from today's Nikkei

2007年01月20日 11時25分44秒 | 新聞記事から
鉄鋼・電力 排出権 大量取得へ 温暖化ガス削減目標 産業界、達成にメド
The country's steel and electricity industries have recently announced their stances that they will buy the emission rights in large sum from other countries for reaching the Japan's target of reducing the greenhouse-effect gases imposed under the Kyoto-Protocol framework. People concerned in both industries have judged that it would be imposible for them to attain to the targets in each industry by implementing efforts only at home.Covering the gap,they decided to trade with foreign countries for buying the emission rights.They likely will get the rights for the 1,200- metric-ton-of-gases-a-year,which are approximately on a par with about 30 % of the industries' total reduction targets.Thus,they seem to be able to reach their each target by the decided year.
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