JEF 現代製鉄と提携へ 日韓新連合 高炉技術を供与 相互出資も検討 新日鉄に対抗
JEF Steel Corporation has started to negotiate with Hyundai Steel Co.,a company affiliated with Hyundai Motor Co. in South Korea, for making a wide range of business alliances.JEF Steel intends to make the best use of Hyundai Steel's advanced technology in the blast furnace. The two companies also have a thought that they invest in each capital on a reciprocal basis,and have begun to deliberate on the matter.These moves means heralding the new era between Japan and South Korea in terms of private sectors's business tie-ups.The JEF Steel's strategy shown in these moves is that worked out for coping with Nippon Steel group's sterngthening the business in the global market including this region.
JEF Steel Corporation has started to negotiate with Hyundai Steel Co.,a company affiliated with Hyundai Motor Co. in South Korea, for making a wide range of business alliances.JEF Steel intends to make the best use of Hyundai Steel's advanced technology in the blast furnace. The two companies also have a thought that they invest in each capital on a reciprocal basis,and have begun to deliberate on the matter.These moves means heralding the new era between Japan and South Korea in terms of private sectors's business tie-ups.The JEF Steel's strategy shown in these moves is that worked out for coping with Nippon Steel group's sterngthening the business in the global market including this region.