from today's Nikkei

2007年08月05日 13時54分50秒 | 新聞記事から
上場企業 経常益19%増 4-6月期 新興国需要で潤う 本社集計 円安も追い風 海運・機械が好調 先行きは不透明
According to the data of the 2007 April to June business results of the listed companies compiled by The Nihon Keizai Shimbun, recuring profits on a group-combined basis in the whole industry increased by 19.5% over the same period of the previous year. With the situation unchanged,estimated total profit of this business term is sure to record a all-time high for the fifth consecutive year in a row.This is becauseof a lot of demand coming from the so-called developing countries as well as weaker yen. By industry, marine transportation and machinery industries are enjoying their good business performances.But,overall,the future outlook is not always forseeable( visible).
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