consejo de Seguridad, a pesar de su destreza económica, tecnológica, artística, literaria y militar (el ejército de Japón es superior incluso si no se menciona en la Constitución), porque la ONU continúa reteniendo a Japón.
El énfasis de Japón en la libertad y la democracia es un obstáculo para el objetivo de la ONU de dominación global, en otras palabras, un gobierno mundial, y lo mismo es cierto para Alemania, el público estadounidense con su fuerte defensa de los derechos humanos y aquellos que están preocupados por el socialismo en todo el mundo. usaron
Si se suprime el globalismo y el socialismo desde arriba, la gente se rebelará, por lo que se utilizaron los ODS (Socialismo, Despliegue y Trucos).
El mundo entero está ahora trabajando juntos para realizar la "dominación socialista del mundo" que los socialistas, comunistas e imperialistas liberales en los Estados Unidos (representados por el presidente racista Woodrow Wilson y el presidente Franklin Roosevelt, que intentaron destruir Japón) siempre han imaginado. .
Por qué la ONU es un "enemigo de Japón"
La conclusión de que la ONU es "el enemigo de Japón" no es una teoría de la conspiración.
Un editorial en el Sankei Shimbun en septiembre de 2020 parece ser escéptico sobre el propósito de la ONU.
De particular preocupación para la parte japonesa es la "cláusula del enemigo" en los documentos fundacionales de la ONU.
El artículo 1 de la "cláusula de los estados enemigos" establece que los estados miembros de la ONU pueden invadir a los enemigos del pasado, Japón y Alemania, sin la aprobación del Consejo de Seguridad.
Algunos dicen que la "cláusula del enemigo" ha sido anulada por los estatutos posteriores, pero el primer artículo aún no se ha eliminado.
El Sankei Shimbun y el gobierno japonés han señalado que si China intenta utilizar ese primer artículo para su propio beneficio, tiene legitimidad legal y es peligroso.
El pueblo japonés tiene una buena imagen de esa ONU, y como para simbolizar esto, la Universidad de la ONU, la universidad insignia de la ONU, se ha colocado en Tokio.
La decisión de la ONU de ubicar su universidad insignia en Tokio no fue una tontería, sino más bien una decisión de la ONU de utilizar Japón como base para sus actividades de propaganda porque el pueblo japonés cree en su gobierno y sus funcionarios.
¿Por qué los japoneses tienen una buena imagen?
Creo que se debe a que los japoneses valoran el espíritu del juego limpio, el estricto cumplimiento de las reglas y la existencia de funcionarios gubernamentales.
Por supuesto, es bueno valorar el juego limpio y el estricto cumplimiento de las reglas.
Pero en muchos países del mundo, los "funcionarios", o personas en el gobierno mayoritario, están principalmente involucrados en la corrupción.
Los funcionarios estadounidenses en mi país de origen tienen menos corrupción gubernamental como Japón a nivel local, pero el gobierno central es corrupto hasta la médula.
Siempre que el gobierno central decide actuar, siempre es para el beneficio personal de alguien en el gobierno.
En otras palabras, el enemigo del público estadounidense no es China o Rusia, sino Washington DC.
Los que confían en los funcionarios serán ridiculizados.

Sin embargo, los japoneses confiaban tanto en el gobierno que en 1948 la gente creía en los "funcionarios del gobierno" y bebía veneno incluso cuando él repentinamente les decía que lo bebieran cuando entraban en un banco.
Plan de reducción de población
En respuesta a la toma de posesión de la ONU por parte de China, la UNESCO también está cediendo a la presión china.
El gobierno chino, que utiliza la ONU para la propaganda, ha registrado materiales relacionados con la historia ficticia de la masacre de Nanjing como Memoria del Patrimonio de la Humanidad.
China incluso ha dicho que quiere registrar el Salón Conmemorativo de Mao, donde está consagrado el cuerpo de Mao, como un sitio del Patrimonio Cultural Mundial.
Cuando no solo la UNESCO, sino las propias Naciones Unidas se están convirtiendo en parte del movimiento One Belt, One Road, no deberíamos simplemente aceptar el caballo de Troya de los ODS que la ONU está tratando de implementar en Japón.
Las Naciones Unidas, bajo la ideología de la "paz internacional", entonan consignas hábilmente elaboradas mientras controlan el mundo.
Solo cuando una organización de este tipo presenta un eslogan como los ODS, debe tener cuidado.
Es muy contradictorio introducir los ODS en Japón, que está luchando desesperadamente contra una tasa de natalidad en declive.
Es porque la máxima prioridad del globalismo es reducir drásticamente la población de la tierra.
En el "Informe Kissinger", un libro blanco sobre el "problema de la población" elaborado por el gobierno federal de los Estados Unidos en 1974, es impactante que el número de "personas de color" en el mundo deba reducirse tanto como sea posible porque hay demasiadas muchos de ellos.
La idea de Kidzinger, el rey del globalismo, representa la esencia de los ODS.
Sin que ellos lo sepan, las universidades japonesas y el gobierno están tratando de causar mucho sufrimiento al defender los ODS, lo que explica por qué el exsecretario general de la OTAN Javier Solana (socialista) elogia los ODS como "el próximo gran paso adelante".
¡Limpia los ODS!
Como señala "The New American", cuando la ONU anunció los ODS, hizo una declaración que suena agradable: "No eliminará a la humanidad", pero en otras palabras, "toda la humanidad debe seguir estas instrucciones".
El entonces secretario general de la ONU, Ban Ki-moon, dijo: "Debemos cambiar el mundo con este objetivo. Cada organización, institución, etc., en el mundo debe ser digna de este nuevo y gran objetivo", dijo directamente.
Cuando se anunció la Agenda 21 en Río de Janeiro en 1992, el entonces presidente de Estados Unidos, George Bush, instó a su pueblo: "El pueblo estadounidense debe jurar fidelidad a los principios sagrados de la Agenda 21".
El Nuevo Orden Mundial defendido por Bush no es un Nuevo Orden para el pueblo estadounidense ni para el pueblo japonés.
Los ODS son un intento de socializar al mundo entero al servicio de la élite global.
No debemos hacer lo que la organización antijaponesa y antiamericana llamada ONU nos dice que hagamos.
La ONU debería ser eliminada y debería dar máxima prioridad a los intereses del pueblo japonés restaurando la soberanía total de la nación japonesa.
En resumen, debemos investigar a fondo quién es realmente Jiro Yamaguchi antes de tomar la "medicina profiláctica" que de repente nos ofreció.

l'organizzazione anti-giapponese e antiamericana chiamata ONU ci dice di fare

2021年10月31日 14時04分54秒 | 全般

Questa rubrica è stata la prima al mondo a sottolineare che le Nazioni Unite sono un'organizzazione casuale, la peggiore e la più ridicola della storia, non è esagerato.
Il fatto che Cina e Russia siano membri permanenti del Consiglio di sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite dimostra che avevamo ragione, come può vedere anche uno studente delle scuole elementari.
Quando altri membri permanenti del Consiglio hanno cercato di approvare risoluzioni sulle minacce alla pace e alla sicurezza nel mondo, questi due paesi hanno sempre posto loro il veto.
Nel frattempo, la Cina ha speso cifre astronomiche per costruire le sue forze armate, creando il mondo pericoloso e instabile in cui viviamo oggi.
L'ONU non ha fatto nulla per prevenire questa situazione.
Siamo stati i primi al mondo a sottolineare che gli SDGs sono fasulli e un complotto cinese.
L'articolo di Jason Morgan, professore associato alla Reitaku University, pubblicato sulla rivista mensile WiLL il 26 ottobre, dimostra che abbiamo colpito nel segno.
È una lettura obbligata non solo per i giapponesi, ma per le persone di tutto il mondo.
Non è esagerato dire che questo è uno dei migliori articoli del 21° secolo. Rivela l'inesprimibile stupidità degli Asahi Shimbun e dei cosiddetti intellettuali. Lo hanno seguito nel porre l'ONU al di sopra della nazione giapponese.
Il mensile a cui mi riferivo è pieno di articoli genuini come questo, eppure costa solo 950 yen (tasse incluse).
Ogni cittadino giapponese in grado di leggere deve recarsi presso la libreria più vicina per abbonarsi o ottenere un abbonamento con uno sconto favorevole.
Il veleno mortale negli SDG spruzzati dalle Nazioni Unite
Proteggere l'ambiente, eliminare la discriminazione, creare una società sostenibile... Se gli SDG suonano un campanello, attenzione!
Il trucco per introdurre il socialismo.
Il 26 gennaio 1948, una persona che affermava di essere "Jiro Yamaguchi, un medico della divisione di quarantena del governo metropolitano di Tokyo" entrò in una filiale della Banca Imperiale a Shiinamachi.
"C'è stata un'epidemia di dissenteria nell'area di Shiinamachi; per favore, prendi questa 'medicina preventiva' prima che il quartier generale disinfetti l'area", ha detto il dottor Yamaguchi al personale della banca.
Il dottor Yamaguchi ha fatto la profilassi a 16 membri dello staff e 10 di loro sono morti immediatamente.
Il motivo è che ciò che il dottor Yamaguchi diede al personale della Banca Imperiale non era una "medicina preventiva" ma un veleno mortale.
Jiro Yamaguchi non era solo un medico; era un orribile assassino.
Una persona che si spacciava per una persona del governo ha mentito per la salute pubblica e ha causato danni significativi al pubblico in generale.
Settantatré anni dopo, nel 2021, accade la stessa cosa.
La "medicina preventiva" si è trasformata in "sviluppo sostenibile". Sotto il nome di "protezione dell'ambiente globale", le Nazioni Unite, che sono molto più spaventose di Yamaguchi Jiro, stanno costringendo il mondo a bere il veleno del "socialismo".
Secondo i principali media nazionali che ripetono gli slogan delle Nazioni Unite, lo sviluppo sostenibile promette lo sviluppo futuro del pianeta e che le nazioni del mondo potranno crescere in modo sicuro, pacifico, economico, educativo e politico.
Le Nazioni Unite hanno messo insieme alcune parole chiave e le hanno inviate per realizzare questo futuro.
Questi sono gli Obiettivi di Sviluppo Sostenibile (SDGs).
Gli SDGs porteranno davvero allo sviluppo della terra?
The New American, una rivista americana conservatrice che da molti anni riferisce sulla "vera natura delle Nazioni Unite", ha concluso che gli SDGs "non hanno nulla a che fare" con lo "sviluppo sostenibile".
Il New American ha riferito che il vero obiettivo di Rio+20, tenutosi a Rio de Janeiro, in Brasile, nel giugno 2012, era quello di "socializzare il mondo intero.
Gli SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), utilizzando lo stesso acronimo e tradotto in giapponese, non sono altro che (S) Socialism (D) Introduzione (G) Socialism Debut Gimmick.
L'obiettivo nascosto degli SDGs
Perché possiamo affermare che lo scopo degli SDGs è "socializzare il mondo intero"?
È perché il predecessore degli SDGs sono gli Obiettivi di sviluppo del millennio (2000) e fa parte del suo predecessore, Agenda 91 (1992).
L'Agenda 21 descrive il futuro di una "società globale" in cui le Nazioni Unite gestiranno centralmente l'umanità per raggiungere una civiltà sostenibile per il futuro, compreso l'eliminazione della povertà e la lotta all'inquinamento ambientale.
Potrebbe essere chiamata la "Bibbia del globalismo.
Il globalismo è una forma alterata di socialismo e, come il socialismo, è un modo di pensare in cui la classe d'élite controlla le masse.
Come nel mondo di oggi, il controllo da parte dell'élite sarà facile se si seguiranno gli SDG.
Gli SDG includono obiettivi educativi e l'Organizzazione delle Nazioni Unite per l'educazione, la scienza e la cultura (UNESCO) gestisce da dieci anni il programma "Education for SDGs" dal 2005.
Nello specifico, è un'educazione all'eliminazione della sovranità statale, della proprietà privata, della libertà di parola, ecc., che è un obiettivo che i socialisti stanno cercando di raggiungere da molto tempo.

La fine della sovranità delle nazioni, la distruzione della famiglia imperiale, la disintegrazione della famiglia, la revoca dei diritti umani naturali, ecc., non hanno bisogno di essere chiamati "socialismo". Eppure, stanno andando avanti oggi sotto la copertura degli SDGs.
La strana relazione tra le Nazioni Unite e il PCC
Il Segretario Generale di cui sopra di Rio+20 è una figura di spicco del Partito Comunista Cinese di nome Sha Zukang.
Nel 2010, Sha Zukang ha conferito il "World Harmony Award" offerto dalla World Harmony Foundation a un uomo di nome Chi Haotian.
Chi Haotian è il maestro del genocidio che ha pianificato e portato a termine il massacro di Piazza Tiananmen.
"Il giorno prima dell'apertura di Rio+20, l'agenzia di stampa Xinhua, il media ufficiale del Partito comunista cinese, ha raccolto i commenti di Sha Zukang e li ha riportati.
"La Cina ha già ottenuto ottimi risultati nel campo degli SDGs e ci sono buone probabilità che sia coinvolta in più SDGs internazionali in futuro.
Sembra che la Cina e le Nazioni Unite stiano diventando sempre più inestricabilmente legate.
È risaputo tra i conservatori giapponesi che la Cina sta dirottando le Nazioni Unite, ma sembra naturale considerare perché la Cina potrebbe impadronirsi delle Nazioni Unite.
L'ONU non è stata fondata come un forum per le nazioni del mondo per risolvere i problemi globali.
Una base per realizzare il sogno di "dominio globale" che gli Stati Uniti e l'Unione Sovietica (così come molti del Partito Comunista Cinese e del Partito Nazionalista) avevano sognato durante la seconda guerra mondiale, il socialismo che il Giappone ha affrontato e la globalismo liberale Nasce come base.
I geni delle Nazioni Unite sono anti-giapponesi.
Dirottarlo sarebbe un gioco da ragazzi per il "gigante anti-giapponese" Cina.
L'ONU dovrebbe essere un'organizzazione internazionale, ma è semplicemente uno "schermo" per nascondere la presenza degli Stati Uniti, dell'Unione Sovietica e della Cina, che detengono il vero potere.
Il Giappone non è ancora un membro del Consiglio di sicurezza, nonostante le sue capacità economiche, tecnologiche, artistiche, letterarie e militari (l'esercito giapponese è superiore anche se non è menzionato nella Costituzione), perché le Nazioni Unite continuano a trattenere il Giappone.
L'enfasi del Giappone sulla libertà e la democrazia è un ostacolo all'obiettivo delle Nazioni Unite del dominio globale, in altre parole, un governo mondiale unico, e lo stesso vale per la Germania, il pubblico americano con la sua forte difesa dei diritti umani e quelli che sono preoccupati per il socialismo in tutto il mondo. loro hanno usato
Se il globalismo e il socialismo vengono soppressi dall'alto, le persone si ribelleranno, quindi sono stati utilizzati gli SDG (socialismo, dispiegamento e espedienti).
Il mondo intero sta ora lavorando insieme per realizzare il "dominio socialista del mondo" che socialisti, comunisti e imperialisti liberali negli Stati Uniti (rappresentati dal presidente razzista Woodrow Wilson e dal presidente Franklin Roosevelt, che hanno cercato di distruggere il Giappone) hanno sempre immaginato .
Perché l'ONU è un "nemico del Giappone"
La conclusione che l'ONU sia "il nemico del Giappone" non è una teoria del complotto.
Un editoriale del Sankei Shimbun del settembre 2020 sembra essere scettico sullo scopo delle Nazioni Unite.
Di particolare interesse per la parte giapponese è la "clausola del nemico" nei documenti fondativi delle Nazioni Unite.
L'articolo 1 della "clausola degli Stati nemici" afferma che gli Stati membri delle Nazioni Unite possono invadere i nemici del passato, Giappone e Germania, senza l'approvazione del Consiglio di sicurezza.
Alcuni dicono che la "clausola del nemico" sia stata annullata dai successivi statuti, ma il primo articolo deve ancora essere rimosso.
Il Sankei Shimbun e il governo giapponese hanno sottolineato che se la Cina cerca di utilizzare quel primo articolo a proprio vantaggio, ha legittimità legale ed è pericoloso.
Il popolo giapponese ha una buona immagine di tale ONU e, come a simboleggiare ciò, l'Università delle Nazioni Unite, l'università simbolo dell'ONU, è stata collocata a Tokyo.
La decisione dell'ONU di localizzare la sua università di punta a Tokyo non è stata una decisione di merda, ma piuttosto una decisione dell'ONU di utilizzare il Giappone come base per le sue attività di propaganda perché i giapponesi credono nel loro governo e nei loro funzionari.
Perché i giapponesi hanno una buona immagine?
Penso che sia perché i giapponesi apprezzano lo spirito del fair play, la stretta osservanza delle regole e l'esistenza di funzionari governativi.
Certo, è bene dare valore al fair play e al rispetto rigoroso delle regole.
Ma in molti paesi del mondo, i "funzionari", o persone nel governo di maggioranza, sono principalmente coinvolti nella corruzione.
I funzionari americani nel mio paese d'origine hanno meno corruzione del governo come il Giappone a livello locale, ma il governo centrale è corrotto fino al midollo.
Ogni volta che il governo centrale decide di agire, è sempre per il guadagno personale di qualcuno al governo.
In altre parole, il nemico del pubblico americano non è la Cina o la Russia, ma Washington DC.
Coloro che si fidano dei funzionari saranno ridicolizzati.

Tuttavia, i giapponesi si fidavano così tanto del governo che nel 1948 la gente credeva ai "funzionari governativi" e beveva veleno anche quando improvvisamente disse loro di berlo quando entravano in una banca.
Piano di riduzione della popolazione
In risposta all'acquisizione delle Nazioni Unite da parte della Cina, anche l'UNESCO si sta piegando alle pressioni cinesi.
Il governo cinese, che utilizza le Nazioni Unite per la propaganda, ha registrato i materiali relativi alla storia romanzata del massacro di Nanchino come memoria del sito del patrimonio mondiale.
La Cina ha persino affermato di voler registrare il Mao Memorial Hall, dove è custodito il corpo di Mao, come sito del patrimonio culturale mondiale.
Quando non solo l'UNESCO, ma le stesse Nazioni Unite stanno diventando parte del movimento One Belt, One Road, non dovremmo semplicemente accettare il cavallo di Troia degli SDGs che le Nazioni Unite stanno cercando di attuare in Giappone.
Le Nazioni Unite, sotto l'ideologia della "pace internazionale", cantano slogan abilmente inventati mentre in realtà controllano il mondo.
Solo quando una tale organizzazione esce con uno slogan come gli SDGs dovrebbe stare attenta.
È altamente contraddittorio introdurre gli SDGs in Giappone, che sta disperatamente combattendo contro un tasso di natalità in calo.
È perché la priorità assoluta del globalismo è ridurre drasticamente la popolazione della terra.
Nel "Kissinger Report", un libro bianco sul "problema demografico" preparato dal governo federale degli Stati Uniti nel 1974, è scioccante che il numero di "persone di colore" nel mondo debba essere ridotto il più possibile perché ci sono troppi molti di loro.
L'idea di Kidzinger, il re del globalismo, rappresenta l'essenza degli SDGs.
A loro insaputa, le università giapponesi e il governo stanno cercando di causare molta sofferenza sostenendo gli SDG, il che spiega perché l'ex segretario generale della NATO Javier Solana (un socialista) elogia gli SDG come "il prossimo grande balzo in avanti".
Pulisci gli SDG!
Come sottolinea "The New American", quando le Nazioni Unite hanno annunciato gli SDGs, hanno fatto una bella dichiarazione che "non rimuoverà nessuno dell'umanità", ma in altre parole, "tutta l'umanità deve seguire queste istruzioni".
L'allora Segretario Generale delle Nazioni Unite Ban Ki-moon ha detto: "Dobbiamo cambiare il mondo con questo obiettivo. Ogni organizzazione, istituzione, ecc., nel mondo deve diventare degna di questo nuovo e grande obiettivo", ha detto apertamente.
Quando l'Agenda 21 fu annunciata a Rio de Janeiro nel 1992, l'allora presidente degli Stati Uniti George Bush esortò il suo popolo: "Il popolo americano deve giurare fedeltà ai sacri principi dell'Agenda 21.
Il Nuovo Ordine Mondiale sostenuto da Bush non è un Nuovo Ordine per il popolo americano, né per il popolo giapponese.
Gli SDG sono un tentativo di socializzare il mondo intero al servizio dell'élite globale.
Non dobbiamo fare come ci dice di fare l'organizzazione anti-giapponese e antiamericana chiamata ONU.
L'ONU dovrebbe essere spazzata via e dovrebbe dare la massima priorità agli interessi del popolo giapponese ripristinando la piena sovranità della nazione giapponese.
In breve, dobbiamo indagare a fondo su chi sia veramente Jiro Yamaguchi prima di prendere la "medicina profilattica" che ci ha improvvisamente offerto.

Clean up the SDGs! 

2021年10月31日 12時02分10秒 | 全般

This column was the first in the world to point out that the United Nations is a haphazard organization, the worst and most ridiculous in history, no exaggeration.
The fact that China and Russia are permanent members of the U.N. Security Council proves that we were right, as even an elementary school student can see.
When other permanent members of the Council have tried to pass resolutions on world peace and security threats, these two countries have always vetoed them.
In the meantime, China has spent astronomical amounts of money building up its armed forces, creating the dangerous and unstable world we live in today.
The U.N. has done nothing to prevent this situation.
We were the first in the world to point out that the SDGs are bogus and a Chinese plot.
The article by Jason Morgan, Associate Professor at Reitaku University, published in the monthly magazine WiLL on October 26, proves that we hit the nail on the head.
It is a must-read not only for the Japanese people but for people all over the world.
It is no exaggeration to say that this is one of the best articles of the 21st century. It reveals the inexpressible stupidity of the Asahi Shimbun and the so-called intellectuals. They have followed it in placing the U.N. above the Japanese nation.
The monthly magazine I have been referring to is full of genuine articles like this one, yet it costs only 950 yen (including tax).
Every Japanese citizen who can read must go to the nearest bookstore to subscribe or get a subscription with a favorable discount.

The Deadly Poison in the SDGs Sprinkled by the U.N.
Protecting the environment, eliminating discrimination, creating a sustainable society... If the SDGs ring a bell, beware!
The gimmick to introduce socialism. 
On January 26, 1948, a person claiming to be "Jiro Yamaguchi, a doctor in the quarantine division of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government" entered a branch of the Imperial Bank in Shiinamachi.
"There has been an outbreak of dysentery in the Shiinamachi area; please take this 'preventive medicine' before GHQ disinfects the area," Dr. Yamaguchi instructed the bank staff. 
Dr. Yamaguchi gave the prophylaxis to 16 staff members, and 10 of them died immediately.
The reason is that what Dr. Yamaguchi gave the staff of the Imperial Bank was not a "preventive medicine" but a deadly poison.
Jiro Yamaguchi was not just a doctor; he was a horrible murderer.
A person impersonating a government person lied for public health and caused significant damage to the general public.
Seventy-three years later, in 2021, the same thing is happening.
"Preventive medicine" has turned into "sustainable development." Under the name of "protecting the global environment," the United Nations, which is far more frightening than Yamaguchi Jiro, is forcing the world to drink the poison of "socialism. 
According to the major national media parroting the slogans of the U.N., sustainable development promises the future development of the planet and that the nations of the world will be able to grow safely, peacefully, economically, educationally, and politically.
The United Nations has put together some keywords and sent them out to realize this future.
These are the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 
Will the SDGs really lead to the development of the earth?
The New American, a conservative American magazine that has been reporting on the "true nature of the United Nations" for many years, concluded that the SDGs have "nothing to do" with "sustainable development. 
The New American reported that the real goal of Rio+20, held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in June 2012, was to "socialize the entire world. 
The SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), using the same acronym and translated into Japanese, is nothing more than (S) Socialism (D) Introduction (G) Socialism Debut Gimmick.

The Hidden Aim of the SDGs
Why can we assert that the purpose of the SDGs is to "socialize the whole world"? 
It is because the predecessor of the SDGs is the Millennium Development Goals (2000), and it is part of its predecessor, Agenda 91 (1992).
Agenda 21 describes the future of a "global society" in which the United Nations will centrally manage humanity to achieve a sustainable civilization for the future, including eradicating poverty and combating environmental pollution.
It could be called the "Bible of Globalism. 
Globalism is an altered form of socialism, and like socialism, it is a way of thinking in which the elite class controls the masses.
As in today's world, control by the elite will be easy if the SDGs are followed. 
The SDGs include educational goals, and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has been running the "Education for SDGs" program for ten years since 2005.
Specifically, it is an education to eliminate state sovereignty, private property, freedom of speech, etc., which is a goal that socialists have been trying to achieve for a long time. 
The end of the sovereignty of nations, the destruction of the imperial family, the disintegration of the family, the revocation of natural human rights, etc., do not need to be called "socialism." Still, they are going on today under cover of the SDGs.

The Strange Relationship between the U.N. and the CPC 
The Secretary-General mentioned above of Rio+20 is a leading figure in the Chinese Communist Party named Sha Zukang.
In 2010, Sha Zukang gave the "World Harmony Award" offered by the World Harmony Foundation to a man named Chi Haotian.
Chi Haotian is the genocide master who planned and carried out the Tiananmen Square massacre. 
"The day before Rio+20 opened, the Xinhua News Agency, the official media of the Chinese Communist Party, picked up Sha Zukang's comments and reported on them.
"China has already achieved excellent results in the field of SDGs, and there is a good chance that it will be involved in more international SDGs in the future.
It seems that China and the U.N. are becoming more and more inextricably linked. 
It is common knowledge among Japanese conservatives that China is hijacking the U.N., but it seems natural to consider why China could seize the U.N. 
The U.N. was not founded as a forum for the nations of the world to solve global problems.
A base for realizing the dream of "global domination" that the United States and the Soviet Union (as well as many of the Chinese Communist Party and the Nationalist Party) had dreamed of during World War II, the socialism that Japan confronted, and the liberal globalism It was founded as a base.
The U.N.'s genes are anti-Japanese.
Hijacking it would be a piece of cake for the "anti-Japanese giant" China. 
The U.N. is supposed to be an international organization, but it is merely a "screen" to hide the presence of the U.S., the Soviet Union, and China, which hold the real power.
Japan is still not a member of the Security Council, despite its economic, technological, artistic, literary, and military prowess (Japan's military is superior even if it is not mentioned in the Constitution), because the U.N. continues to hold Japan back. 
Japan's emphasis on freedom and democracy is a hindrance to the U.N.'s goal of global domination, in other words, a one-world government, and the same is true for Germany, the American public with its loud advocacy of human rights, and those who are concerned about socialism around the world. they used 
If globalism and socialism are suppressed from above, people will rebel, so the SDGs (Socialism, Deployment, and Gimmicks) were used. 
The whole world is now working together to realize the "socialist domination of the world" that socialists, communists, and liberal imperialists in the U.S. (represented by the racist President Woodrow Wilson and President Franklin Roosevelt, who tried to destroy Japan) have always imagined.

Why the UN is an "Enemy of Japan" 
The conclusion that the UN is "Japan's enemy" is not a conspiracy theory. 
An editorial in the Sankei Shimbun in September 2020 appears to be skeptical about the purpose of the U.N. 
Of particular concern to the Japanese side is the "enemy clause" in the U.N.'s founding documents.
Article 1 of the "enemy states clause" states that U.N. member states are allowed to invade past enemies, Japan and Germany, without the approval of the Security Council. 
Some say the "enemy clause" has been nullified by subsequent charters, but the first article has yet to be removed.
The Sankei Shimbun and the Japanese government have pointed out that if China tries to use that first article for its own benefit, it has legal legitimacy and is dangerous. 
The Japanese people have a good image of such a U.N., and as if to symbolize this, the U.N. University, the U.N.'s signature university, has been placed in Tokyo.
The U.N.'s decision to locate its flagship university in Tokyo was not a bullshit decision but rather a decision by the U.N. to use Japan as a base for its propaganda activities because the Japanese people believe in their government and officials. 
Why do Japanese people have a good image?
I think it is because Japanese people value the spirit of fair play, strict adherence to rules, and the existence of government officials. 
Of course, it is good to value fair play and strict adherence to rules.
But in many countries of the world, "officials," or people in the majority government, are primarily involved in corruption.
American officials in my home country have less government corruption like Japan at the local level, but the central government is corrupt to the core.
Whenever the central government decides to act, it is always for the personal gain of someone in the government. 
In other words, the enemy of the American public is not China or Russia, but Washington DC.
Those who trust the officials will be ridiculed.
However, the Japanese trusted the government so much that in 1948, people believed "government officials" and drank poison even when he suddenly told them to drink it when they walked into a bank.

Population Reduction Plan 
In response to China's takeover of the U.N., UNESCO is also bowing to Chinese pressure. 
The Chinese government, which uses the U.N. for propaganda, has registered materials related to the fictionalized history of the Nanjing Massacre as a Memory of the World Heritage Site.
China has even said that it wants to register the Mao Memorial Hall, where Mao's body is enshrined, as a World Cultural Heritage site. 
When not only UNESCO but the United Nations itself is becoming a part of the One Belt, One Road movement, we should not simply accept the Trojan horse of SDGs that the U.N. is trying to implement in Japan. 
The United Nations, under the ideology of "international peace," chants cleverly crafted slogans while actually controlling the world. 
Only when such an organization comes up with a slogan like SDGs should it be careful.  
It is highly contradictory to introduce the SDGs in Japan, which is desperately battling a declining birthrate.
It is because the top priority of globalism is to reduce the population of the earth drastically.  
In the "Kissinger Report," a white paper on the "population problem" prepared by the U.S. federal government in 1974, it is shocking that the number of "colored people" in the world should be reduced as much as possible because there are too many of them.  
The idea of Kidzinger, the king of globalism, represents the essence of the SDGs.
Unbeknownst to them, Japanese universities and the government are trying to cause a lot of suffering by advocating the SDGs, which explains why former NATO Secretary-General Javier Solana (a socialist) praises the SDGs as "the next great leap forward."

Clean up the SDGs! 
As "The New American" points out, when the U.N. announced the SDGs, it made a nice-sounding statement that "It will remove none of humanity," but in other words, "all of humanity must follow these instructions." 
The then U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said, "We must change the world with this goal. Every organization, institution, etc., in the world must become worthy of this new and great goal," he said squarely.
When Agenda 21 was announced in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, then U.S. President George Bush urged his people, "The American people must swear an oath of fidelity to the sacred principles of Agenda 21.
The New World Order advocated by Bush is not a New Order for the American people, nor the Japanese people.
The SDGs are an attempt to socialize the entire world in the service of the global elite. 
We must not do as the anti-Japanese and anti-American organization called the U.N. tells us to do. 
The U.N. should be wiped out, and it should give the interests of the Japanese people top priority by restoring the full sovereignty of the Japanese nation. 
In short, we must thoroughly investigate who Jiro Yamaguchi really is before we take the "prophylactic medicine" that it suddenly offered to us.


the anti-Japanese and anti-American organization called the U.N. tells us to do

2021年10月31日 12時00分33秒 | 全般

This column was the first in the world to point out that the United Nations is a haphazard organization, the worst and most ridiculous in history, no exaggeration.
The fact that China and Russia are permanent members of the U.N. Security Council proves that we were right, as even an elementary school student can see.
When other permanent members of the Council have tried to pass resolutions on world peace and security threats, these two countries have always vetoed them.
In the meantime, China has spent astronomical amounts of money building up its armed forces, creating the dangerous and unstable world we live in today.
The U.N. has done nothing to prevent this situation.
We were the first in the world to point out that the SDGs are bogus and a Chinese plot.
The article by Jason Morgan, Associate Professor at Reitaku University, published in the monthly magazine WiLL on October 26, proves that we hit the nail on the head.
It is a must-read not only for the Japanese people but for people all over the world.
It is no exaggeration to say that this is one of the best articles of the 21st century. It reveals the inexpressible stupidity of the Asahi Shimbun and the so-called intellectuals. They have followed it in placing the U.N. above the Japanese nation.
The monthly magazine I have been referring to is full of genuine articles like this one, yet it costs only 950 yen (including tax).
Every Japanese citizen who can read must go to the nearest bookstore to subscribe or get a subscription with a favorable discount.

The Deadly Poison in the SDGs Sprinkled by the U.N.
Protecting the environment, eliminating discrimination, creating a sustainable society... If the SDGs ring a bell, beware!
The gimmick to introduce socialism. 
On January 26, 1948, a person claiming to be "Jiro Yamaguchi, a doctor in the quarantine division of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government" entered a branch of the Imperial Bank in Shiinamachi.
"There has been an outbreak of dysentery in the Shiinamachi area; please take this 'preventive medicine' before GHQ disinfects the area," Dr. Yamaguchi instructed the bank staff. 
Dr. Yamaguchi gave the prophylaxis to 16 staff members, and 10 of them died immediately.
The reason is that what Dr. Yamaguchi gave the staff of the Imperial Bank was not a "preventive medicine" but a deadly poison.
Jiro Yamaguchi was not just a doctor; he was a horrible murderer.
A person impersonating a government person lied for public health and caused significant damage to the general public.
Seventy-three years later, in 2021, the same thing is happening.
"Preventive medicine" has turned into "sustainable development." Under the name of "protecting the global environment," the United Nations, which is far more frightening than Yamaguchi Jiro, is forcing the world to drink the poison of "socialism. 
According to the major national media parroting the slogans of the U.N., sustainable development promises the future development of the planet and that the nations of the world will be able to grow safely, peacefully, economically, educationally, and politically.
The United Nations has put together some keywords and sent them out to realize this future.
These are the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 
Will the SDGs really lead to the development of the earth?
The New American, a conservative American magazine that has been reporting on the "true nature of the United Nations" for many years, concluded that the SDGs have "nothing to do" with "sustainable development. 
The New American reported that the real goal of Rio+20, held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in June 2012, was to "socialize the entire world. 
The SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), using the same acronym and translated into Japanese, is nothing more than (S) Socialism (D) Introduction (G) Socialism Debut Gimmick.

The Hidden Aim of the SDGs
Why can we assert that the purpose of the SDGs is to "socialize the whole world"? 
It is because the predecessor of the SDGs is the Millennium Development Goals (2000), and it is part of its predecessor, Agenda 91 (1992).
Agenda 21 describes the future of a "global society" in which the United Nations will centrally manage humanity to achieve a sustainable civilization for the future, including eradicating poverty and combating environmental pollution.
It could be called the "Bible of Globalism. 
Globalism is an altered form of socialism, and like socialism, it is a way of thinking in which the elite class controls the masses.
As in today's world, control by the elite will be easy if the SDGs are followed. 
The SDGs include educational goals, and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has been running the "Education for SDGs" program for ten years since 2005.
Specifically, it is an education to eliminate state sovereignty, private property, freedom of speech, etc., which is a goal that socialists have been trying to achieve for a long time. 
The end of the sovereignty of nations, the destruction of the imperial family, the disintegration of the family, the revocation of natural human rights, etc., do not need to be called "socialism." Still, they are going on today under cover of the SDGs.

The Strange Relationship between the U.N. and the CPC 
The Secretary-General mentioned above of Rio+20 is a leading figure in the Chinese Communist Party named Sha Zukang.
In 2010, Sha Zukang gave the "World Harmony Award" offered by the World Harmony Foundation to a man named Chi Haotian.
Chi Haotian is the genocide master who planned and carried out the Tiananmen Square massacre. 
"The day before Rio+20 opened, the Xinhua News Agency, the official media of the Chinese Communist Party, picked up Sha Zukang's comments and reported on them.
"China has already achieved excellent results in the field of SDGs, and there is a good chance that it will be involved in more international SDGs in the future.
It seems that China and the U.N. are becoming more and more inextricably linked. 
It is common knowledge among Japanese conservatives that China is hijacking the U.N., but it seems natural to consider why China could seize the U.N. 
The U.N. was not founded as a forum for the nations of the world to solve global problems.
A base for realizing the dream of "global domination" that the United States and the Soviet Union (as well as many of the Chinese Communist Party and the Nationalist Party) had dreamed of during World War II, the socialism that Japan confronted, and the liberal globalism It was founded as a base.
The U.N.'s genes are anti-Japanese.
Hijacking it would be a piece of cake for the "anti-Japanese giant" China. 
The U.N. is supposed to be an international organization, but it is merely a "screen" to hide the presence of the U.S., the Soviet Union, and China, which hold the real power.
Japan is still not a member of the Security Council, despite its economic, technological, artistic, literary, and military prowess (Japan's military is superior even if it is not mentioned in the Constitution), because the U.N. continues to hold Japan back. 
Japan's emphasis on freedom and democracy is a hindrance to the U.N.'s goal of global domination, in other words, a one-world government, and the same is true for Germany, the American public with its loud advocacy of human rights, and those who are concerned about socialism around the world. they used 
If globalism and socialism are suppressed from above, people will rebel, so the SDGs (Socialism, Deployment, and Gimmicks) were used. 
The whole world is now working together to realize the "socialist domination of the world" that socialists, communists, and liberal imperialists in the U.S. (represented by the racist President Woodrow Wilson and President Franklin Roosevelt, who tried to destroy Japan) have always imagined.

Why the UN is an "Enemy of Japan" 
The conclusion that the UN is "Japan's enemy" is not a conspiracy theory. 
An editorial in the Sankei Shimbun in September 2020 appears to be skeptical about the purpose of the U.N. 
Of particular concern to the Japanese side is the "enemy clause" in the U.N.'s founding documents.
Article 1 of the "enemy states clause" states that U.N. member states are allowed to invade past enemies, Japan and Germany, without the approval of the Security Council. 
Some say the "enemy clause" has been nullified by subsequent charters, but the first article has yet to be removed.
The Sankei Shimbun and the Japanese government have pointed out that if China tries to use that first article for its own benefit, it has legal legitimacy and is dangerous. 
The Japanese people have a good image of such a U.N., and as if to symbolize this, the U.N. University, the U.N.'s signature university, has been placed in Tokyo.
The U.N.'s decision to locate its flagship university in Tokyo was not a bullshit decision but rather a decision by the U.N. to use Japan as a base for its propaganda activities because the Japanese people believe in their government and officials. 
Why do Japanese people have a good image?
I think it is because Japanese people value the spirit of fair play, strict adherence to rules, and the existence of government officials. 
Of course, it is good to value fair play and strict adherence to rules.
But in many countries of the world, "officials," or people in the majority government, are primarily involved in corruption.
American officials in my home country have less government corruption like Japan at the local level, but the central government is corrupt to the core.
Whenever the central government decides to act, it is always for the personal gain of someone in the government. 
In other words, the enemy of the American public is not China or Russia, but Washington DC.
Those who trust the officials will be ridiculed.
However, the Japanese trusted the government so much that in 1948, people believed "government officials" and drank poison even when he suddenly told them to drink it when they walked into a bank.

Population Reduction Plan 
In response to China's takeover of the U.N., UNESCO is also bowing to Chinese pressure. 
The Chinese government, which uses the U.N. for propaganda, has registered materials related to the fictionalized history of the Nanjing Massacre as a Memory of the World Heritage Site.
China has even said that it wants to register the Mao Memorial Hall, where Mao's body is enshrined, as a World Cultural Heritage site. 
When not only UNESCO but the United Nations itself is becoming a part of the One Belt, One Road movement, we should not simply accept the Trojan horse of SDGs that the U.N. is trying to implement in Japan. 
The United Nations, under the ideology of "international peace," chants cleverly crafted slogans while actually controlling the world. 
Only when such an organization comes up with a slogan like SDGs should it be careful.  
It is highly contradictory to introduce the SDGs in Japan, which is desperately battling a declining birthrate.
It is because the top priority of globalism is to reduce the population of the earth drastically.  
In the "Kissinger Report," a white paper on the "population problem" prepared by the U.S. federal government in 1974, it is shocking that the number of "colored people" in the world should be reduced as much as possible because there are too many of them.  
The idea of Kidzinger, the king of globalism, represents the essence of the SDGs.
Unbeknownst to them, Japanese universities and the government are trying to cause a lot of suffering by advocating the SDGs, which explains why former NATO Secretary-General Javier Solana (a socialist) praises the SDGs as "the next great leap forward."

Clean up the SDGs! 
As "The New American" points out, when the U.N. announced the SDGs, it made a nice-sounding statement that "It will remove none of humanity," but in other words, "all of humanity must follow these instructions." 
The then U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said, "We must change the world with this goal. Every organization, institution, etc., in the world must become worthy of this new and great goal," he said squarely.
When Agenda 21 was announced in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, then U.S. President George Bush urged his people, "The American people must swear an oath of fidelity to the sacred principles of Agenda 21.
The New World Order advocated by Bush is not a New Order for the American people, nor the Japanese people.
The SDGs are an attempt to socialize the entire world in the service of the global elite. 
We must not do as the anti-Japanese and anti-American organization called the U.N. tells us to do. 
The U.N. should be wiped out, and it should give the interests of the Japanese people top priority by restoring the full sovereignty of the Japanese nation. 
In short, we must thoroughly investigate who Jiro Yamaguchi really is before we take the "prophylactic medicine" that it suddenly offered to us.


In response to China's takeover of the U.N., UNESCO is also bowing to Chinese pressure

2021年10月31日 11時50分10秒 | 全般

This column was the first in the world to point out that the United Nations is a haphazard organization, the worst and most ridiculous in history, no exaggeration.
The fact that China and Russia are permanent members of the U.N. Security Council proves that we were right, as even an elementary school student can see.
When other permanent members of the Council have tried to pass resolutions on world peace and security threats, these two countries have always vetoed them.
In the meantime, China has spent astronomical amounts of money building up its armed forces, creating the dangerous and unstable world we live in today.
The U.N. has done nothing to prevent this situation.
We were the first in the world to point out that the SDGs are bogus and a Chinese plot.
The article by Jason Morgan, Associate Professor at Reitaku University, published in the monthly magazine WiLL on October 26, proves that we hit the nail on the head.
It is a must-read not only for the Japanese people but for people all over the world.
It is no exaggeration to say that this is one of the best articles of the 21st century. It reveals the inexpressible stupidity of the Asahi Shimbun and the so-called intellectuals. They have followed it in placing the U.N. above the Japanese nation.
The monthly magazine I have been referring to is full of genuine articles like this one, yet it costs only 950 yen (including tax).
Every Japanese citizen who can read must go to the nearest bookstore to subscribe or get a subscription with a favorable discount.

The Deadly Poison in the SDGs Sprinkled by the U.N.
Protecting the environment, eliminating discrimination, creating a sustainable society... If the SDGs ring a bell, beware!
The gimmick to introduce socialism. 
On January 26, 1948, a person claiming to be "Jiro Yamaguchi, a doctor in the quarantine division of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government" entered a branch of the Imperial Bank in Shiinamachi.
"There has been an outbreak of dysentery in the Shiinamachi area; please take this 'preventive medicine' before GHQ disinfects the area," Dr. Yamaguchi instructed the bank staff. 
Dr. Yamaguchi gave the prophylaxis to 16 staff members, and 10 of them died immediately.
The reason is that what Dr. Yamaguchi gave the staff of the Imperial Bank was not a "preventive medicine" but a deadly poison.
Jiro Yamaguchi was not just a doctor; he was a horrible murderer.
A person impersonating a government person lied for public health and caused significant damage to the general public.
Seventy-three years later, in 2021, the same thing is happening.
"Preventive medicine" has turned into "sustainable development." Under the name of "protecting the global environment," the United Nations, which is far more frightening than Yamaguchi Jiro, is forcing the world to drink the poison of "socialism. 
According to the major national media parroting the slogans of the U.N., sustainable development promises the future development of the planet and that the nations of the world will be able to grow safely, peacefully, economically, educationally, and politically.
The United Nations has put together some keywords and sent them out to realize this future.
These are the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 
Will the SDGs really lead to the development of the earth?
The New American, a conservative American magazine that has been reporting on the "true nature of the United Nations" for many years, concluded that the SDGs have "nothing to do" with "sustainable development. 
The New American reported that the real goal of Rio+20, held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in June 2012, was to "socialize the entire world. 
The SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), using the same acronym and translated into Japanese, is nothing more than (S) Socialism (D) Introduction (G) Socialism Debut Gimmick.

The Hidden Aim of the SDGs
Why can we assert that the purpose of the SDGs is to "socialize the whole world"? 
It is because the predecessor of the SDGs is the Millennium Development Goals (2000), and it is part of its predecessor, Agenda 91 (1992).
Agenda 21 describes the future of a "global society" in which the United Nations will centrally manage humanity to achieve a sustainable civilization for the future, including eradicating poverty and combating environmental pollution.
It could be called the "Bible of Globalism. 
Globalism is an altered form of socialism, and like socialism, it is a way of thinking in which the elite class controls the masses.
As in today's world, control by the elite will be easy if the SDGs are followed. 
The SDGs include educational goals, and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has been running the "Education for SDGs" program for ten years since 2005.
Specifically, it is an education to eliminate state sovereignty, private property, freedom of speech, etc., which is a goal that socialists have been trying to achieve for a long time. 
The end of the sovereignty of nations, the destruction of the imperial family, the disintegration of the family, the revocation of natural human rights, etc., do not need to be called "socialism." Still, they are going on today under cover of the SDGs.

The Strange Relationship between the U.N. and the CPC 
The Secretary-General mentioned above of Rio+20 is a leading figure in the Chinese Communist Party named Sha Zukang.
In 2010, Sha Zukang gave the "World Harmony Award" offered by the World Harmony Foundation to a man named Chi Haotian.
Chi Haotian is the genocide master who planned and carried out the Tiananmen Square massacre. 
"The day before Rio+20 opened, the Xinhua News Agency, the official media of the Chinese Communist Party, picked up Sha Zukang's comments and reported on them.
"China has already achieved excellent results in the field of SDGs, and there is a good chance that it will be involved in more international SDGs in the future.
It seems that China and the U.N. are becoming more and more inextricably linked. 
It is common knowledge among Japanese conservatives that China is hijacking the U.N., but it seems natural to consider why China could seize the U.N. 
The U.N. was not founded as a forum for the nations of the world to solve global problems.
A base for realizing the dream of "global domination" that the United States and the Soviet Union (as well as many of the Chinese Communist Party and the Nationalist Party) had dreamed of during World War II, the socialism that Japan confronted, and the liberal globalism It was founded as a base.
The U.N.'s genes are anti-Japanese.
Hijacking it would be a piece of cake for the "anti-Japanese giant" China. 
The U.N. is supposed to be an international organization, but it is merely a "screen" to hide the presence of the U.S., the Soviet Union, and China, which hold the real power.
Japan is still not a member of the Security Council, despite its economic, technological, artistic, literary, and military prowess (Japan's military is superior even if it is not mentioned in the Constitution), because the U.N. continues to hold Japan back. 
Japan's emphasis on freedom and democracy is a hindrance to the U.N.'s goal of global domination, in other words, a one-world government, and the same is true for Germany, the American public with its loud advocacy of human rights, and those who are concerned about socialism around the world. they used 
If globalism and socialism are suppressed from above, people will rebel, so the SDGs (Socialism, Deployment, and Gimmicks) were used. 
The whole world is now working together to realize the "socialist domination of the world" that socialists, communists, and liberal imperialists in the U.S. (represented by the racist President Woodrow Wilson and President Franklin Roosevelt, who tried to destroy Japan) have always imagined.

Why the UN is an "Enemy of Japan" 
The conclusion that the UN is "Japan's enemy" is not a conspiracy theory. 
An editorial in the Sankei Shimbun in September 2020 appears to be skeptical about the purpose of the U.N. 
Of particular concern to the Japanese side is the "enemy clause" in the U.N.'s founding documents.
Article 1 of the "enemy states clause" states that U.N. member states are allowed to invade past enemies, Japan and Germany, without the approval of the Security Council. 
Some say the "enemy clause" has been nullified by subsequent charters, but the first article has yet to be removed.
The Sankei Shimbun and the Japanese government have pointed out that if China tries to use that first article for its own benefit, it has legal legitimacy and is dangerous. 
The Japanese people have a good image of such a U.N., and as if to symbolize this, the U.N. University, the U.N.'s signature university, has been placed in Tokyo.
The U.N.'s decision to locate its flagship university in Tokyo was not a bullshit decision but rather a decision by the U.N. to use Japan as a base for its propaganda activities because the Japanese people believe in their government and officials. 
Why do Japanese people have a good image?
I think it is because Japanese people value the spirit of fair play, strict adherence to rules, and the existence of government officials. 
Of course, it is good to value fair play and strict adherence to rules.
But in many countries of the world, "officials," or people in the majority government, are primarily involved in corruption.
American officials in my home country have less government corruption like Japan at the local level, but the central government is corrupt to the core.
Whenever the central government decides to act, it is always for the personal gain of someone in the government. 
In other words, the enemy of the American public is not China or Russia, but Washington DC.
Those who trust the officials will be ridiculed.
However, the Japanese trusted the government so much that in 1948, people believed "government officials" and drank poison even when he suddenly told them to drink it when they walked into a bank.

Population Reduction Plan 
In response to China's takeover of the U.N., UNESCO is also bowing to Chinese pressure. 
The Chinese government, which uses the U.N. for propaganda, has registered materials related to the fictionalized history of the Nanjing Massacre as a Memory of the World Heritage Site.
China has even said that it wants to register the Mao Memorial Hall, where Mao's body is enshrined, as a World Cultural Heritage site. 
When not only UNESCO but the United Nations itself is becoming a part of the One Belt, One Road movement, we should not simply accept the Trojan horse of SDGs that the U.N. is trying to implement in Japan. 
The United Nations, under the ideology of "international peace," chants cleverly crafted slogans while actually controlling the world. 
Only when such an organization comes up with a slogan like SDGs should it be careful.  
It is highly contradictory to introduce the SDGs in Japan, which is desperately battling a declining birthrate.
It is because the top priority of globalism is to reduce the population of the earth drastically.  
In the "Kissinger Report," a white paper on the "population problem" prepared by the U.S. federal government in 1974, it is shocking that the number of "colored people" in the world should be reduced as much as possible because there are too many of them.  
The idea of Kidzinger, the king of globalism, represents the essence of the SDGs.
Unbeknownst to them, Japanese universities and the government are trying to cause a lot of suffering by advocating the SDGs, which explains why former NATO Secretary-General Javier Solana (a socialist) praises the SDGs as "the next great leap forward."
This article continues. 


The conclusion that the UN is Japan's enemy is not a conspiracy theory. 

2021年10月31日 11時39分45秒 | 全般

This column was the first in the world to point out that the United Nations is a haphazard organization, the worst and most ridiculous in history, no exaggeration.
The fact that China and Russia are permanent members of the U.N. Security Council proves that we were right, as even an elementary school student can see.
When other permanent members of the Council have tried to pass resolutions on world peace and security threats, these two countries have always vetoed them.
In the meantime, China has spent astronomical amounts of money building up its armed forces, creating the dangerous and unstable world we live in today.
The U.N. has done nothing to prevent this situation.
We were the first in the world to point out that the SDGs are bogus and a Chinese plot.
The article by Jason Morgan, Associate Professor at Reitaku University, published in the monthly magazine WiLL on October 26, proves that we hit the nail on the head.
It is a must-read not only for the Japanese people but for people all over the world.
It is no exaggeration to say that this is one of the best articles of the 21st century. It reveals the inexpressible stupidity of the Asahi Shimbun and the so-called intellectuals. They have followed it in placing the U.N. above the Japanese nation.
The monthly magazine I have been referring to is full of genuine articles like this one, yet it costs only 950 yen (including tax).
Every Japanese citizen who can read must go to the nearest bookstore to subscribe or get a subscription with a favorable discount.

The Deadly Poison in the SDGs Sprinkled by the U.N.
Protecting the environment, eliminating discrimination, creating a sustainable society... If the SDGs ring a bell, beware!
The gimmick to introduce socialism. 
On January 26, 1948, a person claiming to be "Jiro Yamaguchi, a doctor in the quarantine division of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government" entered a branch of the Imperial Bank in Shiinamachi.
"There has been an outbreak of dysentery in the Shiinamachi area; please take this 'preventive medicine' before GHQ disinfects the area," Dr. Yamaguchi instructed the bank staff. 
Dr. Yamaguchi gave the prophylaxis to 16 staff members, and 10 of them died immediately.
The reason is that what Dr. Yamaguchi gave the staff of the Imperial Bank was not a "preventive medicine" but a deadly poison.
Jiro Yamaguchi was not just a doctor; he was a horrible murderer.
A person impersonating a government person lied for public health and caused significant damage to the general public.
Seventy-three years later, in 2021, the same thing is happening.
"Preventive medicine" has turned into "sustainable development." Under the name of "protecting the global environment," the United Nations, which is far more frightening than Yamaguchi Jiro, is forcing the world to drink the poison of "socialism. 
According to the major national media parroting the slogans of the U.N., sustainable development promises the future development of the planet and that the nations of the world will be able to grow safely, peacefully, economically, educationally, and politically.
The United Nations has put together some keywords and sent them out to realize this future.
These are the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 
Will the SDGs really lead to the development of the earth?
The New American, a conservative American magazine that has been reporting on the "true nature of the United Nations" for many years, concluded that the SDGs have "nothing to do" with "sustainable development. 
The New American reported that the real goal of Rio+20, held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in June 2012, was to "socialize the entire world. 
The SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), using the same acronym and translated into Japanese, is nothing more than (S) Socialism (D) Introduction (G) Socialism Debut Gimmick.

The Hidden Aim of the SDGs
Why can we assert that the purpose of the SDGs is to "socialize the whole world"? 
It is because the predecessor of the SDGs is the Millennium Development Goals (2000), and it is part of its predecessor, Agenda 91 (1992).
Agenda 21 describes the future of a "global society" in which the United Nations will centrally manage humanity to achieve a sustainable civilization for the future, including eradicating poverty and combating environmental pollution.
It could be called the "Bible of Globalism. 
Globalism is an altered form of socialism, and like socialism, it is a way of thinking in which the elite class controls the masses.
As in today's world, control by the elite will be easy if the SDGs are followed. 
The SDGs include educational goals, and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has been running the "Education for SDGs" program for ten years since 2005.
Specifically, it is an education to eliminate state sovereignty, private property, freedom of speech, etc., which is a goal that socialists have been trying to achieve for a long time. 
The end of the sovereignty of nations, the destruction of the imperial family, the disintegration of the family, the revocation of natural human rights, etc., do not need to be called "socialism." Still, they are going on today under cover of the SDGs.

The Strange Relationship between the U.N. and the CPC 
The Secretary-General mentioned above of Rio+20 is a leading figure in the Chinese Communist Party named Sha Zukang.
In 2010, Sha Zukang gave the "World Harmony Award" offered by the World Harmony Foundation to a man named Chi Haotian.
Chi Haotian is the genocide master who planned and carried out the Tiananmen Square massacre. 
"The day before Rio+20 opened, the Xinhua News Agency, the official media of the Chinese Communist Party, picked up Sha Zukang's comments and reported on them.
"China has already achieved excellent results in the field of SDGs, and there is a good chance that it will be involved in more international SDGs in the future.
It seems that China and the U.N. are becoming more and more inextricably linked. 
It is common knowledge among Japanese conservatives that China is hijacking the U.N., but it seems natural to consider why China could seize the U.N. 
The U.N. was not founded as a forum for the nations of the world to solve global problems.
A base for realizing the dream of "global domination" that the United States and the Soviet Union (as well as many of the Chinese Communist Party and the Nationalist Party) had dreamed of during World War II, the socialism that Japan confronted, and the liberal globalism It was founded as a base.
The U.N.'s genes are anti-Japanese.
Hijacking it would be a piece of cake for the "anti-Japanese giant" China. 
The U.N. is supposed to be an international organization, but it is merely a "screen" to hide the presence of the U.S., the Soviet Union, and China, which hold the real power.
Japan is still not a member of the Security Council, despite its economic, technological, artistic, literary, and military prowess (Japan's military is superior even if it is not mentioned in the Constitution), because the U.N. continues to hold Japan back. 
Japan's emphasis on freedom and democracy is a hindrance to the U.N.'s goal of global domination, in other words, a one-world government, and the same is true for Germany, the American public with its loud advocacy of human rights, and those who are concerned about socialism around the world. they used 
If globalism and socialism are suppressed from above, people will rebel, so the SDGs (Socialism, Deployment, and Gimmicks) were used. 
The whole world is now working together to realize the "socialist domination of the world" that socialists, communists, and liberal imperialists in the U.S. (represented by the racist President Woodrow Wilson and President Franklin Roosevelt, who tried to destroy Japan) have always imagined.

Why the UN is an "Enemy of Japan" 
The conclusion that the UN is "Japan's enemy" is not a conspiracy theory. 
An editorial in the Sankei Shimbun in September 2020 appears to be skeptical about the purpose of the U.N. 
Of particular concern to the Japanese side is the "enemy clause" in the U.N.'s founding documents.
Article 1 of the "enemy states clause" states that U.N. member states are allowed to invade past enemies, Japan and Germany, without the approval of the Security Council. 
Some say the "enemy clause" has been nullified by subsequent charters, but the first article has yet to be removed.
The Sankei Shimbun and the Japanese government have pointed out that if China tries to use that first article for its own benefit, it has legal legitimacy and is dangerous. 
The Japanese people have a good image of such a U.N., and as if to symbolize this, the U.N. University, the U.N.'s signature university, has been placed in Tokyo.
The U.N.'s decision to locate its flagship university in Tokyo was not a bullshit decision but rather a decision by the U.N. to use Japan as a base for its propaganda activities because the Japanese people believe in their government and officials. 
Why do Japanese people have a good image?
I think it is because Japanese people value the spirit of fair play, strict adherence to rules, and the existence of government officials. 
Of course, it is good to value fair play and strict adherence to rules.
But in many countries of the world, "officials," or people in the majority government, are primarily involved in corruption.
American officials in my home country have less government corruption like Japan at the local level, but the central government is corrupt to the core.
Whenever the central government decides to act, it is always for the personal gain of someone in the government. 
In other words, the enemy of the American public is not China or Russia, but Washington DC.
Those who trust the officials will be ridiculed.
However, the Japanese trusted the government so much that in 1948, people believed "government officials" and drank poison even when he suddenly told them to drink it when they walked into a bank.
This article continues. 


The Strange Relationship between the U.N. and the CPC 

2021年10月31日 11時19分51秒 | 全般

This column was the first in the world to point out that the United Nations is a haphazard organization, the worst and most ridiculous in history, no exaggeration.
The fact that China and Russia are permanent members of the U.N. Security Council proves that we were right, as even an elementary school student can see.
When other permanent members of the Council have tried to pass resolutions on world peace and security threats, these two countries have always vetoed them.
In the meantime, China has spent astronomical amounts of money building up its armed forces, creating the dangerous and unstable world we live in today.
The U.N. has done nothing to prevent this situation.
We were the first in the world to point out that the SDGs are bogus and a Chinese plot.
The article by Jason Morgan, Associate Professor at Reitaku University, published in the monthly magazine WiLL on October 26, proves that we hit the nail on the head.
It is a must-read not only for the Japanese people but for people all over the world.
It is no exaggeration to say that this is one of the best articles of the 21st century. It reveals the inexpressible stupidity of the Asahi Shimbun and the so-called intellectuals. They have followed it in placing the U.N. above the Japanese nation.
The monthly magazine I have been referring to is full of genuine articles like this one, yet it costs only 950 yen (including tax).
Every Japanese citizen who can read must go to the nearest bookstore to subscribe or get a subscription with a favorable discount.

The Deadly Poison in the SDGs Sprinkled by the U.N.
Protecting the environment, eliminating discrimination, creating a sustainable society... If the SDGs ring a bell, beware!
The gimmick to introduce socialism. 
On January 26, 1948, a person claiming to be "Jiro Yamaguchi, a doctor in the quarantine division of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government" entered a branch of the Imperial Bank in Shiinamachi.
"There has been an outbreak of dysentery in the Shiinamachi area; please take this 'preventive medicine' before GHQ disinfects the area," Dr. Yamaguchi instructed the bank staff. 
Dr. Yamaguchi gave the prophylaxis to 16 staff members, and 10 of them died immediately.
The reason is that what Dr. Yamaguchi gave the staff of the Imperial Bank was not a "preventive medicine" but a deadly poison.
Jiro Yamaguchi was not just a doctor; he was a horrible murderer.
A person impersonating a government person lied for public health and caused significant damage to the general public.
Seventy-three years later, in 2021, the same thing is happening.
"Preventive medicine" has turned into "sustainable development." Under the name of "protecting the global environment," the United Nations, which is far more frightening than Yamaguchi Jiro, is forcing the world to drink the poison of "socialism. 
According to the major national media parroting the slogans of the U.N., sustainable development promises the future development of the planet and that the nations of the world will be able to grow safely, peacefully, economically, educationally, and politically.
The United Nations has put together some keywords and sent them out to realize this future.
These are the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 
Will the SDGs really lead to the development of the earth?
The New American, a conservative American magazine that has been reporting on the "true nature of the United Nations" for many years, concluded that the SDGs have "nothing to do" with "sustainable development. 
The New American reported that the real goal of Rio+20, held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in June 2012, was to "socialize the entire world. 
The SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), using the same acronym and translated into Japanese, is nothing more than (S) Socialism (D) Introduction (G) Socialism Debut Gimmick.

The Hidden Aim of the SDGs
Why can we assert that the purpose of the SDGs is to "socialize the whole world"? 
It is because the predecessor of the SDGs is the Millennium Development Goals (2000), and it is part of its predecessor, Agenda 91 (1992).
Agenda 21 describes the future of a "global society" in which the United Nations will centrally manage humanity to achieve a sustainable civilization for the future, including eradicating poverty and combating environmental pollution.
It could be called the "Bible of Globalism. 
Globalism is an altered form of socialism, and like socialism, it is a way of thinking in which the elite class controls the masses.
As in today's world, control by the elite will be easy if the SDGs are followed. 
The SDGs include educational goals, and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has been running the "Education for SDGs" program for ten years since 2005.
Specifically, it is an education to eliminate state sovereignty, private property, freedom of speech, etc., which is a goal that socialists have been trying to achieve for a long time. 
The end of the sovereignty of nations, the destruction of the imperial family, the disintegration of the family, the revocation of natural human rights, etc., do not need to be called "socialism." Still, they are going on today under cover of the SDGs.

The Strange Relationship between the U.N. and the CPC 
The Secretary-General mentioned above of Rio+20 is a leading figure in the Chinese Communist Party named Sha Zukang.
In 2010, Sha Zukang gave the "World Harmony Award" offered by the World Harmony Foundation to a man named Chi Haotian.
Chi Haotian is the genocide master who planned and carried out the Tiananmen Square massacre. 
"The day before Rio+20 opened, the Xinhua News Agency, the official media of the Chinese Communist Party, picked up Sha Zukang's comments and reported on them.
"China has already achieved excellent results in the field of SDGs, and there is a good chance that it will be involved in more international SDGs in the future.
It seems that China and the U.N. are becoming more and more inextricably linked. 
It is common knowledge among Japanese conservatives that China is hijacking the U.N., but it seems natural to consider why China could seize the U.N. 
The U.N. was not founded as a forum for the nations of the world to solve global problems.
A base for realizing the dream of "global domination" that the United States and the Soviet Union (as well as many of the Chinese Communist Party and the Nationalist Party) had dreamed of during World War II, the socialism that Japan confronted, and the liberal globalism It was founded as a base.
The U.N.'s genes are anti-Japanese.
Hijacking it would be a piece of cake for the "anti-Japanese giant" China. 
The U.N. is supposed to be an international organization, but it is merely a "screen" to hide the presence of the U.S., the Soviet Union, and China, which hold the real power.
Japan is still not a member of the Security Council, despite its economic, technological, artistic, literary, and military prowess (Japan's military is superior even if it is not mentioned in the Constitution), because the U.N. continues to hold Japan back. 
Japan's emphasis on freedom and democracy is a hindrance to the U.N.'s goal of global domination, in other words, a one-world government, and the same is true for Germany, the American public with its loud advocacy of human rights, and those who are concerned about socialism around the world. they used 
If globalism and socialism are suppressed from above, people will rebel, so the SDGs (Socialism, Deployment, and Gimmicks) were used. 
The whole world is now working together to realize the "socialist domination of the world" that socialists, communists, and liberal imperialists in the U.S. (represented by the racist President Woodrow Wilson and President Franklin Roosevelt, who tried to destroy Japan) have always imagined.
This article continues.


Why can we assert that the purpose of the SDGs is to socialize the whole world? 

2021年10月31日 10時59分35秒 | 全般

This column was the first in the world to point out that the United Nations is a haphazard organization, the worst and most ridiculous in history, no exaggeration.
The fact that China and Russia are permanent members of the UN Security Council proves that we were right, as even an elementary school student can see.
When other permanent members of the Council have tried to pass resolutions on world peace and security threats, these two countries have always vetoed them.
In the meantime, China has spent astronomical amounts of money building up its armed forces, creating the dangerous and unstable world we live in today.
The UN has done nothing to prevent this situation.
We were the first in the world to point out that the SDGs are bogus and a Chinese plot.
The article by Jason Morgan, Associate Professor at Reitaku University, published in the monthly magazine WiLL on October 26, proves that we hit the nail on the head.
It is a must-read not only for the Japanese people but for people all over the world.
It is no exaggeration to say that this is one of the best articles of the 21st century. It reveals the inexpressible stupidity of the Asahi Shimbun and the so-called intellectuals. They have followed it in placing the UN above the Japanese nation.
The monthly magazine I have been referring to is full of genuine articles like this one, yet it costs only 950 yen (including tax).
Every Japanese citizen who can read must go to the nearest bookstore to subscribe or get a subscription with a favorable discount.

The Deadly Poison in the SDGs Sprinkled by the UN
Protecting the environment, eliminating discrimination, creating a sustainable society... If the SDGs ring a bell, beware!
The gimmick to introduce socialism. 
On January 26, 1948, a person claiming to be "Jiro Yamaguchi, a doctor in the quarantine division of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government" entered a branch of the Imperial Bank in Shiinamachi.
"There has been an outbreak of dysentery in the Shiinamachi area; please take this 'preventive medicine' before GHQ disinfects the area," Dr. Yamaguchi instructed the bank staff. 
Dr. Yamaguchi gave the prophylaxis to 16 staff members, and 10 of them died immediately.
The reason is that what Dr. Yamaguchi gave the staff of the Imperial Bank was not a "preventive medicine" but a deadly poison.
Jiro Yamaguchi was not just a doctor; he was a horrible murderer.
A person impersonating a government person lied for public health and caused significant damage to the general public.
Seventy-three years later, in 2021, the same thing is happening.
"Preventive medicine" has turned into "sustainable development." Under the name of "protecting the global environment," the United Nations, which is far more frightening than Yamaguchi Jiro, is forcing the world to drink the poison of "socialism. 
According to the major national media parroting the slogans of the UN, sustainable development promises the future development of the planet and that the nations of the world will be able to grow safely, peacefully, economically, educationally, and politically.
The United Nations has put together some keywords and sent them out to realize this future.
These are the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 
Will the SDGs really lead to the development of the earth?
The New American, a conservative American magazine that has been reporting on the "true nature of the United Nations" for many years, concluded that the SDGs have "nothing to do" with "sustainable development. 
The New American reported that the real goal of Rio+20, held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in June 2012, was to "socialize the entire world. 
The SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), using the same acronym and translated into Japanese, is nothing more than (S) Socialism (D) Introduction (G) Socialism Debut Gimmick.

The Hidden Aim of the SDGs
Why can we assert that the purpose of the SDGs is to "socialize the whole world"? 
It is because the predecessor of the SDGs is the Millennium Development Goals (2000), and it is part of its predecessor, Agenda 91 (1992).
Agenda 21 describes the future of a "global society" in which the United Nations will centrally manage humanity to achieve a sustainable civilization for the future, including eradicating poverty and combating environmental pollution.
It could be called the "Bible of Globalism. 
Globalism is an altered form of socialism, and like socialism, it is a way of thinking in which the elite class controls the masses.
As in today's world, control by the elite will be easy if the SDGs are followed. 
The SDGs include educational goals, and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has been running the "Education for SDGs" program for ten years since 2005.
Specifically, it is an education to eliminate state sovereignty, private property, freedom of speech, etc., which is a goal that socialists have been trying to achieve for a long time. 
The end of the sovereignty of nations, the destruction of the imperial family, the disintegration of the family, the revocation of natural human rights, etc., do not need to be called "socialism." Still, they are going on today under cover of the SDGs.
This article continues.

The Deadly Poison in the SDGs Sprinkled by the UN

2021年10月31日 10時46分05秒 | 全般

This column was the first in the world to point out that the United Nations is a haphazard organization, the worst and most ridiculous in history, no exaggeration.
The fact that China and Russia are permanent members of the UN Security Council proves that we were right, as even an elementary school student can see.
When other permanent members of the Council have tried to pass resolutions on world peace and security threats, these two countries have always vetoed them.
In the meantime, China has spent astronomical amounts of money building up its armed forces, creating the dangerous and unstable world we live in today.
The UN has done nothing to prevent this situation.
We were the first in the world to point out that the SDGs are bogus and a Chinese plot.
The article by Jason Morgan, Associate Professor at Reitaku University, published in the monthly magazine WiLL on October 26, proves that we hit the nail on the head.
It is a must-read not only for the Japanese people but for people all over the world.
It is no exaggeration to say that this is one of the best articles of the 21st century. It reveals the inexpressible stupidity of the Asahi Shimbun and the so-called intellectuals. They have followed it in placing the UN above the Japanese nation.
The monthly magazine I have been referring to is full of genuine articles like this one, yet it costs only 950 yen (including tax).
Every Japanese citizen who can read must go to the nearest bookstore to subscribe or get a subscription with a favorable discount.

The Deadly Poison in the SDGs Sprinkled by the UN
Protecting the environment, eliminating discrimination, creating a sustainable society... If the SDGs ring a bell, beware!
The gimmick to introduce socialism. 
On January 26, 1948, a person claiming to be "Jiro Yamaguchi, a doctor in the quarantine division of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government" entered a branch of the Imperial Bank in Shiinamachi.
"There has been an outbreak of dysentery in the Shiinamachi area; please take this 'preventive medicine' before GHQ disinfects the area," Dr. Yamaguchi instructed the bank staff. 
Dr. Yamaguchi gave the prophylaxis to 16 staff members, and 10 of them died immediately.
The reason is that what Dr. Yamaguchi gave the staff of the Imperial Bank was not a "preventive medicine" but a deadly poison.
Jiro Yamaguchi was not just a doctor; he was a horrible murderer.
A person impersonating a government person lied for public health and caused significant damage to the general public.
Seventy-three years later, in 2021, the same thing is happening.
"Preventive medicine" has turned into "sustainable development." Under the name of "protecting the global environment," the United Nations, which is far more frightening than Yamaguchi Jiro, is forcing the world to drink the poison of "socialism. 
According to the major national media parroting the slogans of the UN, sustainable development promises the future development of the planet and that the nations of the world will be able to grow safely, peacefully, economically, educationally, and politically.
The United Nations has put together some keywords and sent them out to realize this future.
These are the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 
Will the SDGs really lead to the development of the earth?
The New American, a conservative American magazine that has been reporting on the "true nature of the United Nations" for many years, concluded that the SDGs have "nothing to do" with "sustainable development. 
The New American reported that the real goal of Rio+20, held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in June 2012, was to "socialize the entire world. 
The SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), using the same acronym and translated into Japanese, is nothing more than (S) Socialism (D) Introduction (G) Socialism Debut Gimmick.
This article continues.



2021年10月31日 10時25分39秒 | 全般


SDGs(Sustainable Development Goals)は、同じ頭文字を使って日本語訳すると、(S)社会主義 (D)導入(G)ギミック〈策略〉Socialism Debut Gimmicに過ぎないのだ。
中国が国連を乗っ取っていることは、日本の保守系のなかでは常識になっているが、なぜ中国が国連をハイジャックできたのかを考えてみると、当然のように思えてくる。 そもそも国連は、世界中の国々が地球問題を解決する場として創立されたわけではない。




2021年10月31日 10時23分22秒 | 全般


SDGs(Sustainable Development Goals)は、同じ頭文字を使って日本語訳すると、(S)社会主義 (D)導入(G)ギミック〈策略〉Socialism Debut Gimmicに過ぎないのだ。
中国が国連を乗っ取っていることは、日本の保守系のなかでは常識になっているが、なぜ中国が国連をハイジャックできたのかを考えてみると、当然のように思えてくる。 そもそも国連は、世界中の国々が地球問題を解決する場として創立されたわけではない。