買収ファンド 投資資金4兆円越す 日本企業向け実績の倍以上 「敵対的」は慎重
It is learned that the amount of the mony the merger and acqusition funds have for future investment in Japanese companies has totaled more than 4 trillion yen,which is more than double 1.95 trilion yen, the real accumulated balance of investment in M&As in Japan.According to the responses by the M&A funds to the survey carried out by The Nihon Keizai Shimbun, most funds replied that they will unlikely make the so-called hostile take-over-bids.
It is learned that the amount of the mony the merger and acqusition funds have for future investment in Japanese companies has totaled more than 4 trillion yen,which is more than double 1.95 trilion yen, the real accumulated balance of investment in M&As in Japan.According to the responses by the M&A funds to the survey carried out by The Nihon Keizai Shimbun, most funds replied that they will unlikely make the so-called hostile take-over-bids.