from today's Nikkei

2007年01月19日 09時47分58秒 | 新聞記事から
日銀、利上げ見送り 決定会合、6対3の多数で 消費・物価見極め 翌日物0.25%維持
(福井総裁「金利、徐々に調整」「確証あれば即座に」 政府・市場との間合い 課題)
The Bank of Japan's policy-setting panel decided Thursday not to hike its key interest rate with a mojority of 6 to 3. Judging the recent trends of consumption and prices, the bank decided to keep its uncollateralized overnight call rate at the current 0.25%.
(At an press conference on the day, the Govenor Toshihumi Fukui said as follows:The bank will adjust the interst rates in a gradual way;The bank will implement necessary actions including interest rate hikes if it confirms that some economic indicators have begun showing actions are needed. Many sources concerned think that the relations and adjustments with the government and the market will be the problem.)

参考:「6対3の多数で」by a 6-3 vote, by(with) a mojority of 6 to(against) 3 
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