輸入関税9割即時撤廃 日本提案へ コメは除外の方向 経済相会合で合意めざす 日ASEAN経済連携協定
The outline of the draft plan that the Japanese government would present in forthcoming negotiation talks with the ASEAN countries was made clear on Monday. According to it, the government has a plan to abolish tariffs to more than 90 % ,on a value basis, of its imports from the countries immediately after the EPA is agreed with each country. And people concerned in Japan expect the agreements are reached in the meeting of economic ministers from Japan and the ASEAN countries held in the Philippines starting on August 25. Een in this scenario,however,rice is sure to be exception,at least from the viewpoint of Japan.
The outline of the draft plan that the Japanese government would present in forthcoming negotiation talks with the ASEAN countries was made clear on Monday. According to it, the government has a plan to abolish tariffs to more than 90 % ,on a value basis, of its imports from the countries immediately after the EPA is agreed with each country. And people concerned in Japan expect the agreements are reached in the meeting of economic ministers from Japan and the ASEAN countries held in the Philippines starting on August 25. Een in this scenario,however,rice is sure to be exception,at least from the viewpoint of Japan.