三菱UFJ銀に業務停止 不正関与で金融庁命令へ 新規の企業融資 大阪などで数ヶ月有力
It is learned (on) Friday that the Financial Services Agency has enterd its final stage of arrangement for issueing the administrative orders,such as suspension of some of business operations to The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubish UFJ.This is because the bank's involvement in the so-called The Foundation of Asuka-kai former-President's scandal has recently been revealed.It is predomimantly believed ( It is very likely )that new loans for corporate customers will be suspended for several months in some areas including Osaka.
It is learned (on) Friday that the Financial Services Agency has enterd its final stage of arrangement for issueing the administrative orders,such as suspension of some of business operations to The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubish UFJ.This is because the bank's involvement in the so-called The Foundation of Asuka-kai former-President's scandal has recently been revealed.It is predomimantly believed ( It is very likely )that new loans for corporate customers will be suspended for several months in some areas including Osaka.